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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. This is not really a problem but maybe someone is interested. I just noticed that between the actual battle and its replay, the tokens displayed on the creatures are missing. See the attack : [attachment=1847:attack2.PNG] And the replay : [attachment=1848:replay2.PNG] There is also the other information missing : "Enemy gets skill damage". For the log ... the stat points gained is only displayed when someone attacked me and lost. Maybe this information can be displayed also for the battles that I initiated and won.
  2. [quote name='I am Bored' date='17 July 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1279386380' post='64078'] when you have been unable to get to the computer for 3 weeks and the first page you open is md. [/quote] or worse: when you are in holiday and the only time you take in front of a PC is to check MD. or worse: to let your child asleep to go find an internet cafe to check on MD
  3. @Mr Mystery: I like this idea for the simple fact that it is so different [u][b]Amends:[/b][/u] I propose some amendments to it: A1. There should be like 4-6 levels, all of them identical except the target : lvl 1 - Dying, lvl 2 - weak, lvl 3 - Strong, lvl 4 - Random, etc (NO MULTI) WHY: this would be the very first creature that you would choose to upgrade or not (like water / heretic was intended but failed) A2.a.1. this crit should have very little VE like 30-40 WHY: it will not count that much toward a victory and it cannot be placed alone in a ritual (or 6 of them) A2.a.2. cannot be targeted in normal way and I mean that it cannot lose too much ve it should only lose like 2 or 3 ve. WHY: that way it cannot not be killed easily A2.b. the infected creature should replace the parasite for the duration of the infection (this, imo, should be very difficult to implement) WHY: the infected creature cannot be killed by it's owner A3. Its attack should occur at the very beginning of the turn every turn (or every other turn: 0, 2, 4, 6 ...) WHY: this way, it will have more chances to pick different creatures WHY: counting turns has ... problems I intended to add some pro and con to this but I just added them to amendments.
  4. No one

    What If ?

    What would you do if doom day comes, you survive and there will be no electricity available (at least not cheap) ?
  5. No one

    Lib Mp5

    [quote name='Lifeline' date='12 July 2010 - 05:32 PM' timestamp='1278948743' post='63839'] i disagree. training grounds are fine no matter if they are public established or not. abuse is always possible and of course open training grounds are more likely to produce abuse. but it can just as well be done in private if there is the will. the training grounds help people which is the big difference. the privat places only lead to abuse and the public ones to abuse and helping others. ... [/quote] I didn't said not to do it. I just said not to make it legal. If it gets legal it is strict, it will raise complains, it ... is complicated. If you want to set regen rits, just do it and from personal experience : do not set it in the middle of the road; do announce / remind the setting; do not let it run forever. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='13 July 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1278990235' post='63852'] Nobody complains because there are no rules on players who are non regen. Its kill or be killed. [/quote] who said that regen rits cannot be farmed for stats ? with the proper ritual you can destroy that regen rit and get its stats. As I said, as long as the location is by volunteering and not "legal" and enforced, it is ok. Some of you already know of about my own & old DJLE / DLXP / Dojo of Lost Exp. It started more then 1 year ago when regen feature was introduced & understood. It worked perfect until GGG started to be over-abused and new & permanent DLXP were needed. The setting was simple: out of the way / remote location; someone would announce the regen rits whenever the chat was full; the timing would be like every few days / max 2 times per week (not all day). Reasons: protecting random ppl from attacking regen rits; limiting the abuse / over use of regen rits and thus trying to limit the stat grinders.
  6. No one

    Lib Mp5

    No, it is not about "alts being called lib" , it is because it is a starting point for a new training ground. And as you know, if one is given a finger, later will take all hand. 1. There simply has to forbid the "legally" created GGGs (training grounds, whatever form it may have). 2. If you want to do it for yourself, do it. Don't ever ask permission. Just assume responsibility for your actions. 3. The point is that organized places will eventually go to abuses that are not yet foreseen / foretold. If there is nothing legal, then there is no "legal" abuse. So, if you do something, it will all be your responsibility and yours alone. There will no longer be an escape goat (it was there set by others / I did it for others). You did it , it is yours. That would be the short and spoilerless version. Do try to understand it.
  7. No one

