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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. Let me make this clear. A discussion about why a swear word is allowed or not in a public place, even if with moderation and appropriate roleplay, is simply not going to influence anything at all. You should do this in a different topic. Why? Because this game is most definitely not a democracy. It's Mur's game and the very few rules that he put in the game, are simply undebateable. Simply because they are up to his discretion. You can debate all you want in that other topic, but right now, in this topic, I am trying to properly enforce those rules. And if I know Mur, I am 99,99% certain the profanity rule will not change. What I want to achieve with this topic is that somehow there comes a new way or mechanism or something, like a spell, with which we can remove that profanity, according to the rules. If the rules change (highly doubtful, but like I said, different topic), then we don't that sort of thing.
  2. Well, the post was more like for people who are worthy of being remembered, because in time, they will become ancient legends. Provided they stay inactive of course..
  3. Yeah and Granos still plays.. lol. Deetn, actraiser, stf, ugauga, omegaweapon, bigc/wodin, .phrog., thanatos, morpheus. Those were people I remember and are so old/inactive that most of the people playing now, wouldn't know them. Chewett has a bit more, but I don't remember them at all , I was mp3 back when deetn was going to mp8. So nutters. Anyway, people who left now and need remembrance, IMO are: Nelya Eden Morgana speaker of the dead ren savel Basically these are people who were RPC or at one point could have become RPC if they didn't stop playing/take a huge break.
  4. J Bird, a new mp3 player is adept of another player. That other player goes by the name of: [spoiler]FUCK YOU[/spoiler] This is naturally not very great... it's circumventing the profanity/annoyance rule in public area's. While asking him to change it may or may not have effect, this will still be a potential problem and occurrence in the future. Therefore I ask that becoming adept of a banned player becomes impossible. It's only natural.
  5. Lol, step away from the sacrificial altar, hehehe. Oh and drop the aramor, no innocent lives should be lost! Uh.. back on topic, just ask and we'll help, to the best of our abilities
  6. Don't worry, we RPC's are not allowed to sell our WP or inner magic docs for any price except by merit in the quests we are giving.
  7. Happy B-Day burns [quote name='Gauge' post='29675' date='Apr 29 2009, 06:33 PM']20 is such a weird age. Can still do everything you did at 18, but still have to wait a year to buy alcohol and go to casino's. May it pass fast for ya Burns. happy bday again. [/quote] Dude, in my country, alcohol is legal from the age of 16, and strong spirits like cognac and whisky and such, is legal from 18. Weed is legal in my country. Oh and prostitution as well. Soo... uh... haha?
  8. .Metal Bunny. Male Services include a lot of things. But if treated very badly, this bunny will bite back and escape. Services do not include; the Bunny Empire, tiny people or the BM. Will be a slave for 3 days.
  9. Ah but Guybrush, if I told you, you could get another bloodpact archer for 5 silver coins. And for 10 coins a bloodpact archer with a creature token. As it has almost no value for you at all, you would, in theory, be willing to give all your silver coins for it, let's say 100. But you wouldn't. Because someone asked a [i]mere[/i] 10 silver coins. Everything is worth, what it's purchaser will pay for it. -some roman dude I had to learn at school and university during economy, latin and marketing- If people are willing to become your adept, if you gave them 1 silver coin. Or later on perhaps a worshipper or some such things. [i]Surely[/i] the value of 1 MDS would grow in your opinion, no? **edit** You said lack of demand, I say that's not true. Merely that the market itself needs time to grow. For instance, I witnessed a trade between 2 people the other day, silver coins for an item. As well as a trade between 2 others 2 weeks ago. Where 1 premium creature was traded for another premium creature and silver coins to compensate for the difference between the 2 premium creatures. **edit nr.2** Just now, someone asked me to trade silver coins for my small skinny man statue. While I said that it was not for sale, I did say my carrot was for sale. Silver coins have value, no matter what you think.
  10. People should also take into account what the Silver can actually do for them. Can it buy you creatures, creatures who have tokens? What kind of roleplay items could I buy with it. These things raise the value of a silver coin, whereas the amount one can get for a certain amount of dollars in the MDshop, along with the obvious bonusses you get by buying the stuff in front of it, lower it.
