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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. I said I wouldn't get involved in this but this takes too much of your time. Why don't you really accept the feedback that you received ? _____________________________________________________ Anyway, if you still want to put the resources in a visible place, this is my proposal:
  2. NOT ON TOPIC but replying to Nadrolski ... also not on topic. Yea, yea Nad, I know, you are talking about me. Everybody knows that once in a while someone else manages to surprise you and your friends and "steals" the shared buckets from under your control. Do cry. As for "Hoarding" , it is that thing you did when you were holding 10 buckets on your char to "gather water for others". Unlike you, I don't "hoards resources" I gather them and I spend my time doing that. [spoiler] No one: can you please head back to MB & MDA nadrolski: huh? why? : nadrolski collects water : No one collects water : No one collects water : nadrolski collects water : nadrolski collects water : nadrolski collects water nadrolski: 41/60 Water [/spoiler] I asked you politely to let me gather from one place. I can only hold the items for a few days and far between and unlike you, I don't have at discretion buckets which gather only 3 times faster them the shared ones (8 minutes versus 23 minutes) and only 1 water at a time (unlike your 2). You didn't let me collect from that place so ... instead of making a fuss about it I took water from where you wouldn't, from MB. Don't worry, I still left 1 in each location instead of drying the places up. So, in the end ... I hoard resource (like that's a bad thing) gathering them conscientiously day by day, week after week, month after month and I am the bad guy ? In the end it is, I know , my lose because I will never be able to sell the entire amount for the right price but then ... I never will want to sell any. Do you mind ? Keep on trying to stop me, like I care. Do use 3 shared items and bring your entire guild with you. It only shows what you always tried to obtain "control". The resource's monopole has been your war since the beginning. As for "i am strongly in favor of this kind of equalizer" :) Please, you gathered 8 water and I managed only 2 (yea, yea, I had 2 shared items and you had just 1). So, i will have the opportunity to steal 8 water while you can get only 2. Stealing is not worthy for those that have skills and really care about their skills and jobs, like you (for water) and me (herbs). Stealing would just be an excuse for the lame loud mouth bastards too lazy to work / spend time working. Too lazy to say : "please" or " please let me gather in this place". As I stated above, I don't like stealing, then neither thieves, snakes, liars. ____________________________________________________________ That's about all I can say to both Nad and for the topic.
  3. @Curiose: po just wants publicity. Good or bad is not important. She wants ppl to know her name. Her statement above is just another of her spams / trolls. Unfortunately the uninformed ppl tend to take her for granted. Just ignore her inadequate / irrelevant and insufficient or misleading answers.
  4. @Vertul : Read the topic from the beginning. Stop spamming. __________________________ ....
  5. Maybe you should also read what you write: Meaning that almost ALL your stones could be stolen :D as you almost always, get them below 60% _____________________________ Still considering an immoral stupid idea. Will the cyber***ing be allowed / enforced too ?
  6. Congratz Maebius, first to post the loopholes. I wonder when one would see / post about them.
  7. Trolling on topic : @Menhir: I do remind you that you constantly get memory stones below 60%. _____________________________ Still considering an immoral stupid idea. Will the cyber***ing be allowed / enforced too ?
  8. How to reproduce : - pass 1 item to a player - without refresh of inventory - click to gather a resource It will start popping up requests for confirmations I think it is from : function waitAndReload() {window.setInterval(function() { window.location.reload(); } , 2000); } Can't you just submit something dummy instead of that ?
  9. I said I not comment anymore but it would be fun to see the outcome of such log: : player 2 gathers treebark : player 1 steal from player 2 treebark : player 2 retrieve/steal back from player 1 treebark : player 1 steal from player 2 treebark : player 2 retrieve/steal back from player 1 treebark : player 1 steal from player 2 treebark : player 2 retrieve/steal back from player 1 treebark : player 1 steal from player 2 treebark : player 2 retrieve/steal back from player 1 treebark : player 1 steal from player 2 treebark : player 2 retrieve/steal back from player 1 treebark ... and so on (wrong) And second of all : plain bullshit (though a strange concept within an online game). I would really like to see the "morale" concept applied to this "stealing" concept. Third: one stone would require to gather 66 minute, so, one stays there 66 minutes to gather a resource then one thief would come and steal its resource. What is moral thing there ? Or it should not be ? (wrong) Forth: one has 3 shared items of same kind, he gathers in tandem with another thief , so : one gets high stats in harvesting herbs, one gets high stats in thievery. (wrong) Five: Because of being upset, the gatherers could deplete the resources. (wrong also). __________________________ Adapting concept: a) instead of thievery, the item would go back on the ground this would go to increasing stats on both sides (still wrong) b) the resource can be stolen from the thief by another thief ... will this ever end ? (still wrong) __________________________ Final result: Except from the "new concept" I don't see anything morally good / any progress. Trolling : The other game's similar concept is : when you attack a player, you can also take some of its resources. This makes the big players reach and the poor players quitters. Or in our case you should be able to steal items / creature / stats. Why not steal names VE / VP / AP ? _____________________________ I'm waiting for any other "idea analysis" ? Please explain this: We still need the old "reputation voting" so that a bad idea can be seen "voted out" on first post. As we all know some never read ever long topics but still post "i didn't read this but it is a good idea". Plain stupid "Like" system.
