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I thought this was already understood but it seems it isn't. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1357701760' post='129940'] please explain me..what means "trust the council" ? trust they can do/solve things, trust as in confidence, trust in abilities? [/quote] Unless explained before what each poll means, the generality of the poll invalidates itself on a different level of details. The pools were: - I approve of the Council - I trust the Council's decisions - I think the Council promotes the growth and health of Magic Duel That mean that there might be a chance for one - to aprove the council but not to trust it or to think they are doing NOK (promotes the growth and health of MD) - to disaprove the council but trusts the council of think they are doing OK I don't see how that can be unless some specific cases or mental issues and neither were under questioning. The only result is seen only if you take this poll as a single question and you with the average for each Strongly agree/ agree / Neutral / Disgree / Strongly disagree. And in this case we see that the council is quite neutral. Any interpretation based on particular cases of what "might" mean will lead to wrong conclusions. [b][color=#0000ff]“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”[/color] -- Ernest Hemingway[/b]
Council being know ? Good or bad ? Do we need a new council ? 1. Do we want a split council (one person for each kind of activity) ? Do you want one person who might just be upset answer your person, or you want a group that ponders the issue to answer your questions ? 2. Do you want answers in 48 hours? *** to council : I am sorry that I bothered you with my ONE stupid question in 3/4 years. *** How many emails do you answer each day EVERYDAY ? If every idiot that consider that they want to ask one "smart" question, considering the pondering of answers ... how many answers / emails / posts do you think that they should exchange ? You moron, you are not alone, there are tens of emails and issues to be considered and most of them more important. Are they payed for being a council member? Do they gain anything in game or RL for it ? I think not, I have not seen any increase in game that is not explainable. So, you want the answers fast very good. [b]PAY FOR THE ANSWERS[/b]. 3. Consider a council made of lets say : Seighart, Fang, Pipstick, Awiya, and you (whom ever you are). How do you consider they (or others , or just you ) would have solved latest issues ? If requested, would have you given in to the request ? like Mur to fang with MP7 ? or to Seig with TK ? (do remember that Seig's history). Would have Pip lost the alliance ? Would have Fang been punished ? Would have Seighart kept the WP won on his own quest ? Be grateful that they DO keep an eye on the REAL ISSUE and not on granting meaningless abuse-able future roles. Anyway, in the end some ppl are receiving what they want. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Unfortunately, only the upset (mostly punished) ppl get to speak up and they will rule MD because only they voice their demands.[/i] Now, lets vote: Jail Fang (again) for going to to Mur pretending items for ... what ? to help others or himself ? bleah, this topics about council disgusts me
This topic is quite funny from many points of view. I will say this blunt as I don't have much time: - DD consider this as a slander of his topic - DD resented dst's comment and (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13466-my-decided-role/#entry129046) - dst then removed her comment - DD still comes to trash this topic exactly after 1 day I told you yesterday in chat politely but you as you don't understand I will use other words : YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. I say that because you demand respect from others before you show them yourself how you respect them. I am sorry to say it but with the post above mine, you lost all my respect for you. And again, this topic is even more funny if you look at mod's attitude: - they changed this topic location to "offtopic" even if this topic is far better then the ones DD or Fang made - they allow the "ill intended spam" and language (see fang's posts) blah
First of all: find out what are you good at (fighting / RPer / leader / follower ) then you can try to identify a path .
Same as Burns, way to overpowered. Do you ever check the stats of other creatures ? Do you ever read what auras do and how they work ? Also, ask for a different attack type instead of those auras and do decrease the damn percents. PS: don't expect to ever get implemented.
[quote name='Change' timestamp='1356241795' post='128683'] [i]Change[/i] used to love even numbers. S/he loved even numbers even to the exclusion of odd numbers. Change hated odd numbers. Recently, however, Change has started to like odd numbers, even to the point of possibly favoring them over even numbers. [/quote] Considering that this is a RL matter, and the "love" is real and well thought once can only think this is due to a matter of heart. There are 2 possible causes, both based on a this hypothesis: 1. s/he is heart broken. (negative possibility) The love of evens would have come from the "pair" (2 , even number) when youngsters would love to share everything together and would not conceive to do individually The change to odds would come from a separation w/ heart broken, when the one in cause would prefer to always be/do things alone. As an extension to this, one changes it's love from evens to odds choices 2. in a relation comes a 3rd (positive possibility) It can happen to a couple on (perspective of) the arrival of another person (mostly the first child). Of course there can be other causes for this change but this is a MAJOR change of mentality. It would imply a change in the world as s/he sees to the point of mental instability. Also considering the choice of words in the above quote and the nature of the item (even numbers) one can consider that the is about a girl and this would sustain one of the 2 theories mentioned above.
