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Everything posted by Glaistig

  1. Ugh. >:S So.. we can commence in torturing dst now? :D
  2. What is with Shaniqua or whatever? And about the Omelet.. It has to be Omelette and I will call it Steve or else no deal, come up with something else. 8)
  3. Yes Steve! Why not? Whereas Mr. Egg? All the evilness in it originates from its lameness!
  4. I say Steve. >_>
  5. Mwuhahaha.. now all we need to do is get Jonn's permission, or just do it without his permission. :diablo:
  6. No, no, I was just quoting you to show the extent of my graciousness, and that pointed glare is because I'm embarrassed to be so openly indulgent. And yeah, we should have a naming contest, and then dst will start hating the egg because everyone talks to it when passing by Jonn. n___n Steve, eh?
  7. [quote name='Je Suis Oeufs Fous' post='24152' date='Jan 25 2009, 07:53 AM']-cough- Even you, Glai, in your own amazing twisted way. ;D Oh, by the way, sorry! One mistake, and it all goes down the hole. Forgive me? :>[/quote] "So THAT is your other account?" Yeah, yeah, I forgive you. >_> And that egg.. is real! Isn't that the same one Jonn used for the first rpc quest lineup? O_O Well, let's think. If we sacrificed the egg right now, we wouldn't really get a return for all that exp and myuhh as we would if it weren't a level I or II creature. So it's an impotent thing now, even though the stats are incredible for its stage. But if we make it turn into the elemental, it won't be an egg anymore. I know! We should name it Lain. I need to rewatch that, come to think of it.
  8. Glaistig

    Forum Game

    Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite... Glaistig: really. Grido began convulsing and...
  9. I will never forget the day I met you.. I had such high hopes. Maybe you never knew, since to all appearances I was asking you to help me stay connected with the object of my heartbreak, but deep down, I thought in the perverted way of fate, that you would help me get over the relationship to which I still clung, that I would be able to escape the grips of the past through you.. Of course, that's not the way it worked out, and I should've known in any case. You didn't even recall who I was the next time I talked to you.. how disappointing, but better for the both of us, eh? It was meant to be this way. In the end, I was able to do it on my own. It was hard, it was painful, but the only way it could happen... Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know. Happy birthday!~ ;)
  10. Ah well.. it bothers me, but it can't be helped, I guess. I'm the organizational freak in the bunch, eh? :') When did Calyx say she would post the announcement? Anticipation~ Because I know there are a lot who have promised to help, but I never told them things were moving on the forums. *_*
  11. It's not like it matters much to me, but why not a calendar? Btw, are we going to keep this thread public? I was thinking we could make a new thread that serves as a sort of MDNP bulletin and move this one into the closed forum.
  12. What is the special interest section? Just wondering. I can sense why nobody would want to pick up the calendar and rpc quest compilation, since they're pretty much.. just reporting, light but uninteresting. I don't mind doing them. Sign me up? The historical section sounds interesting. Doesn't anyone want to, you know, investigate significant MD events that have passed into oblivion since their occurrence and expose them to the public? Education! Doesn't that sound interesting? Volunteer!
  13. Fluff? Forums are for expressing opinions, hey? Aren't you just posting "I like the treaty" fluff, then? If people's dislike of the treaty isn't so much that they take initiative ingame, and just contribute their thoughts of the development on the forums, that's that. It may not be as extreme as active opposition, but it is a form of protest and resistance. Don't demean expression and debate so airily, kid. You don't need to read and participate if you don't want to. As for the value of treaties in roleplay, you're only partially right. You complained that the people protesting weren't protesting the treaty itself, but rather the new trend of asking permission to attack. But isn't it the same? The treaty is supposed to create a sense of cooperation by letting the parties involved be excluded from the subjection of something negative, in this case attacks without requests. But this only works for people who do think of dueling in general as negative, those who do feel that asking for permission is something that should be expected. What with the dojo and onset of people who insist on bringing real life concepts into the MD world, that's a growing number of players. That's why I called it a shift. But of course, there are still some people who feel dueling [i]not[/i] something that should be obstructed by such things as asking for permission. The point of this treaty for those people are null. It creates no sense of community, just oppression. Does the treaty illustrate how well alliances can work together if not all the players value the sentiment behind the treaty? It illustrates better the changes in the MD community and ideology. Politics in the larger scheme. If you want a treaty that will really strengthen the bond between the two alliances, you have to come up with something that works for almost everyone.. so far, it seems there is still a significant faction of the MD society that has yet to accept this specific shift.
