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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. Having this 1/5 allows you to change your principles. It is not a curse but a blessing (for those that know what they want). As for the 4k principles ... the heck with them , they are easy to get.
  2. I don't know if the ones listed above have been "fixed" so, if they were supposed to be changed, then you can add the image to "Independent Herb Basket" , item id : 26221. Again: please add option to "not show" these images.
  3. @Change: too much RP does affect your other skills. ---------------------------------------------- @Magistra: Were you insulted while on your alt ? Abused ? harassed ? Did you complained about it to council ? did you exposed it on the forum ? But if it was just that you didn't wanted to be known ... you should have been more careful. See with Seighart and Fenhrir (i'm too lazy to check how it is spelled) they are one. "They" rejected it at the beginning as part of an agreement to escape a penalty then he just used the new one even if everybody new about them. So what ? Playing with alts is like RP. And if you don't do a good RP you are not believed. That's the only reason I can think of for you wanting to quit your alts. I don't like RP, I have fun with it at times, but I find it boring. So spare me the details (the nonRP type) I simply don't understand you. On the other side, I used alts (see the "4 military alliances takeover") ... so ... all I can think is that you intended the same thing. Are you RP type (with strange reasoning) or military type ? ------------------------------------------------- @DD: 1) Why does one need to abandon an alt when it's found out? My point of view: Because being me takes up all my time and on top of it, I enjoy being me and I enjoy ppl knowing who they are talking with and I don't have to worry about any constraints on what I can / cannot do with my character. ____________________________________________________________________________ I really hate the new "quoting" way. It is dumb. There's no link to initial post; sometimes it crashes (no more name & date). Plain DUMB just like the "Like" feature.
  4. Good news. We're waiting updated on the "new" "Current preview" as in first post.
  5. Age would be pointless in a list like that as it is not something that you need except when saccing creatures but even for that you'll need to know the level of creature. As for more artworks in this list ... is pointless as the reason for the list is to be clear of anything that could make the page heavier. @DD: having too many marks for a creature ... why not, but in the end you'll only use 15-30 creatures at max per week (except random defense). ____________________________________________ Do I do anything for MD again ? Grr. I hate myself doing it.
  6. To complete the post from dst, it should also have 2 more features: - "need ap" - means that the creature "is ready" for upgrade but needs something like AP or Mind Power level - while hovering over the "..." to show what is needed for next upgrade (how many wins / age / exp) Some more warnings like : Then, in order to complete the feature, you'd need something more on the creature page like : On top of all that there would be needed : 1. allow configuration for on/off of this feature (as it should be for any feature) at any time from creature page & option page 2. a checkbox for "hiding" creature from "create ritual" & "sacrifice creature" lists. Warning: With this list activated you would not be able to heal creatures. "Creature healing" and "Heal all creatures" require the flash version of the list. ___________________________________________________ Let me know if you want some hints on the "trigger box" also.
  7. @Samon: I agree with you , I don't like it, but it is necessary. So mainly you want no such actions to be ever revealed ? If for example a "Janus headed person" (@Mods: do replace with an exact non insulting expression) does something in game, what can someone (not necessarily a girl) do ? If it not posted on forum, everybody will consider him crazy; if he does present it on the forum, because it will lead to (yea it can also start with) insults, the topic gets closed. Can't you just present your opinion to that person ? Can't you post the warning on that topic AS MOD POINT OF VIEW ? ____________________________________________________________ I want my topic opened !!!
  8. Not acceptable. I lack skills in bullshitting or should I have said "talking nice" ? I think that first phrasing said it better then the latest. Just stick to whatever you do; PM when you notice some allusions ... if you care; change if it is really ugly phrasing. But worst thing is that YOU CLOSE TOPICS because others choose to spam them. I want my topic back and opened. If you don't want to clean it, then just move it to SoS forum. I will take care of if. --------------------------------------------- Just came up with an update: The best way to see what you have to moderate is to bring back the old way of like/dislike of posts. You cannot express your disagreement with one's post except by trolling/ spamming that topic. And because topics are trolled / spammed , they get closed. So ... "ppl lets troll topics we don't like so they get closed " ... is that the idea that you are promoting ?
  9. Is being rude forbidden ? Is mockery forbidden ? What do you do when "respect" is no longer available as in most fights ? Because I opened a topic about someone who was insulting us in MD, so ... how can you respond to insults if not being at least rude / sarcastic ? And ... I lack the writer skills to write the most pictures with just petals of roses. Feel free to let me know when I cross the limits, don't expect me to agree with you. So, I had an issue with a comment specifically directed to me http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13740-resource-depletion-for-or-against/#entry132678 From moderators (will not point): continued by So ... lets say that I will demand mods to PM for every change done to my posts (from here on) and the parts taken out.
