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Everything posted by dst

  1. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290514537' post='72895'] Rendril, as one of the, I can say, officials of MD, [/quote] O_O how do you know that? I was under the impression that Ren is the programmer Mur hired to do things in MD. Do you have information that us, the mortals, don't have? [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290514537' post='72895'] "Signature Pictures", each and every one is according to the rulebook. Rules didn't state the size of the text... so please modify that if you want, and I'll change things accordingly. Text is rather short, so I don't see the problem there [/quote] We have an expression (yes, 2 words which I will translate) in Ro called "persecution complex" . That was not for you. It was for Sharzad
  2. [quote]I'm not saying that they are allowed[/quote] Thank you Ren. That's all I wanted to know.
  3. Do you consider it a phrase or an expression? Also, how is that offensive?
  4. @Sharazad: since you pointed that out: what does your signature say?
  5. It seems we need to define what a phrase is and what an expression is. Cause you confuse them Ren . I said that we are allowed to use expressions (want me to look over the forum to search for some to give as example?) not several pages from books. [quote]My argument is that since signatures containing other languages is not explicitly forbidden[/quote] Aren't the signatures part of the forum? Isn't the mood panel part of the forum? Isn't the personal profile part of the forum? You see, on the last 2 ones you're not allowed to use insults. Why would you be allowed to use it on the first one? [quote]And they would see that it was a song, not an attack on them. [/quote] This is not an argument. Doesn't matter that it is a song. They used it to make a statement. Or isn't that one of the purposes of a signature? I find that statement offending. Raven is at his first offense on the forum. So he may have a lesser punishment. But Princ should know better.
  6. You miss the whole point. I'll explain it again rarely this time: English is the only allowed language in the forum. Those 2 put something in another language. First offense. If someone curious enough goes and translates the words he/she discovers they are full of insults. Second offense. And I think Akasha state what SHE will do. That's her opinion. She's entitled to it. And she already said that "their fate" will be decided by the GROUP of mods. Clearer now?
  7. Rendril, that's not a phrase. That's a freaking song. Second: it is offensive.
  8. I have some really nice songs in RO but if you translate them...you'll read swears like you never read before. But I don't go posting them in signatures. Because people might find them offending. Second:English is the official language allowed on the forum for a reason. Yes, we use expressions (Latin, Greek etc) but we don't quote volumes.
  9. Spells worked when I was mp6. So yes, they were good at some point.
  10. Now...let me do what every tester will do: ask you to re-create the bug. This way you will know exactly if it's a bug or just a glitch. Document the bug:environment, effect, how to re-create it etc.
  11. You sometimes make me want to kill you and sometimes you make me die of laughter. Happy B-day!!
  12. That's already in place in a way: the items Mur created and placed in the Wasp Tower. They return to their home after they get...used. Also, I believe Mur mentioned somewhere in his topic about items (when he first made them) that he has in mind something similar with your idea. It's probably only a matter of time until it will be implemented.
  13. You mean something like homing items? They come back after certain uses or a certain amount of time?
  14. Lightsage took almost all the words from my...mind? I mean, I agree with what he said above. I'll probably add some more thing later...
  15. dst

    New Ggg?

    Seigheart, you're everything else but a deer. May I nominate him for the funniest post on the forum? Anyway, I want to add something since some of you use it as an excuse: "recruiting is not possible anymore". That is 98% true. But there is a 2% un-true. I will give you the explanation for just 1% of the 2: Manda. He was not supposed to be able to get in there and recruit. But he did it. As for the other 1%, Grido said it the best:"where is a will there is a way". And he knows what he's talking about. Drachorn Layer was closed and restricted with a reason. So stop with the ignorance and for once just admit you were wrong.
  16. dst

    New Ggg?

    Here's the full log I took from PC. There are more things in there then I already posted. Including the fact that nobody bothered to inform the King about the training and also the fact that they were warned multiple times by multiple persons that the cave is closed. http://storenow.net/my/?f=2440 @pipster:[s]take a break and read the forum and mainly the topics about SG and GGG then I will maybe listen to your opinion[/s] scratch that. You can't handle an answer. Actually...you don't deserve an answer.
  17. dst

    New Ggg?

    Who cares? I think lots of people, based on the response this topic got. You wrote how many? 3 posts already?
  18. dst

    New Ggg?