old active day players make it unfair
No one replied to DARK DEMON's topic in Join the MD Development Team
It seems that the absentees are the problem and it is requested a solution. Why not make it automatic : Consider the each citizen has its vote influence or lets say power at 100%. Each absence on a vote will decrease the power of a vote by 5%. Each vote will recover up to 50% of the vote power. Also, this should not decrease by more then 5-10% per week (do remember the holiday when one vet could be voted out like this due its inactivity). This will completely remove the extra influence lost due to inactive players but in time and will still hold the number of citizens. Better ? Also, if one chooses to vote on only some of the referendums then it is their own choice. They will still have the means to keep their influence. PS: the request to check the DB for inactivity seems like privacy invasion request. -
Note: the Viscosity only changes when you move out of a location. Tested like this : - no one (has UG loyalty / non UG alliance) : Viscosity by 4 - dst (UG alliance): changed Viscosity by 2 - no change is done if passed more the once on same location After few minutes: - Viscosity regenerated +2 (from +34 to +36) - no change is done if passed more the once on same location So, I guess, that after a while, the viscosity builds back to +40 and you cannot change it anymore. I think it was mentioned somewhere how it is changed.
I want this skill just like the other ones, to provide a chance for extra items. Nothing more. I agree and I tried to state that it cannot fit with all current & future formulas but then we/I don't want 1000 types of skills for 1000 recipes. But if you find a way to split all future formulas into 2-3types only (or any other limited number), then feel free to add the categories. All I want is that the actions and work to be recorded and recognized as it is not something easy. Also, placing stats on only the one holding the recipe will withheld ppl from joining on random recipes and will / might trigger another type of GGG.
@Dark Demon & Seighart: You seem very upset that LS was chosen over Zen. Good. Do something about it. @Pip: Stating that "council is stupid" is stupid and denotes a the shallow consumer's thinking. Stating that they don't give what ppl wants sais only that you are "shallow thinker". Consider that everyone wants 1million GC, 1million WP & creatures, would you play MD ? plain stupid . [color=#0000cd]The job of the council is to LIMIT and PONDER the access and decisions, to consider the good of ALL / [/color][color=#0000cd]impact [/color][color=#0000cd]on ALL instead of just one.[/color] @Seighart: as this is created to satisfy your personal ego, i will respond to you as I always respond to such questions: Now that you have created this empty topic, it is your duty to fill it: make the counts. Should we consider that you are all mouth and too lazy ? SO: - do the math (counts), - then check & remove all those with no reason stated - check & remove the wrong reasons and personal irrelevant reasons (wrong from everyone's opinion not by you alone) Example: I don't like that one because he is friend with x, y, z Example: he/she is my friend And post the results (for each step so that you can show that you did your job). Also, post the remaining list (link to their posts) so that we can help you with quotations for each one. Gather the quotations and post the result. Only when you've done all that you can ask "why?" and expect a positive reaction. Otherwise you will still be taken as the brainless loudmouth that we are all used with. [size=1]Please excuse me from being blunt to you, but you are not taking any hints.[/size]
As there seems to be a trend for adding new recipes , why not create a skill for using them. I think that name like : chef - cooking / warlock - sorcery (as it is related to mixing stuff) / alchemy / druggist / crafting Do consider to take all recipes together so that there will not be 100 types of skills. Also, the skill points should be given to both participants that used the recipe. As skill points, i think there should be about : ( 0.5 * number of items used for recipe) * 1/100 It might be a small number ... I think. Example: for 5 items used, that makes 2.5 * 0.01 = 0.025 skill points for each ritual. (can there be more then 2 participants to a recipe ? )
Maybe that list of (citizens of a land) can be made available for the public somehow - either by "same land" tab - or a click-able at the [b]entrance[/b] . That way everyone can find it easily. By having the list in alliance page will be just like having VIP information as the citizens themselves cannot check it.
