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Everything posted by Glaistig

  1. Here comes the organizer-freak again... I think we ought to set up a list of the team members and their contact information (providing they're willing to have it published) in a thread, so people can verify that they've not been overlooked, and can contact other team members if necessary. It'd also be nice to see preferred medium of contact and time zone. Possible ways to send copies would be email, im, and sending a link to an uploaded file through forum/ingame PMs. It's better to keep things in .doc or .rtf files so that standard style is preserved. [s]Probably the completed items should be sent to Gargant first, for him to see that it's been done, and then Gargant can send it to whoever needs to edit it.[/s] Garg's arrangement looks fine, too. Also, Garg, what is the preferred formatting you'd like to place the items in your program with the least hassle? Continuing further down the line I'd like to know that the original copies, unedited except by the author during the writing process, are archived neatly somewhere, as well as any new versions that aren't the ones that will be published in the paper. Grarrgh.. sometimes I think we ought to have our own website. And our own forum. All very organized into nice, accessible sections. But that's going too far, huh? EDIT: Guhh.. someone always posts while I'm writing. I must be terribly slow.
  2. Glaistig

    MD Meeting

  3. Hmm.. I'm used to editing whole pages. :P How about I look at the layouts when they're first compiled, make sure they're properly formatted, and meanwhile try to catch anything the other proofers and copy editors missed in their own perusals? I'm not especially suited to a specific area for editing, since I log onto MD for practically seconds at a time. I can take extra responsibility for pieces no one else wants to edit, though.
  4. I think we should do both as Chewett says. PDFs will probably preserve the original document better than HTML, so they're a good option to have. By the way, you can view pdfs in compatitible browsers as long as you have Adobe Reader 6 or 7 and the correct plugin. I also want the paper to be free, though you can probably put free items in the MD Shop. It's not supposed to be a privilege; it's supposed to be available to all. Have you talked to Mur about things yet? EDIT: nvm, didn't see your post. Talk to Mur about the project though. Things have changed since myrrh was still here, and we can't assume anything. It will be helpful to have an idea of where the paper will go in terms of implementation if it does survive initial issue releases. Garg, you might as well add me as a copyeditor/proofreader. I don't just want to look at the whole newspaper and comment on the obscure. :p As I said, the game development stories are important to me. I'm willing to do them if no one else does, but I'm not an authority about the subject. That doesn't really mean that I can't write them, but I won't be able to perceive important things others might be able to include. So.. if you think you're up to it, please volunteer! On the off-hand I could deliver some ramblings occasionally. Most likely criticizing in an inflammatory manner. An irregular opinion-column. "Rambles of the Outsider". What do you think? ;) Are we going to do editorials? Somebody should do the calendar, too. It should be fairly easy, just get upcoming events from Calyx and others who might host them and put them in a format. And it'll be helpful for our readers.
  5. ... Didn't say that to "Lady Fang" Horo-imposter, storm chum. Tch tch. No, Lelouch is cool enough to name after. But it's too cool to be named after. You get it, Lu?
  6. :< Now I think you're not getting me. I think this is what happened: you saw that you had some time left before the counter reset. Actually, the timer was lagging, so you had less time than what was shown on the timer. After clicking the links, the counter resets and all your extra VP and VE go away (but since your credits aren't temporary, they don't). You then refresh, and get the accurate time, but believe that the timer still hasn't reset yet. Continuing to refresh, you see no change. Try refreshing to make sure you know the correct time til reset before you collect credits in the future, and if you still get the same problem, I suppose it really does have to be considered a bug.
  7. Holy [spoiler]crap[/spoiler]. O_O Now if only you acted like Lelouch. You [spoiler]damn[/spoiler] travesty to his name! There's already been a Lulu.
