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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. No Jester, I completely got what you meant, but to call that war is a bit too much, no? To fight without the intention of actually inflicting serious harm or taking over things cannot justifiably called war. It's more like... skirmish or competition.
  2. That is because she is Raven. Don't you read the AL? As for Jester, well, you are definitely breaking with Khalazdad's plans all right. It's kind of sad to see that happening.
  3. The deal with Raven and Akasha and others, etc is being dealt with, except this time it is being done the way it should have been in the first place. In private. So... Uh... Trust me when I say that the next time something so severly idiotic as this happens, there will be severe consequences, at the very least from me.
  4. I protect bob because it's funny. What? Expecting something else? Fine... I protect bob because I helped name bob... seriously, what kind of a name is Steve? I protect bob because the people who made it bloom were nice enough to show it to me once. That would be the earliest blooms, such as those from Speaker for the Dead. Z is still kind of a newbie Oh yeah, I said it.
  5. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='31 August 2009 - 06:13 PM' timestamp='1251735198' post='40534'] That's supposed to be one single award I suggested.. And MB, do you think you should reduce the numbers a bit? I'm almost sure there's not more than 300-400 items in MD now.. [/quote] That's why I said it won't happen for at least a couple of years. I mean, the amount of items is still kinda low. But then again, you could always change the numbers, I mean, it's all up to mur.
  6. Then perhaps the requirement that you have to gain them all via trade, should solve that problem, partially. Besides that, even without achievements, you are going to have item hoarders anyway. Not to mention there are way too few items in play as well as me forgetting to mention that what is listed above is nothing but an example. Besides, items should be useful for other things besides just roleplay.
  7. something for won fights, lost fights? Such as: Recruit: 1000 won and lost fights Veteran: 2500 won and lost fights Commander/Hero/Champion: 10.000 won and lost fights (I have 3,6k wins and 4,5k losses, with numerous wins and losses being reset thanks to good ol' mur and his rebalancing acts as well as me being stuck in permanent balance for at least my entire mp6 career (8 months), so yes, 10k wins and losses is attainable.. just not that very easy... ) And to offset the eternal equilibrium stuff: an achievement for getting fixed balance? And perhaps some stuff for items and/or gold? Thick Wallet/Money Lover/Pennypincher/something else: 10 silver and 1 gold coin Greedy: 50 silver and 5 gold coins Hoarder: 100 silver and 10 gold coins King Midas/Scrooge: 1k silver and 100 gold coins (good luck getting that, lol) Cartwheel Merchant: own 5 item Shop Owner: own 15 items Warehouse Warrior/Wizard/something else : own 50 items Franchise Fury/ Tradin' Tycoon: own over 150 items Master of Monopoly: own over 500 items (This is long term stuff, I doubt anyone will get this in the next 2-5 years, then again, try and prove me wrong? ) Lucky Finder: own 5 valuable items (not including coins) Treasure Hunter: own 10 valuable items Dungeon Raider: own 25 valuable items Relic Realtor: own 50 valuable items Artefact Artist: own 100 valuable items Do my alliterations hurt your eyes and sense of poetry? If you can think of a better title, go ahead
  8. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='16 August 2009 - 12:45 AM' timestamp='1250376354' post='39474'] umm that 50 lvl peasant vs lvl 1 demon... thats quoted from shadow [/quote] Not taking credit here, because I am certain that in the wide world of roleplay, someone, somewhere, may have said this before I did. I am certain of it; this world is full of godmodding children and adult hobby roleplayers. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4424-children/page__view__findpost__p__35079 http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4424-children/page__view__findpost__p__35144 Which is basically my opinion this matter. Some of it may not apply, a lot of it will. How about I add something new. I wrote this in someone's log, to give you an idea how I handle these people. [i]"To every action there is an equal and opposed reaction. This game is awesome and great and so it is only natural that annoying people show up."