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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. [quote name='Grido' post='35470' date='Jun 28 2009, 01:29 PM']hehe, i once saw in somebodies comments on self at the bottom saying ''no one is more powerfull than God'' i suggested they changed it [/quote] why ? it is true
  2. [quote name='Death Bell' post='35458' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:52 PM']when you say the deletion is going well with the current account it scares me.. wanna explain that plz O_O[/quote] nope, no comments :diablo: I am happy with the :db: result :db: of my post :spiteful: , it got you scared :diablo: didn't it :diablo:
  3. :shok: :diablo: :crazy: :shok: :spiteful: no, don't worry only the backups are lost and the deletion is going well with the current accounts anyway , lets :drinks: and :yahoo:
  4. nothing like that I chose the name for her because this words were so often in chats and it seemed fun to be referred in every conversation And what do you know I ended up with the name EDIT: And the funniest of all when I won the HC on this char : "no one won ..." Just look the announcements (when they are available) and read mur's comment on it
  5. the original "dst" is now known as "no one" (me) and the original "no one" is now known as "dst" got it
  6. hmm, i don't know if you had internet access back then, but let me check if you were born or not ?
  7. well, as I was reading this ... i tried to remember it ... I only remember complaining about this : [quote name='dst' post='5594' date='Feb 28 2008, 12:05 PM']... I forgot to add: try to make it load faster. And if you don’t trust me, try to play from a really, really, really low connection. Maybe it can be possible to “preload” the graphics or to have them local (see travian) as this will free your servers and bandwidth also.[/quote] so ... it is mine alright [spoiler](damn n00b ) [/spoiler]
  8. [quote name='Fawe' post='35310' date='Jun 28 2009, 07:48 AM']... Now that people seem to be uninterested in the topic now, I'll use this space for its second purpose ONCE MD is back on. Difficult quests, here we come! Hehehe.. [color="#FF0000"]No one [/color]can beat my quests. [/quote] I'm not really interested in quests ... but ... if you do something that is math related ... I might take a look. Otherwise ... don't worry, you I will not beat your quests
  9. c'mon Z, put a smily face in there, I'm joking all I wanted to say is : put first the short version and after that the elaborate one, just like a TOC (Table Of Contents) I would really want to read your point of view, but ... at this time (MD server time) and after 9 stressful hours ... I cannot read more then 3 lines without losing the point. c'mon don't be upset on me (I will let you kill me once once you get to MP5 )
  10. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' post='34770' date='Jun 25 2009, 10:37 AM']IF success is the achievement of a goal, then at minimum following must be considered: What is a goal? Do we know of the goal? and who made the goal? Talos suggested this comes in various segments, so a goal can be many things defined by various sources including yourself. Talos posits 3 types of goal: Societal, "quality of Life" based and finally personal. ... Z[/quote] Z, let me give you an example of "goal" and some example of degrees of it, ok ? so : goal = KILL Z degrees of success: 0% - failed to kill, failed to find, didn't even started 10-60% - found the b[spoiler]..[dude]..[/spoiler]d 60-90% - attepmt has been made, he is injured 100% - Z is DEAD is that complex enough for you ? Then lets put it simple: success = 1, failed = 0, all is binary and there is nothing in between LOL Z, shut up, or at least after you finish the the writing ... cut the first and last line, delete the rest and complete the post it is too darn long
  11. So, some of us started this quest, but what it does or how ... is still not certain. I took the liberty to investigate (ask) the author and here is what I found (with his permission): [size=3][b]Begin of the day.[/b][/size] Each day you will receive a PM with some possible actions like (not exactly those words, but you'll get the point): * do ... * wait for ... * go to ... * attack / defend ... or options to not do those actions like : * ignore * refuse * delay [size=3][b]Replay.[/b][/size] Each day you must reply to your "dayly PM" with the action you take like : * ignore (see list to get the point) or * attack (see list to get the point) [color="#FF0000"][b]Each new day will consider the previous day closed. If one does not answer one day ... he will lose the result of either the action or not-action of the day , including the result (good or bad).[/b][/color] [size=3][b]Results. [/b][/size] After each reply you will receive a result like : * rejuvenated, healed, feel stronger, ... and the outcome (math part) of this * win / gained / lost / ... / permanent win / permanent gain / permanent lose X QP [size=3][b]Math. [/b][/size] Consider QP as VE of the MD. It has a max and a curent value. When you regenerate / gain, etc, you only regenerate to the MAX QP. You can never pass maximum value ( hmm ) When you gain / lose permanent QP, that mean that the maximum value is affected too. [size=3][b]Other action rewards: [/b][/size] Yea, there are other rewards in this quests. * coins: you are considered to have 5 coins at the beginning of the quest * items: these are quest items, you have them on the paper , you will not see it in your inventory * creatures: hmm , except from the prize ... ONE drachorn, I hope he has more , hopefully he has other creatures too * oh, lets not forget: WP [size=3][b]Math example: [/b][/size] If I have 5 QP / max 10 QP and I lose permanent 3 QP ... that means I will be 2/7 if I now win 2 QP ... -> 4/7 As for coins ... you've been using money lately ? then you know how they are: easy come, easy go [size=3][b]Note: [/b][/size] hmm, i'll think of something If you hit 0 QP ... please tell me what happens
  12. why all this blabber , the explanation is even simpler then this: [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='34330' date='Jun 22 2009, 06:15 PM']What is the definition of success, if that exists at all? And I mean not only saying when things go the right way, I mean an abstract idea, always within every successful event, even if it's only a pyrrhic victory or a complete win. Or even a loss, if the greater goal is achieved that way. So success is something depending on the point of view...what is it without that, seen in abstract? Basically sucess can be represented by an arrow, right? ... Just a random theory, perhaps I have another regarding this..interested as to what you come up with.[/quote] [b]success is : achieving a goal[/b] . you can discuss about the time, the goal, the action taker, bla bla bla. In the end : [size=4][b]success is : achieving a goal [/b][/size] Simple as that
  13. [quote name='Chewett' post='33493' date='Jun 14 2009, 06:12 PM']Or if you have to understand how the system works to get the desired outcome. A bit like the current system. That you are aiming to do something and get something out of it.[/quote] hmm, let me put it like this: even now, the fighting system is a mystery to most of us (yea, even I might not understand some of the things that happen) ... so , in the future, if more then 2 will be forced to "join forces" ... then we will become "witches / warlocks", the more knowledge you poses, the more powerful the witch / warlock and the fighting system will only enforce gatherings and clubs and events * reminder to myself: consider studying dark side of the green force
  14. No one


