Alright, let me elaborate then, this meaning that I'll not hold to my previous words of me saying that I would refrain from doing so.
I will not tell you how to give you massive negative vp and xp, and with massive, I mean millions. I also know how to regain it almost just as fast. The social factor is indeed big, but trust me, dst can do this as well and what she can do is quite painful, even if she would work alone.
You are underestimating this part, big time. But that's no longer the point, mainly because I doubt you will experience this. You are a nice person and I don't think you'll piss someone off that bad.
As for a single champion? It does help, a lot. Disregarding the .MRD. example, I will go to .Wodin Ullr.
He held the first proto-type of the dojo and wanted to help out at the dojo.
A champion he was indeed. Now you are correct, a single champion cannot do a lot on his own, just ask Quichote.
But a champion, just like .Wodin Ullr. and .MRD., has the uncanny ability to attract people who are loyal. A single champion makes a difference because s/he leads a united front. I followed .Wodin Ullr., so did .Renavoid. and Yami no Sakura and .MRD. and many others.
A champion and most importantly, the people s/he represents demand your respect.
Where is the dojo's champion? Where is the dojo's /respected/ power?
I do not see it.
Now you would say that a single spell would not scare you. And I agree.
But a champion, a respected hero of the community, a legend. S/he attracts other spellcasters as well.
Having 2 mp6 constantly casting stuff on you, while 10 others hunt you day and night with ritual mechanics (Which I will not divulge) to give you seriously painful negative xp and vp.
That is the effect a champion can have.
If you don't believe me, then you probably don't believe that the GG alliance was like such when .Wodin Ullr. was the leader, or that the MR alliance is like such now.
Leaders have a tremendous effect on their community (just look at Obama. Just an example, not saying you should be like Obama [img][/img]). A lack of strong leadership is IMO why the dojo is having such problems.