  10. Thank you Shem, i have forgotten about this one. But as the conditions changed (PO can get out of jail faster then it gets in) shouldn't this Fugitive condition change also ? I mean , instead of then hitting harder to hit weaker, to have increased viscosity and receive skill damage instead of dealing ? It may not be RL , but once someone puts a rope on you, you don't move that fast nor you can hit back as easy as before. And also, in RL, if one hits to kill, the other will respond in same matter. That is why the Fugitive should be attack-able with skill damage. There is absolutely no incentive for them to execute their punishment. Instead they are protected (not attack-able).
  11. We have a saying : "Nu te pune cu idiotii. Te vor trage la nivelul lor si te vor bate cu experienta." In translation : "Don't mess with idiots. They'll drag you to their level and beat you with experience." So, Mallos, you actually enjoy not having any punishment available ? Or you enjoy that ppl who have been done some real nasty stuff to come to your to throw it in your face : "See, I did it and nothing happened. You are an idiot for doing what is correct. Oh, by the way, I will even be awarded for it by Mur himself." If you do feel right with it, then I have nothing to respond to you. Open your eyes, she's blatantly stating we are all fools and that she tricked us by just idling next to GoE. Yes, that we're been dragged to her level. I see. Then I protest. I will urge you to send her 200 times a day to jail if that is what it takes for Mur to finally let her stay there. She has a punishment to execute for abusing and slander and all that she did. She must pay for it or we all deserve the tag "PO's FOOL". I will not stand for this. _______________________________________________ We all can say what we have on our heats. If we all say that this is wrong then it can change.
  12. So ? send PoE to jail . We do know that Mur is the all mighty evil-god off MD, but he will do what we ask if we ask. If you don't feel like crap when PoE is out just like that after what she did ... then what's the point of all the rules ? Why not just reward the daily villan? @Chewett: OK, I understand. So, just because HE wants to do something HE has to PISS on all of us ? C'mon. You have just as much access to MD as Mur has and you don't do those. The council can take decisions against Mur's decision but I never saw a reaction like that. So what's the point ? Lets make MD a big F toilet where everyone can do it on everyone else. _________________________________________________________ As the word of the day is "F^&( U(&". Then same to you.
  13. As I understand, PO is getting out of jail faster then we get it jailed I feel so annoyed as hell that this M%^&* F*&^ is pissing on all of us by ostentatiously getting out of jail and walks among us with such nonchalance . Is there any explanation for him getting out of jail ? What is the purpose of getting someone to jail ? To get roles ? Is there any reason on why the rest of us don't start abusing the powers ? I am really F%^&*( pissed about this Yea, we all know what MD is not fair, we all know about it but there are other "attributes" this game was implying, like honor and respect. Lately I started to see that on the contrary, dishonoring & disrespecting the others get paid. Do the great act of honor and respect of those that could have abused the system in such horrible ways but all they did was to stop those abuses. Do remember - Cirith - got access to database and helped Mur to prevent it for others - Chewett - found that it could connect on someone else's account and many more - now it is prevented - Rendril - dst and many more I feel sick about by this nonchalance. _________________________________________________________ As the word of the day is "F^&( U(&". Then same to you.
  14. Yea, it is about Phantom Orchid's features. When you click it's name, it shows this : If you grab, you get : There one issues : there is no attack button.
  15. :D :D :D those 3 were yours ? I thought ... Well, now they are no more , please send more ... no one likes your pigeons * wiping his mouth * * mumbles * they were simply delicious * smirk *
  16. nooo, I was just started to enjoy my slaves DD, you did it , I know you did it just to run from your tasks. If I find any proof that it was you ... I will hunt you down. NOTE: No one's account is mine, don't touch it.
  17. I tried to use the leash on my helper DD and it failed. First message that appeared in the trigger box is : Duplicate entry '1_-1x1_1-241314' for key 'PRIMARY' After the second use, I found in chat : : Dark Demon was dragged by No one But DD was not there (1_-1x1_1). Also, as checked with locate spell, he was not in the required location at the time of the spell : [spoiler] Locating DARK DEMON ... ... On 21/05/13 14:34:25 was at 1_-4x1_1 On 21/05/13 14:34:49 was at 1_-5x1_1 On 21/05/13 14:35:06 was at 1_-5x2_2 On 21/05/13 14:35:17 was at 1_-5x2_1 On 21/05/13 14:35:24 was at 1_-4x2_1 On 21/05/13 14:35:35 was at 1_-3x2_1 On 21/05/13 14:37:16 was at 1_-3x3_1 On 21/05/13 14:37:20 was at 1_-3x4_1 On 21/05/13 14:37:34 was at 1_-4x4_1 On 21/05/13 14:37:42 was at 1_-4x3_1 On 21/05/13 14:37:51 was at 1_-5x3_1 On 21/05/13 14:37:58 was at 1_-5x4_1 On 21/05/13 14:58:40 was at 1_-5x4_2 --- Last known location! [/spoiler] Note: the attempt to drag was at about 14:50.
