List of New Ideas from the current first page of forum section.
I haven't looked at the result of the thread, only the initial post. Though I have missed out certain threads I remember were turned down by common consent.
All times are GMT (I think)
[b][url=""]Faster Ritual Deleter, A way to delete many unwanted rituals at once[/url][/b] - Nov 18 2008, 07:11 PM
Made by MRnegative6
I wanted to set forth an idea...maybe its just me that has this problem due to the fact i LOVE the heads:) My lovely heads are not too easy to earn:)
So, heres the prob:
I usually end up after the heads with...lets say...maybe 50 dead rits...and normal cases when im just walking one day i get about..4-5 dead rits.
Sure, if i stay idle i get about 4-5.
The amount of dead rits isnt a problem, THE WAY I NEED TO UNBIND THEM IS!
Im i cant bother pressing and unbinding 50 rits...anyone want to help me out? blum.gif
Automaic Dead Rit Deleter *ADRD*
The Multiple Dead Rit Selector *TMDRS* Then i just need to press delete
[b][url=""]more directed skill gains, focusing on charicters skills[/url][/b] - Nov 28 2008, 08:32 PM
Made by sanguinious (*abaddun*)
say you wish to be a healer, healers train to increase there power to help others not attack, same goes for a warrior.
something that you could buy in the MD shop perhaps could focus the skills you gain from high heat battles will be more focused on one particular aspect, not neglecting the others entirely, but less of them and more of chosen skill.
you could give the option to switch on and off but once the skill is chosen ,you cant go back and change it
thank you for your time
[b][url=""]Mass messaging Alliance members[/url][/b] - Dec 3 2008, 04:54 PM
Made by Yrthilian
Hey just wondering if this might be posable
sending mass mesages to alaince members
maby only by the leader.
this would make it easer to cordinate stuff and give members updates.
[b][url=""]Notes for yourself[/url][/b] - Dec 7 2008, 05:15 AM
Made by Treehill
Dont know if it was sugested but i wanted to have notes that only i could see it like an agenda....sometimes i forget to do things lol and need somewhere to writethem to remember without the others reading it
[b][url=""]New Head Contest Rules, the 'throw to gazebo" thingy...[/url][/b] (Poll) - Nov 30 2008, 07:38 PM
Made by Burns
Now, what do you think?
Official discussion for the latest change...oh, i have waited sooo long for te moment i can say that^^
Mods, if you find it appropriate to drag this topic to contests sub-forum, please do so, but i have posted it here because i want to know what people think about that special idea, NOT what they think about the Head Contest in general or how that rule f**ks their personal contest up, there's no need for another ranting forum...
PS: I wonder how many players will choose option two ;-)
[b][url=""]Durabilitty, Imbueing, Time Disable[/url][/b] (Poll) - Dec 7 2008, 03:41 PM
Made by SubZero
All items should have durabilitty to be repaired, adding a feature called artefacts, that can be inbued in the wepon or armour to gain uniqe values ... ow and let's don't forget those that don't respect the rules ... The Blacksmith's of Golemus, Loreroot(me), Necrovion etc ... should have power of disableing the unfortunate law brakers's wepons but only for a limited perior of time ... Like Disable for 15 - 30 - 45 -60 minutes ... depending on the gravity of the disobediance smile.gif
[b][url=""]Guild bank[/url][/b] - Dec 9 2008, 03:38 PM
Made by thrall (anubarak)
i had a problem with VP (-4mil) and i have sean others with this problem (i hold the record ), so i m thinking about this:
A GUILD BANK where all the extra vp would go automaticly on every reg counter
-for ex if you have max vp 20k and you have 25k on reg count, the 5 k will go to the guid bank
What to do with this vp?
Whell think about this:
* you can pay "youre debt" when you r having negative vp
* the guild could use them to build somthing like extra chambers (+1/2/... guild members)
* just for showoff, to see wich guild is richer
* to open some shops in the guild (wepon, armor, creature if posible unique for ich guild)
* you can take them on anythime you want
* you can't take them if you have max vp and what you take can't exced youre max vp (so a mp3 would not get the stronger armor)
[b][url=""]gazebo of chaos, proposals[/url][/b] - Dec 15 2008, 10:05 AM
Made by GgSeverin
1.: a game with the poker rules on value points.
2.: a lottery with 5 numbers: who wins recieve all MD creat (3 for each kind) at max.
[b][url=""]A Cry For Improviment[/url][/b] - Dec 7 2008, 03:19 AM
Made by Treehill
I wanted to put my voice at least about the honor system and alliance members its common knowledge that its quite dificult to see the honor you are gaining with each fight and not only that but the problem with 50 minutes of waiting!?Why not only 8 min like any other,we do not have anything using the alliances right now and its quite dificult to get positive honor with 50 min of waiting i cant get losses to recover my honor neither people can attack me frequently with those 50......
My question is:
Will it be changed someday the time or the honor system be destroyed?
[b][url=""]A Choice in Our Editors, For those of us who don't like the new personal paper's editor[/url][/b] (Poll) - Dec 28 2008, 06:23 PM
Made by I am Bored
Are you getting annoyed and the new editor changing the coding of your page in a way that makes it more confusing to understand? well i am, and espically when i try to change font sizes, as i don't understand the current way of coding.
