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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. Woooooooh! Happy B-day! Just like me, it's time to feel old!
  2. Nope, I was the one who attacked, and I am pretty sure that even if I were to be dyslectic, that I can still differentiate between names starting with A, T, D, etc. So, yes, I did not make any mistakes.
  3. I attacked XXX and I lost with 100% vs. 0%. It said sheath balance, with the blue hue, so it meant that I gained a loss. When I go to my daily improvement screen-menu-thing, the golden laurel one, it said that I had gained a loss. But when I check out the battle log, the screen-menu-thing with the 2 crossed swords, it then says that I wasn't actually defeated, but that I retreated. Also, when I attack people, and I win with 100% vs. 0%. The loser doesn't get a lost fight count. So.. bug? Either the lost fight count is inappropriately given or not given, or it's not properly displayed.

    1. lepus


      is that mr bunny grinning?? WOW!!! :P

    2. Grido


      yeah...he's usually really miserable....

  5. Dude, as said before, by others, it's not abuse. Not /until/ multiple people complain about it, or /until/ Yrthilian consistently and continuously harasses you. If this was an unique occurrence, you have right to complain, but no mod or admin will help you as Yrthilian broke no rule.
  6. Woops, apologizing here! I forgot to credit Indyra for the idea. She came up with the idea of a way of remembering the past and I apparently, just ran with it.
  7. LOL, hocking away your reward so soon? Tsk, tsk
  8. I'm waiting for someone to give me the WPcodes, it's easier for me to give out all the rewards in one go. Also, I have uploaded all the stories of the festival at the archives. Go to MD-archives.com to read them. Uh, admin/mod? I can't edit the additional pages, so all the paragraphs are stuck together, forming one long solid wall of text. Anyway, enjoy reading it
  9. Thanks Grido. Btw, for the creature rewards of the re-enactment, you can still pm me. I will post the stories later. Not the questions. If you won in the main deathmatch and you got a choice of what you want, pm me or post here. I'd love some feedback as well. And yes, I know, some questions were vague. And yes, it's my bad. But, you have to understand, I made all the trivia questions in one day (157 of them), and I couldn't get anyone to judge them. Because most people wanted to join in on the fun as well and others were unavailable. Maybe it's my fault because I didn't start soon enough, but you can blame the World Cup for that. So uh.. Feedback please?
  10. But you'll grow and become one of the strongest mp4 ever! Then you'll go to mp5 and be the weakest again :D

  11. War is usually confusing, especially in the start. The fact that it only lasts 20 mins. doesn't do much to help the situation, h-uh?
  12. After careful thinking, I have decided that it's better to post the full stories, until after the deathmatch trivia. This is because of 2 reasons. 1: It's unfair to people who did go to the GoE and listen to the stories. 2: This may yet again, seem unfair to people who couldn't come because of real life issues. However, the deathmatch trivia rounds consist of 5 questions, 1 about each war and 1 about a random legend, as such, even if you only could come to 3 days, you should be able to win the trivia rounds. If you were incapable of coming to 3 seperate days of the festival, then it's out of my hands and you probably wouldn't have had time or knowledge enough to seriously compete in the trivia deathmatch anyway. As such, I will post the war stories, not the ingame logs, in either the MD archives, or the forum, or both, until after the deathmatch trivia is over. Also, rewards for day 1: Those who got points for the re-enactment; Pamplemousse, Mya Celestia, shnappie, Lightsage and Lifeline. Lifeline is the one with the most wins, he gets to pick a creature. Day 2: Well, much like the real war, there was no roleplay worthy of mentioning, as such, no points Day of tranquility, meaning no points for war. Day 3: Points go to Lightsage, Mya Celestia, Nylah Raynen and apophys. Lightsage had the most wins and gets to pick a creature, after Lifeline. Day 4: Points go to Pipstickz, shnappie, Manda and Sephirah Caelum. Pipstickz had the most wins and gets to pick a creature, after Lightsage. Day 5: Points awarded to people who reminded me of 'legendary' people whom I forgot to mention during the stories. 4 points to Grido ¬_¬, 1 to Manda, 1 to Pipstickz and 1 to Ravenstrider. Day 6: First 16 with 4 points total will go on to the deathmatch trivia endphase. So far: 1: Grido is the first to be placed with 4 points. 15 places left. 2-6: Mya, Lightsage, Manda, shnappie and Pipstickz. All five have 2 points each. 7-11: Pamplemousse, Nylah Raynen, Lifeline, apophys and Sephirah Caelum. All five have 1 point each. 12-16: Nobody.
  13. Yeah, you don't have to sign up anymore, lol
  14. Uh.. it didn't remove my old one. I was testing. This isn't spam. ¬_¬

