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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. WARNING : LONG POST ahead [quote] Option 1: - permanent second level shop. This shop would have public list of items that are with limited stoc and not always the same. From time to time i will add things to it, while others get bought. It wont be nested like the normal shop, but things in it will variate in value a lot. Drachs, full tokend creatures, magic ctc options, all sorts of things from actual transferable md things (items, creatures, etc) to custom services like gold avy and creature modifications. The price would be calculated in one of these two ways (one or the other, let me know what you think best): Variant 1) every 200credits you have, spent or unspent, regardless when, means one ticket to this shop to pick any item you want Variant 2) a ticket would cost 100 credits, taken from unspent credits (and placed to spent) [/quote] As a ... mostly non-paying player (i got corrupted ) I would choose Option 1, Variant 3) "3)" meaning specific prices for each item, with automated system to lower / increase the price if they are bought too less/much. I would suppose that this system with 100/200 would be difficult to achieve by free-credits (but are still credits) and not all items would be worth 100$. (this might look that I would be against the idea, but I'm not). But if lower prices would be included, then, yes, one could get tempted for 10$-20$ to get something that he wants. Also, including the automated system would limit the number of items through their price. If you do want in consideration this option and if you want to take in consideration the automated system ... then ... - each item in shop should have a starting price and a minimum price (this price would have to be really high at beginning so that lowering them would show their real value) - if one day nothing was bought ... it's price would be reduced by a fixed amount (1$ for commonly bought items / 2-5$ for initial prices until first buy or until middle between initial and minimum prices ) - it more then 1 items is bought in one day, then price should be increased by 0.5$ for each additional buy ( for 2nd item increase by .5, for 3rd by .5 making it to 1$ more, to 4th it would increase the price by 1.5$ and so on) - if the item lowers its price for more then 10-15 days ... it should be removed from market (for a while at least so that it's fate would be revised) - items can be reintroduced to market on periodical bases (holidays / birthdays / weather ) [u]Also[/u], as this would allow all non-players, including alts, there should be some sort of limit If there is a count for how much a player gained from bought credits ... then this limit can be defined like this: - at least 5%(no less then 1-2$) of the price of item should be covered by bought credits (decreasing its number from general counter) Or ... you can make from this the 2nd lvl shop and from your "option 1" the 3rd lvl shop for real spenders PS to Muratus del Mur : yea, yea, I know I already told you about it, but now it is written and will be last time I mention about this.
  2. ppl relax, you stated your point, it is indeed forbidden ... so give them a chance to change them. As stated in rules, if there are more then 1 person who sais that something is offensive, then that thing must be removed. And I think that there are at least 3 ppl stating this is offensive ( I do hope I understood correctly). Problem solved. Text MUST be removed. EDIT: only applies to signatures. PS: final decision should be taken by a mod ( oops, I see that 2 mods are already against this signature)
  3. Please post the entire log for this. It might just be the def value from another source but the damage sure is interesting.
  4. ok, ok, let me put it like this: same formula must work for MP3 with 0-100 stats and for an MP5 with 1-10k stats. For the moment, for the one with 10k , the max stats are given by player (the creatures have little to no influence). If you change it, the 10k will be split unevenly and will get to even bigger unbalance in the ritual. And one more question : when do you apply the "stat balancing" before or after the tokens ? Do consider that the dracs tokened and boosted can be up to ... many many many times more then a single heretic in same ritual and not boosted. So, unless you want to make the dracs (ok, ok, I know it is a spoiler ) even stronger in same ritual ... then do the changes. Why don't you do some xls files and add there some formulas and see the impact. If it is promising ... add some comments and share it with us.
  5. [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1288987048' post='71541'] Examples: 1. two creature ritual, PI = 9000 creature a has 10 attack creature b has 5 attack [b]-> creature a receives 10/15 = 2/3 of PI = 6000, creature b receives 1/3 of PI = 3000 [/b][/quote] This is exactly why. Strong creatures will become even stronger. If you know the stats of all creatures (hint: dracs [winds]) you would not suggest this specific change. @Rendril: Do consider that using just a few creature types is a privilege hard earned.
  6. That is the point. Personal stats HELP the creatures at the beginning but in the end it will be only the power of the player that will win the battle. And I think that it is like that even in the story. (some vague memories as I'm not expert in that ) So, Unless you want to make all creature have stats like 1.0001 - 1.0005 (that will be multiplied) I see no point in what you want to multiply.
  7. Ok, I understand what you want. Yes, a change would be nice, but changing the way of computing the def / attack ... will not do the trick. Also creature stats MUST remain as they are. Think instead of this: a modification on how Target is chosen. If for example ALL will take a 0.8 * player's influence (PI), the Random should take a 1.2 * PI, and STRONG/WEAK should do a 1.1 * PI, MULTIPLE 0.9*PI. And considering that PI is also in Initiative ... the change would be quite significant without introducing big changes and without complicated formulas.
