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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Hmm, the metaphor one seems likely, and Grido's one kind of appeals to me. Uhh, and I have nothing to add, except that I'm still not sure what Simplyzero should say. ^^; Well, if the log says he doesn't know what to say, it kind of seems like Simply has to say something/ask something rather than commit an action. Then again, maybe it's not supposed to limit him like that. Youbiseiharukana is the name of a character from Ever17, a Japanese visual novel (well, most visual novels are Japanese these days, huh?). It means something like fall flower, if I remember correctly. "I am You!" was a reference to it, lol n_n;
  2. What shall Simply say? How should he ponder "who you are"? Input here would be appreciated, for I with my limited imagination cannot supply it. "I was Simplyzero. Why do you claim my identity?" is the most I can come up with. My apologies.
  3. Now tot reminds me of whacking slimes in MS. Got boring after a while, but the slimes shore were cute. . . (e ç e) or (ô___ô) or (ò___ó) are the best I can come up with. n__n;
  4. Yup, read in my dear history book that it's a "type" of where the artists try not to follow any rules, err, etc... Didn't it come after WWI? Hah, once I take the test I don't bother retaining the material. Or more like, the material leaves on its own will. Yes, I ruined the dadaism by copying. ): Well, the "give in to your dadaist self" made me feel a bit compelled, and I was admiring your work, yesss, hmm. I still don't get how my words about gummy bears was Dadaist, though.
  5. Cool! Gummy bears and DaDaIsM go|together Gummy Bears like Glaistig! Lulu! LuLU LAla! Green bears drift stuck to And Dadaism Blue bears in an ocean~ Hojas de arboles agitaron Youkoso ni sekai a Lulu Make a new flavor Go my Gundam gummy bear. Go, oN, answer, b t w HOWIs Dadaist ????? Lulu!!! Lulu says hi! wow! cool! & combo!&combination!&n___n;&etc. Trees, me, rustle trees.
  6. lol, this topic has derailed, I think. I used to use :} and :{ a lot. I should use this one: ':B' Nonsense, MB, emoticons are very important. They express feelings and supplement words. Hmm, when I use emoticons I rely on SFX's less. Muu.
  7. I took pleasure in melting the backs of gummy bears together back in my youth. Combo! Combine! New flavor by combination! It appealed to me and fit in what I considered cool. Cool!
  8. I don't think it's released yet. (: Or maybe it was, but they halted magic for some reason. It'll be out someday.
  9. lol >_< I've tried to recruit a few people, but they're all stuck in their own games and don't want to bother moving to a new one or, worse yet, they don't play online games and are unwilling to start. ): Loser friends that don't want to bother playing with me.
  10. This face: n______n;? We can be the "n_____n;" excessively using people together. I do it a lot, but I start to feel stupid, heh. . . Maybe I should shift from exasperated-embarrassed-cheer emoticon to distraught emoticon. i^i
  11. That sounds interesting and like more strategy would then be involved in the game. I don't really think about details, though, so I can't really tell whether this wouldn't work or anything.
  12. Welcome to MagicDuel~ I would tell you that you could ask me questions too, but that would probably be better if left to other players to answer.
  13. Yup, I prefer the big silky doggies that are quiet. That way I can pretend they're my hounds (not that I would have then do anything resembling the atrocious crime of hunting bunnies! n___n'). Yami's dog sounds like that. My mum doesn't fear any dogs. If one barks at her and chases her, she either a) ignores it and walks at an exasperatingly leisure pace, or 2) tells it to go away angrily and waves/throws a stick at it. Cool mum.
  14. That's odd, all the links usually work for me. If they don't, they usually do after a few refreshes. Edit- I tried today and there seems to be the same problem with some of them. Strange, because I thought all of them worked just yesterday. Well, no, I just refreshed the HotRPG one for around the 3rd time, and then it worked. Earlier it said it couldn't find the server. For the other one: "The server at top-game-sites.com is taking too long to respond." Hum, well, it's only a link or two, and I don't think MagicDuel can do much about it. I think, since I don't know.