[/i] You have some choices when dealing with these godmodders or immature roleplayers, or whatever you want to call them. I use a... in my opinion, a more mature and relaxed perspective on these matters. I ignore them or simply roleplay an action that makes them look immature or foolish. For instance if someone roleplays eating me, I respond by either ignoring them or by roleplaying that s/he should let me go, if s/he favors his/her teeth. If someone roleplays like in the first example; a giant blob eating bob and spitting it out. I would respond by either ignoring it or more likely: roleplaying that I see a quite delusional person humping bob the tree and licking it awkwardly. I then roleplay wondering where one could find a narcotic that would make one so delusional. Continuous complaining about people who cannot roleplay properly to the already set consensus of the older players, well, that is just basically useless. If these people are indeed so immature or not used to the level of roleplay, then they will probably not read the forum. In the offchance they do adjust, then it was a great thing indeed. But far better it is to adapt. Because these people will never stop coming and if you allow them to ruin the game for you, you let them win. Instead, keep roleplaying accordingly and set the good example or standard. Passive action, such as NOT RECOMMENDING THEM FOR PWR OR RPC, would be far more efficient in my opinion. These people will always come and play in such a manner, but if you can hold a more prestigious place over them and set a better example, then I believe that in the end, when the grows and grows, the majority of the players will have followed the example and the new players who godmod, will find themselves to be regarded as delusional and in the minority. Sounds a bit rough what I am implying, peer pressuring them into /more liked behaviour/, but that is the world we live in. But remember, I am an emperor, I am not a goodly and kind man who wants to be liked by all. Complaining does not help a lot I believe, but should it help, by all means, go ahead. Better you than me. I just think it is better to just ignore them or to ridicule them. Oh and to not recommend them for, well, basically anything. To stay on topic here, I believe that the current RP is actually quite good. I had expected a lot more Ledah's and the like. You see glass half empty, I see half a glass of vodka in my belly and half more to go before I drunkenly make a pass at some random female relative of yours and make merry while embarassing not only me, but her in front of your entire family as well, with the added result that you can no longer look at her with straight eyes and thoughts. Ever.
  9. Just wondering how this is starting to become offtopic? I am actually opening up a position for waiter, with those conditions. If you think that is spam, then go ahead and move the topic to the offtopic section, no need to push a warn button.
  10. I decided that I really dislike working at the bar; I mean, come on! I am an emperor! So.. like.. job openings are here.. and stuff.. I dunno, too lazy to work it all out. You don't get pay and you get scraps for meals. You sleep outside. Oh and you have to kiss my scepter everytime I am inside the pub. Who wants to work at the lounge? :D
  11. Dear gods this topic is so old.. It has actraiser and morgana in it, lol
  12. A very kind and helpful person (name not to be divulged) pm'd me regarding a riddle of mine... being posted on yahoo answers, where the askers is simply asking for the answer... Yeah.. Bad Idea Really, really bad idea. The person who did it is under /suspicion/ but that is only because I have no real hard evidence, except for that the fact that the question itself got removed shortly after the suspected cheater send me the answer. There were only 2 people who send me the answer, which were exactly the same. The person who told me that it was on yahoo answers and the person who send it to me first a couple of days ago. So the person who send it to me first, yeah, you're "under suspicion", but that basically means that you're it. (but I won't give the cheater's name) Bad Idea. Next one I catch trying to cheat his way through my riddles like that, will not be 'suspected', you will be outright disqualified from my quests forever. I am letting this dude go, for now, with some stuff on his log. Because, maybe, now just maybe, he didn't know that yahoo was cheating... So now you know, asking others the answer to the riddle, in any form whatsoever, that is cheating. Next person is screwed. Screwed as in; bend over boy! screwed.
  13. Nono, that's the cheap alcohol not even worth drinking that I left in the cupboards and cabinets. I made a special anti-theft trolly system for the bar, that way none of you drunkards can pillage my stash! ... kinda like I pillaged it first, but that's not the point! I was here first greedy pigs! IT'S ALL MINE AHAHAHAAA.. euh.. and the cheap stuff belongs to pample..
  14. Did you post a comment on cutesy bears? If you did; lol, congrats on you know what :D.