  8. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1288900910' post='71471'] Yes, I suggested they get multiplied. The point was to preserve the usefulness of the creature, for example: while a creature might have 10 times the attack of another, it's targeting or aura might not make up for it. [/quote] Can you put some more detail into it ? Because creature stats being obsolete for strong players is unavoidable and it has to be like that. As for unbalances in auras / targeting ... I thought that those things are still under balancing (untill alfa state is off ) [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1288930877' post='71501'] They want to multiply player stats into creatures in order to re achieve the balance we had before all these ultimately powerful creatures came out. An actual relevance of integrated player stats. Currently the game is lying to you that every rit has a counter rit. [/quote] Kamisha, you are such a child. 1 * x and 2*x, will always make 2>1. If it is agreed that there are creatures that are too powerfull all by themselves ... then they must be adjusted. As for the the lye ... it is not a lye. You just have to find out how / why. If you have such problems with counters ... maybe I can help. (by PM please)
  9. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1255253800' post='44381'] I think the stat modifiers are a great idea. This is what I propose: [b]Creature's stat in the battle = creature's stat * (your personal stat / 100)[/b] [/quote] I think I'm lost here . I do hope that you don't plan to use creature's stat to MULTIPLY with percentages of player's stats. Should I remember you that there are creatures that have (in lower lvls) like 15-20 and in highest lvl 100? Or ... you might want to compute the formula with personal stats under 100 ? Just keep the formula simple with addition. As for the rest of ____ proposals you really must be kidding me. A game must be simple to be understood by "new ppl". If you find it too simple and imbalanced ... you should try starting as MP3 again and after that ask a new player how simple / complicated this game is.
  10. [quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1287492507' post='70636'] Well, I'm not sure how extreme it is but I like the number [/quote] I don't trust you. Put a print scree of the entire page (as much as you can) and if possible in a .png format.
  11. is it still happening ?
  12. Pujulobe ... a complete answer would be "Just because." And as Dark Priestess said, it is not a bug and considering the timing ... it should not be taken into consideration any time soon. Come back with this in about 2-3 months and [u]maybe [/u]it will be changed.
  13. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1287771462' post='70758'] It is the freeze. Ordering of the creatures and player stance matters. [/quote] Can you add some comments stating something like "your creatures is creature frozen , no more aura, na na na " ?
  14. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1286467648' post='69846'] Peace I don't think you would have any relation there is no law stating monogamy. You would just be another spouse of DST. [/quote] Ok ... so ... that will make Grido the second spouse of DST ? that would be interesting
  15. I will say that it is classic "post ggg" syndrome. You're supposed to know a lot of MD mechanics by now as you said you are MP5. (lately , not even that is a certainty) SPOILERs: You should have known by now that : - certain creature are meant to never die. - there is a box where you can create more then 1 (max 20) identical rituals - having only one creature in def has a higher probability for you to get a lose - having 0% influence will increase the chance that your creatures die - having 0% influence will increase the change that you get a lose - to train your creatures is best to use the creatures that you already trained and to attack ppl you know what they have in def. - sometimes attacking to lose (please don't spam loses) may be a good thing - sometimes 0 VE is a good thing - certain players are just "don't attack" and there is nothing you can do about it - being polite is better in only 50% of the cases And most of all: patience is the mother of all virtues. EDIT: as 5 other posted before me [quote name='goldfinger earthicus' timestamp='1287399555' post='70573'] this comes from one who helped smash the only place i could try and train to build myself up.... who threw a hissy fit about GGG? ? Who smashed GGG in a fit of BABYLIKE DISPLAY... the meatgrinding vets... [/quote] NO, I DID IT, I started the whole GGG destruction. Are you happy ? As for grinding ... yes, i grind as much as you do. Do you know how I grind ? Do you know me ? I don't care what you respond, just don't throw things in everyone
  16. [quote name='The Great Pashweetie' timestamp='1286574657' post='69943'] The idea of stunning creatures has occured to me, very much like freezing creatures but instead it also hurts them a little and after 3 rounds the hits will be combined and apply to the monster, dealing a serious critical hit if the monster survives that long. [/quote] If you want to make it acceptable think that everything in this game has (should have) a weakness. This idea of yours ... doesn't.. As a suggestion ... tickle the idea of hitting back after being unfrozen.
  17. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1286113708' post='69559'] So if you're right Burns, the bug is that it is checking the wrong creature. You should get status on the ve that changed - i.e., the caster. [/quote] There is no bug there, there is just too less information (is it said : for your own sake). Anyway, say thank you for that much info as it is as 2 months ago the damage to itself was missing too. In time, the logs will be more comprehensible, but unfortunately there will be too much information.