  11. Let me tell you all something, if you buy everything empty in the permanent boosters section, you get 40 silver coins. It's how MRD got so many. I think it was Shady Jester who told me this. What does this do for the value of the silver coin now? Also, it is for me, as an economical student, extremely interesting how the value in your minds differ so very much and why.
  12. I had been thinking. I wanted to know what other people thought was the value of 1 MDS, or MagicDuel Silver. Is equal to a dollar? Or higher than it? If you pick options 6 or 7, please state what you think is the price in your mind and why. Others are of course still welcome to write what they think the price is approximately and why. The main reason for this topic is fair trade. For those who don't know. > means bigger than, so 1MDS is worth more than 5 dollars. And < is the opposite, meaning 1MDS is worth less than 1 dollar.
  13. w00t, Awesome!! Oh and watch reaper! Sexual Magician XD
  14. This is so totally offtopic, it's ridiculous as it has nothing to do with the game, nor even with the genre of game. I was watching Reaper the other day and I heard a song I really liked, which I had seen on MTV before, but I forgot to write down the title, so I was wondering if anyone knew the title? Reaper is a funny TV series btw. Totally recommend it [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4AAtRSZF7A"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4AAtRSZF7A[/url] Then fastforward to 3:46 (if you look at comments, a certain Metalbunny is asking the same question ) Anyone who tells me the title gets a cookie. A fictional feel-good cookie.
  15. Interestingly enough, I am a different kind of roleplayer. You see, whereas some say that stats and stuff are not necessarily RP stuff (and I understand how you see that), these things are integrated into the game/realm. The way I play, is the way I have been playing, as of today according to the active veteran list, for 500 days. When I talk about stats or stats from creatures or such things, people find it not very roleplay like and I have heard rumours about people not liking that, they think I should roleplay more and give my stats a more vague description of my so called inner strength and wisdom, with subjective ways of measurement which simply allows for more confusion. I say to thee, who ever told you that roleplay shouldn't be integrated to the game? Who with the right authority and justness of mind told you that all roleplay should look, feel and be exactly like some sort of LARP festival? To me, this feels dead wrong, if you want to LARP, then join some LARP group somewhere. When I play around, make jokes, talk about fighting or philosophy or other things, trust me, I am roleplaying 9 out of 10 times. Because I find that talking about storymode, stats, calling it a pm instead of a scroll, is simply the way normal roleplaying has integrated with the game for me. So.. simply said, stats etc, and me not caring about obvious futile attempts to try and eat me, is simply my version of roleplaying. I'm not saying I am correct, or that you are deadwrong in everything. I am simply saying that I roleplay in a different manner, and seeing as how I come end-June, start of July, will be RPC for 1 year, I think that it is at the very least, not bad nor wrong.
