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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. Maybe you should wait with the spells? Perhaps you should just try and see how good at stalking you really are. And what other way to do it than the most elusive person around? The invisible, non-coordinates-showing-on-rpc-list, ever present and omniscient, mur
  2. Burns: while suffering from terrible pain, but all of a sudden, he has THE idea to save his life: Glaistig: he shoves his finger down his throat, so as to induce a gagging reflex to purge the his system Lulu: but the cruel laughter of Jonn and Hannah makes him choke on his vomit as his eyes fill with desperate tears--he can'tbreathanymorethevomittastesrealbad and THE WORLD IS CRUEL--gone--and he is dead. Either oblivious or uncaring, Hannah and Jonn... Grido: continue their laughing. They soon remember that there's still the strange man in the room (you know the one with the brother, with the picture hanging up).... Metal Bunny: The man then suddenly wakes up from his surreal dream and
  3. I myself am against the treaty and frequently attack other lorerootians. But I told earlier ingame why.
  4. If you look at the pictures of the old site, or those of you old enough to remember, there was a contest once, where people where invited to guess what a winged creature, with his face concealed, was trying to pull out of the ground, or rather was what inside the case it was trying to pull out. The contest was over and and could see that the case unfolded, to reveal the map of the realm. Since there are no other pieces of lore or proof pertaining to the fact or assumption that MD is round, I believe that MD is flat.. So I answered, probably flat...
  5. Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite... Glaistig: really. Grido began convulsing and... Grido: started reaching toward a conviniently placed antidote... Garg: Which, unbeknown to Grido was in actuality full of... Burns: nothing but pure fountain water. Yet, he swallowed it all in one gulp and... dst: spits it out quickly cause it tasted like... Grido: beer, and he doesnt like beer. Cryxus: He rolled and writhed as he looked at Jonn, smiling slightly. "Only you can save me now".... Metal Bunny: Jonn could only reply with: 'Mouth to mouth?
  6. You decide to go and chat with each other outside of MD and then you realize that every time you see MB in MD, you will know you have learned of the beauty that is Bunny's voice, and can no longer imagine a world of MD without him.
  7. Metal Bunny


    I live in the Netherlands, the dreaded land of boring mediocrity and dullness.. I waaannt snooooooow...
  8. ... lol.. you do realize that the 'backbone' is in the native country itself, or in the reputed [i]richest[/i] nations, right? I mean, why else immigrate?
  9. Alright.. 32? I try contacting people, but trust me, a lot are giving me their best shot at inactivity... ( can't wait to kick them ) lol.. Also, dst is right with the 5players thing.. And my leader is sorta busy with stuff, so..
  10. Metal Bunny

    MD Meeting

    Lol... 'Sunny' England.. I didn't know Grido was capable of humour.
  11. no... red is just the main colour of happiness, manifesting itself in the realisation of dreams and goals, as well as an obscene amount of piles and piles of oodles of money..
  12. Yeah.. my brother has to wear red underwear for the coming year, cuz he's an ox , my mom too, hhehehehe
  13. Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite...
  14. Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening." Cryxus: but Grido knew better... Metal Bunny: Grido knew that both he and Jonn desired to ... Grido: help the new players in Magic Duel, as best as they could Blaze: but instead, they were going to give into temptation and. MRWander: and eat the WHOLE bag of oreos without sharing them. Cryxus: "this is going to go straight to my thighs" they joked and laughed... Metal Bunny: ,but Jonn, you know your thighs always look fabulous, said Grido and...
  15. MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...' MRWander: flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and...... Garg: All that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment.... Cryxus: ...the bed collapsed, and... Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Bubbah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as he traces his finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening." Cryxus: but Grido knew better... Metal Bunny: Grido knew that both he and Jonn desired to ... [Grido continuously attempts to edit these posts. He changed Bubba (male) into Hanna (female), dude can't even spell Hannah straight. This has been the 4th time I editted this back.]
  16. MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...' MRWander: flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and...... Garg: All that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment.... Cryxus: ...the bed collapsed, and... Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to..
  17. Lincoln Park? ... ¬_¬

    I was 12 when I first heard them.. have a heart.

  18. Grido woke up next to Hannah who...
  19. MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...'
  20. killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother... dst: But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange Grido: I killed them all yet here he is before me... Metal Bunny: standing before me in a clown's uniform with... Grido: a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall... Metal Bunny: but coincidentally also has a picture of a rainbow in his hands, with pink lettering stating... Grido: All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies! All Hail The Bunny Empire! Metal Bunny: The clown then picks up his pink scythe and accidentally hits...
  21. killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother... dst: But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange Grido: I killed them all yet here he is before me... Metal Bunny: standing before me in a clown's uniform with... Grido: a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall... Metal Bunny: but coincidentally also has a picture of a rainbow in his hands, with pink lettering stating...
  22. [quote name='Grido' post='24000' date='Jan 20 2009, 03:01 PM']Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus, dst The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was...[/quote] killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother... dst: But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange Grido: I killed them all yet here he is before me... Metal Bunny: standing before me in a clown's uniform with...
  23. [quote name='Tarquinus' post='23981' date='Jan 20 2009, 12:27 AM']Illuminating as ever, insane metallic rabbit golem. "Those who believe their side is just and rightly so" have been labouring to achieve recognition for [i]months[/i]. This festival generated a lot of attention to us, most of it favourable. Is it not pedantic to make a hit-and-run post without considering what is being said? Who is speaking without reflection, I wonder?[/quote] Lol, you do realize that I was joking no? I'm a sarcastic man sometimes, but with text, it never portrays as good as I would want it to be. I have no intention of making this into a flaming discussion or something , so I'll just say this and then continue to make fun of other stuff. Would months of labor justify to stop self reflecting? (<- this is a double joke, get it? ) You'll probably come up with something else though, you're intelligent enough for that, but please, realize I do this in jest and if you take that in an offensive way, because I made fun of months of hard labor, then you must be one cynical man. Brighten up , smile, laugh, enjoy. 'Because if you can't even laugh at your own misery, then only pity will remain.' - (I forgot who.. sorry.. lol) -
  24. I agree with cryxus, the way things are now, are fine for me. To get a button that wants you to agree to a fight or not, defeats the purpose of fighting itself, to fight can sometimes be, to surprise someone. If one had the option to decline the entire time, one could continuously recreate strong rituals, refuse fights with stronger people during heads as well as removing the option of aggressive statfarming players. Being idle would also pose a problem. The idea of this implemented in dojo/sanc is a better idea though. But out there in the wild, it is as it should be, wild, brutal, unexpected, more life-like. Also, could a mod put this in the new ideas section? Thanks.
  25. [quote name='Tarquinus' post='23961' date='Jan 19 2009, 07:34 PM']No, but you are not hurting the opponents' quotient of delusional and irritating.[/quote] This is the same for those who believe their side is just and rightly so, making them quite pedantic...
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