    Lib Mp5

    @Shemhazaj: read all the information that I gave you in my post, INCLUDING the time of the quotes. Not that "you were not on topic" , as Shadowseeker already told you, it was just that you don't read (read careful) what was stated before you. As a personal suggestion, you should try to understand the difference between "be on / off topic" and "read the topic". @Lifeline: thank you for pointing out what you think of alliances. Do consider that some consider the same points a being positive points. It is like a coin seen from both sides, only a point of view. Also, about "showing honor values" ... I don't know if you are playing us for fools or you are just hypocrite. And ... you NO LONGER like alliances just because you can get attacked. As I see that there is no more respect for spoilers, here is mine: For those that don't know why you hate alliances ... you have about 3500 more loses. Which makes you virtually unbeatable by normal players (as they lose up to 1k honor) but will also make you lose stats every time you lose a fight (not that you care ... and I will not say why if you don't insist on this). So, cut the bs and act to your decisions. PS: I am sorry for - being rude, but both your answers are either rude or ill intended. - pointing (naming ppl) but there was no other way to respond to you in this topic. - for getting really offtopic to respond to you
  8. No one

    Lib Mp5

    [quote name='Shemhazaj' date='07 July 2010 - 07:45 PM' timestamp='1278521125' post='63592'] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"]I'd agree with Marv if not for one thing...being in alliance makes regen work awfully slowlyI found 5 people that used regen with me today.After half day of using it I lost 5 mil...and I don't want to drop the badge every time I get close to being capped.that makes gaining loyalty bit pointless.[/color][/font] [/quote] Shemhazaj, please read the topic. [quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='07 July 2010 - 06:24 PM' timestamp='1278516283' post='63586'] This would indeed not be an option if people were not that lazy... [/quote] If ppl don't LIKE the advantages of an alliance, then they should quit. But wanting the advantages from alliance & non alliance ... then keep on dreaming. [size="5"][b]Alliances are not mandatory, they are a privilege.[/b][/size]
  9. I see 2 separate thoughts in Mur's announcement 1. First : [quote] ... The purpose of this grouping is to encourage more mixed rituals and avoid having rituals of the same creature that boost themselves way to much. ... By limiting max number of creature that could boost each other in a ritual, the boost will also be much lower and will make more sense. ... [/quote] For this, I agree, having all 3/4 dracs in a group is a good thing. But will surely contradicts itself when grouping LR and heretics as these 1 kind of crits (normal & special) does not interact with the other kind (normal or special) as I know of. 2. Second : [quote] The ritual creation restrictions will be made based on the species of the creature. In this way, more creatures that are similar kind but are different actual creature, will be considered as the same type in the ritual creation rules. The grouping is not based on type of attack or land. [/quote] Sure, you can propose / like / prefer any grouping. The only problem is that grouping crits of different kind, will only limit their possible uses. I would suggest to group normal & special crits for the ones that exist and let the other to be alone.
  10. bump angien sold
  11. Wodin was the type of character you want, and it was abused heavily. So ... forget it. You have the real things (the veterans). USE THEM directly by asking.
  12. No one

    Stop Ggg

    I hate repeating myself: [quote name='No one' date='29 June 2010 - 10:40 AM' timestamp='1277800801' post='62921'] If people would stop speaking "in behalf" and speak for themselves everything would be better. [/quote] start of ranting vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv My friend, you and a few mp3 don't know what are you talking about. [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='29 June 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1277817690' post='62947'] Before attacking someone. Actually read up on thier posts first. [/quote] I think you are talking about dst. True, she gets annoyed easy, and she is a bit impulsive, BUT if you pay attention she is a Moderator and many can say that she reads ALL the posts. Some will even state that read forbidden LR / RPC whatever forums. So pay attention. [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='29 June 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1277817690' post='62947'] 2. Yes and their fussing should stop being aimed at people like you and should be aimed at each other, so that they can train with each other to get better. Rather than relying on things that has been given to them. [/quote] That what I tried to do with this topic. [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='29 June 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1277817690' post='62947'] Maybe if you actually talk to the players that care about GGG and help give them hints of some ideas of different things to do rather than grind. [/quote] Now ... go to them and talk if you can and you will see what narrow minded means. I quit doing that and I just go there when I have the time and get my share of wins for my crits and FYI I do let the others know that I WILL attack shortly. [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='29 June 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1277817690' post='62947'] Boo hoo! 5k attack. [/quote] I think it was said 10k & 5k def probably all taken from GGG. [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='29 June 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1277817690' post='62947'] So I myself am not worried about leveling up. More worried about exploring, but I think the GGG would be a decent use of only leveling up creatures and not for grinding stats. Thats in my opinion what it should be used for for us lower mp levels. [/quote] If any of the lower MPs protect the GGG, then ... they should stop complaining that they get smashed by uber stats as those were done in GGG. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end of rant Darn, I'm repeating myself. Ok, I will say again as ppl are simply too good to read the entire topic before replying. STOP COMPLAINING. You create your own nightmares. You train them. You enjoy giving them stats. LIVE with them. And let me have my fun and get my share of wins. Lately I'm not even asking as it is pointless and I even get this kind of messages in my PL: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7291-lets-try-to-be-stupid/#entry61979 The thing that you should have realized if you would have read the entire topic is that I'm not concerned about me not the other "vets" (strong or not) about themselves, it is all about you the new / little ppl. So, STOP f COMPLAINING.
  13. Bump. @Argos: considering the age ... that is a meaningless price. I will sacrifice all those creatures before selling them for just 1-2 sc.
  14. No one