  14. It's unrealistic! Isn't this a roleplaying game?! In the MD world, things are not so convenient as to be able to block any opponent you wish from attacking you. That'd be.. horrible! Travesty! Person: Oh, yeah, this guy.. I don't want to fight him! But he is going to attack me! Person: ..Oh! No matter, I can refuse him! Guy: Oh no! The person doesn't want to fight me! I can't attack him! ...?!?! THE HECK IS THAT? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!
  15. [i]Who wouldn't appreciate my beautiful responses? The generous effort and passion I put into giving input.. n__n... Eh..? [/i]Ah, I was wondering, so, where are your hopes right now in terms of success? I hate MD bureacracy.. It must be such a nightmare. >_> Specifically, I mean, have you even gotten in personal contact with Manu? Ah, don't worry..! It's okay. Determination!
  16. Don't worry Che, we are arguing, but that's what the forums are for, right? Debate and discussion. Sometimes it gets heated but we're okay. I'm not far from giving my support but the thing is, I don't really know if the idea can be well-integrated into MD. What you describe as pirates is cool.. as long as they can make an impact, influence things. You say you want to shake up things, but will your crew make a difference? I can't visualize it much. Trading/bartering for information can only get you so far when almost all the alliances do that to some extent. Even if you claim yourself to be a militia, you have to actually be useful and needed. As for exploration, what's the difference from you and the Dimensional Shifters or whatever they're called? What's the difference between you and people who want to make mercenary alliances? What if you end up an alliance, but basically just have a ship? But all the alliances are kind of like that anyway. LR wanted to be elite. Necro wanted to be mysterious and powerful. GG wanted to be an efficient militia for the good. How much is their success today? They're just idling ducks that sign a noncombat agreement, pretending they're accomplishing something. Not to make anybody feel bad, but it's not like any potential failure of yours will be much of a downfall. Trying is best, anyway. The MRs succeeded. :) So.. I want to see what you can do.
  17. It's okay. We have a basic disagreement that's hard to reconcile. If I were a pirate, I would go, "The sea is my home," and insist on it being the official location marked down on alliance documents regardless of the prompt being home~land~, or else just be pirates without an alliance symbol. I'm cool like that. But if you think of Golemus as your homeland, who am I to demand that you don't? If you don't feel like you're compromising, why should I make you feel as if you are? So.. right now, this is where I am: I no longer argue that you're committing a roleplaying sin by forsaking an essential part of your identity to gain an alliance, not if you've determined otherwise. It makes me feel queasy that you would choose Golemus over the sea as a pirate, though. It's just.. seems off. The important thing is that I'm not currently convinced you roleplay badly now. But I'm not yet ready to hand over my support. The queasiness I feel makes me not want to, especially since I haven't seen evidence that you roleplay well. I have some questions now. Why do you believe a pirate guild/alliance in MD would make the game better? Do you feel that a pirate guild/alliance could fit in well with the MD world? What kind of ideology do you pirates have? How do you fit the name, "pirates"? Answer these questions well, not like in the introduction.. I want to know if you are going to use asterisks to simulate the existence of your ship, or if you want more than that. I want to know how exactly you plan to access those lands you want to explore. I want to know if really, pirates can trade information better than the Archivists and other alliances who already do that. What, exactly, are you pirates going to do with an alliance that would make it worth giving one to you?
  18. Argh! Listen, I can see that you might use Golemus to have a homeport. With your good relations with some of the GG alliances, it could make sense.. in a way... sort of. Not really. You're pirates and disregard law, right? The most logical thing is that even with good relationships with Golemus people, you should have a treaty to establish a port on their land. Having a treaty, your homeport is temporary. But you can still have emotional attachment to Golemus that way. My main point is that you're compromising, however valid Golemus is as a homeport. You've said it so many times! The sea is your true home, you would prefer it to Golemus or any land, etc. Your emotional attachment to Golemus is negligible compared to waters as your true home, right? You're compromising! Why? Why are you compromising? It's an essential part of your roleplaying identity, don't you get it? Where is the integrity? I want you to counter that, please. My arguments are based on facts too. You're compromising, it's a fact, isn't it? To me, it is a good reason not to support this idea. We have different standards, face it. But I hope you can reach up to my standards instead of just saying they're too high. I hate bad roleplaying. It ruined MD for me. I'm passionate about this, too. I wouldn't bother arguing otherwise.