  16. True liberty, it would make it strategical. What I think you forget is however, that people can still stay strategical, except in a less, turn-based mode. (Which frankly, I have no problem with, I actually love turn-based games, however that just doesn't fit this game, IMO) One can still ambush people (gates will forever stay a bottleneck, ESPECIALLY (><) when you are in MB and want to go into loreroot in one enormous rush (you lose at least 50 for both gates), now imagine if each gate would then use up all the ap, and that every step in enemy territory costs double ap, along with the skull ap modifier, I think you get a whole lot more interesting gameplay. With the whole, when to defend, when to attack. The whole, ''know your enemy, know thyself, etc" would then become much more fluid and creates, IMO a more strategic gameplay, especially if you have spies in enemy territories. You see, turn based-ness can remove the need for spies, especially here, because we all know the route to the capitol's and, for example, there is only 1 route to loreroot and 2 to MB. Let's say we are fighting for MB. IF it was turn-based, it would mean the enemy would know exactly where and when we are, and ambush us, as there is only 1 way to the loreroot capitol and we can only move 2 steps max. What the result is, is that eventually only the strongest survive and maybe a few weaker people in the dead of the night. There isn't a lot of strategy here, except laying out ambushes. But, now let's imagine, skull ap-modifiers, with of couse, ap penalties in enemy territories and bonus in homeland. With more fluid ap movement, rushes to our capitol become a viable danger. Remember, rushes can be done by weaker players as well (which is so much more fair and realistic than just MRD brutalizing everyone in sight) To prevent that we would have to either put patrolmen near our borders who alert us of strong invaders (they can handle weak ones), or not take any chances and go on the full defense and put our strongest members as defenders by the borders and close to the capitol as a last line of defense. OR, we could rush out and try to score more points than the enemy, defeating as much as possible on the way, but this leaves us open for even the weakest of invaders. But who knows? Blitzkrieg sometimes works perfectly, catch the enemy unawares and be back in the homeland before they know what happened. You know what this opens up? Spy positions. Spies who infiltrate enemy ranks and tell us what the strategy is, or perhaps just simple skirmishes to probe our enemy's defenses. Maybe ''innocent'' people who can tell us about enemy movements. This brings another aspect into the war game. Namely, war support. Let's say that we are paranoid and don't trust any innocent people, perhaps we can force them out (this is a new idea btw) and push them into no man's land, all just to prevent spies from knowing our movements. However, people do not like that and instead, rally to the defense of Loreroot. Imagine if loreroot had a really cunning and crafty spy, who infiltrated the enemy ranks, who in fact can give loreroot a lot better information than any other innocent bystander could give. The army of MB decides to go with a rush on 16:20 server time. The spy tells loreroot and blammo, no longer are lorerootians probing defenses, or trying to break in, no. Instead they plan to ambush them at a certain place, with all of their might gathered in one huge cluster, in their own territory, to beat off the rush. Only the strong one's defend. Their weak players quickly kill 1 weak player of MB, go in and score some points. See how this can create a lot more exciting warfare? Turn-based can be strategic indeed, but it lacks spies IMO and as we all know, this is a roleplaying game. Shouldn't war have some roleplay aspects like spies?
  17. It may be the spicy characters of these 2, but it's looking really hot here now. Try not to make this into a flaming topic. As for war thoughts, which is currently dang well offtopic, my opinions are in the war topic, where they are supposed to be. [color="purple"]MOVED from Game Reset thread -- Grido[/color]
  18. Well, if you saw the new announcement, you'll know that Mur is busy like an awesome invincible bee. Thus, further ideas I got, which are just a furtherment of Fenrir's (they are mainly roleplay solutions, integrated into the game) : 1: They are torches, could it be possible to ''light up'' the players who are carying a torch? Like, instead of orange, make then red. 2: Okay, so maybe the torches are like, omega heavy and drain all our ap, except 1. Which, kinda doesn't make sense. If ap costs would just multiply with a certain factor, like Yami suggested, (except the gates ><), it would make more sense. I was thinking about this, and you could make a roleplay solution for the score thingy here too. For example (if you feel like drawing more stuff) you could get like, hooks or pieces of rope upon which would hang skulls of your dead enemies (or torches for you more squeemish/less necrovion people). These skulls/torches (which determine your score) would then hang from your torch, each skull increasing the size of the torch, and the weight. (get where I am going with this? ) It's kind of a Heads Contest modifier, except it affects AP. This could mean that if you had 0 skulls/score/torches, you could walk normally, like the non-torch people. Having 1 would increase each ap cost with 1: so fighting costs 4 ap, walking costs 2 ap (except gates ><). Having 2 skulls however, would just double it: fighting costs 8 ap, walking 4 ap. 3 means 16 ap for fighting, 8 for walking. At one point, super slayers like MRD would have to make an [i]economical choice[/i]. For example, MRD logs in again, he sees he has, for example, 100 ap. He has 5 skulls. Fighting costs 64 ap. He would probably win, which would leave him with 6 skulls. Walking would then cost 64 ap. MRD is 1 step away from the capitol. He has 100-64=36 ap left. Now MRD has to wait another 10 minutes to get his 6 points. But what if MRD knows a lot of enemies slipped past him (due to lack of ap). All those enemies had 0 skulls, so he knows they would be waiting at his own capitol. (o skulls means they can't get score, so no need to distress yourself MRD ) Wouldn't it be far better for MRD to instead, use 32 ap to go the enemy capitol, cash in on the 5 points. (Upon which he automatically gets teleported back to his own capitol, almost certainly before his enemies) And then, pick up another torch, go out and use his remaining 68 ap to beat the cr*p out of every enemy he comes across and then, not only preventing enemies from possibly getting skulls and scoring, but also, with enough ap, scoring another handfull of points. Anyway, these numbers are just examples, to illustrate , in fact, after 6 wins, most wouldn't be able to attack anymore So.. yeah.. score = ap modifier, just like heads = skill modifier in Heads Contest, sounds like a nice, roleplay solution to me. Thoughts anyone?
