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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Grido

    Tormented Soul

    [attachment=719:Tormented_Soul.jpg] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Tormented Soul can be used i very strategic rituals when the oponent is stronger or a special outcome is desired. It has most interesting results when the two opponents are more different and little influence when the opponents are similar in strength. It takes away a percentage of the enemy skills over or below yours and gives that value to your creatures, turning the odds in a very strange way.
  2. i..um...think it might be nightime now.....or close to it..... every single location in Golemus currently has the letters P T at least every one which provides letters has them, i cant recall information about the rest of MD, other than Beserkers Charge which has A P, but i think all of Golemus having the same set of letters may be significant
  3. is the multi browser thing going to affect people on the same network? because i can see how it might... this doesnt actually really affect me personally, but i know some people who it would
  4. yeah, we know what your problem is, if you have tried our suggestions, then it'll get fixed soon
  5. hows this a bug?
  6. Grido

    Unholy Priest

    [attachment=714:Unholy_Priest.jpg] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of his twisted mind the Unholy Priest has one of the most unusual ability combination. He will protect enemy creatures by sacrificeing himself but at the same time he will give all your creatures additional life based on the vitality difference between them and the enemy creatures in same slot. This unique combination makes him a very strategic creature good for unsual fights.
  7. yeah, try that, clear cache etc
  8. The real spells will come if you prove yourself to have a good role in the game, or if you become an LHO. As a note, do not ask for spells, if you ask, you wont get, prove yourself worthy and you will recieve. The three ways to gain spells are to become an RPC/PWR (so create a role for yourself), be an LHO, or get to MP6. As for roleplaying magic, i find it easy enough to do, but i don't have the time to spare to be your mentor i'm afraid.
  9. we know Revan for some reason or other, my being morbid and all, i've been thinking about ways to let the MD community know if i actually did die, maybe write a eulogy for myself to be released to nationwide newspapers, or put a note in my will to announce it on MD, cos i'd prefer people to realise that i hadn't just gone inactive, as odd as an announcment saying ''Grido has died'' might be to people who don't know about MD....anywho just my (morbid) ramblings
  10. didn't you already join the dark side Burns? and then possibly steal all their cookies? i think after the amount of posts you've had you already count as having said hello Burns... but Heys anyway
  11. here is the best place to keep track of what's going on
  12. hmm, thought you'd already made oneof these, but apparently not Greetings may your continued time here and on the game be enjoyable
  13. loads more places have got letters recently, i keep seeing them pop up on almost every loca
  14. Mur has more he has 130 or something, i think dst has more as well, but that's about it
  15. how could you possibly get confused between them? they're not at all similar
  16. *considers letting frostas off Golemus at some point soon* hmm hey frostas
  17. i see a lot of people wanting to essentially be male praying mantis's personally as long as friends an family are around me, and i've lived a good life, i dont mind how i die, as long as the aforementioned friends and family hadnt just killed me of course
  18. happy aging day Garg, the day when the age building up over the past year suddenly hits you
  19. hehe, ruling of mine is to *always* check the date of topic creation nonetheless, happy belated/early birthday
  20. it could just be that an rpc has tried coding something inthem and it went wrong....
  21. lol, anyway welcome back
  22. guess so, but Mur doesnt seem to me like someone who would exclude players because of their story choices anyway
  23. as for giving auto access to homelands when you join the alliance, i'll say no, because then you'll get loads of players joining an alliance purely to look around Golemus or Necrovion, and then quit the alliance again, which annoys (well it does me anyway) as for giving key access, there's are keys around you're right, but again you'll get the same problem, join alliance, get the key access, leave the alliance, and the access is forgotton to be taken away from the player giving them auto access whilst not being in the alliance the places are *meant* to be hard to gain access to
  24. hehe i have lvl 1 Invis ------------------------------------------------------------- .simplyzero. (13313) Air Ward 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Braiton. (31629) Black Water 2 .Jonn. (12826) Black Water 3 .Khalazdad. (37523) Black Water 4 .Shade Sentinel. (26578) Black Water 6 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Bootes. (42972) Lightnings 2 .Metal Bunny. (11799) Lightnings 3 .SmartAlekRJ. (16282) Lightnings 5 .BlackThorn. (54807) Lightnings 6 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Chewett. (1619) groupscattering_1 ------------------------------------------------------------- .GlorDamar. (44846) Circle Of Flames 2 .Gargant. (38083) Circle Of Flames 2 .Eden. (14589) Circle Of Flames 3 .Akasha. (1014) Circle Of Flames 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Grido. (7251) Invisibility 1 .Raven. (43469) Invisibility 2 .alche. (6734) Invisibility 4 .Muratus del Mur. (1028) Invisibility 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Junior. (43448) Cures 2 .phrog. (8968) Cures 3 .NelyaSetesh. (43964) Cures 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Yrthillian. (7022) Timeless Shot 2 .Thanasia. (35241) Timeless Shot 3 .Morpheus. (2616) Timeless Shot 3 .Gilbert. (20954) Timeless Shot 3 .Knator Commander. (115) Timeless Shot 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Rex Umbrae Killer. (14308) Protection (Numerology: the number 2) 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Morgana Le Fey. (40480) Seduction 3 .Calyx of Isis. (66179) Seduction 4 .Shoeps. (12996) Seduction 6 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Wodin Ullr. (4128) Leader Spirit 2 .Renavoid. (46797) Leader Spirit 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Speaker for the Dead. (40420) Spirit Of The Herd 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- .Envy of Endurance. (38085) The sword slash 2 -------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Grido

    Bunny Scepter

    hehe, you know too well that it's not photoshopped MB but then you're just saying that cos you said that someone would....and nobody did say that already
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