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Everything posted by dst

  1. And a brand new record: [attachment=1999:5Mve_2.PNG] + a bit of the battle log: - Elemental V receives 30345580 energy burn(luck: double effect) (attacking creature consumes 5057856 Ve and remains with -2201924 Ve) creature DIES! That's one suicidal angien...
  2. dst

    Member Title

    There are some differences between what your profile says and what you summary says. System takes into account the summary not profile.
  3. Heh! It was about time this was implemented. Don't go chasing february cause i doubt he's the sole reason for this change. Mur never changes anything just for 1 player*. February was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Credits were not spent in vain. There are other ways to farm ve. C'mon! It was too easy: lay on your back, relax and wait for angiens to age then puff! free ve. That's not normal. I reached my ve (I have about 300k - no it's not a secret) by farming other things. Not a single angien was harmed to give me his ve. And I think I did a pretty good job without them. You can say that credits were wasted when the number of drachs was reduced from 6 to 3 if we were to talk about wasting thing. It's not exactly the same thing but close. *-remember when he implemented stats damage? If not, I will remind you: one day we had the announcement, no foreplay no nothing...He did it because too many players were abusing something that WAS game mechanics. You must understand that if there are 1 or 2 or even 3 players abusing something, that something will not be fixed because of those players. They don't count in statistics, they are left outside since they do not represent the population. But when more and more players (ab)use things then something is done about it. MD is a game about the survival of the fittest. Show that you are a survivor and one change doesn't make the whole world collapse on you.
  4. Congratz and have lots and lots of fun! And tons of sun(shine) in the honey moon!
  5. dst

    Hmm,,why are you approving your own comments in my profile, huh? I have that restriction set there for a reason! Bah! Power abuser!!

  6. dst

    You're sooo modest...go for the Universe! Be our captain!!

  7. dst

    Hmm...so Gridopolis...now you're a city.Soon a capital? And what's next? An empire? O_O

  8. One thing about apophys' idea: I have no items (I don't like them so I shift them to poor No one) but I have a pretty big number in active days. This means that I will definitely get an item. I get the item and I, again, move it to No one. I am itemless but still with lots of active days. Unless you add some sort of counter, condition, whatever I will always get items. ps: I loove Kafuuka's idea about the puzzles (unless he makes the puzzles, or Metal Bunny )
  9. I personally don't like items BUT I find them very useful unless they have a timer on them. I agree, something needs to be done about the "lost items" aka the one on the accounts that are abandoned. Maybe we can apply the same rules that apply to avys to the items: you haven't logged in for 6 months(or less in case of items)...your items get re-distributed. How? I fine the method used so far quite good: random (yes, ok...maybe with some checks as: this is an alt, he/she doesn't get one or this guy has 10 items already...). And yes, maybe a cap should be applied to the number of items someone can hold. However, I would put a timer on the PUBLIC items: the ones that were supposed to return to Wasp Totem and which never did...(those items are the worst prodigal sons I have ever seen!!!).
  10. Toten, you are really talented at this! It sounds really good. ps:I need to apologize for clicking the - rep instead of + ( I am really really really sorry )
  11. Personally I would do something else: -cut the ve "some crits" give when saccing (actually not cut it but changing the level: make it level 4 and not 3 so to get the ve you'll have to get the necessary amount of wins AND xp-see the below line) -add xp requirements to the same crits (the ones I am talking above) This will not solve the current situation but will eradicate "future Februaries". If I were to choose one of the suggestions, I would go for 2. But imo it's easier to do what I said above (just make some adjustments to a crit, no need for complex coding)
  12. Welcome!
  13. I don't think I saw so much ve involved in a fight so far (I am talking about my personal experience): [attachment=1988:3Mve.PNG] ps: the top fight in case you haven't noticed: 3M ve and -800k
  14. Deal done. Topic closed.
  15. Welcome back! And yes, stay a bit. Maybe you'll enjoy it enough to stay longer. And longer. And longer...
  16. How many times do I need to repeat this: mp3 is the TUTORIAL for god's sake! MP4 helps you to get deeper into the game. [u]MP5 is the mind power where you have to be in order to experience everything![/u] Also, creating a new GGG for mp4s only is not the solution. It's not even a solution. And what's worst is not that you and a bunch of other guys "train" separately (after all it's your business) but you lure new players into that "project" of yours. You think you can beat an mp5 by staying in mp4 and grind attack and defense? How wrong you are! You think that you can follow feruary's steps and grind ve and then beat an mp5? February can kill an mp5 only if he gets a burst. And he NEVER has his crits alive cause he is afraid of loses (that bs about "protecting" the noob is...bs). So stop the whining about what Mur wants to do and let the man do his job. Suggestions are good (moreover since he asked for them) but from suggesting things to the "My way is the way cause I know better" is a long waay. You do know that we have a saying in Romanian: When 1 person tells you you're drunk, you can ignore him. When 2 people say you're drunk you can still ignore them. But if 3 people tell you you're drunk then you go to sleep.
  17. Prevent players from capping others? Are you serious? That would mean that you'll not get xp from a fight you won when you were attacked. Hell no!!!
  18. If I explain you the benefits of advancing to mp5, will you do it? I doubt it so..case closed.
  19. Delete some of your messages in the forum inbox so I can send you the transfer code. Or send me an in game PM.
  20. No one:29704 Oh...one question: can you divide the 15 credits into 10 for him and 5 for me? If yes, here's my id:17096.
  21. @Curiose: they cannot GET xp and stats but they can give. @Thanatopic:if you let a bunch of people decide who has to go to next mp level...abuses will flood.At lest this is how I see it. And now my 3 cents about this: -February is a special case. It's one of those cases that never count in a statistic. -what he did, if it's true (and yes, I don't doubt Burns either) and I am referring to capping new mp3s is bad. Some time ago there were 2 players that used to go and give negative vp to mp3s. Those 2 players ended up in jail. They hurt the new players using [u]game mechanics [/u](so they did not break the rules or anything like that) but they still were punished. This SETS in my opinion a precedent. -Lifeline is right: the system needs to be changed a bit. Certain "broken" stuff needs to be "fixed". And it's easy to do it.
  22. People! Check your inboxes and if they are full, delete some of the messages! Some of you cannot be contacted by mods!!

    1. Pipstickz


      Maybe you shouldn't spam people so much then! >:(


    2. Shadowseeker


      We can still spam you even if you do have reached the limit. So beware >:)

  23. People! Check your inboxes and if theya re full, delete some of the messages! Some of you cannot be contacted by mods!!

  24. Junior, you have 1 week starting from tomorrow to transfer 15 credits to No one's account. When the credits are transferred, you'll receive your item. If you fail to transfer the credits in the required time, I will re-open the bid.
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