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Everything posted by Grido

  1. did anyone else notice that red text tends to indicate the end of a storyline, and that the post which had alche touching the flame was red, but that there was also another post afterwards indicating that he has another storyline now that he isn't corporeal?
  2. it's been proven that right before the last ice-age there was an increase in global temperature which is why some scientists are starting to get slightly worried
  3. on the now slightly old note of requesting avatars to be drawn in the hopes that the requestee manages to get it, would someone be able to draw a naíve faced man who looks a bit like a wizard with a cloak and possibly a staff? while my character isn't a wizard he's been around a bit so might look quite like one by now
  4. hehe the longest hello thread seems to have been revived slightly
  5. welcome welcome, glad to hear you're hooked continue enjoying the game and feel free to message any time, or pop back down to paper cabin, i essentially live there currently
  6. *wonders if dst has realised he still hasn't done it yet * i do have a good reason, i havent had internet for most of the past week, will do it soon, have at least 2h a night access now, after my catching up on the forums tonightwill be able to sort it out tomorrow
  7. hehe forgot i did that, had to back read to find me post the funeral march? bit omninous, shame for you that i just about live in the paper cabin atm so you can't attack me much
  8. considering i'm an LHO i like this idea on a less greedy note, it would be helpful for new players to at least have a friendy face they can ask q's to as opposed to changing people on the live help
  9. one of newtons laws of motion, what comes up must come down what? physics and magic can mix, in a sense, physics is magic
  10. lol, am wondering now... anyway, indeed welcome, feel free to mail me about game related matters if you have any questions enjoy the game
  11. hello and welcome to this wonderful place, glad to hear that you're fond of the game, we all are too if the postig of players is any guess continue enjoying the game, and feel free to mail me any questions you have, also like they said check out the FAQ it's wuite good
  12. and to give a little more helpful answer, if you go down to marinds roundabout, other players should be there who shouldnt attack without your consent, you can make rituals there off them, if you're going to attack be sure to askfirst though
  13. probably unrelated but, 40 tabs? seriously why do you need so many open at one time?
  14. i run FF myself, and i don't get those problems, so it's not FF related, guess 9 is newest flash player? not sure what the problem is related to
  15. mm, it's the screen focussing on the new item thats appearing if that makes sense, slow conections or slow computers lead to it taking ages to appear sometimes, you could have been doin that at a peak time, was it a one off or does it happen a lot? *check disclaimer for more info*
  16. yeah, discovered i couldnt do it when i said i would lol, no sleep last night led me to sleeping through that time lol, will do it in the next couple of days though
  17. i certainly agree there, i was a sheep as to where to put me story, i did it where someone else already had, a seperate section would be good
  18. /has previously read this section and a bit surrounding it*mumbles under breath* still wasnt what you said it was in your previous post *ends mumble* you clearly have looked into this more than me lol, and it has been far too long since i looked up lovecraft and spent time reading about the things surrounding, i bow down to your superior knowledge (on this subject ) EDIT:hehe check my disclaimer
  19. /me being pedantic/pickywhilst this is true, a sometimes more popular translation of ''Necromonicon'' is ''The Book Of The Law Of The Dead'' although depending on where you split the word and what language you translate from it can mean many different things
  20. Everybody knows that history is written by the victors, and as i am a victor of my own role in this world i can write my own account of it, which may or may not be wholly accurate, or necessarily in the correct order. To explain why my tale will be in such a format is easy to state, it is simple, i was cursed, but that i will talk more about later, for it is a story before this tale, and it will help you to know me as i became when i got here, so that your opinion of me, should you not have met me yet, is not slanted by the acts the were comitted by me and mine before i was, lets say, changed... Now, i have been here a while, some of you may know me, others perhaps not, though it is likely we may have passed each other from time to time as we were each going about our journeys in this place, be it with good intention or ill. So you may be wondering as to why i should write my history now, in this time and place, with present situations occuring, like the apparently imminent war between the shades and the followers of the light, and as i like simple answers i shall provide another one, it is time. I sit here currently listening to the murmur of voices beneath my feet, new people to this fine land, they will soon learn it's ways and discover that not all is as it seems, i may go downstairs to assist them soon, but for now i will write this note. That glimmering scroll that they now see, how i remember when i first came into that room, the new smells, sights and sounds that so enticed me, there were so few of us in these lands back then, it was so quiet and empty of life, so much different to the place it is now. I stepped outside of that room and my senses soon became overwhelmed from this new land, and i am ashamed to say i fainted, hidden in the grass i lay there for many days, half dead, unaware of what was going on around me, times were changing, things were happening in this new world, for it was formed for us, and everything new has to change, change is a good thing. I awoke to find a place, similar, but not quite the same as when i left it, it was busier, it was livelier. I regret those days i missed of my life, though my life is long, for i am many ages older than any man, those are the days i miss the most, so much excitement as the world formed around those within it, i crave the knowledge of the God's who made this place so that i might see it once again. After waking i stumbled around for a while, not knowing what to do or where to go. I started to follow the beaten track leading away from the place i now call home, off through a strange area where clearly remnants of battles in other far off places had ended up, for it looked too focused for a battle to have actually taken place there, too neat if you will, but i diverse, later i came accross a strange gate, it's markings were foreign to me, and back then it said not a word, with new sights such as these i had just witnessed so many thoughts began racing through my head, and because of this a few long since burried memorys clawed their way back to the surface, it was a painful experience and measures have now been put in place to be sure those memorys never resurface like that again. Instinctively i took the right hand path from that place, the guardian that i later discovered on the left path and i have met before, and in this world i was not in a prepared state to battle with it, we have a long standing knowledge of each other, but it cannot, none of it, be said for it would weaken both sides, and both of us enjoy what power we are deemed fit to recieve too much to allow that to happen, i will say but this, that many aeons and many worlds have passed since a time when we talked about friendly matters, when we, both of us, were different shapes and sizes, for the shape he holds now is merely fitting to his post, he has no real need of it, alas for my curse else i would snap him down with a flick of my tongue, but my memorys get the better of me, like i have said, it is a different time, perhaps we both may be more forgiving this time around, well perhaps anyway. My memory clouds, i shall go and help the newly arrived once more, and come back to this with fresh vigour in but a short while in your span of time, adieu.
  21. lol, perhaps The Geico (??) says it, but it's still a German word also, A cup of tea solves everything
  22. just as a new reply to your post? sure, will start to do it in about 10 hours, so about 1.30pm my time
  23. personally, if i complain outloud about spelling or grammer at all(i don't much), then i only do it to native english speakers, i'm rubbish at learning other languages (have tried to learn a few) so i have a lot of respect for anyone who has actually managed to learn it as a second language :)
  24. ooh i come from England too out of curiousness, do you have a strong accent? i know quite a few people from that area and they all seem to have one heys, and welcome to MD feel free to ask anyone here for help, we're all nice and friendly, also there's a helpful 'live help' button in game which you can message through for help with anything game-related, enjoy the game, and have many happy times here @Lulu, lol hallo is German, and it really depends on the person anyway
  25. hehe, i can help out if need be, i'm trying to keep busy during the day to make sure i get up before midday if you tell me a list of what needs doing i can do some of it tomorrow (am in all day)
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