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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Kaya in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Creator: [player]John Constantine[/player]
    Status *
    ~ Phase 1: Registration ~
    ~ Phase 2: Submission ~
    ~ Phase 3: Voting ~
    ~ Phase 4: Announcing the winners ~
    ~ Phase 5: Prize-giving ~
    NOT ACTIVE[/spoiler]
    The main task of this quest is to write welcome text to Lands of the East. It will be displaced on the  clickable small information table in left down corner of gate location (coordinates: ~7_gate_1 ~).
    1.    You can use no more than 500 characters (with spaces).
    2.    You are not allowed to use bad language or phrases which could offend any character/personal beliefs etc.
    3.    Text must be write in English (preferred EU English).
    4.    Text have to be closely related to Tribunal characteristic and include overall description of this land. Do not include statements which could suggest temporary situations/players or events (for example: alliances, kings, etc.)
    5.    You can use some more poetic expressions but it can’t be a poem.
    6.    Text should be grammatically correct.
    Marind Bell Gates
    The remains of a once flourishing town, Marind Bells real name was forgotten, and its current name is given after Marind, the protector of these lands. Its power lies in deep mysteries and powerfull protective magic developed in time to withstand Necrovions constant attacks. This land was once peaceful but is now tainted by the fury of war and hatred against darkness.
    Necrovion Main Gate
    Divided in two inner areas, Necrovion combines both brute evil forces and deserted lands with advanced dark arts and secret occult practices. Because of its nature, this land is opposed to all other lands and represents a constant threat to all life. It's also a refuge to those that wish to develop their dark side and turn their personal demons into a powerful offensive force. During the constant war with Marind Bell many secrets and powerful forces can be found in these lands.
    1-st place (WINNER): JOKER + Special Reward
    Special Reward: I talked with Council. Winner's text will be send to the them. If they approve it, it will be implementet in-game. 
    There were 19 jurors choosen from all main lands.
    Current participants:
    1.  Rophs
    2. Ackshan Bemunah
    3. Nimrodel - submission received
    4. Xavax - submission received
    5. Intrigue
    6. Soothing Sands - submission received
    7. darkraptor
    8. Tom Pouce - submission received
    Phase 1: Registration  CLOSED
    In this phase you have to post your in-game character name below quest information.
    Start date : 06.10.2013 Sunday
    End date :  20.10.2013 Sunday
    Phase 2: Submission CLOSED
    In this phase you send your final text to me via PM.
    Start date : 21.10.2013 Monday
    End date :  27.10.2013 Sunday
    Phase 3: Voting CLOSED
    Start date : 29.10.2013 Tuesday
    End date :  17.11.2013 Sunday
    Phase 4: Announcing winners
    Votes has been counted and winner's are announced.
    Date: 18.11.2013
    Phase 5: Prize-giving 
    Treasure Keepers send rewards to winners.
    Date:................  [NOT YET ANNOUNCED]  
  2. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tipu in Forum Death Quest   
    [color=#282828][font=Times]Player Name to receive reward:[/font][/color] Lord Tipu
    [color=#282828][font=Times]Period of Trial: (3-04-13) - (7-04-13)[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=Times]Proof of Pain:[/font][/color]

    From the time i joined MD Forum i have created this Epic eternal relationship with the forum mods. The Bond is soo strong that with just 4days of inactiveness i had felt severe pain. The Pain of not receiving any warning PMs from the mods. Yess thats right ..i can't sleep ..i can't poop and even i can't fart without reading their Awe inspiring lovely response for my posts.







    And now iam back ...i hope i can receive their blessings and continue on my path defeating Fennir and to become the next Forum Legend.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Forum Death Quest   
    I have finished this quest.


    Forum was getting spammed and i had to do something.
    I also have numerious things i need to use the forum for, for my role.
    Numerius has publically stated my entries arnt in the format and that i wont win...

    In conclusion, Mur and council have made it clear that the type of quest shouldnt be ran, let alone be given a WP for.

    about a quarter of entries are on my profile page, i didnt even waste my time uploading all the other stuff since Numerius wont count it.
  4. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Forum Death Quest   
    [size=2]Originally a corrected version of the quest was in this post. The main post has now been updated, though, and now there is no reason why someone should want to compare that with the original, so I have removed it.[/size]
  5. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Forum Death Quest   
    [size=1]historical content removed[/size]

