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Forum Death Quest

Ackshan Bemunah

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[color=#282828][font=Times]Remove yourself from the magicduel forums, then post on the forum proving for the rest of us how painful the experience was.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]You may remove yourself whenever and for as long as you feel appropriate, making whatever preparations you consider appropriate to insure that you instigate pain.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]However, at some time after the experience, you must post your proof of pain on the forum. (Include this in your entry.)[/font][/color]



[color=#282828][font=Times]Will be based on polls and public response:[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Opinion polls -- Unusual scores will receive additional prizes.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Categories: sympathy and schadenfreude. [/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Verification -- [/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Various measures are being taken against hoaxes. Contestants found to be lying in their entry will probably not be rewarded.[font=Helvetica] If you wish to assist me in this part of judgement, send a forum PM.[/font][/font][/color]


[color=#282828][font=Times]Post in this thread after your "death" is over.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Entries should take the following form:[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Player Name to receive reward:[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=Times]Period of Trial: (date of initiation) - (date of conclusion)[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=Times]Proof of Pain:[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times](attach files as needed.)[/font][/color]


[color=#282828][font=Times]Mallos is sponsoring a wishpoint for first place.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]I will provide a bloodpact archer and a tokeny pimped grasan as alternate prizes.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=Times]Falronn will sponsor 30 memory stones to this contest. These will be distributed among successful participants.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=Times][color=#4B0082]No proofs related to absence later than June 14 may be included in submission, except in unusual circumstances.[/color][/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=Times][color=#4B0082]Submission deadline: June 21[/color][/font][/color]

[font="Helvetica"][size="1"][color="#ff2500"]main post has been update to reflect reality.[/color][/size][/font]

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
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[quote name='Change' timestamp='1363289097' post='134030']
I was thinking, "I really shouldn't participate" but then Chewett posted so.. let's have all the mods participate? :rolleyes:


You can also view the rules on my player page for Numerius Felix.

[size=1]historical content removed[/size]

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
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[quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1363314623' post='134043']
Bold threads in the Newest list no longer have a power over me. :)

I nominate Seigheart for moderator status.

Edit: I guess people can't take a joke, or this one wasn't funny. :rolleyes: I probably won't be participating though.

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Lots of fun so far from our one vocal participant, Chewett.

It is worth noting that I recognize (some of) the importance and value of the forum to MD. The purpose of the quest is not "death to the forum".

In fact, participants are required to return to the forum.

[size=1]historical content removed, neg rep deserved though, don't worry about it[/size]

[size=1]I can't wait to see how Chewett's entry fares in the judgement stage[/size]

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
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The following message is from Chewett, who asked me to post it on his behalf.


I have spoken with Numerius and he has stated that he is worried that he will recieve some form of punishment for me participating in his quest.

I would like to make it clear that no one should blame him for me participating in the quest, I saw an oppertunity to attain a wishpoint so i can buy the ability to edit a scene name and description.

However i would like to point out that when i applied for the quest the actual scoring, time length and other important details were incredibly unclear. Thusly there have been many revisions to the quest spec. Even going so far as to have spent nearly an hour discussing this with a number of people. I believe Numerius now knows that all of us are quite confused as to the perticulars of the quest and he will be adding more information.

One of the main points i was unaware of is that he plans this quest to possibly indefinate, which is rather problematic as it is not possible for me to leave the forum indefinately.

He is going to be sending me a PM later detailing more information soon.

Until then you can follow my progress for the quest on: http://magicduel.com/players/chewett


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[size=2]Originally a corrected version of the quest was in this post. The main post has now been updated, though, and now there is no reason why someone should want to compare that with the original, so I have removed it.[/size]

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Might as well. I'm kind of amazed you set the deadline into June...but I think I will too participate, and go on strike. I don't think it'll be the entire time, but who knows when I'll come back here?

My calendar now has an entry reminding me to come back on the 15th of June.

How am I supposed to prove that I did experience pain though, when I normally just check regularly for info? Removal of bookmarks? I sincerely hope you will be able to address my concerns and explain this further ingame, for I shall not be able to read this anymore. I will also refuse reading by proxy of someone else sending me the things you post in here, since that would mean I receive news from the forums while pretending I left.

See you all in a few months here.


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Submission deadline will be June 21. You may submit submissions before the entry deadline of June 14, you could even submit one tomorrow. They will all be judged as one starting June 21.

[size=1]I did this so that anyone choosing to leave the forum for the duration of the quest has a chance to submit[/size]

[quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1363782501' post='134228']
Might as well. I'm kind of amazed you set the deadline into June...[/quote]

I don't expect very many people to really understand what this quest is about for a while. So far my expectations are confirmed. My hope is that people will have the chance to see what a good submission looks like and then will have ideas of their own.

I think I will too participate, and go on strike. I don't think it'll be the entire time, but who knows when I'll come back here?

Generally people go on strike AGAINST something and say what it is...but okay.

My calendar now has an entry reminding me to come back on the 15th of June.

How am I supposed to prove that I did experience pain though, when I normally just check regularly for info? Removal of bookmarks? I sincerely hope you will be able to address my concerns and explain this further ingame, for I shall not be able to read this anymore. I will also refuse reading by proxy of someone else sending me the things you post in here, since that would mean I receive news from the forums while pretending I left.

I am posting an answer on the forum anyway, but will inform you directly in game some time soon. The proxy thing is your choice, if that will help you improve your submission's quality, then so be it.

Obviously, the pain that you prove must be a provable pain. How you go about ensuring that provable pain happens -- more careful tracking would make pain that is more subtle provable, while inflicting pain that is less subtle and still in some sense a consequence of your absence would make the pain itself more provable.

[size=1]If that makes sense, lol[/size]

[size=1]specified June [/size]

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
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  • Root Admin

I have finished this quest.


Forum was getting spammed and i had to do something.
I also have numerious things i need to use the forum for, for my role.
Numerius has publically stated my entries arnt in the format and that i wont win...

In conclusion, Mur and council have made it clear that the type of quest shouldnt be ran, let alone be given a WP for.

about a quarter of entries are on my profile page, i didnt even waste my time uploading all the other stuff since Numerius wont count it.

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[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][quote]Numerius has publically stated my entries arnt in the format and that i wont win...[/quote][/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I was expecting an eventual submission in the correct format and place, with a link to your personal page as proof, which was why I kept telling you in game that what you were doing was fine, and it was and still is.[/font][/color]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]You can still do this (and your chances are good) and I really wish you would stop thinking I'm out to get you.[/color][/font]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828](And spreading lies. )[/color][/font]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=1]for some reason used quotation marks instead of quote tags[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=1]added something important for Chewett that needed to be explicit[/size][/font][/color]

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
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  • Root Admin

You have publically stated that you do not consider my entries "right"

Player Name to receive reward: Chewett
Period of Trial: 14 March - 22 March
Proof of Pain: magicduel.com/players/chewett

I have not uploaded the images due to forum space, i trust this is a valid entry?

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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1363972679' post='134287']
You have publically stated that you do not consider my entries "right"

If you think I won't entertain something I'm inclined to think wrong, then I don't know how we got along so well before this quest.

Please banish any such notion.

And yes, that's valid.

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Thanks Chew. You didn't have to do that.

(the emails themselves weren't lies, just contained lies about the quest)

I have saved your entry (only the part you posted publicly though) and it will be included in the final poll, but for now I am glad you have taken it down.

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