@grido: making loud noises to everyone till you get to the manager/supervisor is NOT always a good bet. Try to talk politely and make the other one as annoyed as you are then go straight to manager and threaten him with customer protection and rights :evilgrin:
---- I am reconsidering this ----
Edit: sorry for being this long. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1354097712' post='126710'] A month old player could run the TKs with a little guidance and would probably do a better job of it than anybody has in the past. ... I vote Zentao because the reasons for voting Lightsage don't make sense to me unless I ignore my brain, while the possibility of a leader who won't say "I'm not changing my mind unless Mur/Council tells me to", and one who already knows how TKs works, is too good to pass up. [/quote] You are really confusing me with your reason for chosing Zentao but someone can read this kind of complicated stuff. Sorry. Fist of all, due to all these "noobs" that "know better" there was quite a flood of WP and rare creatures. And this is another reason I choose not to choose a noob (A month old player). Also: we don't need a puppet of the old leaders, we need someone who don't need "a little guidance" but obey the limits & rules. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1354109150' post='126723'] (1) My reason? Why against Lightsage? From my experience ... his best friends ... is Dst. (2) ... Dst's professionalism ... don't thing Dst will try to manipulate ... she will not do her best to stop Lightsage (3) Even that could pass for me (barely) if Mur were active and all the TKs had to do was to watch carefully whom he is rewarding, but in the modern days of MD, we've seen that TKs have a large independent part, full of self-initiated ideas. (4) For the sake of balance of MD powers, ... Players should have very limited and balanced grasp on admin seats. ... (5) Remember what Mur said about people not liking Seigheart? That it is a positive attribute for his TK reign, because he is not supposed to be liked. I'm sorry ..., I just wanted to honestly portray my opinion .... [/quote] I am sorry Rhaegar, was that what you meant to say ? Please let me respond to that: 1. Nice reason: don't vote Lightsage he knows (is best friend with) Dst. Anything else ? 2. Dst didn't do her best to stop Seighart of Fang ? Didn't they still did it ? how many abuses have they done ? do you know all of them ? 3. Because Mur is no longer active, who is checking TK's activity ? They don't obey Council as Seighart so blatantly and honestly said. And the idea 4. Yes, please vote council out of game. 5. From what I understood at that time Mur had a choice: jail/ban Seighart (as of Fenrir alt) or give a similar punishment. Seigh's TK position nearly granted him the jail he barely avoided in the first place but definatly gave him the bad reputation (due to his own character) [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354118306' post='126740'] No one deserves to be denied helping MD because they made a mistake a long time ago. But I believe Rhaegar is correct in his comment. [/quote] Please stop using my alias on topic not related to me. You don't know me. Well, Seigheart, TK is where it is because of you and your attitude about rules. Fang just fell into your steps. I think that if Zentao whould have not have been a former TK she would have had better odds. Also, Rhaegar was not putting you in a good light you know. But I guess that if he is ranting about Dst he must be right, no ?
Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers
No one replied to Fire Starter's topic in Treasure Keepers
All nominated have their qualities after their statements and review of their activities on forum and comments i will vote for : [size=5][b]Lightsage[/b][/size] For reasons I don't know what to write, there are so many , MOST of them are already written above. [u]Character: [/u] 1. adaptable 2. friendly 3. trustworthy 4. loyal 5. ready to help [u]More game related:[/u] 6. in game activity (see LHO activity) 7. experience as quest-er (see quests played and rewards) 8. old school (age over 4 years ??? damn I am old) 9. open to new (see LHO activity) 10. knows the value of stuff (information ,creatures, bugs and their impacts) (see the [b]game mechanics badge[/b]) 11. knows the game mechanics (see the [b]game mechanics badge[/b]) 12. recognizes the impact of certain actions on MD's social life [u]Some of the most important:[/u] 13. he knows people due to its new and old activities and even age and character 14. people know him For all of the above reasons and a lot more, he is the best candidate TK has ever had. PS: LS, if you fail this, we can nominate you for president of a small country -
1. 50% is HUGE Try combining 2-4 of these creatures. Can you make a math here ? 1.5 ^ 4 ~ 5 , that is 500% attack bonus Do consider lowering the % of the aura influences. 2. When choosing auras, do note that they a creature should not "accumulate" auras but "evolve" and thus changing auras. 3. when stating that this is basically a "necrovian scout" (and that means a slightly modified LR scout) you should consider that all the remaining lands should get a similar "slightly modified" scout. Thus: - make it land specific, - limit nb of auras so that you can place land specific auras - limit the stats , changed but similar to original scout It would be interesting to have similar creatures from different lands. I think there are enough aramors and grasans.