  18. Hi MrAlyon, I think you have to do a small correction / specification like : "50 of all stats(Regeneration, Luck, Energetic immunity, Trade sense, Briskness, Initiative, Defence, Attack, Power)." Because stats are also Waterhandling, herbalism and even "Skill Damage". As much as you are in charge with the BHC, I don't think you are entitled to provide THOSE stats. _________________________________________ Your friendly neighbor , No one
  19. +/- system, with/without transparency. With only positive voting you only count how much your friends visit the forum no matter how stupid your post was. If you want to see how good a person is, you have to have the -rep too and thus the average will show. Otherwise one can get one good idea, read and voted by 1k ppl and will be the best poster on the forum. Also, as Dst pointed out, there are hidden topics that i guess have huge +rep. The hidden topics should not get counted toward general reputation. Also: was there no post liked in this topic ? I want to see the +/- rep before voting myself.
  20. 1) [b]Name[/b] of your charater No one 2) [b]Duration[/b] of enslavement (min. 4 weeks, max. 12 months) 4 weeks - as after that I will not be available in game for a while 3) [b]Reason[/b] for you being the best slave. I am a hard worker - mostly cleaning up herbs I have a few knowledge about MD that I can help you with. I have high VE that I can help you with and with perpetual balance. [i]Affection and gratitude toward my master may last for ever.[/i] 4) Percentage you want to donate to TK (minimum 10%) 10% (rounded up) 5) Limitations or special wishes (optional) Don't request any of my current items (except the consumable). Free & paid weekends. I won't work well /at all for seig / Fang . Alliance allegiance is not part of the deal. ______________________________________________________ Who, in the right state of mind, would want to be "No one's master" ?
  21. Can you detail a bit on "what is the purpose of this quest ?" There are 2 categories of players: old MP3s and new MP3. If you want to know if they can be beatable .. then the old MP3s will say that it works. If you want to say that they are too strong ... new MP3 will confirm it. But the purpose is to keep them out ... for a while. And by old MP3, i mean really really old players that managed to stay for a long time in MP3. you know the rest.
  22. If I am not mistaken, there are/were some "mechanics" that should work so that you can get it as MP3. All you need is to try.
  23. Chewett, Lets wait for PoE / Council's answer as it seems that PoE made it clearly that does not want to answer and currently the proofs are against PoE. What is _funny_ is that PoE bothered to write some BS but did not answered. ________________________________________________ NOTE: Unless I am mistaken this becomes a pattern for avoiding punishments.
  24. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1366084400' post='134917'] 1) Dst failed riddle number 4 2) Powers were used to 'free' dst from her punishment, before any investigation ensued to determine the nature of the situation. 3) Council threatened to take my powers away without any investigation 4) Happy birthday MD. See you around. Maybe. [/quote]1) Everybody is aware that she failed the riddle. But all MD (except you), I think even The Council, is expecting an explanation on how she could have answered the answered the riddle when she was not online nor given the time to answer. 2) if you ask nicely _in public_, i can explain you what happen and why her punishment ended. 3) Do you deserve the consideration of waiting for the answer ? Taking your actions as example you should have been in jail 30 minutes after this thread was created. Do grant The Council the respect they deserve and answer them and us. 4) Nobody expects any better then that. ___________________________________ PoE, currently all proof points to your abuse alone. So, until further evidence are shown, you are PROVEN guilty. ___________________________________ [size=5][b]Happy 8th Anniversary MD.[/b][/size]
  25. What is the requirement for scripting items ? Edit: [quote] [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1399 - [2010-04-02 03:47:57 - Alpha 9][/color] [b]Scriptable Inventory Items[/b] MDScript integrated with inventory items. Such items will have a single editor that can change their code (initial editor) and they can be passed around and used like normal items. I am planning to add a set of dedicated functions that will allow certain functionality for items other than normal clickables. Feature to edit scriptable INVENTORY ITEMS placed in wish shop. This one is placed very deep (250 days, 8 point) [/quote]
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