  18. COOL I think that if your stats get stolen then your creatures will not regenerate after battle. See trees that were supposed to never die
  19. I'm lost. We need some logs on what auras really do. At least during the test.
  20. Pro's and con's are many, and many more are the ppl that don't see them all (neither do I consider that I do). Since it appeared thought about this TC as a possibility for abuses. Nicest ideas would be: 1. Any MP (MP3 & MP4 included) should not participate in TC unless they can be attacked by another with torch no matter what MP. The consequences should be supported by the carrier. This would fix most of the abuse-ability of this contest and I mean that MP1,2,6,7 will all be included in this. 2. Limit this contest to ppl that have been at least once in an alliance. This would limit a lot of alts from being used. Also, the responsibility of them being in TC is falling on those alliances. And this will work nicely with #1
  21. My personal experience ... When I started the game, more then 2 years ago, there where no dojos there where no LHO but I got through. At first ... I joined the game, I got through the story then I quit. It was boring. After a while (about 2-3 months) I found it again and I started to play it with another friend. And I'm playing ever since and (I will brag here) I did my fair share of influencing in this game. [b]The point is [/b]: don't lose hope on noobs. If they are your friends, you can talk to them from time to time and tell them what happen in the mean time. You can tell them about your creatures and what you did with them and many other things. If you are a good story teller ... you will get your adepts back. Of course, as this is still a game, it takes time and those that choose not to spend their time on this will not play no matter what you tell them. Just don't discourage them away. When I answer to questions, I do it with as many questions as I can. And if that person has the [u]courage[/u] to answer me, I am helping him to look for the answers in [b]the limit of my time[/b]. Showing ppl [u]how to find answers[/u] and [u]how to ask questions[/u] is the greatest help you can give to them. Spoilers are easy and few ppl understand them (from the beginning). --- that is about it for now
  22. [quote name='zeTsu grass' timestamp='1282926436' post='67174'] as for the others' comments.. they all say he's "not an mp3" mp3.. and they keep airing senseless ideas.. ... he has attained great knowledge at mp3.. so what? [/quote] feb is not just another MP3, he is an alt of an MP5 No, everybody has to know by now that using your skills and playing by the rules means also that you can attack everybody everywhere in MD. But by interfering with someone's freedom of choice it is against the rules. By remaining in MP3 just to be the nightmare of the noobs and by capping them on purpose and with no reason he is doing something wrong. Someone mentioned a limit of 20 ppl to be capped. Why 20 ? if he did it to 2 ppl it should be enough. I will not argue if he did it or not, but if he did it, he must pay for it and there is only 1 punishment for it: sent to MP5 (no story whatsoever) and no more alliance for him. [quote] you can organize a massive hunt and punish him within the limits of current game mechanics even. You can try to warn noobs against his kind. [/quote] Please Kafuuka, do to try and hunt him. Please, tell me what can you do using mechanics ? [quote] It seems to me that defeating an mp5 as an mp3 is cool. However, nothing makes as big an impact on the game as having the mechanics changes for/because of you. If that happens, I'll gladly nominate februari for biggest villain and most influential on the next festival. [/quote] Changing the game should not be required as the punishments can be done even now. And ... Kafuuka, there are a lot of ppl that influenced the changes in this game. If you don't know this it doesn't mean that it didn't happen or maybe you just want to ignore the possibility. ----- On more personal lvl, I don't like the dude because he is full of <insert bad word here>. He always kills he's creatures, so there is no fair game. Since he started his topic, i tried to attack feb every time I found him but I was unable as he has no creatures alive.
  23. 100-1000 neg VE is explainable, but 300k it is not. At least I don't think it can be explained through same method. Can you tell [u]ME[/u] how it was achieved ? Or if you ever find that again ... and it is not a spell, maybe you should let us know.
  24. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='20 August 2010 - 03:00 PM' timestamp='1282305633' post='66621'] So, you mean i should limit my play experience by myself? What If i like to gather, collect and level creatures like every other player does? Even worse, I shall spent money to get rid of a penalization? Are you serious of suggesting something like this? [/quote] Well, in order to achieve what you desire ... you do have to pay something be it money , time or whatever it is required or you are willing to pay. Whatever you do you will surely limit your game play. There is a limit for every decision everyone does in this game. Do play smart or ask ppl for advices. And lose that ... "fighter" pride, do accept help. There are lots of lamer complains then this but anyway keep in mind that recuperating loses is possible.
  25. What power lvl ? There is only attack and defense on Gaia. Add : Gaia : Power -> up to 20-30 So: what I noticed is that you have too much defense for all lvls. At least make the lower lvls less protected. Take as example some existing creatures. Also ... with a bit of work this creature can be maxed at MP3 which MUST not be possible as it can be a rival of Elemental. I'll check again later for what else might be.
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