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Everything posted by Grido

  1. IB is International Baccalaureat (poss sp) internationally recognised in France Dont know AP unless they actually mean Action Points which i highly doubt I much prefer Tea to coffee, which being English is a natural thing
  2. For a while now i havent been able to see my own avatar when clicking on my name in game, i just figured it was cos i have a rubbish computer though. Now however after asking other players it appears they cant see it either. I was wondering if it could get fixed at all? it should be a kinda wizardy person in a blackish cloak if memory serves.
  3. it's harder to get wins now, what about imposing a similar regulation on losses? or would that not work? *EDIT* does anyone know why everyone started congregating at willows?
  4. what about have the regen as a percentage of your max? not neccesarily a constant % for all mp's but a consistant sort of one
  5. indicating that the wizard has probably tried, and failed, to get it before
  6. the box puzzle:
  7. not quite right i dont think, with invisible ink, you first apply lemon juice, and then heat, the juice itself isnt the ink
  8. i fell for *it*? aww no fair, what is 'it'?
  9. @MB why oh why so much spoiler text, the whole chunk didnt need to be done like that surely? also, the end bit is likely not correct, but the first part has gotta be at least close
  10. *EDIT* read answer to question on log, but here's something else ~~VICTORIOUS!~~ *** Combat details (under construction). 'E' is defender, 'A' is attacker Your honor reward for this battle: 0 Your loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy honor reward for this battle: 0 Enemy loyalty reward for this battle: 0 Enemy was penalised with 3 honor for loosing this fight Casualties: Defender:-40.0939%, Attacker:37.19730% heat A: 4370 heat E: 0 logsize:550 usevitality e (you):61 usevitality a:100 looser:A actionnr:120 rounds:9 E lost: -939vit; A lost: 2596vit; Array ( [vars] => Array ( [statsVp] => 168.3 [statsXpl] => 0 [statsAct] => 0 ) [character] => Array ( [regeneration] => 0 [energeticimmun] => 0 [tradesense] => 0 [briskness] => 0.102 [initiative] => 0 [defence] => 0 [attack] => 0 [power] => 0 ) [something] => 1 ) I thought that both players had to lose 20% to get a victorious?
  11. *EDIT* gave silly answer so deleted
  12. i think the pages are part of the book as well, i think the key to finding the book of principles is in using the principles themselves, if the book is protected by them(i read that somewhere) then it only seems fit that they should be used to find it, not quite sure how it'd work in practice though, but the slowing down of the fire indicates the use of the Time Principle, the fire itself that of the Element Principle, she could perhaps use the Principle of Imagination to imagine the pages into some form of book perhaps *there are 10 principles, so according my my theory the pyramid area has to involve all of them
  13. woo for MB yup Phlegm thats right, though i usually hear it the other way round will have a go at your puzzle Saco when i get back from 6th form
  14. As it's not the answer i meant i'll be annoying and say that neither death nor life exist for the 'beings', they only exist within that place and so either door would lead to their own nulification, as such the questions you suggested are void /purposely didnt include spoilers, additional info freely given and helps in little way oh EDIT: also @MB
  15. yay can also log in /found lots of nice things to read on the log as well
  16. if you still need help after the 18th June then i will, exams till then though, so spare time goes toward revision
  17. because the closest i can get to any of those targets is one off (i've half way down the list) though i'm not trying that hard admittedly a logic puzzle, which i might add a few of you will already know as i havent changed it apart from adding the odd detail, so dont spoil it for those that dont know the answer You are in a room, the room has two doors, one at either end, the doors are both closed and as soon as you open either one it will pull you through the doorway(in other words no peeking to see). One door leads to certain death, the other to a return to your life. Standing in the room with you are two 'beings' one of which can only lie, the other can only tell the truth, but you dont know which one is which, and to add a little irrelevant detail, they're both wearing identical flowing black robes. The question is this, what one question would you ask the 'beings' to ensure that you picked the correct dor to return to your life? They both answer the same question and you can only ask one. *EDIT sp i spotted, and in case you want to visualise http://xkcd.com/246/
  18. ye i get server not found as well, i'm in England btw in case you want to know if it's area related
  19. not exactly on topic but ...http://xkcd.com/386/ *not meaning to be harsh, the comic is just really funny i like the speed of the storyline, i'm usually on enough to read it off the side without opening the box up, so it's fine for me i love it that noone voted 1 on the rating
  20. do we know when the games going to be up again, on the temp server i mean, i type in the url an it keeps saying 1 hour, so i was curious
  21. @MB oh i love readin comic strips specially when i have a few days spare with nothing to do, which doesnt really happen so much atm unless i'm procrastinating from doing revision ooh i saw that last week as well, brilliant film, great sound track, slightly plausible i might steal that idea myself when i'm older, though i'll probably overlap some of the quotes on the wall, i have many that i like @Glaistig Hot pink? Nooooooooo, retinal burning would certainly occur with that, and indeed did slightly when i read you post in it go for a milder pink? @Saki hehe it was written to be construed that way lol "hello, my names grido, and i...i...i've been mentally currupted for 4 years now *sob bawl sob*" there isn't a shortage of victims in mp4 last i checked, most of the regular players are on that level i think you actually listen to yourself? i dont tend to listen to myself, could be because of my small amount of willpower My first exam is on monday, but it's not a 'real' one it's general studies, non optional after that i think it's the 10th june think i'm done backtracking now *EDIT* @Glaistig it is quite a fun one to use
  22. hmm, this is gonna take a while to backtrack, so i'm just gonna leave you with this message till i've commented on the rest
  23. forbidden kingdom, from that, sounds like karate kid, hmm perhaps slighty more like it when it's high hehe i love those sorts of things, if someone said something perfectly innocent like obviously talking about someones heart they'd just seen an operation of, and the person who hears just that bit might take it as a bit weird out of context. -wow i love taking things too far hehe if i had a bigger room i could afford to be more generalised, but alas i dont ooh, nice artwork on the character i like this one well that makes out effort all the more worth it :) mp5 can probably be reached in 50-75 days i should think, so not too long to wait hehe which cartoons MB?
  24. what about ?
  25. ooh ooh, is it a EDIT: oh the flight bit makes little sense with that answer actually
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