  10. Yea, I know how. Just go to Java applets or complete flash interface and I will not promise I will not try anything on it. The problem Mur is that you try to do something against ME. Ok, I quit arguing with you if you get it back so that everybody ELSE can enjoy the full extent of the feature. There are 2 points in this debate: - good point : you use more skills and provide something really genial (just that in the wrong direction) but that could be used later - bad point : * you waste time and nothing genial comes out * you make the game even harder to play (page loading, information is inaccessible etc) So, I quit. You wanted a feedback, I gave you one (and more) for free. I promise you will not see any more feedback from me unless YOU mur ask it (like that will ever happen or will ever be needed). You know how to find me. ___________________________________________________ Yea, it seems cocky but I am tired of you thinking that I ask for something so that I can use in scripts. Or that I ask these changes for my personal use. Everything that I proposed, ever, was rejected until it was forced on to you to fix. I don't care anymore, you have Chewet and probably the Council for feedback. And seighart and po and who knows who else
  11. Unfortunately Mur, you will not be able to prevent what I do except with a ban because I don't do anything wrong from interface point of view. It all started when I had too many creatures and you offered no support. So, it is your fault. So, are you going to keep this feature witch is quite funny in my opinion but still stupid just to prevent me from scripting ? Then ban me. [spoiler] document.getElementById("pagecontent").contentDocument.getElementById("sceneResources").style.display="block"; [/spoiler] And again you lost the point : it is not about space it is about location and accessibility. You are not responding to any of those requirements, you are just hiding behind : "will" (read as future) . See : "could be different" , "will infuence gameplay" ________________________________________________________ I don't ask the changes for myself (and you should have already known that by now). I ask for everybody else. ________________________________________________________ Keep the interface as you please. Don't be surprised when plugins will show up to adjust the interface for "game play" and "accessibility". I am not the only one to know how use a macro / javascript nor am I the most advanced in the class. But I am the only one that considered the consequences. ________________________________________________________ While I'm at it: I also find disappointing Chewett's attitude. I am just trying to convince myself that he is restricted in some ways. But sometimes I find it hard to believe it.
  12. Now, can we move back on topic and move the nice artwork outside the nice scene and to the bottom of the page ?
  13. Funny indeed. 1. If you haven't noticed, it takes about 10 minutes to collect 1 herb, do you think that I care that the actual "use" takes that much I my intention is to gather 100 of them ? It would help with those that get 3 shared items of same kind to gather faster, but I lost interest in that either. 2. And standing still for 10 minutes you , most of the time, lose all heat. So, "making them show slower if heat is higher" it is pointless. The only applicable place for heat is when you collect from your own land, because there you would get lots of heat by just moving. And by doing that ... would be ... not even mean but cynical. _____________________________________________________ As for 3k limit for each ... yea, it is my personal achievement. Do you have problems with it ? :P As a note: my final target is 5k of each by the end of the year (is someone doesn't mess too much with the system). _____________________________________________________ By the way Mur, do you really intend to do this game a RP game ? If not, then why do say "resource collecting is not intended to be a reflex speed test game" ? Why do you want to limit it ? What's the point ? Isn't stat collecting a "reflex speed test game" ?
  14. With all respect, no. You either joking or you haven't been playing. I must incline for the latest. I was just hoping that you'd listen to Council or that Chewett would know better. With this statement, definitely you haven't been playing lately. Have you checked my inventory lately ? Let me give you a peek : 3008 Aromatic herbs 2917 Tea leaves 2990 Toxic plants 2991 Unidentified plants 589 Water Do you know how many herbs manged to get per day ? That I had averages over 100 ? Do you still think that I don't want the resources visible ? I am one of those most interested in resources being visible. (just check/ask who everyone called a depleter for so much time ) The thing with resources appearing after a few seconds is even worst then occupying a so needed space above chat. I propose that you Mur and Chewett get some Items and start collecting some resources .. for just one day. When all you do is harvest resources all day long, you will see how annoying it is to refresh a page then wait another 5-10 seconds just to check if you can collect 1 or 2 resources before you can move along. PLEASE harvest something for even 6 hours. _____________________________________________________________ If keep on saying that you are doing this feature for those that gather resources (that means me too), then PLEASE move it at the bottom of page. _____________________________________________________________ If you want ppl to collect less resources or to encourage the depletion ... be my guest, leave it as it is. You have my feedback. EDIT: I propose you to wait for a few days to see who is really interested in resources. They would / should either post something or "like" a post.