  19. Noooeeees, I am rementioned again in the 2nd issue... Seriously though, awesomeness is not a delusion -.-
  20. Burns: while suffering from terrible pain, but all of a sudden, he has THE idea to save his life: Glaistig: he shoves his finger down his throat, so as to induce a gagging reflex to purge the his system Lulu: but the cruel laughter of Jonn and Hannah makes him choke on his vomit as his eyes fill with desperate tears--he can'tbreathanymorethevomittastesrealbad and THE WORLD IS CRUEL--gone--and he is dead. Either oblivious or uncaring, Hannah and Jonn... Grido: continue their laughing. They soon remember that there's still the strange man in the room (you know the one with the brother, with the picture hanging up).... Metal Bunny: The man then suddenly wakes up from his surreal dream and Burns: realizes Hannah is standing over him, tickling him with a feather, ready to... Rex: whip him with a whip made of.. Apophys: thick Grasan leather, belonging to Dark Priestess (a.k.a. Peace), just for fun. Afterwards, she intends to... Lightsage: slit his throat with a concealed dagger at her hip which happens to... MRWander: have been the same dagger that killed Marind and Wodin from which it was... Metal Bunny: smuggled out of sight by Grido, by hiding it in his favourite orifice and...
  21. Some players have been asking me what I thought about it. I am in GG, am RPC, and am one of the oldest active players around who is not an admin of some kind. I will tell you what I think. At first, when yrthilian made the first post, I was excited nor cared for the reasons. Why? Because, some of you already know this, I am more of a pragmatic person. I was excited because a war, how dreadful it may sound, would bring about a great rise in spirit and commotion in the realm. Great warriors would come to the aid of loreroot or GG, patriotic feelings would get a surge. Surely, as others had stated, there would be victims, but we hold great magic in our hands and, in time we would be able to revive all the innocent members. I cared not a lot for the reasons, unless thy were really and seriously bad and downright wrong reasons. Seeing as how I know yrthilian, I knew genocide or other such bad things were not the reason, I had no real issue with it. Sure I wanted to know more, but it was stated that the reason would mostly stay unknown, except for the Raven reason. I, even though I voted for Raven for my own private reasons, had no problem with this. So the way I saw this war was as following. See me as a captain in the german army in the 1870 war against France. I, as a captain, love France. War is declared, I come to my country's aid and will help in the war, even though I love France. Remember, wars in that era were quick wars, really quick wars (until ofcourse the Great War), wars in that era were acceptable ways of showing power and gaining that tiny bit more power, which correlated to your current amoun of power, relative to your neighbour's power, naturally. As such, damningly macho it may sound, I had no problem with this war, and even though I really like Loreroot, I was still looking forward to this war. Now I know people will argue with me on this, like: 'You dictator! You think power makes right?! You're like Hitler!!' etc etc, blah blah blah. Those people are correct, power doesn't make right. You forget however, that power makes, does and controlls. Even if it is wrong, you can't do anything about it. We have power, we want to, this it will happen, such is life. So, the reasons were not that dreadfully bad, thus I looked forward to this war. But then I learned the other reasons fir this war, which Blackthorn had so eloquently put in this topic. I learned more and more. And frankly, if I knew that all this would happen and yrthilian had not declared war, I would still preach for war. Because what I read was disgusting! And I am not disgusted easily, 2 nasty girls and 1 particular cup of evil do not even disgust me. But this?! DENYING the KC? THREATHENING to demote him?! Have you gone insane? As if you want to lose this war and destroy everything loreroot and everything where her loyal and trustworthy servants, such as Nelya, Savel and others stand for. Say what you will, but it is sad that I have more respect for my enemies (who never got the chance to become a worthy adversary, or enemy for