  8. Sorry.. I just want to make sure you get what I mean. :< The timer just reset, you said, but how do you know it did? Or did you refresh and then see it reset, and then start gathering credits? Bear with me. X)
  9. Well, the timer display can lag, so while it might show 4-5 min left it could actually have a value of 1 minute and reset while you're gathering credits. To make sure you have the accurate time after a while, especially with a slow connection, you need to refresh. So whenever I wanted to gather credits, I would refresh first to see that I do have a good amount of time left, then gather-click, and then refresh again to see the bonus stats. Just assuming that what the timer says is true is dangerous! Is that a possibility?
  10. Tch.. you refreshed before you saw the timer had 4-5 min left, or did you see that after you refreshed? It's just a little hard to believe it's a bug right off. Has it occurred again, or was that an isolated incident?
  11. [quote name='Burns' post='23795' date='Jan 14 2009, 01:17 PM']nobody knows the game developments before manu releases them, so how should that work? :huh: i guess you could do some kind of a historical point fo view on those things, but the old announcements are public anyway, so i don't really see the point in that...[/quote] LIES! You can write lots about game developments after they come out, you know. What purpose they're supposed to serve, the status, the mechanics, the impact on the game, the hopes for them, where it's moving towards in terms of development, and public opinion. Those are the obvious ones; I'm sure you can go into much more detail for individual subjects. It would be a most horrible newspaper to not document these things. So far, it seems like most of the content is about the roleplay. We need balance for those who don't really care about all that junk! [quote name='Gargant' post='23766' date='Jan 14 2009, 05:07 AM']I have now found a way to export the paper as a HTML file, would this make things easier?? I wonder if Mur would kindly donate the background image for things like the messages and the combat log, the thing with the tassles in the top left corner, I think that would look great.[/quote] The HTML exporting usefulness depends on where you want to host it. It might be good if Manu wants to integrate it into the game, not just link it. Also if you want to have others directly edit pieces instead of you getting a copy of their edits and then replacing the original inside the program you're using. But otherwise pdfs are standard. (Actually, this is all supposition.. XD) But that won't help with the size of the file, if we use that same image as a background. I suppose we could splice it, though.. :3 But then again, why not just have one of the artists do it?
  12. Just prodding.. I want game development news stories/features in this newspaper; it's even in the list. Someone volunteer? :) I think I might go ask Bootes if he wants to do horoscopes. He said that once.
  13. Just wondering, is that article going to be about rpcs in general or specific individuals? If it's the latter you could probably do multiple pieces instead of one story. n__n
  14. Hmm.. my personal preference, nothing else, I'd like a body font with serifs, like Times New Roman 12p. It's a little less clear than some of the other choices but less harsh on the eyes than Gargant's choice while preserving some sense of elegance. It kind of depends on what tone you want to communicate. For headlines I might want Arial bold. We're not sticking with three columns, are we? XD Now, I suppose that would be okay, but four might be a little more standard. As to the scroll background, we could have two separate images stuck on the top and bottom that would be the top and bottom of the scroll, and maybe lines on the sides. That would take up a lot less bandwidth than stretching one image to be the whole background. This could be rendered by one of our artists. Now, the easiest would be to have the scroll filled with white and outlined in the style MD maps are drawn--especially if this will ever be printed for novelty's sake. I prefer it this way besides, since it'll contrast more easily with black text and make it easier to read and cleaner. If we have to preserve the off-color detail, we could fill the whole template and the individual images with solid color rather than using an image. It wouldn't be as pretty, granted. I think I might make something rough in Adobe Indesign so we can compare and contrast. :) But.. it might be a month from now. Oh well. The thing is though, there are a lot of people who have said they're interested ingame but don't check the forums. The easiest way to notify them would be getting an announcement out. I [i]can [/i]continue the survey and get the word out to those who indicated interest, but it would be tedious. I'd prefer the announcement. If Calyx doesn't feel like it's appropriate, I think I'll talk to Manu. DX This tossing around of ideas while members are gradually being added sort of makes me uneasy because it feels disorganized. X) If we can quickly form an actual committee, one that's official, we might get a subforum and discuss each part of the newspaper successively with the most constructive input possible. If I was someone who wanted to provide suggestions but didn't know about this thread until it had 17 posts I would be discouraged and disoriented a little. Glai would manage the project in the way suggested to prevent this. But you're the leader, Garg. If you want to go a bit haphazardly and can manage a product just as well-drawn in the end, it'll be quicker.
