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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in Redacted   
    I am also experiencing this problem. I would just view them in a tabular format but I do not yet have that feature unlocked.

    It is visually identical to when I tried playing MD with Tor (after installing flash) but was unable to heal my creatures.
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Redacted   
    Try managing PM's sent by a certain player to me... all of them are titled "."

    Note: this isnt eon who is sending me PM's like that.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to BFH in Redacted   
    I was about to say... That's the worst post title I've seen in my MD life ... XD
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Redacted   
    While this may be related to http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14800-combat-healing-while-making-ritual/ i checked the system and it definately thinks you are in an illusion.

    4. Printscreen the problem

    And its probably best to actually follow the bug reporting guidelines recently published Fang, i wrote them for a reason.
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Redacted   
    1. Make a forum topic in the right section
    2. Title it properly
    3. You are in an illusion so this is normal practice...
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  7. Downvote
  8. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eagle Eye in Announcements Quest! (It's actually a bet)   
    140 announcements
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Announcements Quest! (It's actually a bet)   
    I sponsor a dice item ..its luck afterall
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eon in Announcements Quest! (It's actually a bet)   
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Andur in Announcements Quest! (It's actually a bet)   
    Greetings and welcome on my first quest !
    The 'goal' is to guess how many announcements will be posted untill the end of September !
    The System announcements (ex: shared items) will not come into count.
     All the announcements in September will be counted.
     Untill this day (5 Sept, 20:00 ST) have been posted 29 Announcements.
     +22 announcements so far.... = 51
       Please feel free to count 'em yourself from 1st of September 'till present (1 Oct), be sure to double check so I don't have to..again  :D
    So, winners:
    -Maebius(51) 1st place - guessed exact number: Ancient creature from Mur, gratz :D
    -Everyone(49) 1st place: 1sc + Locate spellstone + Dice from Mur.
    -Generous Madmen(53) 1st place: 1sc + Silvertongue + LorerootSoldier spellstone.
    -Aelis(57) 3rd place: 1sc + Blue candy + Green candy.
    -Evil East(59) 3rd place: 1sc + Red candy + yellow candy.
    Congrats to everyone (no, not just you). I'll pass on the rewards whenever you find me or I find you (I am currently at Defesive Tower, and will be here for a week or so), just make sure you remind me.. 
    Soon October's quest will come up, don't forget to check tommorow for it.
    Rankings: 1st place (difference of 2 between announcement ammount and guessed number.)
                     2nd place (difference higher than 2 and lower than 5 included)
                     3rd place (difference higher than 5 and lower than 10 included)
    If more than one person guesses fit to a single rank, rewards will be split evenly, (even if one has +-6 and the other +-8, same reward for both).
    Bets so far:
    Nimrodel - 65.
    Aquellia - 97. 
    Syrian - 68.     
    Eon - 88.   
    Aelis - 57.     
    Andur - 39  Well, I tried :D
    Eara Meraia - 66.
    Lashtal - 93.
    Mya Celestia - 153.
    Dragual Monarth - 123.
    Generous Madmen - 53.
    The Warrior - 74.
    Clock Master - 90.
    Dolomich - 366    O.o 
    Rikstar - 80.
    Sunfire - 67.
    Valldore Nal - 180.
    Eagle Eye - 140.
    Biermann - 101.
    Rophs - 162.
    Nadrolski - 113.
    Maebius - 51.
    Miq - 78.
    Cots - 83.
    John Costantine - 76.
    Gonzal..o..damn. - 95.
    Sir Blut - 75.
    Everyone - 49.
    Plix Plox - 160.
    Leixer - 94.
    Samon - 84.
    Darkraptor - 111.
    Valoryn - 86.
    Evil East - 59.
    Menhir - 77.
    Koshu Farsight - 81.
    Ackshan Numerius - 70.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to rikstar in Mass lowering of MDA visc   
    MP6 are great for lowering visc, because they can teleport a group of peiple to them. We should call those MP6 Visc destroyers or something.
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Vicious in Mass lowering of MDA visc   
    magicduel is about patience why not just wait until ou have the max AP
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Seeker in Storm Coast - sound effects   
    My little idea:
    Location "Storm Coast" should have sound effects in backround. E.g. sound of waves breaking on the cliffs.
    (sth like  Ocean wave 2: http://www.soundjay.com/nature-sounds-3.html)