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='VertuHonagan' date='29 June 2010 - 12:11 AM' timestamp='1277763106' post='62895'] [color="#008000"]This is not due to just GGG. That is where you are wrong. Even at mp3 for new players. When they first start to get to where people can attack them and they are just exploring the game. Trying to figure things out and keep getting randomly attacked by players and never able to keep full vitality ever they get annoyed in about 2 weeks and quit or learn to deal with it. These players may never even see the GGG, but yet your putting all the blame on just GGG. where most mp3's never even go to in the first few months, because they are just too busy exploring everything to even know a place like that exists.[/color] [/quote] But is clearly stated by statistics older then you that most players decide to play (or not) around week 2 (if they get that far). There was always a problem for not having new players and [color="#00FF00"]since GGG even less ppl got to MP5[/color]. Getting kicked was never THE problem, the problem is accepting / acknowledging the lose & win relationship. [quote name='apophys' date='29 June 2010 - 08:08 AM' timestamp='1277791706' post='62915'] Sorry if it looked like I personally was afraid of mp5; I was speaking for the mp4 who rise to mp5 without even reaching the level I am at. Balance is overrated, Pip. And I've beaten Phantasm when he was going random. [/quote] If people would stop speaking "in behalf" and speak for themselves everything would be better. Also, Balance is overrated as you are not on the edge. (aka : you don't care) When negative effects happens to you, you will "see" (aka: complain) that Balance is not well thought. Everything should be dynamic : changes, wins / loses, rituals. If you try to make is static ... it gets boring (like a book you read 10 time). Anyway, these were today's 2 cents. Have fun.
  15. It is time for me to clean up: 1. [s]angien 350d + [/s] 2.[s] joker 330d +[/s] 3.[s] elemental 375d+[/s] 4. heretic 247d+ 5. elemental 375d + 6. elemental 320d + 7. elemental 320d + 8. elemental 320d + 9.[s] 3 fresh pimps[/s] --->2 fresh pimps OR the possibility to pimp your own grassan if you like
  16. With all respect (that I can offer), - GGG was created by MRD for MR use and they were forced to make it public so that they could use it - This GG seems to be similar : Yrth for Lifeline's personal use and after they were caught ... they try to make it public - making one training ground for each land ... it is only an invitation for abuse: LandX creates alts for LandY and in return LandY creates alts for LandX. That way nobody abuses HIS OWN alts. - making one training ground for each land ... [b]without alts[/b] it is just an ideal as there are not enough ppl to sustain so many places [u]You are just asking for the alts to completely forbidden.[/u] Just be careful at what you do. This is just my 2 cents, not a threat, not a warning.
  17. No one

    Sunny Bedroom

    [quote name='phantasm' date='17 June 2010 - 04:29 AM' timestamp='1276741745' post='62032'] And it comes to light. Chance non the less should it not be RPed by someone who has close affiliation with the Tribunal, not someone who is known for their tearing down of RP, and thus would have the ability to sneak into the room and copy chats? If anything you are by far the worst choice. You are not only well known for being a hater or RP, you are also one of the most well known for using all methods both illegal and legal to ruin other peoples fun in the game. No DST you are the worst at keeping keys. [/quote] As I remember, the chats in those rooms should be cleaned when one person goes in and there should not be possible to get the log of the chat. I think dst is the best for this for 2 reasons: - if there is bug in the logs ... she should find it and report it (unlike many other that I know) - if she is managing the keys there should be no need for you to run away from her, of for her to blame you for doing things in other locations as she should know where you are - she is online most of the time and she does not do that kind of RP (this way there is a high availability of the keys) there should be a few more reasons, but i'll keep this short
  18. This is one of the latest ones [attachment=1774:public log - no one.PNG] Who is right ? [attachment=1775:public log - no one 2.PNG] The only comment would be : Shame on me for not keeping logs of my own chats.
  19. No one