    [size=1]thank you chewett for helping me fix the quest[/size]
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Nimrodel in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Creator: [player]John Constantine[/player]
    Status *
    ~ Phase 1: Registration ~
    ~ Phase 2: Submission ~
    ~ Phase 3: Voting ~
    ~ Phase 4: Announcing the winners ~
    ~ Phase 5: Prize-giving ~
    NOT ACTIVE[/spoiler]
    The main task of this quest is to write welcome text to Lands of the East. It will be displaced on the  clickable small information table in left down corner of gate location (coordinates: ~7_gate_1 ~).
    1.    You can use no more than 500 characters (with spaces).
    2.    You are not allowed to use bad language or phrases which could offend any character/personal beliefs etc.
    3.    Text must be write in English (preferred EU English).
    4.    Text have to be closely related to Tribunal characteristic and include overall description of this land. Do not include statements which could suggest temporary situations/players or events (for example: alliances, kings, etc.)
    5.    You can use some more poetic expressions but it can’t be a poem.
    6.    Text should be grammatically correct.
    Marind Bell Gates
    The remains of a once flourishing town, Marind Bells real name was forgotten, and its current name is given after Marind, the protector of these lands. Its power lies in deep mysteries and powerfull protective magic developed in time to withstand Necrovions constant attacks. This land was once peaceful but is now tainted by the fury of war and hatred against darkness.
    Necrovion Main Gate
    Divided in two inner areas, Necrovion combines both brute evil forces and deserted lands with advanced dark arts and secret occult practices. Because of its nature, this land is opposed to all other lands and represents a constant threat to all life. It's also a refuge to those that wish to develop their dark side and turn their personal demons into a powerful offensive force. During the constant war with Marind Bell many secrets and powerful forces can be found in these lands.
    1-st place (WINNER): JOKER + Special Reward
    Special Reward: I talked with Council. Winner's text will be send to the them. If they approve it, it will be implementet in-game. 
    There were 19 jurors choosen from all main lands.
    Current participants:
    1.  Rophs
    2. Ackshan Bemunah
    3. Nimrodel - submission received
    4. Xavax - submission received
    5. Intrigue
    6. Soothing Sands - submission received
    7. darkraptor
    8. Tom Pouce - submission received
    Phase 1: Registration  CLOSED
    In this phase you have to post your in-game character name below quest information.
    Start date : 06.10.2013 Sunday
    End date :  20.10.2013 Sunday
    Phase 2: Submission CLOSED
    In this phase you send your final text to me via PM.
    Start date : 21.10.2013 Monday
    End date :  27.10.2013 Sunday
    Phase 3: Voting CLOSED
    Start date : 29.10.2013 Tuesday
    End date :  17.11.2013 Sunday
    Phase 4: Announcing winners
    Votes has been counted and winner's are announced.
    Date: 18.11.2013
    Phase 5: Prize-giving 
    Treasure Keepers send rewards to winners.
    Date:................  [NOT YET ANNOUNCED]  
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Announcement Quest - October   
    No Announcements
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in scrollbar dissapearing   
    If I open a popup box such as a PM or the win/loss compass and press my middle mouse button to scroll up and down by moving my mouse the scrollbar will be gone when I close out of the popup window and I will not be able to scroll up or down until I refresh the page.
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Rophs in Tribunal Map - character location   
    Proposal for new in-game implementation.
    3. Tribunal Signpost. After clicking on small information board (~ 7_gate_1 ~, Portal-Gate to Tribunal after Plains of Deceit) there could be a special "welcome text" which introduce Lands of the East to new adventurer. Something like that before Marind's Bell Main Gates or in front of Howling Gates to Necrovion. They were perfectly articulated and real good introduction to overall Land's characteristic.
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Tribunal Map - character location   
    Proposal for new in-game implementation.
    3. Tribunal Signpost. After clicking on small information board (~ 7_gate_1 ~, Portal-Gate to Tribunal after Plains of Deceit) there could be a special "welcome text" which introduce Lands of the East to new adventurer. Something like that before Marind's Bell Main Gates or in front of Howling Gates to Necrovion. They were perfectly articulated and real good introduction to overall Land's characteristic.
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Andur in Announcement Quest - October   
    No one: thanks for the resource stack thing, didn't know that you can't split it. And in the September's quest there were 3 people who won 1st place ( ±2), again, this is a bet.
    Grido: Didn't thought it's alt abuse, anyway, fixed. 100% of rewards go to winners :)
    Zyrxae: 1.Fixed, 2.Fixed, 3.Yes, 4. 70% of pot goes to first place (and then split equally if there are more), 30% go to second (same split rule).
                Oh, and the reason I am using an alt for gathering the rewards is mainly for creatures that will possibly be used to bet, I can't just keep the CTC's because in case of trading that creature the code is changed, so I needed a place to keep them. Second, I wouldn't want to mix my personal belongings with rewards for quests, as I can easilly forget wich/how much was mine.
    P.S.: If someone has the possibility to post the link of this 'quest' in the Mood Panel it would be highly apreciated, thank you.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Zyrxae in Announcement Quest - October   
    That's always been a tricky one, but since this outfit benefits (or degrades) Bookie's reputation and not Andur's (he's merely posting here for Bookie), I don't see the harm. RP-wise, it seems like Andur decided not to run the contest again but did inspire Bookie to fill the void. With a name like Bookie, you'd almost have to..
    It will help Bookie's case (and be more fun) if he has a life and personality outside of this operation, though.