  15. I just woke up and saw Z go away because there was no service. All that I could think off was; ''sweet, no customers, no work'' So, I just continued sleeping. But it did make me think, maybe we need some sla- waiters...
  16. After 2 hours of redecorating and rebuilding the pub some major changes happened. It's easier to explain by just posting what the sign says. The Bunnilicious & Fruitastic Lounge Welcome to the wonderful lounge of .Metal Bunny. and .Pamplemousse. With .Pamplemousse.'s impeccable taste and service as well as wonderful interior decoration skills, one will find one's self to be swiftly on a wonderful journey to relaxey-land. The wonderful fountains decorated with real life winderwilds, are aesthetic wonders as they spoil your eyes with its beautiful colors and treat your ears with the smooth sound of flowing water. But the greatest sensation is when you taste the water, our divine pink champagne, it brings even the moodiest of meanies into a state of inebriated enlightenment and fulfillment. So sit down and order some drinks so you may enjoy some well deserved quality time. The drinks, with compliments of .Metal Bunny. come from the best vineyards and breweries imaginable and as they come up through the ingenious trolley system that .Metal Bunny. made, you will know for certain that your drink will arrive on time and always to your liking. Be it hot or cold, or straight from the bottle, our anti-thief trolly system will add to the luxurious feeling of our lounge. Welcome, relax and enjoy your stay. It has received a citrussy touch. Welcome to relaxey-land.
  17. In a drunken fit, or a drink desiring mood (they are close together), I, as of today, broke into the willow's shop abandoned pub and claimed it as my own. I put this on the sign. Bunny's Bar Bunny's Bar be brimful with booze such as beer. We be having broth as well for the hungry. No brothel though, bunnies dislike seeing naked humans. Hearing them is worse. And yes, it be truth. Metal Bunny broke into the pub and declared it his own after acquiring most of the content of the liquor cabinets. I dare you, take it from his cold dead metalic paws. We be serving all sorts of ales, wines and stronger drinks as well. Just ask; Metal Bunny is certain there is some left in some locked up place somewhere in the back. Be wary though, this is not a lounge nor a sanctuary. This is a place where belligerent boys come to beat the brains out of beer-filled bums. This is a place where fighting is encouraged and where the strongest have been since the dawn of... Mur... Tipping the bartender is customary and not an option to refuse. Metal Bunny dislikes sharing his booze for free. And don't relieve yourself inside the pub, do it in the bushes like true inebriated lads do. It fertilizes Metal Bunny's veggies. Here is a screenshot of me... claiming my new establisment.
  18. Indeed, I agree with Liberty. But partially with Gargant as well. I realize what Gargant implies with calling the game just duel.com But what if you push it so hard; like you said, talking to mp5 without fearing death, that at one point everyone is just rp'ing in 1 spot to avoid fights? Might as well call the game magic.com. Also, if you don't want to die it would be better to stay in a sanctuary anyway. The dojo is still dangerous. And liberty is correct I think. Anyone remember when mur made a post about roleplaying. It was just before or during a festival. He said that roleplaying a hermit in a crowded place wouldn't really make you believable and that roleplaying in a more overlooked location, such as loreroot which is more empty than marind bell, that through the dedication the roleplay would be better.(I think, don't quote me on this, lol, can't find the post.) I am currently in willow's shop. It is quiet, it is a place where I have been a lot. (more than 2k visits) It is /apparently/ a pub, but no one is serving me, so I am drinking alone. I am still roleplaying and because it is so empty here, I am still safe. The main issue with roleplay currently, is that others are not moving about. (roar, all the liquor cabinets are mine!)
  19. Meh... like meh...

  20. Meh, only like molten cheese.. or brie, but only on something cracky, like crackers or baguettes.. and mozarella and feta cheese.. you know what, I like cheese, but not the standard things

  21. Poetry is a young man's game. New worlds are shown to him, his mind filled to the brim. How he vents these stays the same.

  22. Only when drunk and bored.

  23. Like dst it will depend on the mood. Which is the only reason why I am not lho as well [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]. I help out, but only when I feel like it. I'll be pro bono founded on emotional ground [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]. I will however, help more often if it is relocated to willow's shop. I don't think it's a better place or anything, I just like that place more .
  24. Because Mur puts small details which are fun to know, or even little secrets worth knowing, in the weirdest/smallest spaces.
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