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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. licked
  2. I the other topic I posted there about leadership ( http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4758-dojo-debate/page__pid__38498__st__20&#entry38498 ). This is almost exactly what I mean. There is no leadership at the dojo. At least no visible leadership. The dojo /used to be/ supported by alliance(s), but that either never came off the ground with some and never lasted long with others. The dojo is weak and will face constant abuse by others if the current situation stays this way. This challenge is what it needs. Either the leaders step up to their game, or Shadowseeker takes it over, and even if he has very little support, he will still be a visible leader. A person who takes responsibility and has the desire to make things better (according to his own vision, naturally). If he fails, well, then I just say it's the survival of the fittest. I know, I know, Darwin adhered more to the survival of those more suited to adapt, but that still applies here. If the dojo can't adapt and thrive to this realm and it stays this weak, it will dwindle and shrink until it exists no more.
  3. Alright, let me elaborate then, this meaning that I'll not hold to my previous words of me saying that I would refrain from doing so. I will not tell you how to give you massive negative vp and xp, and with massive, I mean millions. I also know how to regain it almost just as fast. The social factor is indeed big, but trust me, dst can do this as well and what she can do is quite painful, even if she would work alone. You are underestimating this part, big time. But that's no longer the point, mainly because I doubt you will experience this. You are a nice person and I don't think you'll piss someone off that bad. As for a single champion? It does help, a lot. Disregarding the .MRD. example, I will go to .Wodin Ullr. He held the first proto-type of the dojo and wanted to help out at the dojo. A champion he was indeed. Now you are correct, a single champion cannot do a lot on his own, just ask Quichote. But a champion, just like .Wodin Ullr. and .MRD., has the uncanny ability to attract people who are loyal. A single champion makes a difference because s/he leads a united front. I followed .Wodin Ullr., so did .Renavoid. and Yami no Sakura and .MRD. and many others. A champion and most importantly, the people s/he represents demand your respect. Where is the dojo's champion? Where is the dojo's /respected/ power? I do not see it. Now you would say that a single spell would not scare you. And I agree. But a champion, a respected hero of the community, a legend. S/he attracts other spellcasters as well. Having 2 mp6 constantly casting stuff on you, while 10 others hunt you day and night with ritual mechanics (Which I will not divulge) to give you seriously painful negative xp and vp. That is the effect a champion can have. If you don't believe me, then you probably don't believe that the GG alliance was like such when .Wodin Ullr. was the leader, or that the MR alliance is like such now. Leaders have a tremendous effect on their community (just look at Obama. Just an example, not saying you should be like Obama [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]). A lack of strong leadership is IMO why the dojo is having such problems.
  4. Are you serious? Don't you have some sort of imagination? They have the moral support of Mur, they can ask for an attacklock spell which could replace the ban spell. As for MRD mauling you, I think you don't fully understand. I know how to give you so much negative xp and so much negative vp, that you can't play normal anymore. MRD can order his entire alliance. I hope you get my point, because I am going to refrain from debating this further.
  5. 's testicultastic
  6. Knowing the ''hawtness'' of the topic, I know that this debate will last for hours. I however, will can only be there for 1 hour max. But you know my opinion already, it is in the other topic
  7. No I say lambchops every now and then to offset the effects.

  8. Poor excuse, lol. Nice relativation of your visits though :P

  9. I object to this monstrosity out of a big fat reason. How do you come close to roleplaying a villain otherwise? Sure there are other ways, but if it fits the role and it makes you hated, then by all means. Let it be. Ban and especially permanent bans should only be for things that threaten everything or seriously cross the rules of the realm. Such as theft of any kind, spamming, continues advertising, exploiting bugs, hacking, etc etc. So, hell no.
  10. [quote name='Metal Bunny' date='13 September 2008 - 11:33 PM' timestamp='1221341597' post='16616'] ... This was ages ago... >.< Don't remind me of past errors so blatantly.. [/quote] [quote name='Grido' date='19 July 2009 - 04:09 AM' timestamp='1247969343' post='37443'] looking through the Change Log reminded me of this one [/quote] You sadistic frog. My vengeace will come! One day... Meh, you're not worth it...
  11. Lambchops, man you make obscure references/jokes :P. But I didn't stop, whatever gave you that idea? :P

  12. There is a comedian out there, somewhere, I don't remember his name, but he has this joke. He says that if a good looking person smiles at you, you smile back and think; that's nice, what a nice person. And if an ugly person smiles at you, you can only think; Ew, what does he want from me? I always get smiles back when I smile. *cough*
  13. Metal Bunny

    Metal Bunny

    "I am Metal Bunny, Emperor of Bunnies: Look on my visage, ye Mighty, and despair!"
  14. Mwahaha, would it be appropriate here to gloat as to how dst still hasn't finished one of my quests?
  15. I dunno, it was at -1 when I first looked at it i_i. I think it's because one person voted a 0 star. But I have 4 stars, so a lot of peeps still voted 5 :D

  16. As Grido knows, I just woke up, so I make no apologies for congratulating him so late. *Ding* grats
  17. Congratulations ! Happy B-day to yoouu Happy B-day to yooouuuu Happy B-day, Happy B-day, Happy B-day to yoooooouuuuuuu
  18. I went for alpha, testing, beta, mmorpg and uniqueness.
  19. I have been drafted by the cruel and unforgiven mistress Pamplemousse and thus I will tell a story on the 27th of July.
  20. Metal Bunny


    The ''I want you" thing, I had always found to be a bit disturbing, in a ''think about it, it's sexual, thus funny'' way. It's kind of the opposite world where women say that.. so.. please stop hurting my head.
  21. Wait, confuzzled here, is Esmeralda really Storm's sis? or just ingame?
  22. Is there a min/max amount of time you have to talk?
  23. [quote name='Tarquinus' post='35173' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:04 AM']I beg your pardon, Sieur, but it has, so: I direct you the Adventure Log, pp. 414-417. I do not mean to derail your excellent points or launch a tangent from your excellent posts. I personally disdain powers and attributes that are unsupported by the combat system, or failing that, the setting. I merely wish to call attention to a minor but significant detail that bears directly on my stated role of Moon Knight. Night has come to MagicDuel, and shall return: but sure there is not enough darkness to afford comfort to those to whom the sun's rays are fatal.[/quote] Ah true, my mistake. Sorry about that, but I do hope people still get my point.
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