  15. Well, we either postpone it, do it before 0:00 or.. Roleplay ftw Also, I decided that the creature reward for this day will just be part of a reward later on, so no worries. And this time I'll try and direct people more.
  16. BUMP; Rules for fights on day 1: No creatures that weren't available back then are allowed. No tokens were there back then. There was only 1 shop reset. Creatures that were available, but needed so much age that no one could use them in the war, are not allowed. (Windy and Angiens) As such; No tokens! No more than 2 imperial aramors, bloodpact archers, jokers and GG drachs. No younger creature types; Rusties, Reins, Windy, souls, priests, pimps, angiens. Please send me a screenshot of your battle log. Every 10 fights or so. It's only for 20 minutes so you can't have that many screenshots to make. If you catch someone breaking the rules, please send the battle log and not a screenshot. Thank you
  17. [quote name='Lifeline' date='22 June 2010 - 02:49 AM' timestamp='1277167759' post='62452'] PS: the 1 point that goes to whoever looses the most battle...if a fight goes for 20minutes alliance member have a disadvantage there they can only be attack once whil no ally member can be attacked twice. [/quote] Yeah, but either you leave your alliance for a short while, or you attack to lose. Besides, people in alliances have an advantage, if they are fighting to get most wins.
  18. Rewards are public! Sign up for potential extra rewards :D Festival starts today at midnight :D

  19. [quote name='I am Bored' date='21 June 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1277134263' post='62427'] wait..... there was only 1 war......... and it was truely a war...... the battle at the house of liquid dust was the last and some might say only real battle in the war....and they didn't lose..... no-one lost, khal went in and never came out, that's all there was to it....... [/quote] ¬_¬ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3681-war/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5142-war/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5216-diposing-yrthilian-as-king-of-golemus-golemicarum/ (which, in contrary to the current situation in Loreroot, did provoke major conflicts and internal turmoil, much like a civil war would) ¬_¬ Any particular day bored? Or are you just going to listen to the stories and participate in the last contest?
  20. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='20 June 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1277058941' post='62369'] Do we have to appear even if we don't "appear"? [/quote] Uh, if you mean that you have to be there, even if you can't be there, meaning that you'll be idle or even logged out, then, meh. It doesn't entirely matter, it's more of a nuisance to the other players, because they can't attack you if you are not there. But, if you want to go idle on the battlefield, then go ahead. And yes, if you can't make it, but did sign up, and you're logged out, then it won't be an enormous problem. It's a voluntary festival, not a mandatory camp of suck. [quote name='Mr Mystery' date='20 June 2010 - 10:53 PM' timestamp='1277067189' post='62387'] wait wait, does it last a whole day? or just a few hours after 0:00 server time? [/quote] It should last approx. 1 hour. (25 mins for story + 15 mins extra for slow readers/long story/ interruptions. Then 5 mins to get prepared/questions. Then 20 mins for fighting = 65 mins. So close to an hour per day, for the first 4 days) [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='21 June 2010 - 12:59 AM' timestamp='1277074792' post='62396'] However, just as with the last conflict, I do not fight for a side, I will be there with my Nutcracker on defence for people who need quick healing. I will be Roleplaying. I will also be casting Silvertongue if I feel like it. Just roleplaying, and picking no side, is alright with me, but you'll still be put into a group.. Probably Necrovion, because that was the side that 'lost' . [/quote] [quote name='Udgard' date='21 June 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1277118048' post='62417'] Buns, is it 22nd of June, or Juli(July)? I assume it is June this month, but just to make sure :b [/quote] Yup, this month And it would be more nostalgic if it was at the house of liquid dust, lol. I guess we can fight anywhere, as long as it is in No Man's Land.
  21. That was almost worth a point lightsage And to remind everyone, even if you don't sign up for everyday, you can theoretically, still win the big fat prize on day 6. Also, only 4 people can theoretically get 1 point per day on the first four days through fighting, so that leaves an open spot for at least 12. Though, if we get enough though fighters, I am certain that no one person goes into day 6 with 4 points. Some with 3, that's always a good possibility. So people going to school/work, don't fret so much. Just hope someone records all the info I wrote down on each day and posts it on the forum
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