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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. I get the following questions a lot: Do you eat eggs? How do you get your protein?
  2. [log=Day 31, Year 8] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine walks over to his plot[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine steps over the rope[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine waters the row hiding seeds[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine looks at it thoughtfully[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine picks up his bag and walks back to the large rock in the plot and sits down, leaning against it[/i][/color] [/log]
  3. I planted some curious seeds I found with Eara Meraia in the Archives. We shall see how they grow. [log=Day 28, Year 8] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine walks to the last row of his plot[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine uses a trowel to dig small holes along the row[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine opens a pouch and spreads the seeds throughout the holes[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine goes to each hole, covering them back up[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine steps back[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine waters the row[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Leo Valentine wipes his hands off on his bandana[/i][/color] [/log]
  4. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1358997774' post='131307'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]We already created a forum topic to call for new recruits.[/color][/font] [/quote] Where? This: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10413-do-you-wish-to-become-a-knight-or-priestess/page__pid__121547#entry121547 ?
  5. [quote name='Lazarus' timestamp='1358950363' post='131279'] The Children of the Eclipse is still existing, it exists inside those people who are passionate about it, the only difference is that you have no badge. [b]Act as if nothing is wrong and the alliance is still alive[/b] and you will have a very high chance of getting the alliance back instead of using the methods that was presented, because for all we know, those kind of stuff only attracts the negative people and they will just bring you down, but as long as you stay humble they will back off like a pair of testicles during the winter season. I will do my best to help Amoran regain the CoE back in force with the Lorerootian people. [/quote] Indeed. You, Amoran, said that many of the past members are waiting for a spark of hope - this seems silly to me. As Lazarus said, act as though you are all well. You do not need a badge to operate as a group. I might suggest creating a forum topic for others interested in joining the Children of the Eclipse (various newish players have been interested), for as I explained to you, I would not depend entirely on your previous members. No offense to them, but mixtures of old and new are often necessary for a productive group with new ideas and smooth running. Just ideas running around through my head. Be well, Max
  6. [log=Day 21, Year 8] : Leo Valentine walks over to his plot : Leo Valentine steps over the rope Leo Valentine: Hmm : Leo Valentine pulls some weeds and puts them in a pouch : Leo Valentine walks away : Leo Valentine returns to his plot : Leo Valentine sits and leans against a rock : Leo Valentine takes out a piece of paper and a pencil : Leo Valentine begins to draw [/log] [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5849"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5849[/url] - Sorry about the size of the image, but if you zoom out all is well. Today I drew an outline of my plot. It might be a bit too big for a plot, I will have to check with Rumi. But there are my current thoughts for the time being. As for the black roses, I will have to hunt down some way to grow those.
  7. Greetings, So, why not create mining and fishing tools? We could have pickaxes to mine for ore in perhaps the Underground. There could be furnaces to melt the ore into bars (or perhaps just use heat jars)...this could open up more armor types of things, building materials (I recall the garden needing some metals), etc. Fishing tools could be implemented as well. Fishing poles/nets available (perhaps in Golemus or MB), where you could gather fish as a resource. Heat would be needed to cook the fish to turn them into edible items. Just some ideas, feel free to add to or criticize. (Edit: The mining idea was brought up in a 2010 thread, but it seems like it would be a better time for this now)
  8. Must everything be turned into quarreling? Happy birthday, Madame Orchid [media] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHRMX9Brq0s [/media]
  9. [log=Day 19, Year 8]: Leo Valentine looks around : Leo Valentine walks over to his plot : Leo Valentine steps over the rope fence : Leo Valentine glances around the plot : Leo Valentine picks up a biggish rock and moves it outside of the plot : Leo Valentine picks up the shovel : Leo Valentine moves over to the bottom right of the plot : Leo Valentine pushes the shovel into the ground, in average sized squares : Leo Valentine picks up the square of grass with the shovel and moves it just outside of the plot Leo Valentine does this twice more : Leo Valentine removes his leather vest and lays it over a post : Leo Valentine resumes the pattern until a row is finished : Leo Valentine wipes the sweat from his brow : Leo Valentine pauses and leans against the shovel, watching the birds : Leo Valentine begins on the second row : Leo Valentine finishes the second row and rakes a hand through his hair : Leo Valentine takes a music player out of his pocket and puts headphones on : Leo Valentine blasts some AC/DC : Leo Valentine starts on the third row : Leo Valentine finishes and winces at the blisters on his hands : Leo Valentine searches his backpack : Leo Valentine rips off some material from a spare shirt and wraps his hands : Leo Valentine resumes uprooting the grass in the fourth row : Leo Valentine finishes with the fourth row and moves back to his backpack : Leo Valentine pulls out a waterskin : Leo Valentine drinks a third of the water and returns it to his bag : Rumi opens his eyes : Leo Valentine begins on the fifth row : Rumi inhales deeply : Rumi exhales slowly : Rumi listens : Leo Valentine looks up and notices Rumi : Leo Valentine pulls the headphones down around his neck Leo Valentine: Morning : Rumi sees Leo Valentine working his garden and smiles Rumi: Hey there Leo Valentine: Sorry if I disturbed your sleep Rumi: Do you know we're having a work party Saturday, Feb 2? Rumi: We are going to build a toolshed Rumi: *points to the top of the hill* right up there : Leo Valentine follows his finger to the hill Leo Valentine: I'll try to make it : Leo Valentine wipes his hands off on a bandana Rumi: Enjoy your gardening. I'm going for a walk. : Rumi smiles : Rumi stands : Rumi walks down to the road Leo Valentine: *nods* Have a good one : Rumi departs to the east : Leo Valentine pulls his headphones back on and picks up the shovel : Leo Valentine hums as he resumes working on the fifth row : Leo Valentine finishes with the fifth row and changes the tune to 'Footloose' : Leo Valentine grins and begins to dance : Leo Valentine strums the shovel like a guitar : Leo Valentine continues to dance until the end of the song : Leo Valentine coughs and begins to uproot the grass in row six : Leo Valentine retrieves the waterskin and drinks another third of it : Leo Valentine resumes working on row six : Leo Valentine finishes and works on the last row : Leo Valentine catches his breath then resumes working on row seven : Leo Valentine finishes and looks at the rough work Leo Valentine: Well, it'll have to do. : Leo Valentine drains the waterskin and returns it to his bag : Leo Valentine stuffs his leather vest in the bag as well : Leo Valentine takes out his stele and draws a rune into the dirt, trying his best to center it : Leo Valentine returns the stele to his belt and wipes off his hands on his bandana : Leo Valentine tosses it into his bag and pulls it onto his shoulder Leo Valentine: See you for now *pulls the headphones back up to his ears and steps over the rope* : Leo Valentine picks up the shovel and walks down the path[/log] Today I uprooted the grass in my plot. Might've gotten carried away with the dancing.
  10. [quote name='gen76' timestamp='1358618185' post='131013'] Something instrumental from my part, If you permit. [/quote] Your cat is adorable *cough* A little Chet Baker to share: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug2LQxOe53Q"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug2LQxOe53Q[/url]
  11. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1358482636' post='130856'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I had a fun time playing TOMATO! with ghosty yesterday [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I won, so he cast ~something I won't tell~ on Chew, Lone Wolf and myself as a "prize"...[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Though I'm surprised to see how late people find out Molq's dead LOL[/color][/font] [/quote] We apologize for not stalking him?
  12. http://storenow.net/my/?f=5821
  13. I've been kind of obsessed with the heart of liquid dust item, but it's understood if that would be unavailable, since Rendril holds it. So if not that, what about some sort of pickpocketing item? It probably wouldn't work on rare items (maybe after a huge amount of experience in a possible "Thieving" skill, but even then probably not), and it would have a certain chance of working (could be based on your experience in the skill). If it is unsuccessful you could be "caught" in the chat with some stat damage, or something similar. Just an idea, would be a nice item to have and develop. Max
  14. Greetings and welcome to your journal, Put your quill away and pick up a guitar, pick up some sticks and beat on some lids, or pour varying amounts of mysterious liquids into jars and give them a tap. However you feel, make it clear. The point of this quest is to compile a journal of your emotions or happenings through music. Dates: Starts - January 15th 2013 Ends - February 15th 2013 Starts - April 15th 2013 Ends - June 15th 2013 Starts - August 15th 2013 Ends - October 15th 2013 Starts - December 15th 2013 Ends - February 15th 2014 The first "journal entry" will be a month long, while the others will be 2 months long, with a month in between each to provide some resting time. You should try to create something (ranging from a note to a songbook) frequently, if not every day. Perhaps every other day or weekly, but try to be consistent. It is understood that not everybody has that time, but the more you do it, the more it will feel like a journal, so do your best! Anyone can participate - yes, even if you don't play an instrument. You can sing (feel free to write lyrics if you feel it necessary/adds to the tone nicely), hum, whistle, make a guitar out of a tissue box and some rubber bands, or beat on some trash cans, and you can of course use multiple instruments. The quality of the instrument won't affect your chance of winning - it's about the tones it conveys. So be creative! Using websites such as www.clubcreate.com for music creation are acceptable as well. HOW TO SUBMIT SAMPLES Use www.soundcloud.com to upload it/record it, and send it to me. If you experience problems with this, let me know. If you're using a music creation site, then just send me the URL. Please email me your journals at vinnyschulte@hotmail.com Note: Yes, there is a limit of 2hrs on there. Please try to keep it at/under that. Your recordings MUST have you saying the date, playername, and "For my MagicDuel music journal" or something similar. This is to prevent plagiarism. You can compile your recordings into one piece at www.clubcreate.com. Again, if you experience problems or need help, let me know. Rewards: a music medal and a trophy item (might change over time in relation to the quest's popularity) Good luck NOTE: This is a test run, so it's a time for questions/corrections/suggestions. Hedge
  15. I'm in
  16. Max Mortlock ID: 243837 Age: 86
  17. I'd like a guitar item. It would be able to change/add location music for a short amount of time by my inserting a link. I wouldn't mind the tag "Minstrel" either, or perhaps "Fool"
  18. 1 gold, 10 silver
  19. 2gc for the SW
  20. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1357165744' post='129520'] Banned for noise pollution and excessive letter usage [/quote] Banned for incessant snoring.
  21. This song has been stuck in my head for the past week:

    - Happy New Year!
  22. [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1356764511' post='129164'] blue [/quote] The calm clouds crept, As salty tears I wept, For my heart was turned cold, And my blue soul, old Green
  23. What is it with this community's bickering? It's ridiculous.

    1. Seigheart
    2. Kaya


      Indeed, the community keeps surprising me, in good, but sadly also in bad ways.

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