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[quote name='Rendril' date='02 November 2009 - 01:12 PM' timestamp='1257160360' post='46376'] If you are very interested in having such a list, make one yourself and keep it in a storage.What many are not considering is that the storage can perform the same function as the keys, in fact I don't think we really need keys because the storage can handle it all. [/quote] OK, give me an example of the storage thing. Remember, i want a storage across clickables, across "players that click on clickables". Other problems would be : - what about the "noob scripters" giving keys before learning to delete them. - how can you make this storage protected from others ? [quote name='Kafuuka' date='02 November 2009 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1257182610' post='46414'] Once you have the player id, you can retrieve the player object from the existing player array.In similar fashion, with a second table for keys:[code]SELECT * FROM keytable WHERE key = '$key' LIMIT 1[/code]Will return an array of integers. You can use the same associative array type to check whether a certain player(uid) has said key, or you could print out all elements the array has and thus know which players have the key. If you want to transform uids into names, you can use the original table at the cost of an extra query. [/quote] considering that a tables can be created I suggest a structure like user_keys (uid, key_id, last_access_timestamp, system_key_flag) indexes : -> (uid, key_id) -> unique -> (key_id, uid) -> to have double access to keys, starting from user and from key Even if the "system_key_flag" will be redundant, it will help the purge. "last_access_timestamp" is there specially for purge but it can be also be available as read-only value so that we know when it was given. keys (key_id, owner_id, key_name, timestamp) indexes : -> (key_id) for unique column & fast access on values -> (owner_id, key_name) for fast list / filter of keys by owner & uniq values -> (timestamp) to make a cleanup of a table that will reach a few millions or records [quote name='Rendril' date='02 November 2009 - 09:41 PM' timestamp='1257190894' post='46431'] It's not a simple case of just adding a table for them.As I addressed earlier, in the worst case it means every scene in MD needs ot be edited.While I doubt this will be the case, it is still a big change.If there is enough of an outcry for a dedicated key table, Mur might make one.I am not convinced of a table being needed for this, the solutions cost as much as the leakage if not more. The best is perhaps the multidimensional array with ID integer stored alongside it's key name string sibling. [/quote] Rendril: nobody said that it will be easy, but what do you suggest ? keeping track of the keys it is a huge task that could require huge resources. And ... when do you think that the array is too big ? It already has 1k for each player (as you state) and most of if from names of keys instead of ids (redundancy). Not to mention that some of them were introduced by hand, witch mean that there are mistakes. Remeber that the MDStore and WPStore both could be changed to keys, along with a lot more features. Also, for programming part ... the migration to separate table can be prepared by creating functions that check for keys. So, changing the function will have an effect on ALL locations where keys are stored. [quote name='Rendril' date='03 November 2009 - 01:31 AM' timestamp='1257204708' post='46443'] It goes beyond clickables.The scenes themselves are affected by keys.If you have the key for Golemus, you can use the gate to get in.The key for Loreroot is what makes sure the guards are not there.I think that being out of tutorial mode is managed by a key too. [/quote] So ? it will take some time, but it should be changed. Fixing keys took a lot of time, why would "takes a lot of time" mean "not to be done" ?
[quote name='Observer' date='01 November 2009 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1257029003' post='46237'] What about having different kind of keys/scripts that "expire" at a certain point? Keys that'll be used for a requirement to future quest (end keys) could be unlimited but if you know your quests is only going to be up for a month you could use a "1 month" key. As for scripts, they should "all" expire sooner or later as there isn't much point in leaving one around forever. There'd be a clean-up at the end of every month or every 14 days as not to use CPU/memory for this fulltime Also, maybe it could be connected to the account cleanup, so that when a player's account is archived the permanent keys set by him/her would be removed. I'm not sure if this is "easily" codable and how much effort it'd take... But it pretty much eliminates the possibility of forgetting about your key. [/quote] If there could be a "garbage collector" kind of thing would be nice, but ... keys ... MUST be kept for ever. Also, quests are not the only thing that can be coded with MDScript, features can be created too. So, yes, there is a need to purge keys, but there must be a way to control it. Also, do rememeber that from same script for same thing there can be 2 different keys for 2 different players: KEY_OWNER_PLAYER_name_of_key. So, what I propose to you is to consider throwing here some ideas on how to count all these keys and how to purge them. I think that Mur should be involved in this as he knows the code behind the keys and he may have an easier solution for all this. So, my suggestion is to have somewhere a list of keys that you as creator gave. If there are more keys with same name given to different players, they should be grouped toghether.