  15. I've been trying to get your attention ingame. :< Anyway, I leave in two minutes, so I guess I'll have to wait until I get home. I'm thinking this project won't move along unless we get Calyx-Che favors, or you manage to contact all the people who've already shown interest somehow. But anyway, if you want to do the organization thingy now, I think you know that I'd just like to provide my wonderful insight; maybe do the layout if you're not going to (argh I wanted to see that knocked-up version D:). I'd rather not write anything. But if we're in need of news- or feature-writers, I can manage a few of any topic as long as it doesn't require authority.
  16. I think we ought to wait until we see if Calyx will allow an announcement in her box before we decide that there is no more input to be garnered. Not many people use the forums without being prompted, after all.
  17. I was asking anyway, wasn't I? How do you expect me to keep everything straight, eh? All the names start to blur after a while. >_> Who are you, Liberty? You sound familiar. Nevermind, though; this is a bug report topic. I'm sure there are some imaginary rules guarding it from off-topic derailment.
  18. It's not any of the following in the quote, right? A lot of times new players/people who have just started using free credits don't consider these things. There have been many topics saying the same thing and none of instances have yet proved to concern an actual bug. The quote is from one of those topics. [quote name='Glaistig' post='15867' date='Sep 5 2008, 05:07 PM']Just checking.. did you have max VE [or VP] at the time? If you did, you may not have gained any because the timer reset, [as] when that happens any VE [or VP] over the max value disappears. Sometimes, you're not aware the timer reset because it lags and you have to refresh the interface to see the correct amount of time left to reset. Another thing is that the stats, including VE, only update when the bar on the golden circle under your stats reach 12 o'clock position--so [even] if the timer resets in that time, which is like eight seconds, you won't see the VE gain over max value before it disappears. Or it could be someone attacked you without you noticing? Those are the explanations I can think of. If it's not any of those, it could be a bug. There's been multiple topics about it in the past month or so, although none of the players seem to say that the problem repeats so I tend to assume it was just one of the above possibilities.[/quote] Do I really need to be the one who posts these things? -_- You, Liberty, aren't you LHO?
  19. It means that rather than doing homework I'll submit to anything. I posted this topic the early morning of the day my history DBQ was due, note the time. :') EDIT: Oh, I can't resist it after all. "Oh, I didn't want to say it, but actually, I do want to say it, which is why I'm saying it, and I just said that because, oh, I'm such a nimrod. An awesome nimrod, mind you. Well, I wish I was." :-D
  20. You're wrong, Khalz. He didn't become animistic all of a sudden. That's my lost child, the flesh of my flesh. So you had him. And you neglected him so harshly that he could not develop properly. You bastard, I always knew you were sadistic. :') His hooves are developing now because of that nourishing water.
  21. Pervert. What rules?
  22. Honestly, dst. You're much too picky. Well, in any case, I wasn't planning to be part of your little syndicate or any fraternity. I'm the outsider, the angstly loner who really [i]doesn't[/i] play MD. 8) I just post on the MD forums, see.. I quit a long time ago! Nodnodnodnodnod.
  23. [quote name='dst' post='23602' date='Jan 11 2009, 11:22 AM']I agree with the first 2. But I can tolerate the others also :D . Except maybe the anti-MD (first time I typed MB :p ) cause then it's some sort of paradox...you're anti-MD but you continue to play...[/quote] That's not really a paradox, is it? How about pro-MDangst, then?
  24. School started.
  25. anti-nice, anti-peace, anti-rpc, anti-admin, anti-new, anti-MD I'm serious. :) EDIT: Oh, and before I forget, anti-Lady[space]_____. Worse. Names. Ever. But I suppose they count in the new category. EDIT2: Okay, okay, hello.
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