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Storm Coast - sound effects   
    This is not really a new idea since sounds are already implemented in scenes (see Willow's Shop and MDP). But it would be something nice. Also, maybe some forest sounds can be implemented in few places. Or others like that in scenes that can handle such small improvements.
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Storm Coast - sound effects   
    currently i am using youtube for sounds, give me a youtube link to the sound that fits, and the location coords
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Dragual in Storm Coast - sound effects   
    My little idea:
    Location "Storm Coast" should have sound effects in backround. E.g. sound of waves breaking on the cliffs.
    (sth like  Ocean wave 2: http://www.soundjay.com/nature-sounds-3.html)
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Menhir in Storm Coast - sound effects   
    My little idea:
    Location "Storm Coast" should have sound effects in backround. E.g. sound of waves breaking on the cliffs.
    (sth like  Ocean wave 2: http://www.soundjay.com/nature-sounds-3.html)
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Maebius in Storm Coast - sound effects   
    My little idea:
    Location "Storm Coast" should have sound effects in backround. E.g. sound of waves breaking on the cliffs.
    (sth like  Ocean wave 2: http://www.soundjay.com/nature-sounds-3.html)
  20. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Pipstickz in [WP quest] Make your own role   
    Come on people, let's bankrupt the treasury! With the twelve (I think...) people participating now, we will be giving out a total of 78 silver coins, come on come on come on! Let's do it!
  22. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jester in Where is the punishment for Murder?   
    "Death" in MD shouldn't even be called that. Its just a really stupid feature that imposes some temporary restrictions on an account. Would you suggest people who use the curse spell are jailed for a week next?
    The word "killing" might bring up negative implications to you, but that's your own problem. You don't need to freak out about people using a game feature. In RPGs do you refuse to fight random encounters because you don't want to kill random monsters?
    I really can't believe you actually thought people who used an in-game tool should be jailed. That's just idiotic.
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Where is the punishment for Murder?   
    I am considering the justice system in md as an "exception" that kicks in only in some isolated cases, the rest of the justice system in md should happen between players or between land leaders and their subjects. Jail is for crimes that are not allowed to be done, while "killing" is something that has tools to be done and is part of the gameplay, i can't officialy send to jail anyone using a kill tool, as if it would be the same sort of crime with someone abusing the system or doing things i consider far worse. In RL murder is punished drasically, but there are also no "reviving" spells available, think about that.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Burns in New Moderator: Shemhazaj   
    For a long time, we have searched for a new mod to refresh our team, and are proud to announce that Shemhazaj has volunteered to do that job :)
    Many thanks to you, and best of luck for the job :D
    On another note, there might be the need for more new mods, so if you feel up to the task, hit me with a PM about it :)
    Congrats Shem! ^_^
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Improvised REAL Rain Collector   
    I am putting up this _PERMANENT_ quest. Permanent means that each one of you can do it once, and the quest will remain valid from now on for anyone to try.
    Task is simple, build an improvised rain collector like the one in the image, be sure to photograph or film it from all needed angles and in actionl! Place a "MD - playername" note next to it when you photograph it.

    It is NOT a competition, you build it, you get the reward for this quest.
    You can pic one of the next two options:
    Reward option 1)
    1 Wishpoint from me, ranked from 4 to 8 depending on how cool and well done i consider your device to be made. 
    Reward option 2)
    two three wish codes so you can award two wishpoints for your quests. (increased from 2, for upcoming entries only)
    Have fun
    ps1 yes this quest is still active, will always be , but due to my inactivity you need to contact me if you post something here otherwise i might not see it. Also if i forgot to give anyone any reward for doing this quest, please tell me. its not intended.
    ps2. the possible rewards are WP or wp codes. the rain collector is a bonus i give only if consider the work is outstanding, it is not a part of the normal quest reward.
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