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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. Happy Birthday Eon! Best wishes Hedge
  2. Greetings, This post will be updated with things needed to be sold. I should appreciate it if one would not post an offer then retract it (though I can not prevent it), so bid wisely. Note: Some of the creatures are on my alt (the coins/items/etc. will not benefit 'Hedge the Green') [u][b]Creatures:[/b][/u] Imperial Aramor: ID: 746692 Age: 111 Heat: 7996 Tokens: Claw I Pimped Grasan: ID: 753294 Age: 127 Heat: 44606 Tokens: None Joker 1: ID: 754366 Age: 106 Heat: 25678 Tokens: None Joker 2: ID: 770580 Age: 41 Heat: 6 (1gc just for the load of heat on it) Tokens: None Joker 3: ID: 730052 Age: 136 Heat: 1235209 Tokens: None -- Chaos Archer: ID: 490899 Age: 1052 Heat: 573627 Tokens: None Dark Archer III: ID: 496950 Age: 1044 Heat: 145287 Tokens: None Master Lorerootian Archer: ID: 551546 Age: 956 Heat: 462099 Tokens: None Grasan II: ID: 672902 Age: 550 Heat: 95006 Tokens: None Toxicodendrite Seed 1: ID: 747437 Age: 169 Heat: 297 Tokens: None Toxicodendrite Seed 2: ID: 747439 Age: 169 Heat: 1409 Tokens: None Young Savage Knator 1: ID: 747441 Age: 169 Heat: 1402 Tokens: None Young Savage Knator 2: ID: 747442 Age: 169 Heat: 2245 Tokens: None Elemental I: ID: 747756 Age: 168 Heat: 150 Tokens: None Joker 4: ID: 762327 Age: 72 Heat: 0 Tokens: None [b][u]Items/Resources:[/u][/b] - Turn to frog stone (Current Offer: 2 spell stones = 5sc -- Don't have much interest in those spell stones) Note: Coins are preferred, but I receive an offer that is not in coin, it will be followed by my value, in coins, of that offer. [u][b]Avatars:[/b][/u] [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=4095"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=4095[/url] Min: 5sc Hedge
  3. Angien: 3sc
  4. Memory Stones: 10sc Hedge
  5. There once was a girl from nantucket... No, no, that can't be it. -- There was a man made of dust, It was said he smelled of must, He walked around, Then he sat down, And fell apart as he hit a good gust OR There was a gnome named Gerome, Gerome had not a home, He walked through town, In a ladies' nightgown, For Gerome had not a home OR There once was a man named Fyrd, This man, he carried no curd, He gave out pickles, And flinched from tickles, But the man, he kept his word -- Undecided on which to enter...will pick soon... Hedge
  6. Withdrawn
  7. I'll kick this off. 5sc. Hedge
  8. Name: Hedge Munos MP-Class: MP5 Age: 343 Active Days Main Principle: Enthropy Reason for applying: I've not been with the Tribunal for very long, but I'm quite fond of the lands. I find my role fits best with your guild, and I would be honored to join it and work on keeping the lands well tended. Hedge
  9. Refer to top for current offers. Hedge
  10. Err. 'Nother update: BlackThorn's avy for sale.. Hedge
  11. UPDATE: Looking for a 3rd avy Hedge
  12. Greetings, I'm in search of this avatar: [b][color=#003366][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3890"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3890[/url][/color][/b] [b][color=#003366][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3892"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3892[/url][/color][/b] Anyone with knowledge of their whereabouts, please post here or send me a Pocket Mosquitoe. -- I'm also in search of a gravedigger-like avatar. There is no specific avatar, so if someone would draw one for me, I'd probably buy it (depending on looks). If someone has an existing gravedigger avatar, I'd be willing to buy that as well. Details: Wielding shovel -- Selling Blackthorn's avatar: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3893"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3893[/url] I enjoy the avatar, but it does not relate to my role. Will not sell if I'm not happy with the offers. Selling for: Coins; Credits (combined offers are appreciated) 1gc = 10 credits [b]C/O: Brulant - 1 gold + 8 silver + 10 credits[/b] Hedge