    Combat Balance

    I agree, the angien seem to be overpowered. But has small (almost invisible) weakness as it requires a lot of VE. Also some tokens seem to be over powered. Also the new stats from the story are waaaaay higher then what the old ones got. As for the uber shop ritual ... I will not mind it. I even say thank you to them. And that only because it is required so that the game can survive with some like me (free credits only). As for order & method of computation ... it will change, if it really has to, it will. [b]But not today.[/b] In the mean time ... any suggestion is taken into consideration and discussed (more or less). Lets encourage Mur to finish the features that he started so that he can have time (and will) to look upon the little things.
  20. In this topic, please post your own "stupid" stories. No comments are necessary for my post as these are just words of me as a noob at being stupid. [b]Day one:[/b] [i]This is crazy, I cannot anymore, I'm getting kicked every time I go out of a sanctuary. Immediately after I created 1 def ritual, it gets killed. I have to time to attack myself. [/i] Ok, I agree, create fighting levels with different rules and restrictions. [b]Day two:[/b] [i]This is really cool. It is getting implemented and there is a poll on the number of lvls Niceee [/i] Lets create 3. [b]Same day[/b]: [i]Wait, wait, I want to change my mind.[/i] No, 50 levels. After that you can remove the MP levels as they are obsolete. [b]Some days later (no more then 5)[/b] shish, nice, I love it. I am lvl 46 (lets say) , I simply love it Just 4 more lvls and I'll be in the big league. [b]Same day (or probably next)[/b] wtf, waaaaait, it is only me and 2 more on this lvl. And the timezone difference does not allow us to fight. DARN, I don't like it. I want less level. [b]Day 15+[/b] Lets make just 3 lvls. [b]Day 50[/b] Lets rename the new level system to MP it sounds more ... familiar. [b]Later that day[/b], as response to MP suggestion: What is the difference between current MP and the old one? [size="5"][b]Moral of a stupid thought:[/b] - MP where created to protect the youngsters (MP3 & 4 from MP5) - enough MP (ONLY 3) were created so that there will still be enough fights to keep interest - there is no automated MP advancement system so that one can stay & LEARN as much as they desire [/size] By the way, I forgot the name of the game where a noob will always have a change to kick ass to an older and more experimented player. Can you help me finding that game ? There is a saying : [quote]Don't try to lower yourself to the lvl of a stupid to argue with him. He will beat you with experience.[/quote] [size="1"]Any resemblance with RL is merely accidental. Please accept my apologize.[/size]
  21. 1. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='12 June 2010 - 03:14 PM' timestamp='1276348451' post='61739'] Easy to fix: subtract the number of losses. Afaik those are counted per profile and not per creature, but would it be a problem to look at the player wins-losses instead of the creatures? [/quote] Hmm, personal stats, this sounds interesting Lets say that if you have more wins then attacks, the attack of all creatures (in the ritual) is increased by a part of that difference. If you have more loses, then the defense is increased. This would be a very interesting idea to joggle with. 2. @Dmik: I will not comment on stats, but ... damage to all with that many stats ? Why not reverse it ? lvl 1 : damage / weaken / random damage -> all lvl 2 : damage / haotic damage -> multiple lvl 3 : haotic damage -> single So, instead of the most powerful creatures to do damage on all , it will do on just 1 creature. And a weaker one would attack all. Why : because this way, (considering that stats are not overwhelming for last lvl) you will consider twice before upgrading this creature. And, as it has already been said, if the stats are not too great (compared to a grasan / loreroot archer etc) it could be a great creature. 3. Creating new creatures to be stronger the previous ones, but having same abilities / targets ... it is pointless, just do some stat grinding. For a creature to be interesting it has to bring new things into combat, like energyburn / aimedshot. Anyway, have fun and ... hopefully there will be some new creatures created, not powerful but interesting.
  22. This is the first (hopefully) from a series of questions. I will put one (just one) question and I will await for answers. If I find that the question has been answered, I will edit my question to add the answer that fits my question. As a response, please, add some comments , don't be cryptic. I may get your point but I want to know what you understood and maybe others will get your point too. Also, I will not respond & give additional information. I hope that my questions are cryptic enough to not be answered from the first try or to fit more then 1 (few) answer(s). [u]Question 1[/u]. [u][b]Defense (1) : [/b][/u] [b]What is the purpose / effect of a having (at least) 3 def rituals with 0% with 1 max elemental?[/b] [color="#FFFFFF"]This is a trick question.[/color] A not correct answer would be (even if it can be applied to other purposes): "the single crit avoids multiple attacks and has a small chance of getting targeted on random. "
  23. No one