  19. I hate being insulted and I can't help it much. Deal. I don't think you understand why I disagree with this so much. The reason why I care what you claim as your homeland is that it reflects the integrity of your roleplaying. It's an essential part of your pirate-guild identity. Everything is. I [i]know[/i] you just said that if you could claim the open seas as your homeland, you would gladly accept. That's why I'm angry. You might insist that Golemus is like a home to you, because it allows you to be a pirate or some other argument I'm not grasping, but what you've said multiple times already has clearly established that you're compromising. You're forsaking an essential part of your identity, to get an alliance. You don't get it? How should I explain better? I don't think it's a poor argument; you're not convincing me. I can't support at this point.
  20. The thing that bothers me is that you're willing to consider Golemus your homeland just in order to get an alliance. You said it yourself? You think of the sea as your homeland, but you're compromising instead. I don't see why Golemus being your only tie to land should justify replacing the sea with it as your home. Pirates don't necessarily like land, do they? And don't indirectly insult my intelligence rather than addressing me. That's lame and as a result aggravating. In any case, I didn't suggest the water outside the sanctuary is a place where you should sail. I said it is water. Pirates like water, don't they? Well, that's the stereotype, anyway. I don't know if it's a pond or not. I haven't seen it for a while. Glai is angry. Man up: appreciate what I have to say, and refute constructively. That's a command. *feels like bashing Cryx with a hose*
  21. Typically we manually remove the header information once we import the doc into the program. :O But normally, the way a paper recognizes authors is a byline under the headline.
  22. Bootes, you know, you're awkward. @_@ Anyway, I get what you mean now, but don't go on defensively asserting the Golemus idea is just a [i]suggested compromise.[/i] It's been argued in this discussion in a manner that establishes the fact that Cryxus is not only [i]willing[/i] but [i]planning[/i] to make that compromise. The whole point is, I can't support something like this. It's wrong. Stretching details of your story and character for convenience, no matter the situation, is simply bad. Isn't that right? I'm not really asking, though. That's right. Yeah, a compromise. A compromise of good roleplay. Failure of Glai-standards, is all. Don't get overworked, it's just Glai! Or rather, it's Glai after all! B)
  23. Man up! I wouldn't say some place is my home when it isn't and demean my real home just to be recognized by someone who would ask that of me, nor to get some small benefit. This "pirate" group could probably function just as well without an alliance symbol and little chat place. As for the bonuses, you should be able to overcome that. Where's the pride? Sometimes you need to stand firm to get what you want. ~And I'm out.
  24. Well, I gave my input on the CoE.. so now that I see this thread, it wouldn't be fair to deprive, hey? I find that I kind of sympathize with MRnegative6. GG as pirates' homeland doesn't make any sense to me. It's already occupied by a people, who supposedly are very advanced in magic and research. Basically, they are Golemus. If you say your homeland is GG, then you basically say you share their identity. Wait a minute here. Let's get this straight. You're happy-go-lucky pirates, you basically sail around and land on different lands without permission, and do whatever you want. And you're also Golemus? Uh. No. See, GG is "neutral" in terms of ideology, but that doesn't mean it's devoid of singularity. I mean, it was the opposer to the shades in the first roleplaying war of MD, for some reason. It's a land! If you're Golemus and you land on other lands without permission for your own purposes, that's not piracy, that's invasion. No, what would be better is, as you are pirates, you belong to not one [spoiler]frickin[/spoiler] land. You belong to the [spoiler]frickin[/spoiler] waters of the MD world. If you want to have your convenient headquarters-port on GG, then you have a treaty with the [i]actual[/i] GG alliances which allow you to do so. Otherwise, you're encroaching upon their land, and you're still not GG. Realistically, the GG alliances would drive you out. The way I see it, you shouldn't be Golemus people. You should be a motley of outcasts from the different lands. Your real homeland should be the sea. The only reason why you might have any emotional attachment to Golemus over other lands is because it has a harbor or something. You might as well just go over to The Sozzled Salamander and call it your homeland because it has beer and there's a little water outside it. Oh, wait. Is The Sozzled Salamander still at Wind's Sanctuary? Whatever.
  25. We balance each other out, Garg. :< Ah, for the formatting, you mean you'll do that in your program, right? I meant if when we write things up we should put double spaces between sentences, or if we should do indents for each paragraph, and so on. If your Quark-program is like Adobe Indesign, it should be able to indent each paragraph automatically to a specified length (and it's standard in desktop publishing not to put two spaces). How we do it over in my school: single-spaced, no indent, one space between sentences, one hard enter between paragraphs. And, it's nice to have a header with the author, issue, type of item, word count, and slugger for reference.
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