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Everything posted by dst

  1. Get yourself a nice anti-virus and scan your PC. Or...re-install the whole OS.
  2. I have some credit codes that I am willing to donate for the greatness and awesomeness that is Metal Bunny
  3. Today I feel old...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. dst


      What forum topic? >_<

    3. Grido


      to let you go hide it? no way :P

    4. dst


      If you don't show it to me, it doesn't exits!

  4. Forum account can be deleted. In game...I kind of doubt. Try:[council]
  5. Let me tell you how I see this: a pathetic try to get what GG has: a similar alliance to Layer Keepers. GG Drachs have had this status (hard to obtain creatures) since the beginning. BUT you have Drachs in MD Shop (2 types actually). There is no alternative to Angiens in shop (at least for now). You're being selfish and unreasonable. You're taking away a thing based of the fact that "players do not respect the Angiens". That's a load of <insert bad word here>. So get back to your senses and stop this stupid and pointless sharade. Do something constructive if you wish but DON'T destroy what already exists. Shish...
  6. Lightsage, Grido, Anonymous #1, please contact me to set the details. Topic closed.
  7. Yes. This is how it's supposed to work
  8. Happy B-day dear friend!!
  9. Auction ends on Sunday.
  10. Anonymous bidder #1: 55 credits
  11. Anonymous bidder #2: 50 credits
  12. Anonymous bid: 25
  13. I think it's time I answer to the topic because I feel that I am viewed as one of the players who constantly cuts down people's "wings" aka new ideas and I am no hypocrite to hide under the fact that no names or examples were given (Sharpwind, I appreciate a person who has the guts to point fingers but I do understand that you only want to underline a fact and not to start a war). Yes, I'm guilty (how many times did I already say that? ). I do it and unfortunately not in the nicest manner. I lack diplomacy skills and I know it. On the other hand I like do it. I found out that I get more reactions and responses if I play the "rude card" then if I try to explain nicely. Yes, there is an elite but as Grido said, it is not about age. It is about trust and loyalty. And even "elite people" get punished if they screw up. And is not Mur who "made" the elite, us, the players made the "elite" based on player's attitude, actions, sayings. Imo, Mur just picked from what we've offered. Again, my opinion, is just that anyone can do it. I don't think there are some secret initiation stages or bla bla like those for the ones that "aspire" to be elite. When RPCs were around, everybody wanted to be one. I think RPC job sucked big time (and no, this is not because I never was one - i think you all know the story) and for me it was a pleasure to provoke them and to show the ones (not all ROCs were bad) that thought they are the center of the earth that they literally sucked. And time proved that I was right: stripped of their powers (given by Mur not acquired with their own forces) most of the former RPCs stopped playing or disappear into anonymity. Why? Because they were not "chose" by players. They were chose by Mur. They were "imposed" to us. Heh...I even know one very powerful player that went down like a snowball on a slop just because he though he was the supreme MD being and someone proved he wasn't (sorry..I can't let that go ). I think I diverted from the original idea so I'll stop now.
  14. So, this week-end I will close the deal on Rein (and/or Santa). Not sooner cause I don't have too much time available to play. With this occasion I wish to announce the following: Selling Tainted Angien -164 age as of today day 157! I am selling for [b][b][u]credits[/u][/b][/b]. Bid ends when I think the price is enough. Starting from 20 credits. Buying morphs! All kind of morphs!
  15. Happy happy B-day!!!! (even if 1 day late...)
  16. Reserve for Santa: 3GCs. Thank you xrieg for that idea. I'll update the first post as well.
  17. Since Chewy said in another topic that we are abusing Christmas Tree's gifts, I would like to say something: Santa was bough from Shop and the coins I will get for it (btw:not selling if the price is too low) will go to the Grido to give to the LHOs (I might be not a good LHO but I sure know that the job is quite a tough one).
  18. Update with a new crit for sale!
  19. Don't forget I WAS the first clown in MD! You're just a bunch of jokers...
  20. Let's do like this: if by 8th of June (is that too much?) nobody offers more, I'll sell you the rein for 10 GCs (you give me 9 and another 1 when you'll have it). Will this work for you?
  21. Ok..let's cut a bit the spam. Bidding starts at 10GCs. I'll update the first post as well.
  22. Reindrach - Age 147 as of today Day: 146 Year: 6 - No tokens - Stored Heat 824456 Only coins. 1 week duration (more or less depending on the price). Bid away! LE: Starting price: 10 Gold coins! LLE: And now selling Santa as well! 161 days. It's on an alt so I expect the money on that alt. LLLE: Reserve set on Santa: 3GCs
  23. Esmaralda, I am not able to get the coins until the end of the BHC which might take a while. As long as I PUBLICLY stated that I want him to send the money to someone else I don't see what the problem was. I need the money and I only trust No one to get them. Now, I'll accept the apologize and ask a mod to close this topic. But I do want this to be recorded in his "Resume" for the job he's currently on trial period.
  24. I wish to officially complain against Seigheart. He is supposed to give me 70 silvers but because I am not in the main land to receive them (BHC) I asked him to send them to No one. He refuses to do so because: Quote from the mood panel: "Seigheart - I will not help you abuse alts, nice try dst." - i have print screen also Pm sent to No one: "[Items(ignored)] *From: Seigheart (ID:182140) *sent 35 minutes and 37 seconds ago Read later Treasure Keepers We are not to transfer items to alts. You will be sent the coins directly." He accused me of trying to ABUSE alts without having any proof that me and No one are alts (it has been proven numerous time that we are 2 distinct persons). Also, if he bring proofs that No one is my alt, I wish to quote this topic: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7444-item-swapping/page__hl__%22alt+abuse%22__st__20 Please read Mur's comment about coins and alts. He REFUSES to give me my money. I think, since they are mine, I can use them as I wish and give them to whoever I wish. Based on that i want Seigheart REMOVED from the post of Treasure bla bla because he is biased. He CAN'T be neutral as he should be so he is not suited for this job. Thank you for your attention, dst
  25. ONLY the players present at the ceremony got the medal. If you were not there you did not get it, nor will you get one until next year at MD B-day.
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