  15. As of now, it seems it is official : As I stated above: It needs to be below chat. As much as I use it, I don't want to see it there. Vote : - no, for the location - ok, for design - "-1" for being hard to read / find a certain resource in the list ________________________________ Yea, we'll get used to it, but it is still my feedback.
  16. I made this topic to BEG to be moved to bottom of page. Yea, it is correctly written. Also, as so many times before, when something is done/fished they usually say : "well, it's finished now, get used to it. Or wait until next change." So? What do I have to lose ? Some reputation ? At least I tried.
  17. Maebius: I do use the resources quite a lot, that is why I have the trigger box like that. I can see all on the first page without scrolling to see - who is online - what resources are available - what's the exact location (sometimes you need that too) I don't know your resolution, but if you see the trigger box as you move, without scrolling, then my solution would be perfect for you too. But the solution that fits us both is not for everybody as not many need to gather resources but move and chat. _____________________________________________________________ It is not about ME. I don't care about how it looks for ME. I can fix that for me. I care about how it looks to the rest of MD.
  18. @Mods: please change title to a more appropriate name. Thank you. Another layout change another thing to complain. It seems that the location of the resources are getting changed just under the scene. Please don't move them there.Please open your browser in a 1024/800 or 1280/720 (for laptops) (I use 1600/900) It will just make the page even more difficult to see. Most of the time nobody cares about the resources, all you need is to read the chat. Even for the chat I have to scroll down. If you want a hint on where to post some more information , check this : The resources fit perfectly just below "location" in the above attached picture. Also, a cookie can be used to to remember the status of the tab (open / hidden). Whatever you do, just move the resources back to the bottom of page. _______________________________________________ Please see someone else's screen : my screen There is simply no room for resources there.
  19. Yea, it might depend on the browser and the amount of information in the "mood panel". The problem is how the browsers see / render the page with issues in it. The whole table in main page is declared static to height="1400" . The right side (trigger box & new menu & "mood panel or whatever is open) is declared in a table height="541" . This new table from right side contains among other images, quite a few and each adding more height and on top of that : - an iframe of height="180" -> trigger box - the new menu that extends to about height="280" (for my options only) - the mood panel of height="1100" Because the maximum on this side is greater then the maximum of the parent object / table witch has only 1400 ... the browser has to treat it in some ways. And for me it happens as Fire Starter's print-screens. What I proposed, is indeed "useless" as long as the browser can handle it and you want to let the browser render it "as it wants" / kind of randomly. Indeed, I use a Firefox 21.0 (always latest), latest Flash (I am too lazy to upgrade them manually so I let them do it as often as they get). I use Firefox because I want to have control on what I have displayed & what I see. _________________________________________________ NOTE: except the fact that it has images and it could be hidden from the start, I have not many ( :P ) things against the new menu. _________________________________________________ PS: The issue has been explained & tested (by others). I have nothing new to add. You might as well close this topic
  20. Yes: "the main page, the one with the scene shifts a bit down" Ok, this is the "how to" to see the issue: 1. open the option link (because it is a short page) 2. go to top of the page and locate the "go idle" link 3. click to "open" /"close" the new menus You will notice that the "go idle" link will shift up and down. You cannot fix it as long as you have fixed height for the items you use. And using tools like dreamweaver might not help if they keep adjusting the lengths & heights instead of keeping them as you define them. __________________________________ I am OK if you are (not) sorry. All I want is for you to do it properly. I know how to fix this point and I gave you A solution to A problem. If you want to do anything / nothing, that it is no longer my problem. In the end you are still correct: "i am sure you will survive them".
  21. @mods, please spell/change this as you see fit. How can you even consider asking for anything like this when you yourself don't do it ? This is in MY player log ? Remember : I will not even try to find other example on what you wrote about be. The nerve you have to ask someone not to say about anybody else that is an alt. ______________________________________________________ ............. large amount of "beautiful" attributes ....... (to be continued)
  22. You are not paying attention AKK, I don't care about the feature, i just want it fixed. if you expand it you might just see that your name, id and "- Logout | go idle" will shift up and down. This is what's about with this topic.
  23. Yea it is really annoying that if you expand the "see more" the page you are viewing is getting lower (especially with mood pannel). A solution would be to update the layout like this : iframe id="bar" -> from height=" 1100 " to height=100% -> parent TD (parent of iframe) -> from height="1100" to height=100% -> parent table (parent of TD of iframe)-> from height="541" to height=100% Also, as the "mood panel" is always too long, add to the iframe's stye: instead of "background:transparent;" use "background:transparent;overflow:auto;"
  24. +5 for the example. I like it. Redacted out. ____________________________________________________________ Let it be or prepare for the worse.
  25. No one

    Visited Scenes

    Can you add also to the scenes the one "you have been banned" one ? It would be nice ;)
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