[quote name='Rendril' date='29 October 2009 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1256831311' post='46066'] I think you will have to remove the text manually for now. Remember to do the appropriate garbage removal on keys and storages you don't need. [/quote] how can you remove a key you gave to a player, without him going through my script?
[quote name='smartalekrj' date='31 October 2009 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1256959364' post='46159'] no actually they dont... they get pushed past the limit and i have to delete them to get to older ones... its a pain [/quote] Off topic: Lets make it short RJ and to solve the problem between you and dst: The "Romanian Mafia" works differently (you know: phone calls, secret meetings, emails). In other words: we told Mur a lot of stuff, but he tends to forget about them if you don't push him a bit (see the alliance takeover last year). Also ... as I remember ... there were very few bugs reported (and ... i don't remember any from you). Most of them we found just by checking the forum and recognizing the pattern. As for who was abusing, back then, there were some ways to check. Please don't tell anyone that you reported all that you found. It is pointless to lie like that (not that you didn't do that before or that anyone care). On topic: Anyway, abuses and bugs will be for as long as MD will exist. The main point, as Mur said, is to use them within limits. If you want to do it ... fine, do it ... but take the responsibility for your actions.
[quote name='Pipstickz' date='01 November 2009 - 01:30 AM' timestamp='1257031817' post='46238'] So, I made myself a shiny profile, and I'm just looking for some feedback on it. What I could add, what I could change, etc. [/quote] If you want to make it authentic ... remove the stats (even if those are accessible). Worse thing that shows that your page is fake is that you put a creature more then once. Check other pages and you will understand. Also, your ratio for power / attack is not very realistic. You uses the same source when you modified : edit / save. That made a lot of scripts & images from the page to not be available. (check it) Otherwise ... nice job.
[quote name='Grido' date='29 October 2009 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1256820394' post='46047'] i'll certainly try and figure out about being able to do that once i get the editing ability again Another thing, is it possible to put a sort of timer on a Key? So that a player has to get from point A (where the key is activated) to point B, and access the clickable before a certain time is up? i know there's the clock thing so that you can only activate stuff at a certain time of day, so wondered if this was possible as an addition to it? [/quote] I think that what Rendril suggested is to use a storage along with the key.
WARNING: POST TOO LONG, read only if you are not tired [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='27 October 2009 - 11:40 PM' timestamp='1256679637' post='45913'] [b]Differences between data storage and keys[/b] Data storage, unlike keys, can store lots of data of all sorts, but they also get deleted once they get empty. Its no way to track what data a user has outside the clickable objects or MDScript. Keys can be tracked in game interface and used under many circumstances. Keys are very bad for holding actual data, they are just flags that are on or off. Only info keys hold is the time and place they were received and thats for logging reasons mostly. Both keys and data storage have their advantages and disadvantages and their different uses. They are not one and the same thing, even if under current situation they have similar use. [/quote] There is the need to keep cross click-able information, but as Rendril said to Grido: [quote name='Rendril'] @Grido: You could use the storage to track both number of item uses and quest progress for a player. You can do either local item logging (toau) or a quest-wide log (aoau), I'm not sure if both types work yet. [/quote] Can you explain a bit the difference between the 2 and how to set them (if there is a difference). [quote name='awiiya' date='28 October 2009 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1256689991' post='45927'] I thought about the issue of scripts and items, and you could create either the roll of the Garbage Man (who has access to all scripts, and deletes those seeming useless). That might give too much power to one person, so you could make a more automated version. Since you seem to like the vote system, I suggest that for all those who are able to edit Clickable Items, there be a thumbs up, thumbs down next to the script. [/quote] Code should not be available to another to check if it was intended like that. Depending on the skills and generosity of the coder, CTCs/WP could be in there. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 October 2009 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1256728278' post='45941'] [b]Status update[/b] Still to be documented: - functions - data storage - user input - useful php functions guide - working with arrays - sample scripts [/quote] I'm waiting for a clean documentation no other interference from other players [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 October 2009 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1256728278' post='45941'] Updated todo list : - creature transfers - item transfers - check for fight counts against a player - check for letters in a location - check for creatures - add name of editor to the item entry - hide item entries without activation words of users inactive over x days [/quote] Can you add the "list of creatures" to the "to do" list ? For "collection" reason, there would be needed only creature_type, level. But for "top creatures" would be required also private information like : tokens, age, wins, exp, nb transfers, creature value. Also, for collection would be nice to have also the other information (if spoiling is not taken into consideration) : targets / abilities / power/ attack / defense /regeneration / special skils. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 October 2009 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1256728278' post='45941'] Ideas that will remain for later: - pseudo SQL to handle data in arrays like they are a database - fights triggered by script, trackable by script - ability to give heat to the objects - alt check - item and creature transfer history logs [/quote] What happen with the items that you store ? is it removed from your inventory ? If so : POSSIBLE ABUSE: store creatures for yourself and get them back when they are aged. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 October 2009 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1256728278' post='45941'] ----- Offtopic (to be moved?) I am open to suggestions regarding the distribution of the ability to edit clickables. Currently only 16 ppl can edit items, thats too low. What should be increased? wp price - means more smart ppl active days - more loyal, active and constant ppl consumed wp - ppl with a strong bg On what other base should this ability be given, considering it can change the realm a lot and i plan much more for it [/quote] As suggested, a master programmer could approve a wannabe quester and after certain time, the quester could become a master programmer himself. Otherwise ... WP cost should not be lowered as we don't want millions of test codes in there, just a few good codes that can be considered as FEATURES. [quote name='Grido' date='28 October 2009 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1256730120' post='45946'] damn you're being busy On an oh so slightly selfish note - allow ex-rpc's to still be able to edit the items? That would increase, in the short run, the amount of people who can edit them, and i know various ones who were part way through quests using them anyway, so they'd be appreciative, certainly. On the other hand, now we've been retired, why shouldnt we earn the WP's like everyone else? [/quote] I will also be selfish: some RPCs never used that ability and ... there is no reason for them to keep it. BUT, best thing would be give them the possibility to get the script access for the normal cost without any other requirement. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='29 October 2009 - 01:55 AM' timestamp='1256774143' post='46016'] (To be moved in a poll maybe if you think its important) Should alt check be availabe in script? [/quote] If you really want to ... ok, but how will you check them ? By IP ? Do consider that you are not the only one that helped other players (used the other accounts for a limited time). Also, it was already discussed that the "alt police" is difficult and will raise a lot of problems. [quote name='Grido' date='29 October 2009 - 02:50 AM' timestamp='1256777403' post='46023'] Is it possible to have a sort of 'hidden' list which the person who put the code in, can see who has activated it? So like i could see who has got how far in the quest, or something? [/quote] [quote name='Rendril' ] @RJ: Make a storage which holds an enable/disable. It can be changed on a quest event, using a timed trigger or even manually by the editor. -> make the list of codes in a log and then access it [/quote] I think that it is possible for each "scripter" (person that writes a script) can create a log that can keep a trace of keys created / used on his scripts. BUT, it will be redundant to implement it by every "scripter". Somehow, there should be a way to track the script owner and key changes and then make the list available to the owner. As I don't know if it exists yet : if the function of "log of key / storage change" is already created, there can be a MDScript that can display all of them. I propose the MDScript for this as Mur will not want to change it for every new feature that he creates and a person like Rendril can modify it and improve it and could take care of all abuses. Enough for now. PS: ANTI-ABUSE : put automatic logs, create versions (just the number of increment) of script / owner, create a "nolog" feature that will require some script overview / approval of a SCRIPT-SUPERVISOR so that no log is created. Such "nolog" can be used for a "creation collection" where keys / stores are used but there should be no interaction with the other players. PS2: Mur, prepare for next stage of MD features created by players
I'll join also. Questions: 1. no tokens means ... you will allow 100% influence or just 0% ? 2. and ... in case of 100% influence is allowed, on creatures with tokens the 100% will be mandatory? 3. if 100% influence is allowed ... can anyone hint me on the highest stats around here ? 4. in case of just 0% ... will you allow special / rare creatures to be used ? (who has most drachorns ?) 5. (as someone already stated in a similar topic that I created), will bursts be allowed ?
[quote name='Liberty4life' date='29 September 2009 - 09:28 PM' timestamp='1254252501' post='43184'] if creat can target all creats single and multi targeting is useless well especially if he has dmg and weaken abilities, but i must say that it can be interesting to have creat that can target both multiple and single creat/s [/quote] interesting ... yes, but ... not good. there are already too many creatures that do damage to all. By the way, does anyone (except me) know what a knator is ? or ... what is his target ? Or ... do you remember the name of the maxed Scout ? (it is just rhetoric)
[quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 11:15 AM' timestamp='1254042922' post='42847'] too many drachs ingame already [/quote] What Liberty is saying is true. Why don't you want to create this ... new creature as helper ... for another type of creatures like ... Priests or water elements or, why not, for barren souls.
