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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. @lib: your X column table would make the trigger box unreadable. Just consider the spell : "item-necrovionpapers", it occupies about 50% of the trigger box. Having it in a table would make the table too wide to fit in the triggerbox even with double its size. Also, having too many information for just one line would make the trigger box too long.
  2. No one

    Daily Fruit

    [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350061238' post='123881'] I think it would be interesting if there was an upgrade to the way we gain stats for logging in everyday. [/quote] You already gain stats daily. Please read carefully the "calendar" page when you first login on a certain day. Also, stats are for grinders, grinders should grind. RP-ers don't need stats. PS: I am a kind of grinder too and I already hate when someone gains something with no work.
  3. The difference between you and me, nad, is this : [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5146"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=5146[/url] For any moderator, please close this topic.
  4. Hi Nad. I am answering you because I am REALLY GLAD you reported this. First time I noticed something wrong was a few weeks ago but I didn't know what it was. Today with your first image, it came to me like a flash and for that "flash" I thank you. I missed it for years - the thrill of finding new bugs. Now, for you and the rest that neg-rep me: it is not an abuse as you cannot gather resource that don't exist. More info are in email to bugs so that this will not be used on purpose by others. And I really meant it when I said : Thank you
  5. yep tested and reported. Thank you again Nad
  6. I subscribe to this. I buy a few morphs too. PM me in game or forum.
  7. super I think I know what it is. I will test it and I will send it to bugs. Thank you Nad, I was looking for those
  8. Very funny error I guess that somebody needs to clear some logs. As this does not seem to be a programming error (thus they may not be online right now), until one of them can see this we will not play. Don't hesitate to go to sleep PS: the error states that "/tmp" is full
  9. Auch, Peace, I did not expect you to be so against death. I am sorry that this displeases you. But "death" should have been a punishment easier then the mighty "Ban". Unfortunately some enjoy mocking the punishment and the ones that punished them. And by doing that they attract the wrath on the humble ones that try to help them. It is all down the slope from there and more get killed to stop the revival of the unfit. Some do not deserve to play in any other way then "dead". You, Peace, managed to play it gracefully and I doubt that on your request there would not have been many to assist you in your revival at any time and any cost. And you played it without the cheat of a "leash". But for the sake of some (you all know who) death must exists as a pre-ban punishment. I as many others in this game cannot "ban" ppl, but, if one can afford, one can ask for a punishment from council or others. You know it all to well that with RP you can "die" and "come back". What was the backfire for your trip to the other side ? Why not give a chance for the rest of the players to play in peace away from the disturbance of the few ? If the price for that, Peace, is the backfire effect (different from the 1 / month use), then be it. But a lot of spells would require the same amendment.
  10. I know it , Chewett, that is why I thanked you for it.
  11. Hi Chewett, Please don't take it personally, but I need another answer. Thank you Out of topic: The reason for the candy hording was very simple : Elu. It was said that an unhappy Elu will migrate to one who has more candy then it's owner. Those that had candies, expected that creature to come to game that would have allowed the candies to get consumed as designed. Instead the candies were redesigned to give VE and the Elu's were retired. So, to come back to the topic: [quote]... can someone please explain the full extent of changes and when it will all stop ? Also, can someone explain the purpose and target for all these changes ?[/quote]
  12. Hi Chewett, I don't remember exactly the number of items with which the candy can be collected. But considering a limit of 800 candies with 6 boxes every 133.5 minutes cool down, that would mean about 12.3 days that is hardly possible to achieve without scripts. But the point is not if it can be done or not but why were the changes implemented ? What is the reason, that perfect reason (except the "Mur said so" or "I/ Simon said it so") ? And please don't tell me that this topic[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11184-candy-hording/page__view__findpost__p__98172__hl__%2Bcandy+%2Bsabotage"] Candy Hording[/url] is the reason as I don't believe you. It is just a big b.s. . Regards, No one PS: Just if someone asks: I might have some changes to ask that might require some "perfect" reason.
  13. Please suprize us more often with Bob. I've seen it 2 time in ... since I remember. (you can check my age in the list of veterans). What is the point of heaving features without anyone seeing them / using them ?
