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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. I should be able to get forum PMs now. Hedge
  2. Color only, please. Hedge
  3. 1sc for dark archer Hedge
  4. Can we see who picked what song for us? Hedge
  5. Bumpity. Hedge
  6. Updated. Hedge
  7. Correct. Though I'd like to look at anything anyone might have to offer, besides resources, tea, candy, etc. Hedge
  8. Greetings, I'm looking to buy the following: [b]- 2 Shades[/b] [b]- Usable items (preferably scripted by Rendril or Mur, but any usable item holds my interest)[/b] [b]- 1 Sword Shade[/b] [b]- 3 Darklings[/b] Find me in-game or PM me (in-game PM's are answered faster than forum PM's). Hedge
  9. Haha, alright, well, I've sold what I needed to sell. Tea still for sale, but PM about that. Please close this thread, Hedge
  10. Credit for this idea goes to Ivorak Karovi: Maybe if we could create a similar item but take away the drug connotations, like a magical rather than chemical substance. Quicksilver: reduces viscosity to zero in all areas for a day. Afterwards you may be left with lead feet for a week or more, or until you take more quicksilver. Hedge
  11. 5 was sold, so now 24. Your offer stands? Hedge
  12. Bump -- Selling [u][b]1 Reindrach and 2 Rustgolds (Will sell all three for 25gc)[/b][/u]
  13. I've already sold my soul to the corpse, but I'll volunteer myself. I have cookies. Maximum Servitude Time (MST): 1 month Hedge
  14. Gold is on my account. ID: 208332 Hedge
  15. What do those lines represent, Marvolo? Hedge
  16. Going off from what I got from Mur's idea: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3763"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3763[/url] That's just a rough Paint drawing, again. The mask was copied from a google pic: [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?q=black+mask&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2SKPB_enUS358&biw=1024&bih=431&tbm=isch&tbnid=oyctU0BdRBOLOM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fantasyfestival.com/index.php/masks/mask-domino-black-1.html&docid=KanNcpxrbvoXSM&imgurl=http://www.fantasyfestival.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/m/a/mask-black-domino-721773581885.png&w=1406&h=1406&ei=KHglT6XfL8aWtweE6pyiCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=203&sig=105576901213958018790&page=4&tbnh=118&tbnw=114&start=63&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:63&tx=54&ty=66"]http://www.google.co...:63&tx=54&ty=66[/url] Sorry, long link. The pic url wasn't working. -- I'll try a drawing later. Is this what you meant, Mur, roughly? And, here's going off of Rhaegar's vein idea...It's a bit patchy: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3764"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3764[/url] Hedge
  17. Alright, so I was thinking about liquid dust, and how it's unstable. Is it a liquid, a gas, a solid? So, the triangle and lines represent solids, liquids, and gases. The spiral represents the place where the wall shade lurks. And, the black streaks are just some random liquid dust, kind of iffy on whether or not I like that (I'm tired). This is just a rough paint picture: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3762"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3762[/url] Hedge
  18. 46 [b]Can't beat 50, Eon wins[/b] Hedge
  19. Greetings, [b]I'm looking to buy the following creatures:[/b] [b]- 4 Shades[/b] [b]- 2 Sword Shades[/b] [b]- 1 Unnamed Creature[/b] [b]- 6 Darklings[/b] Now, obviously I don't have the coin now to buy them all at once, nor the offers to do so. I'll be attempting to gather more coin for this over time, so this ought to stay open for quite a while. I don't expect too many to be selling these creatures, but I'm opening it anyway, as I've been asking quite a few of you over PM's, which wasn't very successful. I am trying to buy with coins, but feel free to set whatever price you want, just know I'll try to negotiate. Hedge
  20. 2 pimps and BP sold. Still selling the bolded creatures at the top. Hedge
  21. [s]35gc for darkling II[/s] [b]Withdrawn[/b] (I've spoken to Duxie) Hedge
  22. [b]Santa and angiens sold.[/b] [b]Tainted sold for 18gc[/b] Hedge
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