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Everything posted by Grido

  1. lol getting into spoiler realms there, someones prolly said somewhere on the forum already if you look hard enough, on the other hand you might just end up wasting about an hour or so looking through a load of non related posts
  2. hehe, not accent related, more language, but i love the comic strip :) http://xkcd.com/84/ i can read it fine, i then spend about 5 mins trying to pronounce it properly inside my head
  3. sometimes the spending of money in the MD shop doesnt register till you refresh page, that might be why it disapeared, if this isnt the case i hant got a clue though oh and i dont think there is a way to check purchases, yet.
  4. i seem to remember, probably falsely, that the third principle isnt got till later in the story, like near the end of chapter 1 sort of time
  5. also "the strength of the loreroot guards lies in their weakness" or something like that, it says it at the top of the screen in game sometimes, so isn't counted as a spoiler
  6. i'm not spoilering on the grounds that if it's right i'm going to laugh, lots does the bunny just kill the lame kitten king? and the rest of them
  7. heys, believe me it's all of it fun i havent played D&D before either though to my credit it is partly cos my friends didnt want to go through the whole hassle of teaching me
  8. It's told me i'm blue as well hmm, it's half right, the good half i mean lol
  9. Grido

    probelm :(

    if you log onto MD, on the right hand side on the screen should be a sort of gold coloured box which says ''online now, live help'' click onto it and a message box will appear, tyoe into the message area about this problem and someone should respond to it fairly quickly
  10. Grido

    probelm :(

    i'm not a mod so cant, but send a message to live help ingame as well as this message
  11. Grido

    Three bugs

    i use both firefox and IE, on differnet comps, one is mine, the other works, both cant use the new skin properly, i cant think why it might not work on some peoples comps and work on others
  12. near enough chew the ''official'' answer is
  13. i thinks it's just there for some reason
  14. some of them are possible to 'skip' over and fill in a bridge so to speak though lol, i have a big imagination though lol
  15. there are 4 more to buy in the MD shop, in the extra features section, total to have currently is 6
  16. the theory itself is in all sorts of books, dont know where it origionated though, i've read it in the Eragon series, but also in a series of books which i dont know the title to, main character in called maerid or something though, there's 3 books atm but should be more at some point /ends slightly advertising of book lol
  17. Thanasia are you talking about true names? it's said that every living thing, plant/tree/animal has both a true name, and a given name, the true name being known only to the person themselves and any which they tell, it also holds great power over them
  18. not quite chewitt, but it is to do with that ball yeah, which is the earth on the of chance you didnt already realise. the earth doesnt equal 42
  19. i'm mostly not responding to that because it all sounds quite good, the thing with alpha is i thought manu/mur mentioned something about being in perpetual alpha, constantly updating and adding new things
  20. i voted for bob, i like bob, bob is a nice name i do feel quite sorry for dave though nobody has voted for it
  21. Hello, enjoy MD i think that most of us origionally clicked on a random link to get here, though it was now quite a while ago for me so cant really remember lol feel free to ask about the game, don't ever feel any question is too stupid, there'll be someone else who's asked it before
  22. That happens sometimes, i think it's a flash bug, been there a while, should sort itself out after a while, occaisionally fixes itself after refreshing but doesnt always
  23. hey Mistress, welcome to the game, most of us get at least a tad bit obsessed with the game lol, it's nothing to worry about though arrggh only got the temp boosters left in MD shop dont use them enough
  24. still not there, check whenever i'm logged on, hasnt come back at all
  25. @Trahern, edits post the last answer has something to do with the book, and the picture oh and for bonus points find the other 4 answers which arent published on the net, Douglas Adams said there were 10 answers
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