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Everything posted by dst

  1. Ok. BIIIG problem: I have 10 clues unlocked. Those should be enough for me to complete the level 2 achievements for R&C. Well..when I click the check button, I get the: Not enough level 1 clues revealed
  2. Isn't it possible to send them an e-mail and ask?
  3. Then something is wrong. Hmmm... Thanks for the info.
  4. If I am not mistaken, the medal disappear by itself when the payment is stopped.
  5. Question: when do you receive a spell doc? I thought I will receive one at the end of a series. Finished one and..nothing. Or aren't the series completed yet? (the clues I unlocked were lvl.1).
  6. Write to contact@magicduel.com.
  7. Bah! I hate it then . Actually it is logical. So...more work for me it seems... Thanks guys.
  8. What happens if I don't unlock a clue in a day? Will I be allowed to unlock 2 the next day? Or if you miss a day it is lost?
  9. Have lvl 2 achievements been unlocked as well (placed somewhere so we can get them)? Also for each level will we need to unlock a new achievement?
  10. Bah! Dare to cuddle me!
  11. Even if I am in jail I still can teleport people. I simply don't do it unless I want to.

  12. Happy B-day Chewett! May you have a long and happy life!
  13. dst

    WB Morphs!

    Update: I'm buying a darkling as well. I can offer custom items (you state what item you want and I can craft it for you).
  14. I did part of it (thanks to the lack of time) and I can say that it was entertaining. I haven't enjoyed a quest in quite a while but this one was fun Thanks Maebius.
  15. Don't put words into my mouth pipstickz! I haven't said anything!

  16. Accounts can't be deleted anymore. As far as I know, this will not change in the near future (or in the far away future..)
  17. Ummm...that's pretty obvious Chewett. The only problem is that we don't know when the next melting will be. So I buy something I have no idea when I will use.
  18. What do you mean by appropriate price? 10 credits for the CTC of the morph.
  19. Coins or credits as well? Also...I only want the morph. So if you're not selling it, please don't make me waste my time.
  20. dst

    I cant access MD

    I am pretty sure it's not a bug. It was just you behind a firewall.
  21. Time to respond after the "great RP-er and cyber sex sexpert has posted" *cough*. "It is well understood that this sort of behavior is against the rules, but I disagree with Dst's method of finding such behavior." Sorry, as I told some people today: I flank The Good Manners and Diplomacy class. Sue me! "Most of us are adults between 18 and older" Errr...how would you know? I was not aware of the fact that you make statistics based on the age of the players. Also, most is not enough. "Haven't we seen too many war paths in the game already? Is there seriously a need for more useless arguments? No, there is absolutely not" I totally agree. That's the reason why I asked for the topic I made to be closed. But apparently sasha felt an itch to comment. It's her right. But sasha, I advise you to scratch your itches in other ways. Learn something from the cyber sex-ers "Give people room to correct their mistakes rather than attacking them for it, and absolutely never go after people and purposefully seek mistakes simply because you do not like them. That is pure abuse of any position said person might hold." I don't like 90% of the MD population. So according to your logic I should never ever interact with them.Position? What position? Forum mod? Err...that's on the forum. LHO? I was never aware of the fact that LHOs posses any powers except the spells we receive and which I almost never use (except froggy cause it's funny). "I do not think the log spell was ever intended to be used as a way to punish people you dislike for whatever reason you might find at the time. To my knowledge, it's to be used for record keeping. " Oh dear amoran, dear amoran how innocence *cough* you are! You know as well as I do that spells are to be used in what manner the owner wants without having to respect any rules. C'mon! You disappoint me! Tzk tzk tzk tzk tzk...I'm going to sit in a corner and shed a tear for this great disappointment. Or not. Let's see...who else should I reply to....Hmm...duxie (you're the lucky winner!) "first a wall i agree with Brulant. rules must be in restrictions page. it should be clearly defined - you must obey the rules in _restrictions_ page. not in announcements, not in AL, not in page footer or someones PL. cmon, people, that should be pretty clear why.." Ignorance is not an excuse. They are not noobs (or not all of them). They should have known by now how MD works. If not, there's always the possibility to ask someone. But apparently they did not care enough. "[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i think you must show the proof when accusing someone"[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Newsflash! I've already sent the proofs to the Council.[/font][/size] And in case you're curios, I can tell you a small gossip: they are amators. Amoran here could confirm if she would see the chats "[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]so dst couldn't see more - it was the end of the conversation, and she came after me. there was nothing sexy in it. it was a conversation of a type: "you know i like you, i find you pretty", "oh, it's a pleasure to hear that"."[/font][/size] Dst couldn't see more? pfff...you really undeestimate me or...you have no idea how the spell works... "[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]and the third issue connected to the second one: not like i'm the type of such person, but i'm really interested in definition of cyber sex. can anyone explain me where are the limits of this thing? where it starts?"[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Amoran asked the same question 2 years ago and she got quite a lot of replies. I think you can still find the topic on the forum somewhere. [/font][/size] The rest...hmm...you don't deserve my answers.
  22. Ok...WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! Don't you have any decency? Or at least enough brain not to break the rules? Found 2 more cyber sex-ers:Dragual MOnarth and Princess Katt. Oh...forgot the Location: same MDA - Fountain of Lost Path! Did Mur spray some aphrodisiacs around the MDA or pheromones?? For god sake! Stop it!
  23. Too bad you do not remember the e-mail address that was written in that banner. I should look for an old print screen and post it here.
  24. Umm..mp8? What do you know about mp8?
  25. Mp7 exists. Or existed. Even I managed to be one for a short period of time.
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