that matter) than the fragmented council who dismisses his advice like some ragged beggar. Somewhere in this topic there was a little comparison with cockroaches in the loreroot house. And that the GG wants to burn down this house. I have a better comparison. The loreroot house is filled with bloodsucking cockroaches who suck the coolness and greatness out of the house. Oh and they are radioactive and are eating the house from the inside out. Fire just speeds up the process and destroys some of those dang buggers. There, I ranted, happy now? And yes, I know there will be counterranting and flaming, etc. But that's ok, I understand, and don't care *Edit* I forgot to put in: There were some posts in this topic about statfarmers and roleplayers and how that fight would not be fair at all. I completely disagree. The first war against necrovion with Wodin, was almost completely based on roleplay. If you were good players, you would remember that espionage, propaganda, information seeking, even activating the landweapon, were ALL roleplay actions. That statfarmers decide most of the battle is such ludicrous nonsense. If you people, you know, didn't hate each other, didn't threaten to demote the KC and actually accepted him and his advice. Worked together, roleplayed some good espionage, or bribes and maybe even activated the landweapon, you could have won.. if, ofcourse, we just focused on stats and nothing else.
  22. Ah, but sometimes, it IS the choice of the community. When there is indeed a leader. In fact, savel did the same, he wanted something, gathered his followers from the community, raised his minority voice inside it and got what he wanted. How would this not be applicable in reverse? What if there are malicious, envious, jealous and downright devious destructive members in our community? Who need but only a voice, a leader. Who then yearns to destroy such an alliance. If they persevere, their voice loud enough, ignoring them would become impossible. All I am saying is that: The savelites have lost their voice. The party(ies) against them, (I just read the topic, I don't know if there are parties against them) do not yet exist, or more likely, are not yet united by a leader. It seems to me that the one who voices their outrage first, will get the first victory in an uncertain war. As such I believe that if there is a group with a strong enough voice, the voiceless alliance would abandon itself in time. No higher authority should immediately and actively interfere. Only when that voice screams loud enough in his ear, should it happen. The other way around is also possible, and a very good opportunity for roleplaying. A voice with a hidden agenda (stop looking at me ¬_¬) could infiltrate and take over the leaderless alliance and slowly, with enough will and cunning, take over and transform the alliance to his/her image. The alliance itself, as a sub-community would change members and such. And only when that new leader has done his/her absolute best, could perhaps persuade a higher authority with a loud enough voice to change the alliance in name. Of course, such an infiltrator could of course be a person who is loyal to the leader before him/her. In this case, it would be just a succession of rulers, which IMO, is [i]one[/i] of the most likely scenario's to happen. So basically, what I just said was this: In time the direct fate of the alliance will appear as obvious and unstoppable by all, due to common convention of the community and her judgement over this alliance. This fate can be influenced from within by people with malicious or noble purpose, or from the outside, with either intent. So.... yeah.. this is just me saying, be lazy, wait it out, and when it's obvious, you act.
  23. Cry me a river? So I can float on it on my awesome boat to candy land and eat myself full until I explode from sugary goodness? Seriously, it's just HC and yes it's unfair... But dude, life is unfair... And.. well.. uh.. I lost my point, but I am certain it had something to do with, /I ain't getting any sugah, you ain't getting any HC, so stop whining!/ ... I think... not really sure.. mmmh ¬_¬
  24. Lol.. we need them, oh furia, because it's fun to senselessly say hi and feel welcomed and get a bit of attention, like the bunch of greedy pigs we are. duh
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