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Everything posted by Grido

  1. lol 8 of them? hehe, but scaring the noobs is fun on the other hand the amount of comments i get about your test account there, hehe, MB said to me i clearly wasn't doing my job there properly when the test acc flag wasn't romania, and that there was an account called Mur there
  2. are you still the same mp level? you're not mp2 or 7 are you? it would make it simpler if you were
  3. hehe, if i was on the mainland i'd actually spend them, i do need to use the timed boosters at some point, to get rusty and another pimp but that can wait i also have 3 stored resets, and have the old version shop
  4. the thought currently going through my head is ''should i subscribe $50 rather than the $5 i currently do, even though i don't even use up the credits from the $5 each month, just to help make sure the game keeps running...'' [i]sidenote: Shaniqua is safe for now...[/i]
  5. yes...yes you should also ask for some chow mein or something, save buying dinner
  6. i seem to remember, i think it was you dst who's boss put in their work assesment form (or something) addicted to MD if that's a job i want it, hehe i'd love for MD to be so popular that Mur could actually afford to employ people, but what with the recent announcement, it doesnt seem like it's going to happen soon EDIT: hmm i took too long posting as for the threat, i can't remember whether dst can teleport at all, but if she cant, send her to Golemus
  7. *suddenly wants chinese relatives.....somehow* i don't think i've really celebrated chinese new year, due to having no link to china or the new year, but if i get to eat chinese food and get money then i might next year
  8. Jonn leaving the PC would be like me leaving Golemus ::chuckles:: and luckily for shaniqua (?) the PC is a Sanc so can't be hurt by dst in there
  9. lol, is there a colour code to each of the years?
  10. ::laughs:: yes, happy Chinese New Year. year of the Ox i believe
  11. dst you're plotting a lot arent you? you might need more than 3 people to form a cult Je Suis, though i have to say i havent looked into it, so can't be certain
  12. yeah, MDA is waaay to confusing, even when you actually map it out, always get lost in those gardens
  13. but it wouldnt be another bob, it would have a different name
  14. Grido

    Forum Game

    Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite... Glaistig: really. Grido began convulsing and... Grido: started reaching toward a conviniently placed antidote... Garg: Which, unbeknown to Grido was in actuality full of... Burns: nothing but pure fountain water. Yet, he swallowed it all in one gulp and... dst: spits it out quickly cause it tasted like... Grido: beer, and he doesnt like beer...
  15. Grido

    Forum Game

    Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite... Glaistig: really. Grido began convulsing and... Grido: started reaching toward a conviniently placed antidote... (i know i'm great and everything, but isn't this story getting a little me focussed? )
  16. ahh yes, i thought the xp given was more rounded than that, i seem to remember getting 75k still doesnt answer why he's kept it for a year
  17. Jonn....how did you manage to get the egg 50k xp and 30 won battles? and come to think of it, why have you kept it like that for a year?
  18. A new player reminded me of the fact that due to links for signing up through other people and becoming their adepts, some players wouldn't be able to message who they're an adept of, as from the new players perspective being an adept of someone is so that that person may help you when you have questions and such, so wouldn't it be a good addition to add a button to be able to message who you're an adept of?
  19. well it's his birthday now in Britain anyway, it may be another 3 and a half hours for him, but still.... so i wish you all the best, even though i already have on MSN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  20. i like the idea, dont get me wrong, but if you do it as in you enter Necro and then suddenly the whole area becomes visable on the map then that's just odd if you havent explored it all, and if you do it screen loca making a small area of Necro visible then there's huge amounts of info to store as there's over 100 different locations on the map which might be unique per person
  21. Grido

    Forum Game

    Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was...
  22. all i can really think to say is that it would require large amounts of space, which in turn would increase lag, for this to work, imagine every single player having an additional bit of information which may be unique to them (depending on how you do it) the MDA map i think is in work, not entirely sure though, but it isn't completed anyway, i dont think
  23. Grido

    Forum Game

    *reads first post by Chew, people are allowed to post again after 3 other people have posted in responce...* *did the story change perspective a while ago? or am i the brother? or what? Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening." Cryxus: but Grido knew better... Metal Bunny: Grido knew that both he and Jonn desired to ... Grido: help the new players in Magic Duel, as best as they could Blaze: but instead, they were going to give into temptation and. MRWander: and eat the WHOLE bag of oreos without sharing them. Cryxus: "this is going to go straight to my thighs" they joked and laughed... Metal Bunny: ,but Jonn, you know your thighs always look fabulous, said Grido and... dst: took another sip of the wine.What... Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by... Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa...
  24. AntRamCastle, not final list no, we're still looking for volunteers in most areas
  25. Grido

    Forum Game

    Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus, dst, MRWander, Lightsage, Gargant, Death Bell The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was and my mind imploded with pain as his mind melted with mine sharing with me all his thoughts, and fears. I could see that he was my brother But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange I killed them all yet here he is before me standing before me in a clown's uniform with a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall but coincidentally also has a picture of a rainbow in his hands, with pink lettering stating All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies! All Hail The Bunny Empire! The clown then picks up his pink scythe and accidentally hits MB's fluffy tail of the picture and you can almost hear the picture saying "I'm going to get you for that, watch out or i'll send my minions after you to make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous...with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and all that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment the bed collapsed, and... Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening." Cryxus: but Grido knew better... Metal Bunny: Grido knew that both he and Jonn desired to ... Grido: help the new players in Magic Duel, as best as they could
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