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Everything posted by Braiton

  1. neither do i.
  2. Its still a bug. If he was defender, and he lost, he should have got a "You retreated" or "Defeated" header. And if im not wrong, he said the "wins" counted toward his counter.
  3. I belive the first 3 must be bugs. But the last one is common. People may attack you and get negative honor if they win. It depends on their balance of won and lost fights and yours.
  4. I got black heh <.< Why could it be? Anyway, Welcome to our community! If you need anything, just ask me or anyone. We will be glad to help
  5. I think Morgana means: Level 0 -> 1 for her (nothing happens at this levelr really) Level 1 -> 2 for her (You can pick the basic avatars here) Level 2 (Requires 100 activity days to obtain) -> 3 for her (The Special avatars with gold trim
  6. I guess it has now ended. The tables are empty and my heads (and everyones) has resetted to 0. So congratulations!
  7. Welcome to MagicDuel, ask if you need help And by the way, I found this game by google(ing lol) it I was bored one day on a short weekend holiday. So i Just searched for 'best browser mmorpg' and that was the first result.
  8. Calm down you two, you seem to be worried by the fact someone might get ahead of you heh I think Manu has to end the contest manually and because of that, its not a bug. Just be patient
  9. I dont know whats the problem though but i just logged in with firefox and everything is perfectly fine.
  10. Ya, Grido, I saw you at the path of lonliness today and your avatar wasnt loading. Im a witness
  11. Steve for the win!
  12. True Welcome to the world of MagicDuel By the way! Hope you enjoy your stay! Ask anything you need
  13. Hello and welcome to the world of MagicDuel! In my opinion, i would clasify this thread "amazingly insane " Good luck and i hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. I love it! Keep up the good work
  15. May i add: Ban the use of multi accounts in the contest ? A Player i wont name (lets just say player xxxx) came to me, attacked me, weakend me. Then player xxxx1 (Same name but with a 1) attacked me in the next 5 seconds and took my head (Yay 1head). My not too constructive 2 cents.
  16. Uhh..not really Morgan. I did it with I won by a lot.
  17. Here are some fragments of text from the principles that might result helpful. I still yet need to analize them further and relate them with the pyramids, but thats what i did on a quick look-through. Im still analizing the darkness and light principle as i cant seem to find anything related to the pyramids. I, perhaps need to look deeper. "[...]Two identical or close identities will behave as if they belonged to the same source, no matter the physical distance that separates them. By reproducing the aforementioned identity in a place, that identity will be connected to all its similar identities[...]" - Transposition Principle "[...]When an element covers the features of another elements, at very high levels, for instance, metaphorically speaking “when fire runs like water, or when earth burns like fire”, a harmony and a perfect integration of these elements’ interaction may appear and one can speak about a fifth element, which represents more of a theoretical, temporary state of nature, since the fifth element is the pure form, in perfect harmony, of the combined other fundamental elements and is associated with the Spirit. When speaking about humans, these can be classified according to these elements as various combinations, every human being composed in certain proportions of these elements. The composing elements can be noticed in the behaviour and way of thinking, the way they understand things and, last but not least, the physical aspect. It may be said that each human has its “colour” – shade which is visible if you know how to look for it. Some, but very few, are almost entirely made out of one element – these are very strong, since through the purity of their composing element, they are able to reach superior states of spirits and then sometimes take the shape of any other element"[...] - Element Principle "[...]With the help of a superior self-control, imagination can be used consciously to perceive those things we are not normally meant to perceive, complex things, things that are even hard to imagine to some. This is when the phenomena of conscious dreams combined with reality occur. Imagination can be an enormous advantage and an extraordinary source of information to whomever does not fall into its trap[...]" - Imagination Principle "[...]Acording to this Principle, all organized forms or matter or information request more energy than those less organized. Thus all things tend to lose their order and their initial energy, unless they are constantly fueled by energy. Warm things will get cold, objecs deteriorate, life ends, and everithing else is damaged by this Principle[...]" - Principle of Enthropy "[...]the Principle of Syntropy is the basis of those events that originate in the future, events that depend on an yet untouched superior force of organization and energy"[...] - Principle of Syntropy "[...]Each event could either take part having a certain shape, having its own cycle, repeating itself after time, or could either be part of another superiour event that has its own cycle. he cycles actualy represent a Balance either between the consumption of energy and its (re)generation, ither between different evolutionary steps. The Principle takes many shapes [...]" - Principle of Cyclicity "[...]The principle of balance does not reffer only to good and evil. It generaly stands for all things opposite and applies both to individual situations. Balance can NOT be broken, but it can be bent to one side or another, thus modifying the entire nature of the situation or the objects involved. Each situation, object or action is formed by parts, that have opposites. . The most helpful thing that could be obtained through understanding the opposite is to fully understand the initial criteria. An opposite reveals a lot about the original's nature and ways of how to protect or destroy it. [...]" - Principle of Balance
  18. Welcome to MagicDuel! I hope you enjoy your stay in our community, if you need help, as everyone said, dont be afraid, just ask
  19. If theres still space, ill glady like to help in the group B In-game name: Braiton MP4
  20. Uhhh...i can see it. I took a screen with a closeup. You should see part of the leg only, because use common sense, part of the leg is inside the tall grass, so dont expect to see it.
  21. As phrog said...Faster Faster! It's Interesting
  22. True, death is always round the corner waiting for us...who knows, you may not wake up tomorrow o_o
  23. I need to get some cash Quickly lol xD Im not getting paid because my work project (We are developing a game) is on hold so im basically having free time in my hands and no money Im really thinking i should take neighbour dog's for a walk or just wash cars for extra cash. Good ideas
  24. Is it by any chance a ' ' ?
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