Before reading this note that those are things that I want to change in my opinion. Those are based on some of the problems that I have come across. It could be possible that you think way different then I do. So if anything suggest wouldn't work or isn't a problem, please tell me and let me see it from a different viewpoint!
I would firstly remove all the unnecessary features from MD or the features that don't improve gameplay at the moment. I will remove the following features from MD (note some of these features could come back, but they get removed at the moment):
--The ability to make totems;
--Equipment. I've heard that it's never going to be extended, because the item system has taken over this one.
Then I would change the existing features that aren't completely done. The features that I want to change are:
--The first thing that is going to change are the resources. I woould remove all the resources from every scene. Then I would place them at the scenes they could be logically in and place them, so that some lands have more of some kind of resources then the others. Basically balancing the resources. (I do know that this is planned for autumn 2050. There was a thread about balancing them.)
--I want to change Bushies, because they aren't really fun or balanced. Firstly I want to change the scene they are in. Why are they even placed in No Mans Land? It doesn't make much sense from a game design point in my opinion. I would make more of those bushie plants and scatter them around MD, so that it would encourage players to travel a lot more. I would alse make more varieties of the Bushie. All the different kind of bushies give different kinds of abilities to players. Basically like candie and pickles, but you would get more of these stats from bushies. Because it's way harder to get those. Also something that is more important about the bushie. Let them take some time to grow, so you have to be around them. Because you just insert the right amount of water resources in them and you get your bushie. It isn't really exciting. It would be fun to see people using tactics to steal them from other players or protecting their bushies.
--I would add more npc's like the aramor. It's very hard for a beginning player to find someone to fight to. More wandering NPC's would solve this problem. It will also make players want to travel more.
The following features are new features that I would implement in MD:
--I want to make some things automatic, so real humans don't have to handle it. Like kingship for example. There is a voting after a certain time or there is never a voting. The current king can decide this. But the players can rebel against him. You can choose to join a rebel and the one that wins becomes the new king and gets all the tools autimaticly. The winner is the rebel who has 50 percent of the citizens. Though it should be harder to remove citizens from a land as a king, else the kind could exploit that feature.
--Make the alliances work exactly the same as the kingship described above.
The next list are small changes that would be made immediately:
--Give the option to choose how many resources you give to the other player. This would encourage to trade, because you don't have to give away all of one kind of resource if you want to trade it. Because he could trade 1000 resources for something, when you have that many stacked up? This features is added, because there aren't many ways to use your resources. So you won't decrease your amount of a given resource.
The last list is more development related:
--More openenss about development and letting players now, what the upcoming features are about in detail.
--Only bringing out features that are done. So things like violition and totems will only be added, when they have a real function in MD.