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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. Metal Bunny

    MD Meeting

  2. I didn't want to say this.. but ironically, it's you who started this no?
  3. As long as you're not older than 20, I won't call you old. Aaaand.. I am off to continue my party(ies)
  4. Go figure out what rotflmaotimepimplol means.
  5. I don't think it's his b-day, otherwise he must really dread that day, I mean, new year AND b-day? He must be getting tired of starting the new year with an alcohol induced coma... *Edit* I forgot.. America.. you can't even drink yet.. lol
  6. Meh, I can still ruin it for other people Sorry Marvolo, but I took your heads and now I have 1172 heads.. lol..
  7. I came back at 8 am.. fell asleep and now i am awake.. at 3:30 pm... New Year started with a dry mouth..
  8. Last time I am actively online during 2008, so I gues, why not make it now? Happy New Year's! Grats earth, another lap around your giver of life.. although it would make more sense if you celebrated it during spring like the old days h-uh?
  9. Lol.. if Santa is real? What about those pygmy elves on the North Pole?
  10. Fun fact, I have never once won in HC, not even placed 3rd or 4th or something.. Realize that if mp6 gets a shot at it, or should I ever go back to mp5, you will have to prepare to cry..
  11. Lol.. can't you just get a webcam for a couple of bucks and post that on youtube and just donate the rest of the money?
  12. You mean the stuff under the tree? Because I got all that on the 27th
  13. I got the gifts.. but eh.. uh.. when do they end? I wanna buy santa
  14. Murry X-Mas everyone.. and Chanuka etc.. or happy traditions, loads of presents, nice yummy food and reunion with good friends/family if you don't like the other stuff.. Anyway, this X-Mas I will be somewhere else.. skiing.. thus, should my hotel not have any internet, (Mur forbid), I would like to post a request here.. Puhlease post some screenshots here of the tree and how it builds up every day Thankies... Also, some nice witty comments about what's going on would be wonderful too.. Also, if you do see me online, it won't be me.. it will be my brother, please don't ask him anything.. he is like a shy little puppy.. that you want to neuter.. I'll be back in a week, yay
  15. I can't see the forest because of the trees..
  16. I wasn't :'(
  18. They who are in the gazeebo of equilibrium, looketh and rejoice! 4 Little people, proof that worshipping me does make you cute and awesome! Repent now and worship me! 93 People went before you, as well as the little people, redemption is but a few clicks away! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAAaa
  19. I can't come, have stuff to do.. things to study ...
  20. I want a drachorn too.. that really is the first thing that went into my mind, like 'MOAR DRAG(CH)O®NS!!'
  21. [quote name='Treehill' post='22308' date='Dec 14 2008, 06:38 PM']Lalala I was the first transcriber MD University had!!!yay Before even the job recruiting was started i made one !Im da best!loooool[/quote] Yes the best ever.. that certainly did sound professional..
  22. I think the word 'incarcerated' would've been enough of a hint. But I'll.. provoke this offtopic-ness a bit more by giving you a nice description of a certain institution of fine states and nations around the world. [i]Prison, where men find out what they're capable off when they have only themselves..[/i]
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