    do you know how much VP you get from sacrificing an angien ? I say no for angiens for other creatures .... hmm, as long as they are from "Aramory" i can give it to them . Otherwise ... they can get it by themselves.
  15. No one

    * cleanup engine activated

    WARNING: spider is dead: summon new spider

    WARNING: killer on the loose: open gates for spider farm 15b

    WARNING: electric fence activated

  16. @Shadowseeker: just post here if there (a few days) before you start this quest or if there is an action to be taken (daily) I wouldn't want to miss any of it I already promised my little dracs that i'll bring them a brother (or sister). By the way, Shadow, is he a male or female drac ? ( I would really want to have a female , it will increase the chances of breading )
  17. no one ID: 29704
  18. i wonder how this works ? because ... you should tell to the game what is your goal, don't you ?
  19. [quote name='Nex' post='33386' date='Jun 12 2009, 11:14 PM']not to dive into details about the finer points of reproduction of the creatures of this realm.... but angiens and drachorns? unless you are talking about "magically merging" them, i have a feeling there could be problems regarding the... scale. i'm also a little concerned about our female LHOs, aside from that: Yay for draLHOrn[/quote] not considering this is, just by thinking, an abomination this cannot be done with either of their approval (angiens, draqhorns). (i'm still thinking that LHO might be pervert enough not only to allow it but to want it ) [quote name='Nex' post='33386' date='Jun 12 2009, 11:14 PM']i'm also a little concerned about our female LHOs, aside from that: Yay for draLHOrn[/quote] [quote name='Grido' post='33390' date='Jun 12 2009, 11:33 PM']hmm, lets see, out of the official LHO's on my list, the females are Akasha, Sagewoman, and Calyx.... i've been told that Grimors are a cross between me and Aramors... *shakes head*[/quote] but ... who said that only LHO females can bear these abominations ? can't LHO be fathers ? or maybe the LHO males are chickens and want to throw the responsibility on their women? [quote name='SageWoman' post='33417' date='Jun 13 2009, 02:39 PM'] Heathens! Scoundrels! Scandal! Sacrilege! A Being of Light and Purity crossed with a drachorn, a rusty? Only a person of pure evil would think of such ...such...sacrilege! The Horror of the idea! <insert horrified expression here> .... *crones voice: That too, is blasphemy ya whipper snapper! *points shaky knarled two fingers at her faded eyes, then points them in Jesters general direction*[/quote] if this ... thing ... is allowed, then beside their powers some curses should be placed on their owners (just like blessing but negative) for the entire time when a person holds such a creature Also, if mur will want ... maybe he will create a new hierarchy as for each creature fused / created some points of black / white magic shoud be awarded ... hmm, idea becomes too complicated , i don't like it (as I will not be decided pure black or just pitch dark )
  20. [quote name='Watcher' post='31904' date='May 21 2009, 08:56 PM']I do not seek to abuse the system, as riddled with problems as it is. I do not seek to work outside this particular system as the gains are exceedingly limited.[/quote] I doubt that if you would have some ... "cutting edge" technology (or advantages) you would not use it. Bugs, because it is mostly said abusing bugs, were out for all to see. [quote name='Watcher' post='31904' date='May 21 2009, 08:56 PM']You say you do not need to impress me, but that is all you ever try to do to anyone here. You try to impress others with your wicked rituals or your exaggerated statistics. Who are you trying to fool? Yourself? You are so desperate for attention and recognition. Why else would you make a topic devoted solely to yourself?[/quote] Let me put it like this, as you should know, power gets you (or it gets to your head) and cheering someone for long enough time, will make him want more. But this is not the case (as I know better), she is bored and pissed off and there is not much to do then "ranting" and she is improving this skill too. [quote name='Watcher' post='31904' date='May 21 2009, 08:56 PM']You seek to validate and vindicate your juvenile behavior.