[b][url=""]Heads Game - ranting and opinions[/url][/b] - Jul 31 2008, 07:10 PM
Made by envy (Envy of Endurance)
[b]My rants -[/b]
My take on the heads game, is simply not for me. I don't like interrupting my usual game play to hide out and run around with heads. I work hard to hold on to heads for an hour, then some player pops on the screen for 30 seconds, attacks gets my heads and signs back off of the game. Then I finally think it's all over and I lost my heads so I will just recover and go to sleep. I wake up the next day and start chatting with friends in the sanctuary and I suddenly get attacked because the game has auto generated me 8 more heads. I lost those heads and was happy, but now new heads keep regenerating. Why? What's the use playing a game when only 3 people can win anyway? I assume that Manu made it to get people to fight that were just sitting around being wimps or not getting more involved in the game. Let those people play it, but I can't stand the heads game.
I want a button to turn off the heads game. I don't want to play it. Let other people play it. Have them go to a different area, have them go into another dimension. I just don't want to have to deal with it. NO MORE HEADS! smile.gif
[b]And now for your opinions -[/b]
1. Should there be a button to turn off the heads game if you don't want to play? What's your opinion?
2. Do you hate the heads game and just want it to disappear from the game completely?
3. If you love the heads game, do you think we should get more Action Points to move around while the heads game is active?
4. If you have no opinion on keeping the heads game or removing it from the game, what do you think about -
If you have 7+ heads you can be attacked in the sanctuary. Do you like this idea?
[b][url=""]unfolding map[/url][/b] - Jan 23 2009, 10:47 PM
Made by Perlesvaus
Looking at the map on the menu something pops immediately at the eyes of the player. In the map you can see clearly areas in which you cannot enter at the beginning, like Loreloot and Necrovion, while for example the MDA are not present.
It could be nice, or at least more realistic, if the map has the "fog of unknown", with the inaccessible areas shaded or greyed: you know they are there, but you cannot see the content. Once you find the method to enter, the shade disappears and you can see the details.
Personally I'd find even more fun in exploration, if I don't know what is awaiting for me. And in this way, the inaccessible areas become even more mysterious and intriguing!
Ah, and it could be nice to see the MDA there...
[b][url=""]Heads Contest Changes?[/url][/b] - Jan 29 2009, 10:24 PM
Made by Awiiya
Is there any way to have both chances for new players and fun for old players?
What I was thinking was a three stage type of deal:
1. First stage, normal stage we have now. No past winners can take heads... etc. Ends at 2,500 points in every category
2. Second stage, the let's-have-fun-and-mess-it-up stage. This is where we revert back to what the HC contest rules were before last month. Ends at 5,000 points.
3. Third stage, the normal second stage we have now. No past winners can take heads. This would be a interesting stage, because depending on how stage 2 went, there could be a LOT of excess heads under the control of past winners. Or you could have it set that all past winners lose their heads at the third stage. Who knows? But I'm sure there is a way to integrate both types of Heads Contest...
[b][url=""]Wish Shop Idea[/url][/b] - Jan 29 2009, 07:56 AM
Made by Awiiya
Just a suggestion for a possible prize, and one that I would find very useful and save lots of time.
This could take one of two forms:
1. A quick balance, and taking the higher of the two values to set the value. For instance, if I had 500 wins and 1000 losses, it would give me 1000 wins and 1000 losses.
2. A boost in wins (very useful for mp4, mp5 who want to get the military paper or want to get back in balance). Not sure on the exact amount, but 500, 400, 250 sound about good.... It could even be a percent, say mulitplying your wins/losses 200% (x2) or 150, or another such percent.
Or going a different direction, if you feel a quick balance is not worth a wishpoint, you could say a balanced reset and a 50 % addition to your wins. For example, if you had 500 wins and 1000 losses, you would go to 1500 wins, 1500 losses. That might be a bit excessive though... Perhaps adding a lesser percentage? 25%? 10%?
I dunno, but if there is an exp reset in the wish shop, their ought to be a win/loss balance as well.
[b][url=""]Message who you're an adept of[/url][/b] - Jan 24 2009, 02:50 AM
Made by Grido
A new player reminded me of the fact that due to links for signing up through other people and becoming their adepts, some players wouldn't be able to message who they're an adept of, as from the new players perspective being an adept of someone is so that that person may help you when you have questions and such, so wouldn't it be a good addition to add a button to be able to message who you're an adept of?
[b][url=""]message title[/url][/b] - Feb 15 2009, 12:21 AM
Made by Grido
i just got a pm from Demo Account, this i don't mind, it happens every now and then
but they didnt enter a message heading so i can't access the message at all to find out what they wanted from me
so my new idea would be one of the following options
1. to prevent a message being sent without a character (something other than a space) being in the title field
2. to be able to open a message by clicking on any part of the message information
-----i have the nice message features so anywhere within the orange new message box, or for people without it, the name of the sender as well as message title
[b][url=""]Possible ideas for Inventory, Some Ideas for the new Inventory System[/url][/b] - Feb 15 2009, 07:32 AM
Made by Kragel
here is a short list of some items that could be used for the new inventory system and how some of them could be used .
Creature parts this can include skins, hides , bones, teeth, eyes , hair, and many other items ( i have used many of these kinds of things in making armour, weapons and jewelry for people in roleplaying quests already
also some trees should be able to be harvested fruits off of them and even twigs and limbs these can be used in potions, or making bows, arrows, staffs, and many other things for constructing (ie the new expansion build outs for the MDA)
and some of you know a garden has been in the plans for a while for this i would suggest seeds as an inventory item as well these could later be planted and much like creatures age the plants would age and be able to be collected by the one who planted them for tradeable items as well
also some items should be usable as in using part of an item (ie i have a silver bar and will be making some items out of it when i am done with it there would be no silver bar left only the items or the items and a lesser amount of silver left)
if you have other ideas on items that can be used in this New and very exciting Inventory items system please list them here
this also gives a rise for possible new roles people could take on like mining hunting and gardening
feel free to list these ideas here as well
anyway this has been my 2c good.gif
Thank You
The Metal Mage