I'm not protecting bob, but ... I would get really upset if one would destroy it. Let me explain: Bob is my friend; he promissed to save for me all the weeds and dried branches that he no longer needs for my weekly bbq. Also I promised him that I would bring him news from far away lands (like Lore). So, you see, you don't have to really protect him , all you need is to be ... friend to him
[quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='18 September 2009 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1253308671' post='42091'] Rule 5: Multiple invalid rituals If neither [color="#FF0000"]last[/color] nor[color="#FF0000"] prior to last[/color] rituals are valid using "Rule 3" and "Rule 4"[color="#FF0000"] a [/color]random ritual is picked from the list of rituals you have. This is what I mean, the game WILL NOT pick a random ritual from the list you have, it will MAKE a random ritual from the critters you have available. And sorry, I am sure, it creates a random ritual if the last one does not meet the requirement. It does not attempt the next to last, and does not then choose a random ritual. I assumed that your rule implied that Rule 5 would imply the game will continue choosing random rituals until one worked, in other words, would take a ritual you have set that complies with the rule. This is not the case, and I am positive. When I posted I was 95% sure that it was wrong. I had intended to check, but figured it was common knowledge that that rule was incorrect and that someone would have the answer. Soon afterward Jester did. There for I did not feel the need to post the follow up. [/quote] Well ... it seems that you misunderstood how many "[color="#FF0000"] a [/color]random ritual " means. It is just one and it will not continue for ever. But if I understand well what you said, it means that "Rule 5" simply does not apply altogether. And it seems reasonable to assume that this has been removed for performance reasons. And as I said, I will check it and I will rectify my posts there, but I also have to confirm all that with Mur. Also, if you post comments on someones posts, please be sure or , if possible, check it BEFORE you say it. As for the "it was common knowledge" and "I did not feel the need to post the follow up" ... if I were to say that, or all the patient people in this game ... then you would have never ever received any help or hints, because all can be labeled "common knowledge". And ... "follow up" ? I would say "rectify", but that is just me.
hmm, [quote] and from X=50k onwards (that's quite a lot, but basically as much as the average grinder has these days),[/quote] 50k is the average for a grinder ? hmm, it might be if we make the average with the veterans and the noobs, but we all know that extremes never count. as for ... me (as I will pass 50k soon, lol if i'm not average) ... then ... what ??? please explain what should happen ? [quote] They say, if a player with X > 10k fights and kills something 0-100, he won't get anything from the fight, no stats and no wins or xp on his crits. However, if he manages to lose 2% in the process, by whichever means, he gets all his rewards and a bonus for balance if he's in it. [/quote] what ? and why only lose ? who is this joker that wants to remain anonymous ? So, consider that a high stat grinder wants to get a victory. Trust me , he will find ways to kick your best ritual and lose more then half of his ve, in the first round (round 0) without you even touching him. There are problems and there are solutions. But because you cannot do one thing or you cannot understand it or ... you cannot adapt to it means that is a problem. True, there is that problem with new players and veterans and with the rules of combat but ... it gets really annoying [color="#FFFFFF"]that sorrow losers[/color] that don't even understand the rules of combat in this game and don't bother to look at the spoilers on this forum are trying to change them. Damn it, there are ways to do whatever you want in this game. Why don't you look for ways to do it instead of complaining.
[quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='21 August 2009 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1250881893' post='39972'] I might just say that those steps 1-3 are pretty old, and perhaps should be looked over again. For example, the game does not look for any ritual that has over 301 Ve before going random, it is were that the case it would actually be impossible for me to go random, but I do. I'm not even sure it looks for the next to last ritual, I'm not positive on that one though. [/quote] First of all, nobody said anything about looking for a valid (301 ve) through the entire list of rituals. Only last, and previous to last. Second ... I will check that again, it has been only ONE YEAR since I wrote it. Third ... if you are not sure ... take your time and test before spamming with something you are not "even sure". [color="#FFFFFF"]asdfgahimytnrewqfweurtcyuikfd[/color] [quote name='Jester' date='21 August 2009 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1250888958' post='39975'] ... Also, I don't like these guidelines, they seem to just give all the answers instead of explaining how something works and letting people figure it out themselves. [/quote] true, it does look like a big spoiler. But what can I say? I could only write those things without being considered as a spoiler. Hmm, but that was back then and MD evolved ever since
[quote name='dragonrider7' date='18 September 2009 - 07:38 AM' timestamp='1253259522' post='42044'] LOL People like me who uses free credits are not able to make much use of it ;-) .... and I think players should be given the power to assign the tokens to a creature which he wants..... -Rider [/quote] we would all love to be able to put the tokens on the creatures that we want, also to use the "pimp" on the grasan that we want, but ... this will raise a lot of problems i mean ... really strong creatures with the correct combination of tokens ... IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN
[quote name='Grido' date='17 September 2009 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1253227599' post='42025'] A president is a face for things, other people make the decisions and then the president announces it, in some cases *cough*George Bush*cough* they don't know what they're on about either [/quote] I agree with Grido, a presi... is one that does only what others tell him to do. A.k.a. being a puppet. Also, hE has enemies and he is targeted for assasinations. hE doesn't speak for himself / has others to do that. hE has skills but he keeps them secret. And many more. Looking at the above ... I think I recognize this person. It already exists. I'm sorry to say Pip, but it is not you, you are not dumb enough for the job. So the only one that I know that fits the description of a hE in MD is ... ... (drums sound from here on) ... none other then ... ... ...(still hearing the drums) the only one ... ... ... the unmissable ... ...(damn drums) ... the unique ... ... ... ... ... STOP those damn drums , lol I will tell you stop bothering me, lol [b]yea, it is [color="#FF0000"][size="5"]BOB[/size][/color][/b] And if there will be an election for the hE chair ... then ... i guess no one will run for it
[quote name='Burns' date='16 September 2009 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1253098296' post='41890'] [size="5"][u]Swords and Sheaths[/u][/b] [/size] We all know the current issues about swords and sheats and how they force weaker players to inactivity, while older players bash anything they can get a hold off 0-100... I want to change that! As long as you are out of balance, all rules apply just as they do now, with one exception: fights that end in round 0 are NOT counted as loss while you are unbalanced! as long as you are in balance, [color="#FF0000"]ANY win counts for a victory, [/color]but sheat-rules stay as they are, forcing fighters to lose as well as win if they want to stay in balance and get something for fighting at all (don't forget, fighting out of balance gives you nothing, not even wins for saccing) You might say 'Oh wonder, a fighter who wants his victims back' and you would be right, but there's more to it than that: -Combat is what keeps people [u]active[/u], they don't stick around to wait for a new quest to start or because someone might drop by to RP with them, Battle is what makes you log on, search people, and start actions that might even have impact in RP -Combat is what brings [u]money[/u] to the server, nobody buys tokens and rusts because they look fancy, but because they want to beat someone up with them!! [/quote] The only thing that I don't like is : [color="#FF0000"]ANY wins gives you a victory[/color]. Why ? Because it will unbalance the players in the other way more wins then loses. The only good thing about "Any win = vic" will be that players will learn to make good "self losing rituals" (that means more knowledge on MD mechanics). Consider that one good players wants to get balanced (from too many wins), what will he do ? I tell you : he will start GIVING wins. So ... the current system for fighting is pretty good. If you want a victory ... it is easy to be taken. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='16 September 2009 - 03:36 PM' timestamp='1253111771' post='41905'] Just about everyone and there mother is in an alliance Burns. If you really want this to work you would need to get rid of perma balance, or vets would not have to lose a battle to maintain balance. Personally I say screw the heck out of honor. Completely get rid of honor. When you attack someone you get wins, exp and loyalty I suppose. (Though the loyalty system is screwy too.) People walking around who give you more than -100 honor are normally WAY stronger than you. Honor is supposed to be a reward from beating stronger opponents, so why is it that someone like Lifeline should be getting hundreds of bonus exp and 400 honor off of me? The honor system doesn't do what it's supposed to, trash it. Then who cares, fight whenever, everybody fight everybody. No stat damage, no hiding, no worries about win/loss (unless you want to be balanced, which you would). Really, deleting a broken system brings everybody back, and it shouldn't take THAT much coding to do. [/quote] "Screw the honor "? WHY ? You all loved the new "achievements". Consider the honor as an "achievement" and / or a quest. The real problem is the "skill damage" from the -1050 more loses. There ... you can change it to give not more but less stat damage (if not remove it altogether). [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='17 September 2009 - 06:35 AM' timestamp='1253165718' post='41975'] As much as i insisted with that creature stable, i actually like burns' idea. but i can't see how that will make players run out of sanctuaries... [/quote] question for you Aeoshattr: why aren't you idle all day long ? and because you would say that you don't want to have too many wins/loses, I will say: in a system where you are not punished (too bad) for staying all day idle, and you don't lose too much ... then ... people don't mind doing it.