[/quote] "juvenile behavior" ? what is that ? playing games ? DUDE, we all play this game [quote name='Watcher' post='31904' date='May 21 2009, 08:56 PM']I think you should take your own advice. Look at what you do and what you are. Look around to see where you are. An objective eye would see much, but I would not expect that from you.[/quote] hmm, I did followed that advice and did more and I think that there are "problems" with all of us. The main "problem" of us all is "how to deal with problem" and not with your own problems but with problems of the others. Yes, it is said to learn to respect yourself before knowing to respect others (or something like that) But hey, what do you have with me if I want to "respect" myself in just a certain way. anyway ... too much bla bla for me this week. Watcher, cut the carp and shut up or not as it is interesting
  21. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='33288' date='Jun 12 2009, 11:05 AM']eh? stat grinder isnt equal as bug researcher, i and bored are having fun looking for them and we arent stat grinders most fun in here is to look for bugs oh yea and forge evil planz to take over md realm XD[/quote] Lib, you surprise me i didn't knew this about you , otherwise I would have invited you to the ally takeover but now ... don't you see, if one does something ... he gets publicly stoned (if not banned) and everyone says he is a cheater. it is not very easy to do something out of the ordinary nowadays that will not get you penalized anyway i will remember you for the next thing (when it will come to me )
  22. [quote name='Kriskah Arcanu' post='33023' date='Jun 8 2009, 04:13 PM']I did not turn RP, I started RP long time ago, and just for the record I respect any type of player, roll player or not, too bad you cannot do that. I do understand the fighting mechanic, not all of it but I can handle it, do not underestimate me just because I don't enjoy it. K[/quote] LOL, it is a bit hard to respect RP after seeing a lot of RPC giving advices on fights. But ... anyway, "dst" is / has after all a role even if not (yet) in the list of RPC and this is long before you started playing
  23. Lady Ailith, this "war" is all about Shoeps and his alts. That is all. He does nothing but he occupied and blocked the entire alliance with his alts. He was supposed to run it with simplyzero, but didn't. He was also supposed to have the GM job, but he didn't. He messed up things a few times, let him rehabilitate himself ... alone. If he can do both things, let him do it. If he does nothing ... don't look for excuse for him. He will display his excuses all alone. Remember Lady Ailith, nobody hates you. EDIT: I understand that you are founded to this alliance as you said you worked for it. Then why do you accuse dst for wanting back what she worked for a few months (if not half a year)?
  24. [quote]I have, for some weeks now, been working with Simplyzero on some things that will restore the DS to what it should be:[/quote] No offense, but he had his chance. You ... maybe, him ... i find it hard to believe that he worked on something. Also ... you will notice that that "protection" is just something to "protect" his image. He is losing his image (on shoeps) and he tries to keep it up as leader of DS. (as proof, the low loyalty of the ones that he allowed in "his" alliance) No, let him keep simplyzero in DS and do his job as he was supposed to for the past year. And I propose you that if he is not doing his job in the next weeks, YOU take the simplyzero's account and do what he was supposed to do. But DS is not growing with just 1 person (Lady Ailith). An elite alliance as DS needs good people and Shoeps keeps them outside. I voted HIM out. Lady Ailith, keep up the good work for DS.
  25. La multi ani Shadow ! Happy Birthday Shadow ! I hope I'm not too late for the cake
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