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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. I think that Ruin is right. must be the answer. It fits too well from my point of view.
  2. For the first one I gave the answer.
  3. So...I'm here...I'm supporting....or at least I'm trying...
  4. The answer for the first one: For the second one, I have no ideea From chewett: Spoiler tags on all answers please From No one: first teach me how to do that LE: I found out by myself.
  5. Is it a plane? Is it a bird? Nooooo! It's SuperBunny!! on topic: I suck at riddles so I have no ideea what could it be
  6. Ok, perfect. I will chose one and do a draft. After that I will send it to you for a feedback. If it's ok I will go on.
  7. With whom did you battle?
  8. I can try and reasearch something if you still need help...
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