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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. [b]Post offers here, minimum bid 1 SC. -Edit- Bidding ends on day 31 - 23:59:59[/b] [b]Angien 1 - No tokens[/b] Vital Energy 500/500 Stored Heat 26252 Won battles 25 Age 518 [b]Angien 2 - No tokens[/b] Vital Energy 500/500 Stored Heat 26252 Won battles 25 Age 518 [b]Angien 3 - No tokens[/b] Vital Energy 500/500 Stored Heat 26252 Won battles 25 Age 518 Yes... they are all 3 the same. Age posted on Day 23: Year 7.
  2. Is it possible to ask for something and then... not reveal your desire to others?
  3. Well.. the first 3 days of 2012 were utter cr*p. How was yours?

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      2011. Don't feel bad, mine were spent worrying if I would have a job after the holidays.

    2. Sharazhad




    3. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      Caught a cold on the first. Hope it's not an omen.

  4. I have doubts as to me being active this year. Is the awards system to look at overall holistic activity and average trend, which include simple day to day conversations and walking around, etc? Or do you regard it more in terms of any instance of activity, in which an intense burst of activity is more important? If it's the first, then no. If it's the 2nd then perhaps. (I haz a lot of school stuff )
  5. Collective action problem; there is no incentive to wait, as there is no guarantee that it will be there next time, as everyone has free access.
  6. Wow this is derailing fast and looks to be counterproductive to the point and goal in mind when this topic was made by its creator. "I'm not going to just tell you what to do, Grido, because I can only tell you what I would do. I want you to do what you would do. " Really? Didn't he already do that? Doesn't that premise include the possibility of a return to old behaviour, implying that yes, while his behaviour (as you seem to have deemed it necessary as to require 'redemption' of sorts) may change as a result of this topic, that you are kind of trapping him? I want you to do what you would do.. That's like a (now ex-) girlfriend saying to me that 'if you don't know what you did wrong, then there is no point in me telling you'.. [spoiler]In case you didn't get that, it means that admittance of fault is not really admittance of fault if defendant is not aware or does not acknowledge fault, especially since, looking at this poll, the defendant has a majority support... What you want is a bent knee, you're not getting it[/spoiler] I sincerely hope you see the discrepancy in that..
  7. WTS 3 Old tokened Angien Eggs Bidding is public, auction lasts for a couple of days (3 at max). If you buy all 3 at the same time, you get a 1 sc discount. Minimum price for angieng egg is 2 sc. Price for token is 1 sc. So offer at least 3 sc. Details of angiens as follows: [b][claw3][/b] Claw III Stored Heat 26252 Won battles 25 Age 407 [b][goldbelt][/b] Gold Belt Stored Heat 26252 Won battles 25 Age 407 [b][blooddrop2][/b] Blood Drop II Stored Heat 26252 Won battles 25 Age 407 Basically.. same numbers all around (bonus points* if you know how I did that without fighting ) *[size=1]bonus points not redeemable for discount with purchase[/size]
  8. I've been here longer than most and this is.. I think.. topic (in spirit) number 3, maybe 4. Don't get me wrong, all I am saying is, is that it has happened to other people before and yes, they left. I never did that, even though I would meet people who would annoy me more than a mosquito bump on your buttcheeks. The realization I had however, was that, MD is much like people in real life, except that in the greater majority of cases in real life, you can't just quit the game, or at least, the overal greater majority of us don't. Why? Because walking away from those people and ignoring them is so much easier. It takes some time to get used to just ignoring people, and yes, it does lead to the problem of cliques and inside cliques you can have the same s**tty drama as well. However, as older people may have I realized in the way that I am active in MD, is that there is a way to strike a balance inside of MD's social networking. Another problem with ignoring people is that, you somehow feel like you are cheating yourself off of MD time and that you're actually stuck in this habit of going on there and discuss or get annoyed and fight, etc. But this is something everyone faces. There are causes to pick up and fight for, and then there are causes that are a hopeless cause and should be ignored. Wisdom here comes not from others' advice, but knowing yourself more clearly as to who you would ignore naturally... Don't you ignore me, young lady.. Anyway.. uh.. yeah, any time you deal with people, you should just treat them like people. It's what I did with.. a [b]lot[/b] of people, and they are all gone now, yay
