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Hedge Munos

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Posts posted by Hedge Munos

  1. I'd like to apply.

    Time I have. My common sense is mostly there (except on occasions when doing homework, my pencil goes behind my ear and I can't find it). English is my first language, so I like to believe I can speak it mildly well.

  2. I will cast my vote for [i]ZenTao.[/i]

    [quote name='Mercurial Spectre' timestamp='1354143198' post='126782']
    1 more vote for LightSage .Zenny will have her chance if LIghtsage wont do what he have to do

    [quote name='No one' timestamp='1354091575' post='126699']
    PS: LS, if you fail this, we can nominate you for president of a small country

    Hmmm, I'd much rather be looking for a more permanent leader. Things are less messy that way, and these statements make you seem like you lack confidence in your choice.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354086543' post='126698']
    Zen might be a good girl but she's clueless. Maybe in time she'll learn but until then we need someone who doesn't need a babysitter or constant monitoring.

    ZenTao is most certainly not clueless. When I was in the TK, she was dedicated, efficient, and knowledgeable about what was going on. I noticed she created her forum account toward the end of 2008, since many of you [SPOILER][quote name='No one' timestamp='1354091575' post='126699']8. old school (age over 4 years ??? damn I am old)[/quote][/SPOILER] many of you seem interested in age. That seems like enough time to have some clue (however small) about the going-ons in the realm. I feel that we're so interested in how old someone is (and perhaps even a small portion of the reason some of us want Lightsage to lead) because it reminds us of the good 'ol days. We must remember that a new generation (very slowly) approaches and will always be approaching, until the end.

    Give them some room (not trying to convince you all to quit, that's not how I mean it).

    What's more...I just realized I still have access to the hidden TK forum, and what I saw was that the last post by a TK leader was by Seigheart, July 2012. Perhaps that means very little but ZenTao was active. She offered help to the new recruits (showing them some of the ropes), brought up a quest idea, and politely but directly stated an opinion about one of Fang's posts. I'm not saying that Fang wasn't doing his job - only that ZenTao seems to have been quite helpful. Food for thought.

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354037506' post='126641']
    She already knows what to do, is EXTREMELY well organized. She has a calm and collective demeanor, is not looking for a status gain in MD, but to help MD become better.

    [quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1354051254' post='126663']
    I already dealt with her and she showed transparence and efficiency (delivered rewards quickly and preserved anonymity as requested).

    [quote name='Eon' timestamp='1354118824' post='126741']
    When she contacted me in the past over rewards I never had anything to complain about. She delivered things fast and seemed happy to do her job as a TK member. I think she can handle it

    Yes - it always impressed me how organized she is...always keeping up with logs and keeping us in line, too ;) Aye, she was rather speedy in delivering things, and she almost always had the larger load to deliver.

    [quote name='No one' timestamp='1354091575' post='126699']
    11. knows the game mechanics (see the game mechanics badge)

    Some of the most important:
    13. he knows people due to its new and old activities and even age and character
    14. People know him


    As I stated before, ZenTao joined around 2008 (as far as I know). So if you're so concentrated on age...there you are. Perhaps I'm wrong and she hasn't been that active, but again, she seems to know her way around rather well. And all of these people (18 so far, I believe) voting for her seem to know her. Lightsage has contributed to the realm, no doubt. I have nothing against him (in fact, I appreciate the conversations and trades I've had with him), I just feel ZenTao would be better placed in this position.

    So there you have it. That's my opinion.


  3. Name: Hedge Munos
    ID: 208332
    Active Days: 490

    Well, I was in the TK under Seigheart for a while, so I'm familiar with the alliance and how things work. However, if I were to be the leader of the TK, I would make it more of a team effort (more specific jobs within the alliance). It is not my belief that the TK are purely there for delivering creatures and the like, otherwise they might as well be a postal service. A large part of the TK, in my opinion, is questing. Not just sponsoring the quests (note: I'm fluent in trade rates, so I feel I would sponsor fairly and reasonably), but creating quests and events as well (keeping logs, too). This might engage the community more. I'm quite interested in the community's feedback, too.


  4. Greetings,

    Today I leave MagicDuel.

    For the last month or so, I've been debating whether or not I should leave. As you can see, I've decided to do so.

    It's not solely because I'm disappointed with society (it's been a bit frustrating recently, but I feel it's improved) that I'm leaving. The main reason is I find myself wasting hours at a time just sitting around at the GoE, for example. Not fighting, not trading, not doing anything remotely productive, just sitting there. My attempts at cutting back on time spent online have not helped at all, as I just ignore my 'rules' and waste more time online. I'd like to spend more time playing guitar, writing, or outside, even.

    I've enjoyed my time in this realm, and I wish the best to you all and the game.

    My items and creatures have been distributed amongst those I feel will put them to the best use. My avatars will be dropped randomly around the realm (except for the teddy-bear).

    You can reach me on Skype as "hedgemunos" if you wish (I won't be on all too often - my computer tends to dislike Skype).

    Hedge Munos has been killed at his request, and his body will lie in the Necrovion graveyard. He may come back this summer for an event, but besides that, he will not be around.

    I wish you all well,


  5. [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2300 - [2012-05-10 22:27:47 - Stage 11][/color]
    We are looking for players to take up a new administrative role. The people will be charged with managing the approval of avatars to become gold and the role will come with trust points. This is an important role and should not be considered lightly. Please create a forum thread and post up your name and player ID if you want to be considered. You must conform to the following requirements:
    Understand avatar creation rules
    Understand MD aesthetics
    Be active
    Have over 365 AD
    Have good communication skills
    Be trustworthy

    Having difficulties with font, so no spoiler tag.

    I withdraw my application.


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