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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. I live in Zuid-Holland... woohoo?
  2. Grats and have fun
  3. The game would lose its appeal without its 'steep learning curve', because if you do find it steep, you will most probably not be into the social interaction, nor the inquisitive nature of the game itself. If the game was designed to keep as much of its incoming business as it could, then mur may as well have gone with the lovely marketing campaign that evony has. If you can't be bothered to learn to learn about and from the game, then getting past the mp3 stage or other hardships such as the loreroot guardians, is not an obstacle that needs to be removed, then it is a filter and you're were never willing, regardless of being able, of truly playing this game. Because it's not just a game anymore, not by a long shot, not for a very long time.
  4. Really, the only sensible thing February could have done by now, is to realize that his VE is disproportionally high, even compared to some mp5. If he wants to keep this 'power', shortlived indeed it may be, at the mp3 level then I suggest he stops capping newbies. If I were him, and I saw this petition, the only sensible path that I would see would be to voluntarily go to mp4. Not only does this avoid going to mp5 directly, thereby missing many opportunities, but it would also be a show of goodwill, unlike that grotesque display of censored ego stroking, as was seen in the mp3 vs mp5 topic. I can only wonder why he still hasn't voluntarily gone up to mp4 yet. The only reason he could have for staying in mp3 is because it would part of his role, of his character, and it makes him feel comfortable, regardless of the newbie capping. Yet, I see no such development in his character, contrary to others such as Yoshi, who do abide by this 'unofficial' rule. If he is staying in mp3, to defy or even vilify the 'established order' (hah), or perhaps simply because he likes the feeling of power, relative to weaklings such as mp3, then many thoughts come to mind, such as daring or provoking him to coming to mp5 to show his true worth and test his mettle, but I would be avoiding the issue. You're a coward. But I'm not so adamant as to condemn you on sight. Honestly, if you would just go to mp4, or at the very least would strike an effort as to actually apologize for the newbie capping, then my opinion would change. As it currently stands however, I hold you in one of the lowest lights imaginable. I would ask for the main participants, especially February, to hurry up and make a move, as this topic, like many others that drag on for a long time, will debase itself and degrade into flaming, sooner or later.
  5. lol, we're all very eggcited to see you
  6. Transfers complete, you may close the topic now.
  7. Let me cite something which may, or may not, fit into Mur's frame of mind. When I was mp3, all mp levels were allowed to attack each other, because the influx of new people, and the newness of the game overall (dark archers lvl 4 were like, the top and a new lvl 5 or even a maxed chaos archer was the summum of the summum), ensured that there were too few players to properly fight pvp. The fact that the difference between mp levels were small as well, ensured that people could fight other mp levels. Heck, mp levels was just a long way of getting more stats. Deetn for example, was mp8. All that was necessary was the player going through the storymode and then redo it again. That changed when mp levels were restricted to only being able to fight their own levels. Around the same time (too lazy to look it up), Mur forced people with too few xp or too much xp, to go to their proper mp levels. This is a precedent he can, if he wants to, go back to. But after a while, thanks to BigC, the xpcap was getting smashed on a regular basis. However, a new mplevel, such as mp6, was not the option as it would just postpone the problem. Then there came a lovely new contest, in which people were invited to try and lose xp by themselves. I believe it was No One and/or Dst who won... as usual ¬_¬. However, since mp5 was supposed to be the level where you stop learning and start exploring the unknown, where you can truly achieve, instead of simply aspiring to, he removed the ability for mp3 and mp4 to lose xp. February still has mp3-esque profile stat, heh, last time I spoke to him, he got a negative value for initiative. The only way he possibly have gotten to such high amounts of power is by increasing his VE and using angiens. If history were to be repeated, access to angiens would become more difficult for mp3, the xp reset wish would become inaccessible for mp3 and february would be forced up, with maybe a slight 'reward' for circumventing the entire purpose of mp3 and its many restrictions. To restrict mp3 to a max time limit, or too simply scrutinize mp3 and force them up later, would go against its purpose and one of mur's avid hobbies. Mp3 is a time for learning, not everyone learns at the same speed, scrutiny would be too slow and time wasting and mur likes to observe what people, so the fact that february was able to accomplish this is interesting at the very least, so it's more likely that mur won't make such drastic measure as putting a ridiculous cap on mp3.
  8. I say put him in mp4, and let him go to mp5 voluntarily. The main reason for this is that I agree that newbies are way more important than an mp3 showing off. I have nothing against him, it's just that newbies are the fuel for awesomeness.
  9. Ending auction, because I need the space > <, winners are Chewett, Dst and Dst, for an amount of 10 sc each. I'll finish the dealings tomorrow.
  10. I'll end the auction tomorrow evening if there are no more new bids.
  11. No words? Thanks? And yes, if you check my quest page, there will be a chronological list of all the quest I have created or helped in. You can see how it evolves, simply because doing the older style isn't fun anymore and gets too easy for the participants.
  12. A week may have been a bit too long, if there are no more bids by the end of tomorrow, I'll close the auction early, by the end of tomorrow. Top bids are listed in the first post.
  13. WTS 3 tokened and aged angien for nominal price (basically, what the tokens cost) But it's an auction, so highest bidder wins. Auction lasts 1 week. Angien 1: [onyxfangs][blackdiamonds][kellethafire], 447 age now, 454 at the end of auction. Bidding starts at 3sc. [b]Top Bid: 10sc[/b] Angien 2: [claw3][blackdiamonds], 446 age now, 453 at the end of auction. Bidding starts at 2sc. [b]Top Bid: 10sc[/b] Angien 3: [darkshield][claw3][blackdiamonds], 448 age now, 455 at the end of auction. Bidding starts at 3sc. [b]Top Bid: 10sc[/b] Post bids here or pm me. I'll update list with highest bids daily.
  14. DOH Dangit, Grido is not going to let me live this one down. Over 200 in tradesense.. urgh.
  15. I am busy recruiting angiens and I noticed that my VP has stayed at its maximum for several days now. Is this an angien recruitment bug, or a general vp bug? If you were wondering, I refreshed often and I saw my ve and ap go down, but never my vp.
  16. Just ask around, I got a little help from the ´lose regen´ people and by using specific rituals, I went from exactly 1000 more losses than wins (I dislike skilldamage as well), to about 940 in one day and I wasn't even trying. It's not that hard.
  17. I can remember two other topics, one from more than 2 years ago and 1 from about a year ago.. but that doesn't mean you can't start another one I'll start: I am awesomeness
  18. Also, no max on password. Not a big deal, but 'Metalbunnyisawesomenessincarnatewoohooallhailthebunnyempire' can be a bit of a drag to type.. and yes, I changed it after 7 minutes.
  19. Back from vacation. The motherland says hi, please donate for the glorious cause of the proletariat revolution!

    1. lepus


      *waves to mr bunny* hey mr bunny - what about the fatherland? :P *giggle*

    2. Ravenstrider


      Ze Germanz disagre! :)

  20. Oeh, same birthday :D

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