  14. As for the scope of this change, I do not understand it. Is it because the candies were sabotaged by the a few players ? (yes, I was one of them) As I remember, sabotaging was allowed : [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2091 - [2011-11-16 05:27:36 - Stage 11][/color] The number of Candies that can exist at the same time in the realm is limited. Limit increased from 200 to 800. To be able to generate more candies you need to consume the existing once first. If the the cap is reached and nobody consumes them, then the candy boxes become useless till the number lowers.[/quote] [quote] [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 1604 - [2010-08-18 13:38:28 - Stage 10][/color] Sabotage: items that spawn other usable items can be sabotaged by controlling the entire number of items they could spawn. I am announceing that here so I wont get complains about it later. It is supposed to be possible it is not a bug. If for example the rainbow candy box can create 20 candies at a time at most, if there are 20 unconsumed candies in the realm at that time the box won't be able to give any more candies until at least one candy is consumed. That will make the item temporarily unusable. I don't know why someone would want to do that, but it can be done. [/quote] [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1923 - [2011-07-12 23:29:56 - Stage 10][/color] [b]Resource regeneration delay when depleted[/b] Resources will have a regeneration period if they drop to zero. During this period they will grow by fractions and you won't be able to gather them till they reach at least one full resource point. This means that whenever a location gets completely deplete of a resource, it will take about 3 days for that resource to start increasing again. Remember, the bigger the source is the faster it will grow. why? "greed control, sabotaje opportunities, efficiency planning".[/quote]
  15. Considering the new "ability" enhancement to be taken into consideration that with "herbalism" skill you can end up gathering 2 herbs instead on one, maybe you can enhance this killing devices [b]with[/b] the [b]"killing" skill [/b]that [b]you can to kill 2 for the price of 1[/b]. Now, that we had our fun, let get to the point: why should you get a resistance ? Are there ppl getting killed by hundreds or even by dozen? Are those items / spell so free and widely spread that all MD is in danger of getting killed ? As I remember, the items & spells have been given to specific ppl with specific limits. Anyone crossing its limit is punishable. Also, currently the resurrection process is so easy that getting dead might be simply an adventure just as MP6 seems to be with no pain and no real commitment. No, I vote against the resistance. I am even against the easy resurrection system that has been used recently. I do hope that the system will improve and things will get harder (to resurrect and play while dead) so that ppl will respect this condition.
  16. [quote] [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2380 - [2012-08-24 22:24:19 - Stage 11][/color] All this candy rattling around in your pockets will now again expire into a new resource type after it has been left a while. [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2379 - [2012-08-24 00:00:18 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Feature: Expiration of Items[/b] Items now will possibly change if they are not used within a certain date. The first item to have this implemented is a piece of Rainbow Candy. If it is not eaten within 2 weeks of being created it will turn into a different piece of candy. These changes will be incrementally done, don't expect all "changed" items to have uses immediately and don't assume because an item has changed its useless. All items that are given an expiration date will have their date set to expire as if the item was new when the feature is implemented. Meaning that all candy currently in the game now has an expiration time of 2 weeks at which point it will change. More announcements will follow with various other items that will expire. [/quote] It's been a while since we've been notified about this change. We've been expecting it and ... we noticed it. For the moment, as I've seen, the candy's life cycle is like this: - "Rainbow candy" turned to colored candy (Blue Candy, Green Candy, Orange Candy, Red Candy ...) still usable items - colored candy turned to "Sticky Goop" that is unusable (for the moment) Also, i've noticed that the "Tea" went cold (Cup of Cold Tea) that is also unusable. Now, can someone please explain the full extent of changes and when it will all stop ? Also, can someone explain the purpose and target for all these changes ?
  17. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1347506182' post='121721'] I apologize for not being able to attend, especially since i was so sure i could, but my best friends 2 year old needed my attention. Next time [/quote] How much are you looking for this "next time" ? you do realize it was a "resurrection". Anyway, it was very funny and as you said it first : see you for the next one
  18. From my point of view: why not. Order them but inside a single book. I don't know if it is possible, but there should be a way to merge books so that you can increase it's size
  19. "If you can't, [b]no one[/b] can" Best regards, [b]No one[/b]
  20. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345724079' post='120855'] It's surprising how messed up people are in this "community". [/quote] Considering your prior replies on this topic, this last comment was the best joke I have heard for months. Thank you so very much.