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1275693435' post='61052'] Take a look at what Burns and dst do. They don't victimize people, they don't resort to petty thuggery. They talk it over, and protest by not setting defence rituals. If you hit them, that your fault, not theirs. I can respect, and even applaud that, because it doesn't detract anything. It expresses their opinion and invites discussion, so that change can occur. [/quote] I did talked and I still do ... and you reading this is my proof. But ... why do you want to rob me of my training ? [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1275693435' post='61052'] I like the creature upgrading aspect. I do NOT like the stat gaining aspect. I was VERY clear on that, so do not make blanket statements like that. [/quote] You like it or you don't, there is no half way when it comes to talking about the future of this location. And ... upgrading creatures should not be easy and it was never intended. You tell ppl to get trees/ give trees to MP3 to grow. How is this fair ? Most of the ppl didn't had a tree before 2 months they had to fight the guardians. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1275693435' post='61052'] The only thing they will learn is how to hide, and that their suspicion that the older MP5 will take pleasure in beating them to a pulp is true. They will learn that they need the GGG to survive, and that you are afraid of it. All they will learn is useless things that don't help anyone, and aren't even accurate. Will acting like your afraid of their training teach them to RP? No. Will it teach them how to fight? No. Will it teach them how to hide? Yes. Will it teach them to despise you? Yes. [/quote] Yes, this are the answers that I expect from every single ggg addicted. Does the ancients know how to fight ? Did they learned in ggg ? And about ggg: Do you teach them to RP ? (except "burst up", "burst down", "set", "not set") ... I didn't noticed. Do YOU teach them how to fight ? Don't think so, as they only fight classic rits with classic attack rituals. To run / hide is healthy. You do it everyday in ggg behind the rules. Why not hide in sanctuaries. Will you teach them to ask ? NO Am I friend or intend to be with everyone in MD, impossible not that I am aiming to that. BUT: You say that you teach ppl to survive. You prove wrong as ppl don't know what defending means and they run back to hide after every single lose. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1275693435' post='61052'] Fine, they are a community. Let THEM work it out, and STOP bothering them. [/quote] If the community does nothing ... someone has take action. I am trying to push you to do the right things. But you keep hiding your head in the ground and ignore everything. All you do there is PRODUCE ppl "equal" to ancients. Just like experience can be read / told. Just learn to read logs and to be preemptive damn it.
  24. No one

    Stop Ggg

    Kyphis, if you did what you said, then I can say that you should be an example to the others. As for : [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1275689441' post='61045'] Attacking the GGG in a scorched earth policy is, to me, blatantly wrong. All you do is annoy people, and encourage them to leave MD forever. Most people train at the GGG because they think the MP5's will kick their arse when they go up. What is a scorched earth policy? MP5 coming to GGG and kicking their arse. [/quote] at least I'm trying to change it. Do you see another way ? Tell me. Help me. Help MD. But you like it : [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1275689441' post='61045'] I do not mind the GGG. [b][color="#FF0000"]It is a good training ground.[/color][/b] What I do NOT like is people staying there just to grind. That detracts from the MD [i]Community[/i]. [/quote] There is no half way in order to stop this. Not that I see. If it breaks off, it will be a good thing because one will go from one place to another and MAYBE will learn new things. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1275689441' post='61045'] If you think back to Willows, the Main reason that that sort of training ground is not viable is stat damage. [b]Something Muratus del Mur implemented[/b]. The only way that the GGG can be "fixed" is by Mur now, because too many people will insist it stays. ... Do I like that this can only be fixed by Mur? [i][b]NO[/b][/i]. But the only solution I have seen that DOESN'T result in pissing a lot of people off for a LONG time is, sadly, the one I suggested. Capping the max sacc bonous to something incredibly low, or removing it entirely. [/quote] There is another way. LEARN. You already know how to do it. You are a community all by yourselves (ggg) why don't you fix this problem I feel sorry for noobs that say that, but hearing this from you ... makes me think that you don't really don't learn and you don't understand the dynamics of MD. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='05 June 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1275689441' post='61045'] PS: No One, asking for experience (ie [u][i][b]USEING THE GGG[/b][/i][/u]), hitting the rit I set for you, then trying to break all my defences? That puts you slightly below pond scum. [/quote] i broke quite a few rits there, but if they were for me ... then that should make me honored. As for asking for exp ... that is the least of my reasons and problems I can get in 10 minutes more then i got here in 1 day. Then why ... do you say that?
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