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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. Not really extreme except for the impeccable timing? 666 AD: http://imgur.com/WyzmBGl Also, says I have 1 adept but: http://i.imgur.com/fSXiWoT.jpg?1 Most invisible adepts?
  2. This can be closed. Thank you
  3. It is indeed negotiable, Fang. I'm not set in my prices
  4. This post looked barren
  5. Negotiable. 4gc immediate sell
  6. For coins or credits Age: 254 Heat: 870
  7. I haven't been an active trader lately, so things could have quite possibly changed. But based on my previous knowledge these prices aren't very accurate. Of course, as stated above, prices vary according to buyer and seller. Collectors have different goals than grinders or newbs, for example. I realize these are guidelines, but prices tend to change drastically based on a number of factors and average prices are difficult to gauge. I mean to say that this may be a huger task than expected, not that you shouldn't try. Just be aware of other factors. Max
  8. Would a reindrach not be worth $30?
  9. Not sure if max AP should be equalized as well to be fair to younger challengers or if that's an advantage that'll be left alone
  10. Might be neat to allow donations (pickles, tea) to players from non-competitors. It's a bit Hunger Games-y but it could be interesting. I don't know how people would feel about making it somewhat popularity based, though.
  11. Co Leader of the Treasure Keepers
  12. I hate, I do. Oh how I wish I didn't. Oh, but I do. I think, and I think, and I think. I hate that, too.
  13. Undeserving It happened suddenly, in a moment, As the sun gave you the spotlight. You smiled and moved your mouth And the whole world followed. Yes, it was then that I realized I didn't deserve you. So I decided to live with you in my thoughts instead of in my bed (Although they overlapped on more than one occasion), And as I turned away, my head cleared and my heart, Well. But I could never reach you, could I? So I took a step, then two, then three, And I've never felt such pain as I did Walking away from you. You, With the sun in your hair, The moon in your eyes, And the world at your feet. No, I could never reach you.
  14. I'd be willing to help out with the Twitter page, if needed Max
  15. Moderators please close. Thank you
  16. Advertising for Panthea. Age: 350 Heat: 45630 No tokens If interested post here, PM me on forum, or PM Panthea in game. Max
  17. Pip will be away for a while. I'll be taking care of all TK business Max
  18. Not much lately, as Eara said. Roughly 30 minutes a week, 5 a day or so depending on if there's actually something to do or not. Earlier on much more. Max
  19. Can't collect items at Willow's.

    1. Maebius


      still having issues? try bugs@magicduel.com

  20. Greetings, The TK are recruiting. The only requirement is that you be active. If you're interested, post here with your name and active days. Questions? Contact me or Pipstickz. Max
  21. :P I thought it was alright, can clarify if needed
  22. 'Ello, These are questions that will help us decide how to sponsor your quests, so do send this in with your requests. A) What prizes do you have already? ex. 2 drach charms B) How do you intend to spread the rewards? ex. first, second and third. First getting a lot more than the other two C) How do you spread the rewards with your current prizes? ex. 1 drach charm each to first and second D) What would you like from us? ex. 2 rustgolds E) How would you spread the rewards if you got what you wanted? 1 rusty + charm to first, charm to second, rusty to third The right is an example on how you should answer. Thank you, Max
  23. Participating Max
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