Indeed Dark one, nobody tells you in advance but this is all about MD mechanics and due to LR making quite a fuss about dst's illusions "recently" all who read the forum should know about this. If you were not interested ... it does not mean that it was not public. [quote]Aye, not yet. But have you not considered how people might take advantage of: Udgard said: if someone who is about to get kicked enters an illusion just before the end of the vote, then comes out of illusion afterwards, will they be able to circumvent being kicked (seems like a potential loophole here)? [/quote] Please look & read for the illusion topics of LR against dst's (and other) illusions. I have considered all the consequences and seeking the loopholes is part of what keeps me in MD. The only ppl that don't find them acceptable are those that failed something due to illusions (see the SI takeover as part of the LR's complaint about illusions) .
Plains of Liberty turned into Plains of Everlasting Stench
No one replied to dst's topic in General Forum
@Dark: I said no such thing. But I do am sorry for you being caught in this. As Lib said above, this topic is about insulting titles. If we are starting to overlook this part of the rule, then who is to say that tomorrow GoE or any of the capitols will not have a similar title? I vote for the punishment of whoever changed the title at least by removing 1 extra WP to change it back or to clear the title. If these words "everlasting-stench" will not be considered as an insult, then I will ask for the name of the one that changed the title and I will personally post in its personal log the "everlasting-stench" as , as I said, these words will not be considered as an insult and I will even spend a WP for the title of that person to be changed to "everlasting-stench". -
As I said also in : [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13216-citizenship-by-crash-test-dummy/#entry126445"]http://magicduel.inv...my/#entry126445[/url] From my point of view, let illusions be like they are right now. Who can use it and know how to use it ... it is his right to use it. The illusions have their bad counter part and those using them are assuming the risks. It is your fault that you stayed in illusion, you should support the consequences. Also, you are not forbidden to reapply to LR again. If you were accepted into LR, there should be no problem to get in again. Edit: Do as Falron said. Who knows, maybe they will do an exception for you. Good luck.
@udgard: there are very few that have illusions for a purpose. Yes, when one is kicked from a land by any means while in illusion they should get back into the land (according to rules that might change) when the illusion ends. From my point of view, let this be like this. Who can use it and know how to use it ... it is his right to use it. The illusions have their bad counter part and those using them are assuming the risks. Who used it the other way (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13278-illusion-citizenship-problem/) then it is their fault. This issue about illusion's capability is not new and it is not that old. Keep it like this.
[quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1352679499' post='125402'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Alright good people, in the spirit of mutual aid and cooperation, I have spoken with some folks and my problem has been resolved.[/font] [/quote] I would really want to know who and what did it do for/to you.
[quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1352595768' post='125346'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Dreams are not private in MD.[/font] [/quote] That is correct. Also, what is the purpose of your dreams ? Why are you so afraid of being heard ? Are you hiding something ... or ... someone ? From what I've read, this is a campaign against dst. You also complain about "the council". As I remember you should thank "the council" for allowing you to keep the job after you thew away your item. You are a bit ungrateful. As for spying ... you are just annoyed you cannot do it yourself. [quote] [b]: [/b][color="#999999"][i]Phantom Orchid failed to cast a spell[/i][/color] [b]: [/b][color="#FF9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Porus acusticus manet[/i][/color] [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]PUAH![/font]
[quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1352370943' post='125239'] Well, we all know who has made rudeness into a form of art. It may be contagious. [/quote] Perfect example. Thank you Magistra for this example. (FYI : you have a minus from me) I totally agree with Rasiel. Complete and [b]useless [/b]posts with [b]free [/b]cynicism should be wiped out. They tend to lower the interest of people in MD and this is bad for the comunity. I know from my own experience that is hard but not impossible to refrain from that kind of posts. Well done Rasiel
This is mine. Small but still my own: http://storenow.net/my/?f=5186 ( sorry for the link but I still cannot upload photos )