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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Grido

    Forum Game

    MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...' MRWander: flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and...... Garg: All that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment.... Cryxus: ...the bed collapsed, and... Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening
  2. Grido

    Forum Game

    [hasn't ended no, point is that it's continuous]
  3. Grido

    Forum Game

    (why aren't the rest of you copying the full thing?) Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus, dst, MRWander, Lightsage, Gargant, Death Bell The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was and my mind imploded with pain as his mind melted with mine sharing with me all his thoughts, and fears. I could see that he was my brother But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange I killed them all yet here he is before me standing before me in a clown's uniform with a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall but coincidentally also has a picture of a rainbow in his hands, with pink lettering stating All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies! All Hail The Bunny Empire! The clown then picks up his pink scythe and accidentally hits MB's fluffy tail of the picture and you can almost hear the picture saying "I'm going to get you for that, watch out or i'll... MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...' MRWander: flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and...... Garg: All that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment.... Cryxus: ...the bed collapsed, and... Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... (i'm sorely tempted to abuse mod powers right now)
  4. Grido

    Forum Game

    Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus, dst, MRWander, Lightsage, Gargant, Death Bell The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was and my mind imploded with pain as his mind melted with mine sharing with me all his thoughts, and fears. I could see that he was my brother But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange I killed them all yet here he is before me standing before me in a clown's uniform with a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall but coincidentally also has a picture of a rainbow in his hands, with pink lettering stating All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies! All Hail The Bunny Empire! The clown then picks up his pink scythe and accidentally hits MB's fluffy tail of the picture and you can almost hear the picture saying "I'm going to get you for that, watch out or i'll... MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)...
  5. Grido

    Forum Game

    killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother... dst: But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange Grido: I killed them all yet here he is before me... Metal Bunny: standing before me in a clown's uniform with... Grido: a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall... Metal Bunny: but coincidentally also has a picture of a rainbow in his hands, with pink lettering stating... Grido: All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies! All Hail The Bunny Empire!
  6. Grido

    Forum Game

    [quote name='Grido' post='24000' date='Jan 20 2009, 03:01 PM']Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus, dst The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was...[/quote] killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother... dst: But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange Grido: I killed them all yet here he is before me... Metal Bunny: standing before me in a clown's uniform with... Grido: a picture of a metal bunny wearing a pink ribbon and braids hanging on the wall...
  7. Grido

    Forum Game

    Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus, dst The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was... killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother... dst: But wait? I have no brothers...I am an only child... I fought to be an only child... It's so strange Grido: I killed them all yet here he is before me...
  8. Grido

    Forum Game

    First off reviving old topic Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as I glared, I noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge great axe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. I fainted and then later I awoke to find myself in a very dark place, aghast I asserted that I couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my chest. Suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment and I tried to rise, but something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled marks in my eyes, but then it begun to speak with a voice like thunder, the sheer volume of this voice overpowered all my senses, I lost all awareness of who I was... killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that... Grido: he was my brother...
  9. rather than expecting to hear a beep when someone speaks, i expect to see someone talking when i hear a beep
  10. I cant recall why I visited now, hmm.

    No I don't believe we have, not properly at least, I am Grido, The Golemus Inquisitor, I help keep the Golemus rable under control ::smiles:: it's nice to meet you

  11. I can do multiple areas if necessary, I am able to so also curious as to how i'm going to be getting the texts to proofread / edit, as I havent told anyone to do with the newspaper my e-mail yet, or is it going to be another method that i recieve pieces?
  12. Grido

    The Voices

    [color="purple"]*sneaks into the thread without Dom seeing* where did everyone go? I want to know how the adventure continues. I'm not usually let out and couldn't post before, Dom's distracted currently though so...[/color] [color="red"]Sue! I thought we weren't going to post here, I told you that before, we don't want them to think that we're crazy now do we?[/color] [color="orange"]What're you both doing here? I thought I was the only one of us who stalked old topics?[/color] [color="red"]oh great, now look what you've gone and done Sue, now Marcus is awake, you know he annoys me[/color] [color="orange"]Annoy you? Why of course, why else do you think i'm here? *starts poking Dom repeatedly*[/color] [color="red"]Arrrr, right both of you out of here now! you're showing me up, shuh, go[/color]
  13. Grido

    RPC list Bug

    my fault for logging on during my lunch then *closes topic*
  14. i get a [code]Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/magicdue/public_html/bar/rpcs.php on line 28[/code] when opening the RPC list, the words appear above the title bit there, rather than in a pop-up, tried all the usual methods of trying to get rid of it, but still there. currently using IE *shudders* (it's the work computer) not sure which version but it has tabs, so not an old one, think it's 7
  15. Grido

    MD Meeting

    is it me or did dst use to be a lot less girly than this? and depending on your story choices the hammer can hurt (i think)
  16. Grido

    MD Meeting

    what about adding a rubber hammer, like the one in the story?
  17. i said i might be, i even have a disclaimer on my sig...
  18. i dont think you need an empty orb to click the heat for it to go away, though i could be wrong
  19. Grido

    MD Meeting

    wait is dst a clown now as well? *somehow looks at her feet* nope, not a clown (not stereotyping clowns *at all*)
  20. Grido

    MD Meeting

    who said it was an axe....? *hopes this is in the off-topic section* *checks - isn't* *shrugs* and i think you're a mass murderer by now lol
  21. *laughs* well welcome anyway, and may you enjoy the (in)sanity of this place
  22. Grido

    MD Meeting

    are you in Berlin? were you planning to meet up with her before she leaves?
  23. also (why cant i find this song....) anywho Peter Cincotti - On The Moon
  24. lol i doubt i'll be able to make it as myself, as i'm on Golemus and unless Mur fixes the problem with the online list by then i wont be able to use my heat to get onto the mainland, i'll send another along in my stead
  25. i'll happily proofread and/or be an editor for any of those areas, i don't have time to actually write stuff for it though, i've got a few other game related things going on which i have to write up as it is, but i would like to help if i can
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