  13. Quest over. Entries received: [b]1[/b] Well, this was not a success. Passant the weak, whom I appreciate very much at the moment, was our only entrant. His work will be published here, and he will be rewarded. [b]Booze, Blood and no Love: a sad Valentine by Passant the Weak[/b] It is a pub, located deep in The East. Only the most motivated people come here. It is said that bootleg and drug dealing (mostly weed) are common there. The house next-door is a by-the-hour hotel disguised in a candy store. [b]- Scene 1 -[/b] A man sits at a table, alone. He is counting a pile of coins and notes. The man is grinning evilly, as if he had just pulled off a great move. - That slave auction was a brillant idea! And those guys who believe they will get their money back.... Muhahaha, as if a slave would get money!" Suddenly, the door slams violently. A menacing woman has entered the pub, she is holding a dagger. With no greetings, she shouts: - Seigheart, you traitor. I had reserved durex for Valentine day and you sold him off to Peace! How did you dare ? - Windy! Always a pleasure! The man is still grinning. He does not seem scared, as if he knew the woman very well. - Well, she was here and you were not. She won the auction that's all...I just think she wanted him more than you. His eyes explore her body and he whispers - But maybe we could make a deal? - A deal? What deal? I want my durex back! - Well, if you would spend the next hour with me next door.... we could certainly find an arrangement. - You talking to me? YOU TALKING TO ME? You really believe that me, Mistress of the sisterhood, would let a... man.... force me to anything? Windy approaches and with no additional warning sticks the dagger straight into the heart of the swindler. - Happy Valentine my darling! She takes a handful of rose petals off her bag and spreads them around the dead body, and at the bar. - Spread my darlings, spread my word and your poison in that cursed place. Kill them all. After that odd incantation, she goes off, leaving the money intact.... but without durex. [b]That is a sad Valentine.[/b] [b]- Scene 2 -[/b] One hour later, a couple enters the pub. She is dressed like a princess, he wears a top hat. They look happy. The man giggles: - Katt, it's been so long! Last time I saw you we were both 15! - Yes Maebius, we were young and silly at that time... Funny that we are going at the same fancy-dress party! I think it's here. You will meet my husband Dragual, he should arrive in a moment. - I will be honored... but.... what ? Maebius widens his eyes and can't believe what he is seeing. Katt screams, horrified! - So much blood, she says - So much money, he answers - Maebius, but what will we do Call the police? - Katt, there is no police here, and anyway, they would steal the money and imprison us saying we killed him. We better take the money and leave. - But he is.... dead! He sighs. - That's what I'm saying, nothing much to do but take the money. That's the best way to help him. - Oh yes and we will buy him a beautiful gravestone and order a requiem mass on his memory! He sighs again, and rolls his eyes, but adds nothing. Words are useless sometimes. [b]- Scene 3 -[/b] They swiftly put the coins and notes in a bag that was lying on the ground and prepare to depart when a young man opens the door and stops, staring at them. He sees a man and a woman (his own wife!), facing each other, kneeling on the floor. - Katt! Who is that man? What are you doing together? - I will explain my Dragual. He is just.... She looks embarrassed. - No need to explain! I have understood! You did not expect me that early. Cheating on me on Valentine's day? Never again! Dragual takes a bottle from the bar and violently hit Katt on her head. The bottle breaks and the jealous jumps at Maebius before he can try a move. The broken glass cut the throat of the hat man and he falls dead! Dragual slowly stands up.... Tears flood from his eyes. Blood has tainted his white shirt. He leaves the pub without a word. [b]That is a sad Valentine.[/b] [b]-Scene 4 -[/b] One hour later, a young boy climbs down the stairs with tired eyes and discovers the mess. - Where is uncle xcerses? He said he would be back when I finish my nap.... and all I see are dead strangers! He sighs. - Uncle xcerses will not like it. Why do people always come here to die? The boy looks around and approaches the bar. - On the other hand, uncle xcerses always says "Guillak don't approach my bottles". That could be the good occasion.... I would say it's the dead strangers who drank them! The boy does not hesitate. He picks a bottle of beer and starts drinking. - It's good! I understand why people come and pay for that! I would die for it! After beer comes whiskey. After whiskey comes mead. And after mead comes... the end. Guillak falls down the ground. Windy's poisoned rose petals had contaminated the mead. Guillak's wish is granted: he died for it. [b]That is a sad Valentine[/b]. [b]-Scene 5 -[/b] One hour later, a man dressed as a werewolf enters the pub. He whistles a strange song "Sunday, bloody Sunday". He stops whistling at the view of what his pub has become. - Bloody hell, they broke one of my bottles![b]That is truly a sad Valentine.[/b] [b]The End[/b] Hedge