    Then why are you doing it, darigan? @smart: mod? I had no idea that the forum grants me in game powers. And...are you speaking about power abuse from your own personal experience?
  19. dst

    New Ggg?

    Darigan I said it already: I have issues with following the rules those training grounds set.
  20. dst

    New Ggg?

    Again: I did not say anywhere I have an issue with GGG rits.Don't try to twist my words cause I know very well what I a saying. Read my posts again if you did not understand from the first read. I have an issue with the GGG rules! And with the fact that you hide to do the training!! Shish... @Princ: what you asked me is offtopic. Be on topic or remove it. Or I will ask another mod to remove it.
  21. dst

    New Ggg?

    Raven: I did not call you rats. If I remember correctly (and I do since I watch my language in MD) I said: bla bla (why)are you hiding in here like rats. I never ONCE called you stupid. Weak? Yes, I did. I am waiting for you to explain to me how weak is an insult. Also, I expect to see PRINT SCREENS or logs of what I have said. If you don't know by now, I have proofs when I make accusations. And you run away to that cave cause of me? O_O Something is wrong here! Very wrong! I am one, you are many!! You can't deal with so you have to hide? Are you for real? LE:ok, you re-branded it Good for you. But in essence it's the same. So stop it.
  22. dst

    New Ggg?

    Public place where everyone can get access to. No rules on how players should attack. If you wish to set a tree, do it without screaming if someone breaks your rit.
  23. dst

    New Ggg?

    OMG!!! Guess where the "secret location is" ? =)) GG Drachorn Layer!!! Proof: [18/11/10 06:37] Grido:Would the secret location be on Golemus by any chance? [18/11/10 06:38] Grido:In a location that very few can access? [18/11/10 06:39] SmartAlekRJ:yea [18/11/10 06:39] Grido:Ahh, Lifeline does favour certain spots [18/11/10 06:40] Grido:Far too predictable [18/11/10 06:40] SmartAlekRJ:more or less my choice spot [18/11/10 06:40] Grido:on the upside, for you at least, dst doesnt have access [18/11/10 06:40] Seigheart:I know. [18/11/10 06:41] SmartAlekRJ:thats why i need seig in there [18/11/10 06:41] Grido:just to confirm though, the fort? [18/11/10 06:41] SmartAlekRJ:fort... my cave [18/11/10 06:41] Grido:in Drach Lair? [18/11/10 06:41] Grido:that's a new one... [18/11/10 06:41] SmartAlekRJ:yea [18/11/10 06:42] SmartAlekRJ:my choice I have the log also in case you want to read more. And now...read this: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7660-i-am-banned/page__st__20__p__65283#entry65283 And this: [quote][2010-03-13 01:57:27 - Alpha 9] Drachorn Cave closed for undefined time. It might get opend later or integrated somehow with a quest but for now it stays closed. (@Smartalekrj, drachs were supposed to be used as rewards for smart quests , not for who pays more.) [/quote] Last time someone entered that place he got jail time.
  24. dst

    New Ggg?

    Seems like you completely missed the point! I did not say you're doing something wrong or illegal. I just said that I do not agree with it. And to explain more: I will do 2 things after finding the training grounds each time:I will not follow the "GGG rules" you set for it aka break your 1 crit ritual and second thing: I will let everyone know where you set it. I see no reason for the "training grounds" to be private UNLESS you add rules to it which you say you don't. I know that are training grounds set all over MD but they are decent ones, in decent places where everyone can go and where nobody is forced to follow some rules. I believe Fryd runs one of them. There are others but you don't find out about them from mood panel. They are decent. I broke those also but then they just move away or log out. Nobody made a fuss about it. @Lifeline: I know you have a whole hand in this since fenrir already bragged somewhere that you're helping him. And I know you are pissed cause I destroyed your little training on Libs. You know the reasons. No need to go back there again.
  25. dst

    New Ggg?

    Guess what I found: the new GGG!!! For the ones that did not believe me, below you'll find a screen shot and a log. This is also a small proof that seigheart is fenrir. You know what my opinion is about GGG so I'll let you draw the conclusions. Enjoy the picture and the log. [attachment=2181:New_GGG_training rit.JPG] [attachment=2182:New_GGG_training_ground.html]
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