    Good point; you may want to encourage each person who bets something unsplittable to bet a type of thing that hasn't already been bet.
    It happened last time; who's to say it won't again?
    So if, say, 3 people get 1st place and 2 get second, the pot will be divided into 8 shares: 2 each for the first place winners and 1 each for the second placers?
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to No one in Announcement Quest - October   
    1. resources add up and cannot be split, you'll have to know this when you split the rewards
    2. 1st-2nd place should be "the closest" to that number. Otherwise you can rename this to "lottery" / "bingo" as there will be very little chances to get within the ±4  interval
  14. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Andur in Announcement Quest - October   
    Greetings to the second edition of...the bet.
       This month's 'quest' will be different. I will not ask for sponsors anymore but instead..
     Anyone that bets on this topic, must 'discard' something in value of approx. 1 SC. Be it resource, an item, creature, or even a SC (duh).
        ~~ ANY ammount of resource above 10 will count in value (for this quest only) as 1SC, and if such ammount already exists on the recipient when you add more, it won't count as a bet. ~~ 
       These soon-to-be rewards will be gathered on another account of mine (a fresh new one). His name is Bookie, and will be idle or offline at Gazebo of Equilibrium always (even if not online, he is still there and can be traded items to him). ~BOOKIE IS READY FOR RECIEVING THE BETS~
       You may submit a bet right now on this topic BUT untill 11th of October you must have betted something on Bookie.
       So once again, the goal of this quest is to GUESS how many announcements will be posted from 1st of October to 1st of November (00:00 ST). 
      Tiny rules: -ONE number per forum member.
                       -You may not post the same number as someone else, be sure to check first.
                       -Neither I or Bookie do not care who sends what, But please send PM's to Bookie or me (be it forum or game) when you want to bet a creature or item, for the CTC/ITC.
                       -You may not send ME(Andur) anything as bet or sponsorship, only to Bookie. If I do recieve anything as bet, I will ignore that reason and keep whatever you gave me for myself.
     All the announcements in October will be counted, automatic announcements from the System will Not count.
     You may submit a bet untill 11th of October (00:00 ST), all further bets shall be ignored.
    Announcements so far: 3
      Scoring (multiple bets can fall under same ranking, and reward will be split evenly): 
                     1st place - a difference of 2 between guessed number and submitted value. ( ±2 )
                     2nd place - a difference higher than 2 and less than 4 included  ( ±4 ) - ( ±2 )
                     3rd place - there is NO third place.
                     If nobody gets any place (no bets fit under ±4) 50% of the reward goes to the ONE closest bet to the announcement ammount, the rest of 50% is kept for future quests.
    Reward so far: none.
    Due to recent events, this quest is now CLOSED and OVER, as there isn't a point or fun to it, the number of future announcements will fall considerably and there won't be more than 10-15 this month, IMHO.
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Grido in Announcement Quest - October   
    What happens to the other 10%?
    Considering any trade, direct or indirect, from your alt account "bookie" to your main would be classed as alt abuse.
    It's actually debatable in my mind if this use of alt accounts should be allowed at all, but I'll leave it to the PC if they want to do anything.
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jonn in Temp. ban - blackrider   
    Sure, but it wont be implemented. The name chosen says a lot about a player and makes it easier to spot troublemakers
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jonn in Temp. ban - blackrider   
    blackrider was banned on the 26th of October for having fake accounts boosting his main. All fake accounts have been permanently banned.


    To get your account unbanned just post in here.
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Grido in Toyknife   
    and Bahanned this makes me happy, i've been too cute lately, i needed something evil to level it out
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Death Ray   
    Read what Mur wrote.

    Specifics doesn't matter. He did what he did, and now he is being punished.
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jonn in Ban - Mur   
    Banned Mur today...
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to GgSeverin in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    There are some tempting names If u wanna play dangerous more than you wanna play...
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Soltis in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    [quote name='Jonn' post='19920' date='Nov 15 2008, 12:33 PM']Jesusmustdie has been banned!, anyone in need of an explanation why he's banned?[/quote]
    Eh heh. While I don't mind attempting to pronounce numbers in people's names as part of them (while RPing even), there are lines you don't cross. Is there anything inherently bad about a letter or word? No, but a name like that will cause nothing but destruction in the game world and it's perfectly fine in my book to throw him out on his ass for pulling a stunt like that.

    Heck, even in WoW they do it. I tell this one all the time- there was once an undead player character named "Popejohnpaul." Guess how long that one took?
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jigoku Sword in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    I've ever told him that it's a bad name.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Frosty in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    Ohh dear Chewett, i dont think anyone is that stupid
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to stormrunner in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    sounds like reason enough for me no need to cause those kinds of problems
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