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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. you still didn't got it, didn't you? There is no point in adding new creatures with high stats or new abilities. There are already too many creatures and people don't use them at the right capacity. The only point in new creatures in to give me and others like me something to do : to collect them all and to learn more ways to kick your ass.
  2. Kids, kids, don't argue talking about the moon when you don't see the the dirt below your feet. How can you even imagine about talking about new creatures when most players don't even know how to use these mur given creatures? Learn to play with these creatures, play with them, use them in hundreds of configurations (different rituals) then say : "yea, i know pretty much, i want more". After that, if you think that you are so good, then lets organize a new tournament : "0% tournament" and "lvl 1, 0% tournament". If dst's grasan will still feel like a threat to you after that ... then you really are thick headed. EDEN: can you organize the tournaments that I suggested (I don't think that more explanation is required about what they should be about). In the mean time ... I will respond to any fight challenge just send me a PM.
  3. if you want to brag ... look at Venger's exp for creatures. let me know if you need help to find him also, please, let me know when you graduate kindergarden or at least when you have more interesting solutions. (yea, I always hated spells)
  4. hmm, then that is not achieved by normal fights. the difference of VP dst gained was won in just one fight against a burst. so, you do the math
  5. And the best thing was that everyone was able to use the bug cause there is one spell that's available to all of us.
  6. Aaaa....me. I'm just teasing you Venger . I do agree with you. I was lucky cause I didn't play in a while.
  7. You all know the bug, but I think you did not pay enough attention to it. And Glai...it's not fine to tell the bugs (some of them are just too damn cool to be told) @Ledah: I did not use the loreroot guards bug...I used....dst bug
  8. Hmm...not really. Cause it may be considered a bug. Actually it is a bug... . Also I'm not allowed. @Smart: around 16M
  9. 0 XP reached. See screen shot.
  10. Hi all, I have a small question to all winners of this contest: did you receive stats? Cause I only received ve, vp and credits. Is this a feature or a bug? Thanks Sorry for the double posting but my internet connection has some problems.
  11. You only "die " in the story mode. It's just a branch of the game. Your account won't be destroyed. The bad part is that the story finishes faster and you do not get so many stats as you do in choosing another branch. BUT you can choose 3 times (so far): in mp3, mp4 and again in mp5.
  12. It's a Frigan Tree... who cares!!! And most of all I could not even see it blossoming.
  13. What abou the tree in loliness? I could not see its flowers nor click anything. Is this puzzle still going on or was is just a test?
  14. Wellcome. And for the addictivness of the game...well I have no social life for the last week. I haven't slept so little since...I do not know when.
  15. Respawn when? They only respawn when you move to a higher level (start the story again).
  16. Speaker's son?
  17. Yeah...now there is a way not to wait that long .
  18. Himself?
  19. OMG! Poor BigC....all his stats...He was so proud of them...
  20. I want to be in the test also. Evil if it's possible. Thanks. ps:playername:No one
  21. Actually No one wants something else I'm pretty happy with the new system because YOU choose when you need a lose. It does not depend now on the other players. Maybe Eldrad is right: on long term it will not be a solution but the prevoius one was even worse. So for the moment I say: stick with this system fight. ps:maybe the go idle function is no more needed because now you do not expect players to attack you (or...most ou the players i guess)
  22. And they will get married and live happily everafter...the end. On topic:maybe burning the papers will "unleash" some kind of a spell and she will be able to reach the piramid. Or maybe the burning is a signal for someone to come and help her, or a signal that she is allowed to find the book. Or the ashes from the papers will be like a magic dust (see Peter Pan) and she will be able to fly. Ok...end of brainstorming...I'm out of ideeas. ps:hope she will not fall from the rocks and /brokelose her legs ( it's a habit around here to punish someone by cutting the legs...if you know what I mean)
  23. I have the same issue. Actually, the page won't even load...
  24. I thought it was too easy but..hey! you never know
  25. Sooo...the answer is ?
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