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Ackshan Bemunah

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Everything posted by Ackshan Bemunah

  1. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1354791533' post='127649'] For instance, it could be made so that when you click on the gates, you're given a riddle or piece of trivia that has to do with the Archives. If you answer it correctly, then the AP cost for you getting in is reduced by a certain amount. If you get it wrong, you have to wait a certain amount of time before trying to answer another question. [/quote] Personal affront in omitted section of post, must retaliate overtly that it's stupid not to assume good intentions. I could omit the previous sentence and improve my net reputation by about 4 points. I don't care. There's a clear psychological reason (not an oxymoron) why I achieve things that win me tormented souls rather than angiens, at least in the past three months. The reason viscosity accumulates is because people gravitate toward the orange dots on the map. A time and place to go somewhere is ENOUGH to combat the problem. There is no need for new code. Though new puzzles and riddles will always find their place in MD.
  2. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1354790194' post='127645'] Ever? I think that's a tad bit of an overstatement. What was the viscosity there again? (+80?) I know it's now +0. I'm sorry, but 280 APs is nothing. I've gone in the gate to GG (without pass papers, and without any land loyalty), which requires more than double the APs, and I'm a mere 261 active days old. Magicduel is unlike most other games in that it requires patience. ... [/quote] The tools are certainly there. I've used them (pre-TK) though I didn't feel like using them earlier today. But the Archives are a central enough part of what MD is (housing the papers, the archived documents, and awiiya) that I think that gate should be kept clean of viscosity. Minimum AP cost is 120, which is relatively reachable for an mp3. Really 160 and 200 are reachable, too, even without outside assistance, but the default is +40, not 0. The gates need to be maintained. (Also I'm selfish and impatient, especially when playing MD at late morning hours from my home in America amidst the strife of college.)
  3. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1354788113' post='127636'] for clarification i also consider you having put that same thing on every single day as spam nor do i think it deserves being on the calendar if that is your only effort. Essentially what happened is you lost your privilage of lots of AP and suddenly you care about these things you cant do. Seems entirely personal than "oh the poor new people cant get to awiiya" since that issue has been raised multiple times on the forum. There is even a thread suggesting changes/fixes to the way visc works if i remember correctly... [/quote] (Viscosity is fluid...It seemed appropriate to put it on every week, at the time. I was thinking in terms of the block calendar that shows up when you click "calendar" instead of the "upcoming events" box that everyone sees, mainly because that's the kind of calendar my mother taught me to use. I'm not going to argue that it was spam, but it's not a crime to fail to use the most obvious perspective.) Yes it's personal. If you want to question the fact that it's personal, I made a thread for that, though Burns moved it to Legend Speakers. Even so I recall reading the complaints about viscosity before I was TK. I also recall trying to organise a mass trip through the east, you were part of that, before I became TK...(you weren't critical at that point because I was recognising a need and was in a position I knew others were also in...right now you're critical because I stopped thinking about that when it didn't matter to me. Not much I can do about that except resume now.) Now I'd be more able to assist in that, actually, because of land score accrued, but that and east viscosity are a separate discussion.
  4. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1354781427' post='127619'] Spring! [/quote] a = -kx
  5. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1354780182' post='127607'] It's just that nobody will be willing to do it... *sighs* [/quote] *adds new item to "list of things not to say" * [quote] Oh, and you still haven't changed it from LR exit to MDA gates... [/quote] Corrected. Sorry.
  6. Fixed. What can I say? I'm just not very bright. Thank you Dark for questioning and Change for solving.
  7. Thank you. Not sure why I didn't think of that, considering it is precisely the principle behind placement for the "put your quest on the community calendar day" events.
  8. Burns -- What do you mean? Four events in a single day at multiple times? It would still be ugly to the eyes. I have them as repeating events.
  9. 1. A very good point, but justifies changing the location listed, not removing the event. 2. I don't care. 3. I maintain that it is necessary and another solution can and should be found, and that I am not personally able to find it.
  10. They're necessary.
  11. I marked every other day, four consecutive days a week, using the "repeats" option and not knowing that 9 events would show up instantly. Solutions?
  12. It is a community calendar. I can do what the community needs. I just wish there was a way to only show an event in that list on the day that it occurs, or to set how soon it appears there...
  13. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1354771198' post='127564'] icing [/quote] Winter!
  14. So because of my recent removal from the Treasure Keepers, I no longer have enough AP to enter the archives. This is an atrocity for two reasons. Firstly, I no longer have enough AP to visit awiiya on my own if I choose to. Secondly, I no longer have enough AP to visit dst in the log room on my own if I choose to. Nevertheless, I definitely do not have time in my current state of personality to commit to the Treasure Keeper role, and won't for a while. I propose that my problem is not just my problem -- OTHERS WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MEET AWIIYA, EVER, BECAUSE VISCOSITY AND UNDERUSED MDA GATES and this is terrible. A solution must be found. Uproot Awiiya? Move the log room? Or something less extreme...but if that's what it takes. You know. I sound like Fang. :=3)
  15. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1354772100' post='127565'] [color=#008000][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Then how is lashtal nominating Dante for Adventuring Award allowed? Err... no offense, Dante.[/font][/color] [color=#008000][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Either keep him nominated for both awards, or take him out for both.[/font][/color] [/quote] I nominate Dante Lionheart for Rookie of the Year.
  16. I doubt we had more say than anyone else. Possibly less. Makes sense to look at the announcement but it only gives the summarizing reason.
  17. If I'm not mistaken veto refers to ignoring the platter of nominees and picking themselves...lightsage picked the right part of the post, not sure why you excluded that in phrasing your question seig...it was part of the original post (typing from phone sorry about style)
  18. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1354705758' post='127474'] [attachment=4336:pedro.jpg] [/quote] Planar intersection of two spheres.
  19. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1354593051' post='127290'] animation [/quote] Monster
  20. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1354581312' post='127266'] maximum [/quote] 10
  21. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1354567247' post='127249'] reborn [/quote] cyclicity
  22. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1354566049' post='127245'] disrespect [/quote] die
  23. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354566200' post='127246'] The results have no meaning here. [/quote] Your loss. [quote]Weather she loses or wins, the stein remains. [/quote] [left][font="verdana"][size="2"][color="#333333"]I love Windy's Pub as much as the next. The game here isn't about her losing or winning.[/color][/size][/font][/left] [left][font="verdana"][size="2"][color="#333333"][quote][/color][/size][/font][/left] At least for me and I am pretty sure for quite a few of the MD players. Oh wait...you don't care what I think. Ok. [/quote] Not what I said. [quote]Move on. Nothing to see here. [/quote] I once wrote an essay with this title. I empathize, BUT ... in this case I'm simply saying to look at what happens, not what rules assert themselves. It's not like these rules were written by the lord above or anything.
  24. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354565728' post='127242'] Yes indeed. But only if you were to play this game alone. Or any other game alone. Like it or not [b]it's a community[/b]. Like it or not,[b] it has rules[/b]. Like it or not you have to follow [b]them [/b]if you wish to continue[b] playing[/b]. [/quote] This is a deception. [quote] Prove me wrong. Show me she was not clueless about the rules. She said it herself that she didn't read the rules. HOW can you be a good leader when you don't even know the rules?? I used naive so I would not repeat the first adjective C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S. And I am not assuming. I BELIEVE it and KNOW [ROFL] it. [/quote] The measure of this will be in the result. I don't really care what you believe she has done.
  25. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1354562476' post='127233'] big [/quote] lie
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