[quote name='Glaistig' post='21513' date='Dec 8 2008, 08:42 AM']Aww. Poor new player has to be greeted by Glai out of pity since no actual player wants to say hi. Well, you must be honored anyway, I being myself.
And that "female" archer is most definitely male, not just because he looks quite ugly as all males are but that's how he's addressed in the creature description. [b]Unfortunately for you, I don't feel like telling you his name what with the undue honor you paid him by calling him female[/b], so you can look at the Bestiary section of the forums to find out. I mean, there's only so many archers released in MD right now, so you'll only have to check 9 topics[b] if you're stupid and unlucky[/b], less if you're not. 8] 'Sides, you'd be putting Aqune's labor to good use instead of [b]being lazy and having some older player tell you everything, now wouldn't you?[/b][/quote]
[quote name='Glaistig' post='21725' date='Dec 11 2008, 05:14 AM']Dude, man. I'll give you a virtual cookie complete with the asterisks if you can point out what was hostile and mean in my hello. Look what I have to endure--I go out of my way to say hello when no one else does after several views, [b]and this is what I get in return[/b]. You know what? I won't do it again, I promise. Don't appreciate Glai-greeting, well, [b]you aren't worthy of it.[/b] You can be greeted by [i]awiiya[/i]; [b]I'm sure she's like [i]totally[/i] better than me and you'd be missing out on [i]nothing[/i][/b].
I shouldn't even be humoring you by replying. I shouldn't be attaching the pictures of all the archers in MD and listing their names because of your[b] *cough*pathetic*cough* ineptitude[/b]. But, well, I can't help my graciousness, now can I? And yes, I purposely lied and said 9 archers when there are 10, just to fluster. [u][color="#ff0000"][url="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll203/kompeito/DA.jpg"]1-6[/url][/color][/u] are levels of one creature, [u][color="#ff0000"][url="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll203/kompeito/LA.jpg"]7-10[/url][/color][/u] are another. And, in case you're missing it, those underlined numbers are links to the larger pictures posted in Aqune's threads.
If none of these is the archer you're looking for, your eyesight is screwed. That, or your memory. [b]Or your brain.[/b] You could be hallucinating and indulging in fantasies about female archers in the artstyle of MD.
When did the option to attach images disappear? Do you know how long that took me to arrange them so that a player could not look at the image properties and find the link to the creature directory? I also suggest that directory be secured, as well as the link to attack a person, view rpc logs and who knows what else.[/quote]
Just plain hurtful... Snik Snif.. :'(