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Everything posted by Grido

  1. i cant remember where abouts the thread was, but this has already been suggested, and it was decided it wasnt neccesary
  2. you can mass produce a particular ritual if you click on the button repeatedly the whole having to find someone to set up a rit has been brought up before, not sure if anything was decided though
  3. refreshing the page should sort it out, there's a difference in the clock timer in-game and on your computer, refreshing matches them up again, it also allows you to see the stats increase straight after the refresh, also if you look under the list of stats there's a little circle with a glowy thing going round it, when it hits '12' the stats will change automatically
  4. Robin you misunderstood what i meant, i knew what actually happens, i wasnt exactly being informative with my missing worded question though either. i meant, cos chapter 3 is after chapter 2 in mp5, if you've just died going into mp5 and thus story mode ends with your story mode death, how do you continue the story?
  5. what happens if you die when going into mp5? i didnt do this, havent died with any of my story choices, was just wondering though, cos technically the story cant really continue, technically
  6. it's 0% because, as far as i can think your creatures must all be multi targeting, against a single creature, which doesnt work, and there's nothing for the hollow warrior to heal so it's not got -%
  7. you havent given a way for VP to be gained there, if this was going to be implemented then you should be able to sacrifice any of them for any other, obviously at a penalty in the amounts given.
  8. Grido

    Battle Reports

    errm no sugestions sorry, just gonna say that it takes a while for the battle to register with your end, so it takes that 20 secs or whatever it is before it appears as an attack your end, i get more confused when i randomly check my inbox in game and find an unopened message laying there for the past week
  9. lol, no, it's something more 'physical' than that Morgana arrgghh will have to go and look for you later now, what with your puzzley-ness quests
  10. @phleg, it's not that nope will try other riddles later, when i have more time to spare, have a meal to go to, yum yum
  11. it IS 'what' lol, and no it's not that either, have people forgotton spoiler tags?
  12. i wouldve put this in general, but oh well, yeah, i'm nice and free part from exams currently, an by that i mean that i have one in 2 hours game interface wise i dont think much has changed i joined the forum for the same reason lol, wanted to do something while in story
  13. Grido

    Story mode

    dont worry, while i'm sure something will be done about all the complaints about it being too low, you'll find it more difficult in mp4 and certainly mp5
  14. you're wrong? < what? you asked me to kidding you might be right, though from what i understood of it when i read it, you have to already know the identity, say you've held a wooden box but have lost it, because you've held it and have 'learnt' the identity of the item, you can then being it to you so to speak, if that makes sense anyway. so you can't just summon another principle becuase you havent learnt it, and therefore dont know the identity of it, without the identity of the object you cant use it. thats my take on it anyway
  15. no to all of those, and it is 'what' like i said rather than 'who' lol ooh yay, mine might actually be good/a challenge
  16. different combinations have different benefits to it, you'd have to read up about all of them and weigh up for yourself, as none of us know the spells later available for use with them yet
  17. it's alright i have my exceptions but usually i'm like that keep thinking you might get it
  18. i've listed that as part of the riddle, so no I am truth, but truth isn't the answer
  19. noone seems to be trying your riddle much MB anywho, i felt like making one, which i havent done before, so i hope you like it, and also hope that it's not too easy 41.14th 'what am i?' riddle I am a house of lies, A flimsy construction, Changing all the time, I am the world through different eyes, I am loss, pain, and regret, I am happiness, lust, and love, I am hard and soft, short and tall, I exist in many forms, I am what you see and know, I know all, I am truth, I am known to all. What am I?
  20. magic relies heavily on principles, if you only have 1 principle you can only do simple spells, the more principles, the better the spells
  21. so whatever cap you reach first the creatures will not be affected by an increase of it? i.e. reach max xp first, creatures no longer gain any xp reach max wins first, creatures no longer gain any wins (ahhh line sync - http://xkcd.com/276/, i have a habit of posting xkcd, i just cant seem to quit it)
  22. ah you see when i joined it was the same situation, but i forgot about the game for ages before i came back, still no guards there though, i just didnt bother going in to get the creatures lol, so had to figure out the rit to use
  23. Grido


    while thats true, i don't think thats what he meant as neither player healed any or damaged the other creatures. i've seen it before myself, think it's already known about though i dont know whether anything is happening with it or not
  24. this problem has been commented on before, it isnt just on IE, i have firefox and the same happens, but then again it works on other computers with those browsers perfectly fine, i think it has something to do with how 'good' the computer you're using is.
  25. clicking on your name on the chat bit area provides you with creature xp, to see your total xp, which is player and creature xp combined, click onto the MD shop, or if you're at the end of MP3/4 story it will also display it there. sacrificing creatures reduces creature xp, but your player xp will likely get that amount of xp pretty quickly anyway and if you're at mp3 there's little reason to be sacrificing any of your creatures, just because it's not worth it, wait for your creatures to level up more, you get better stats that way.
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