After careful thinking, I have decided that it's better to post the full stories, until after the deathmatch trivia.
This is because of 2 reasons.
1: It's unfair to people who did go to the GoE and listen to the stories.
2: This may yet again, seem unfair to people who couldn't come because of real life issues. However, the deathmatch trivia rounds consist of 5 questions, 1 about each war and 1 about a random legend, as such, even if you only could come to 3 days, you should be able to win the trivia rounds.
If you were incapable of coming to 3 seperate days of the festival, then it's out of my hands and you probably wouldn't have had time or knowledge enough to seriously compete in the trivia deathmatch anyway.
As such, I will post the war stories, not the ingame logs, in either the MD archives, or the forum, or both, until after the deathmatch trivia is over.
Also, rewards for day 1:
Those who got points for the re-enactment; Pamplemousse, Mya Celestia, shnappie, Lightsage and Lifeline.
Lifeline is the one with the most wins, he gets to pick a creature.
Day 2:
Well, much like the real war, there was no roleplay worthy of mentioning, as such, no points
Day of tranquility, meaning no points for war.
Day 3:
Points go to Lightsage, Mya Celestia, Nylah Raynen and apophys.
Lightsage had the most wins and gets to pick a creature, after Lifeline.
Day 4:
Points go to Pipstickz, shnappie, Manda and Sephirah Caelum.
Pipstickz had the most wins and gets to pick a creature, after Lightsage.
Day 5:
Points awarded to people who reminded me of 'legendary' people whom I forgot to mention during the stories.
4 points to Grido ¬_¬, 1 to Manda, 1 to Pipstickz and 1 to Ravenstrider.
Day 6:
First 16 with 4 points total will go on to the deathmatch trivia endphase.
So far:
1: Grido is the first to be placed with 4 points. 15 places left.
2-6: Mya, Lightsage, Manda, shnappie and Pipstickz. All five have 2 points each.
7-11: Pamplemousse, Nylah Raynen, Lifeline, apophys and Sephirah Caelum. All five have 1 point each.
12-16: Nobody.