  21. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345667673' post='120774'] I do not get any tangible reward. I get an item effect removed from me. That is all. I, as the Leader of the TKs, can use the Treasury as I see fit, bar a few restrictions, one of which, is that I may not use it for personal gain. Is getting an item effect removed a personal gain? No. I do not think it is, because that would imply that being killed is a permanent negative effect. Or that being "alive" is something that is a reward, not a normal state. A normal state is NOT a reward or a benefit of any kind. It's something that is the norm. Right? So, in my eyes it is not a reward. Of any kind. [/quote] Let us count the contradictions : 1. "I do not get" ... "I get" [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345667673' post='120774'] [b]I do not get[/b] any tangible reward.[b] I get[/b] an item effect removed from me. That is all. [/quote] 2. "I get "... "\not for personal use" [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345667673' post='120774'] ...[b] I get[/b] an item effect removed from me. That is all. I, as the Leader of the TKs, can use the Treasury as I see fit, bar a few restrictions, one of which, is that[b] I may not use it for personal gain.[/b] [/quote] 3. "Is getting an item effect removed a personal gain? No." 4. "I do not think ... being killed is a ... negative effect" [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345667673' post='120774'] I do not think it is, because that would imply that being killed is a permanent negative effect. [/quote] then why do you offer such a huge price for not being dead ? 5. being dead is the same as being alive [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345667673' post='120774'] Is getting an item effect removed a personal gain? No. I do not think it is, because that would imply that being killed is a permanent negative effect. Or that being "alive" is something that is a reward, not a normal state. A normal state is NOT a reward or a benefit of any kind. It's something that is the norm. Right? So, in my eyes it is not a reward. Of any kind. [/quote] 6. not getting anything but getting back to "norm" [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345667673' post='120774'] I do not get any tangible reward. I get an item effect removed from me ([i]a.k.a. being dead[/i]). That is all. ... A normal state ([i]a.k.a. being alive[/i]) is NOT a reward or a benefit of any kind. It's something that is the norm. Right? So, in my eyes it is not a reward. Of any kind. [/quote] 7. personal understanding & personal idea vs ... what ? Personal idea: "A normal state ([i]a.k.a. being alive[/i]) is NOT a reward or a benefit of any kind." Personal idea: "So, in my eyes it is not a reward" Who are you joking ? ppl use of item (RL justice) is showing you that being dead (RL: in jail) is NOT a reward, it is a PUNISHMENT. I tried to twist my mind to try to see from your point of view when you wrote the above but I failed. Sorry Fenrir, i don't see how can you be rational and still write what you did and even more the one holding an official portofolio ("Head of the Treasure Keepers").
  22. (please don't merge the posts) About the Top links. From my point of vire, on top there should be just notification links there. Also: [Restrictions] is already presend at the bottom of the page and [Known issues], [MD Toolbar] & [Search] can also be moved down [View announcements] [Adventure Log] [Quests] [Challenges] can be moved on sidebar to [World] . Add the link on top of page just when there are unread announcements/running chalanges & quests. ... that would be all for now, I think I lost some links but ... we will see what comes out
  23. Split the sidebar in groups like : Top, World, 4 me & Admin. Thus showing just 4 links or images that could fit on one row. Clicking on any of those 4 items would activate one of the group (consider the <fieldset> & <legend>tags of html See: [url="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_fieldset"]http://www.w3schools...ryhtml_fieldset[/url] Note: not to be closed on refresh but stored the status of group with a cookie. [CODE] [<a onclidk=toggleOnOff...>Top</a>] <fieldset id=fieldset_top name=fieldset_top> <legend>Top: </legend> [Wishpoints Top] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] </fieldset> <script>set_display_fieldset(top) .... as in cookies </script> [/CODE] Example of having all groups expanded: <start of example> [Top] [World] [4 me] [Admin] +--Top--------------------- |[Wishpoints Top] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] +------------------------ +--World------------ |[Same country] [Adventure Log] [Webcam] [Mood panel] [Public Logs] +--------------------- +--4 me------------ |[Inventory] [Spell pages] [Wishpoints] [Personal page] [Notebook] |[Friends] [Papers] [Spells] +---------------- +--Admin----- |[Quest Clickables] [Options] [Menus] +---------- <end of example> I added also the links "[Friends] [Papers] [Spells]" as a ... why not. *) I added [Admin] -> [Menus] for a special page where you can configure what links to show up or not. Considering that each menu has a number (just like wishes & shop items, one can simply choose to have displayed or not certain links. This could be implemented with the clickables features / cookies or from PHP
  24. Hi BFH, You have my respect in what you do with "free credits". What it bothers be is all the "guilds" created for a purpose that now it is no longer met. Those guilds should be disbanded and maybe some penalty too. Afterwards, if the need for those guilds still exists ... then fine , give them to someone else. That is all i want to say.
  25. Z, you lost me. What can Eon do and the entire LR cannot ? What you said is that LR deplete their own home resources ... you must be joking. I don't think they get below 95% across entire LR (not to mention that only they can touch all the wood outside LR) without considering herbs and water. They are either LAZY or they DON'T CARE. Just ask them. So, in my point of view, the feature about TAGGING is ... strange to POINTLESS. If you feel differently, please give me more examples. And don't just say : i can tag myself as "non fighter" therefore I will not receive any attacks. That is stupid. Please ppl. Get creative, try to find this feature a good use ... if there is any.
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