  9. Aeoshattr, if I am correct, sorry about that, and I'll try and find the others, lol
  10. Oh, he already contacted me, I can't find Aeo, Neno and Jason.. I'll just keep 3 aged angiens in my inventory at all times
  11. Chewett is the antithesis of internet, as he shows us that spam works..
  12. Buuuh, I can't find Jason, Aeon, Ivorak and Neno.. Can anyone tell them that there is an aged angien waiting for them?
  13. Yash please, also, if you have picked, but can't find me, kindly go afk at the berserker's way, so I can more easily find you and pm the ctc's to you.
  14. About morrel and blackthorn, they were good players, but they were far too inactive far too quickly in my opinion. I also agree on Eon being better than Eden in those aspects, however, that doesn't mean that the standards for being good in Eden's days were far lower (as you said, combat gets harder, so the subjective criteria has to be relative when looking to the past) and harder to reach (Wodin held the crown for an excruciatingly long time, making it more of a 'shock' of what Eden did). But I agree, if it weren't for Eon objecting to being nominated, I think I would have had a harder time deciding. Also, so far, only rhaegar has chosen to pick creatures from the creature pool.. does that mean that.. no one else wants the creatures?
  15. Eon is still relatively new and Eden did get some powers (Role and rpc remember?), but the new part didn't really count so much with me, it was mostly that Eon was quite persistent into not wanting to being named legendary, which made me discount the new part more. In a sense, it seems to be clear to me that if Eon keeps going like this, then next year shall be a different call. Curi.. yosh, same-ish as eon and what you said. So uh.. yeah same with BFH? lol.. Correct again, their qualities are very hard to quantify. Tengri doesn't count that much as he was more of an alt and all the rest what you said. Rhaegar, well, in my opinion a quest that many others have done in the name of newbies, along with the savelites (which was abandoned) and the rebellion (which failed), I have to stay by my negative judgement. As for Granos, well, I sorta know of what he did, sorta.. lol
  16. I am alive, was in China for 4 days, am now in a debating tournament in Rotterdam as preparation for the European University Debating Championships in Ireland, so I am excruciatingly busy. More free time will arrive on this upcoming Saturday, which is probably when I will finally fully reply to Chewwy and it is probably the day when I will give out as much of the rewards as I can.
  17. I have items ID 20, 21, 22 and 23. I traded 24 (lettuce)
  18. Now we're just annoying other people with 2 of our offtopic comments, lol. Moderators, feel free to remove pip's. Not mine though To at least keep a semblance of on-topic-ishness. Anyone got any idea if Jester will even deign to respond to all of this?
  19. I knew that when I was about to go to bed, that I should've continued the line of thought that started with 'but I haven't heard from Jester about this yet', but hey, this is the internet, so go ahead pip . Besides that, you are doing the exact same thing on your last part; assuming that the link between the Tribunal and Necrovion, simply because Mur said so, somehow validates him leaving as a citizen and becoming one of another land. Seeing as how this is the internet, I will ignore your 'something to ponder' and 'even if my memory is wrong'. I will ignore it, because that is how internet arguments go. Seriously, Granos said it before, why would I have to repeat it again pip? Does every post have to end with, 'Let's hear from Jester first', just so that we can all be certain that no one overlooked this fundamentally important thing? C'mon, I don't want to go offtopic and I usually only want to write /new/ things on a topic. Well, I say usually, but annoying you is funny too. So let me please use this opportunity to end with the words; 'But let's hear from Jester first.' *Cough*
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