  14. Nearly 1 hour left... I've received 1 entry. There must be 3 entries for me to continue with this, so I ask that you not waste my one entrants time (though, if there are no other entries, I will reward the person for trying). Hedge
  15. Roughly 26 hours left to turn in entries. Hedge
  16. [QUOTE]Ann. 2188 - [2012-02-02 02:52:38 - Stage 11] [b]Slave role items[/b] I will put on a leash a couple of more slaves...yeah call it a flagrant human rights violation. If your role involves something related to this, contact me or use the forum to request a personal leash. I will give the leash to you, after that you can do whatever you wish with it. Whoever controls the leash will control the one it was made for. Do not request this unless you have strong arguments why i should give you such an item. I will only give out a couple of leashes, not too many and not to everyone. There is a technical option to create leashes with limited number of uses (number of drags) and then they could return to a slave master or even to the owner, or get destroyed. Consider this option and feel free to discuss it on the forum. Provide player id and exact playername (including *) when making the request.[/QUOTE] I'd like to explore the "there is a technical option to create leashes with limited number of uses (number of drags) and then [b]they could return to a slave master or even to the owner, or get destroyed[/b]" part of the announcement. I like the idea of a Slavemaster who, similar to a shared item return, obtains the leashes after the uses are used up. Then, the leashes are re-distributed, somehow. Open for ideas... Hedge
  17. Bump.
  18. Bid retracted. Hedge
  19. Withdrawn Hedge
  20. I would consider this more like indentured servitude. Though, with Mur allowing requests for slaves, his terms seem more like actual slavery (permanent, and able to be traded between slave buyers...). Though, I've edited my thread to where now it is merely a sort of 'sign-up' sheet for slave-owners. Hedge
  21. Ah, yes, sorry about that. I'm not attempting to make profit off of this anymore, [b]it's merely open for requests for slaves and requests for being slaves.[/b] Hedge
  22. Step right up! [color=#cccccc][Quote]Ann. 2188 - [2012-02-02 02:52:38 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Slave role items[/b] I will put on a leash a couple of more slaves...yeah call it a flagrant human rights violation. If your role involves something related to this, contact me or use the forum to request a personal leash. I will give the leash to you, after that you can do whatever you wish with it. Whoever controls the leash will control the one it was made for. Do not request this unless you have strong arguments why i should give you such an item. I will only give out a couple of leashes, not too many and not to everyone. There is a technical option to create leashes with limited number of uses (number of drags) and then they could return to a slave master or even to the owner, or get destroyed. Consider this option and feel free to discuss it on the forum. Provide player id and exact playername (including *) when making the request. [/Quote] If you're looking for slaves, you may want to post your ID (unless of course you'd rather contact Mur personally) Hedge
  23. Due to my inability to update them every 6 hours, this quest is deceased. Sorry for the inconvenience. (Seigheart, you can use the wishpoint for other things) Hedge
  24. Greetings, Valentine's Day approaches, and with it, four murders. Current Corpses: - Princess Katt - Maebius - Guillak - Seigheart Your job is to create a story that explains EACH of these deaths in ONE story. [b]What it should include:[/b] - Title - Cause for murders - Dialogue - Real MagicDuel playernames [b]Rules:[/b] - 1 Entry Per Person (no alts allowed) - Minimum word count: 300 - Maximum word count: 1200 [b]Rewards: (From my stock, nothing to do with the Treasure Keepers)[/b] - First place: 1 gold, movelock stone - Second place: 10 silver, imperial aramor - Third place: 5 silver, 4 colored paper There may be a surprise reward, but we'll see (not guaranteeing anything) If you have any questions, ask them here. For your entries: Send me a pocket mosquitoe with the title "Bloody Valentine" [b]Starts: Day 42, Year 7, 1:45 server time[/b] [b]Ends: Day 50, Year 7, 22:00 server time[/b] [b]Questions & Answers:[/b] Q: How are the entries judged? A: Your entries are judged by creativity, content, and detail. There will be one other judge besides myself. Q: Does the content have to be accurate? A: No! This is not like Passant's quest. Your content does NOT have to be accurate, just interesting! Hedge
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