1. Lore is open to MP3 now (see WP) 2. what is the point of this "stable" ? to store creatures ? to lose wins / exp ? or to hide them ? 3. considering that you want to hide creatures ... there are only a few cases when you want to hide creatures (as stated above): - protect yourself from regen - protect yourself from attacks - simply hiding creatures from your long list of creatures Anyway, so far , i see no point in having this implemented except for having something new in MD Shop. PS: And ... if you are in an alliance ... asking advice is considered to be done first inside the alliance. (I mean : ask me)
well, considering that training ground can be moved as "lets move" ... then ... lets see what happens. as for MRD response, he is correct, it will happen like that anyway, life is life and this is my spam
[quote name='Sparrhawk' date='21 July 2009 - 02:03 AM' timestamp='1248138190' post='37571'] My 2cI disike tokens like alot of other people they are overpowering etc etc, and I dont like that if i want to compete and be strong i must buy a whole bunch of tokens and if i want them perfectly i must trade creatures to an alt one at a time and get what i want trade back then level the creature back up again. I think it would be good if tokens where one per creature max and even have them randomize whome there on daily that would be interesting. or perhaps have a have a rare creature with a token freeze aura something that negates all tokens in battle. Im not sure but I do hope that something can be changed about them because there just not working they are way overpowered and weakeneing them isnt going to do alot unless a cap is put on them because people will just grind principles. [/quote] your 2c is funny, please put more so, this is what abuse I see in your suggestion: - a randomizing token ... would mean that with the help of a few alts, one can get a complete set of same tokens on all (or just 6) creatures - only one token / creature ... would require that one can choose the token he wants or ... he can change it using the "randomizing token" lol - there are a few more ways to put caps, but .. that has already been discussed. anyway, it was fun to read, please post more
Cool creature to have in a collection, but otherwise ... it will only mess even more the dynamic that you say it would change. But hey, what do I know. As for : "So it will force brute forcer to think otherwise" ... i guess that already this game was screwed enough by tokens so why not. Why not introduce a creature that gives total and unrestricted protection ? Wtf, where is the weak spot in this creature ? Cmon ? you say that you are smart enough to create a creature . Before creating a creature you must know that all creatures MUST have at least one MAJOR weak spot(yea, seems that some miss those). So, in order for this creature to be a very good creature you must do at least a few things : 1. damage will be returned to attacker only if the attacked / protected creature survived. 2. this creature must never target all - only multiple (so that it will be useless against a single attacker and that will prevent single creature attacks / defence) 3. the more it protects the less percentage of damage it returns as in - one creature : 80% damage returned - multiple creatures : 50% damage returned Anyway, I still believe that most of the players don't know how to use the current creatures and I do not understand why there is a need for new creatures. But again, who am I to judge people's knowledge (most of all when all they want is fame / RP). EDIT: I almost forgot oh, and ... "Weaken Attack" , as I know, is called "defense" now, but I guess that having 100, 200 or even 1000 defense on a creature would not be enough for you , you want 100% defense. Shish boy, get a grip . Oh, you might want to read [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/1872-how-to-survive-in-md-world/"]THIS[/url] , you will find a lot of new and interesting things . Why don't you people ever come with a surprise creature that never does battles ? it is just a darn egg that occupies your slots ?
Why should you get any rewards for attending a competition? Participating in a competition should be rewarding enough. As for TC points ... I think it is too early to know exactly what can be given as rewards. So, except from the experience of playing it you should not expect too much (soon) and if you will receive something ... it will greatly exceed your expectations have fun (and come my way )
I got a torch and I can see the VP and VE. if you don't see the entire right side stats (only the place but no content) ... you should clear your cache
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='10 August 2009 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1249916316' post='39150'] ...How often do you see a lorerootioan archer or a knator? These creatures and others have become useless. .... [/quote] As often as I open the creature page, but to use them ... not since i got tokens ;(