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Everything posted by Rex

  1. As someone who purely watches with no intention of collecting or gaining wealth I find your point very amusing Sasha. It will be interesting to watch you try and alter peoples actions!
  2. Ledah 1484
  3. Rex


  4. Entries can been seen here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9399-draw-your-aramor
  5. The top one has been my background for the last few years now :L
  6. Just a few more i ended up scrawling on paper while at my computer [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/Level4Aramor.jpg[/img] My attempt at a level 4 Aramor [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/SuperAramor.jpg[/img] Is it a bird, is it a plane, nope it's Super Aramor. Well not really. (If you tilt your head 90 degrees it looks like its raving) [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/BigAxeAramor.jpg[/img] *Decides to try and describe this one as its very 'interesting'(rubbish)* Theres a big axe,swung into the ground close to the point of view with the aramor behind it. [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/AramorGuitar.jpg[/img] Return of the 'fro aramor. Enough said. Again please tell me what you think via PMs and such! Rex
  7. My attempts at a few aramors, all i can say is, atleast i enjoyed doing them! [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/QueensGuardAramor.jpg[/img] [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/AramorauBallet.jpg[/img] [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/GladiatorAramor.jpg[/img] [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/JaminAramor.jpg[/img] I have always seen Aramors as guardians of Marind so i decided to show that in one image, i know this may not fit the criteria though [img]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt107/Rexcorfus/MarindsGuardAramor.jpg[/img] Please comment, i would like to know what people think, even if its just about the ideas. PM me ingame Also lost my camera connector, so had to take these on my phone, so sorry for poor quality image Rex
  8. Rex

    Team Bunny

    Rexy wants to join
  9. It would be appreciated if i could join to jump
  10. I also agree with LS
  11. Completely Forgot how you get TS's, wow i'm smooth. sorry and someone wrap up this topic sorry rex
  12. I get what your on about grido I know its a lot of work! Bu ti was just suggesting that maybe the lesser awards shoud not be awarded a medal or a trophy but maybe like 5 rainbow candy to winners orf the silly categories. Hope the whole thing goes smoothly and if you need any help just shout
  13. You've done well team, done good
  14. I think 100's of awards would be great. I agree with you, only 10 should get medals... but you should still get other things?
  15. [quote name='MRAlyon' timestamp='1290103419' post='72463'] A suggestion: - Most Active Player my opinion it's that it need to go to most active veteran not noob... MRAlyon [/quote] Grayhawk gets my vote on this.
  16. Diffinately should get a little something (check vp) bit old but Anyone else with any funny figured screenshots? Rex
  17. I still hold most heat given to protector! i think it was close to 300k :L
  18. Just some suggestions -Best Magicduel Contribution -Most likely player to be stabbed by Marind -Best Spell Namer of the Year -Best Mur jokes of the year -Cleverest player of the year -Best random fact giving player -Least player likely to Lose a fight -Most likely playre to fantasise about Magicduel -Most likely Player to get into a Bar Fight with a grasan -Most likely person to win a starring contest with a Drach -Best No-Body of the year -Best Me of the year (personal favourite!) -Best creature carer of the year Random and funny but some maybe just slightly relevant. Please comment and tell me which you like! Rex
  19. Without me Magicduel was only Aweso

    1. Sasha Lilias
    2. Sasha Lilias
    3. Rex


      why thank you! note the close to 5 month late reply ;)

  20. Rex Umbrae Killer male who wouldnt love my company ? slave for females only xD Service include: my presense... anythign Services dont include:nothing 1 week
  21. yep count me in seeign as i had an idea abotu natures sword 1 and a bit years ago and its in my commens on self list for anyoen who can go to fenths weilder
  22. Rex

    Forum Game

    Burns: while suffering from terrible pain, but all of a sudden, he has THE idea to save his life: Glaistig: he shoves his finger down his throat, so as to induce a gagging reflex to purge the his system Lulu: but the cruel laughter of Jonn and Hannah makes him choke on his vomit as his eyes fill with desperate tears--he can'tbreathanymorethevomittastesrealbad and THE WORLD IS CRUEL--gone--and he is dead. Either oblivious or uncaring, Hannah and Jonn... Grido: continue their laughing. They soon remember that there's still the strange man in the room (you know the one with the brother, with the picture hanging up).... Metal Bunny: The man then suddenly wakes up from his surreal dream and Burns: realizes Hannah is standing over him, tickling him with a feather, ready to... Rex: whip him with a whip made of..
  23. lol
  24. Rex

    MD Meeting

  25. Rex

    odd acryonyms

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