  15. <': Humm, they sound somewhat more upbeat than they are when I describe them like that. . . I've had a few nightmares too. I usually have a dream whenever I sleep, though sometimes I can't fully recall them. I don't recall addressing her any particular name, but be warned. First of all, mermaids are like screaming banshees that can swim, and second, if consumed, you're supposed to turn into a monster that doesn't survive very long (lol, Mermaid Forest). Really now? I always thought chocolate eggs came from marshmallow Peeps, and chocolate bunnies' young were the bunny Peeps. . . Unfortunately, the chocolate bunnies have left us already. It was fun while they lasted. . . :l I don't think it would've been an interesting episode... MB's minions were also once my cherished live masses of fur which I could hug and stroke, and it was very traumatic to see one of them with its leg bitten off by a dog (whom I often consider to be an inferior being that is overly territorial by instinct, though it cannot help it; being an average female human, however, means I'm still very susceptible to the need to "oooh" at any animal and try to pet it. In any case, excuse me of my rude, condescending manner towards those dogs that are so prone to barking and slobbering and chasing bunnies and Lulu's). Haha, adorable bunny helplessly cowering when confronted with Yami's menacing human aura, despite knowing it's brown and the grass is green (actually, it probably doesn't...). @MBunny: Yes, I have always know it has been your ambition to take over the world and bunnies are automatically your loyal minions, but I assumed there was one and only one Metal bunny. And congratulations on your exp reset thing. (: Okay, here ends this needlessly extended and long post.
  16. "We"? I was not aware that the species of metal bunnies consisted of more than one specimen. . . I am shocked. This is a breakthrough! I have to disagree with your opinion of the chocolate bunnies, however. I like chocolate bunnies; they're quaint. (: . . . There was a disturbing period in which they no longer visited during Easter, however, so I made a report out of concern and sent it to the Supreme Overseer, Mom. There was no need for the worry though, for they returned again only shortly after my report. A little bit belated though, because Easter was already months passed. . . I haven't dreamed about Magic Duel before, I just fell asleep thinking about it, and I think my thoughts shifted to a dream. I've dreamed about being on a colony and being a exterminator of alien-monsters that be, too. There was this deep sense of forlorn nostalgia for Mother Earth and her hamburgers. . . and then I got off that planet and was sent to a planet that looked like tropical regions of Earth. There was another one where I found a mermaid on Mars (which seemed to have the appearance of a red watermelon) and adopted her as my sister. There's been lots of other ones, too, that were fun. I could relay them in some detail if you wish. [:
  17. Better than gummy worms, I got a chocolate bunny (relatives of the Metal Bunny) yesterday. Solid milk. (: This is getting bad; dreamed of making decisions for ch3 because saw Glaistig saying I could be MagicDuel's test hamster to see if only MP5 was getting the bug or something. Then it went on a tangent or something. n____n'
  18. Hmm. . . I think usually the mods come and help when this happens. Did you try LiveHelp?
  19. Lulu


    Aww, Manu, that sounds frustrated and sad. I'll click the voting links once in the while if you leave it up there even though the free credits will be taken away.
  20. Not quite; I mean I feel compelled to finish them during class/lunch instead of at home. >_>; The highschool workload for me took a little getting used to after I came out of my nice charter middle school. Doing two studyguides and a speech a week, a lesson of math a day, and actual writing assignments was kind of new, but I've gotten a bit better, I think... Plus they're kinda slacking off a little 'cause it's the end of the year (:. I didn't write Spanish/Physics assignments in there because those are just kind of easy stuff. I relate college to potato salad/french fries more than ice cream, lol...
  21. I'm a weakling, having just joined the ranks of MP4's, but I'd like to join if possible. IGN is Lulu, of course; I prefer Team A, but I don't mind going on Team B.
  22. 200 out of 40000 players equals .5% of the playerbase. We should be able to do it someday, hmm? :>
  23. Welcome to MagicDuel~. Don't forget that MagicDuel is also still developing and improving, too. I would say, "If you have any questions, ask me," but I actually don't know everything, so I'll say instead, "Don't be afraid to ask any of the more experienced players for help or answers to questions you have. There's also an FAQ, although it's a little outdated." : Don't be afraid to ask any of the more experienced players for help or answers to questions you have. There's also an FAQ, although it's a little outdated.
  24. I'm sorry about the tests, MB. The tests I had to take this year were only standardized stuff, so getting a good score wouldn't matter (except for the school), plus they didn't require studying to get good grades anyway. Basically, my testing weeks meant to me only bubbling and having no homework, which of course, is a very positive thing. I was quite sad when it all ended and all the homework was piled onto us again.... As for me, I do not enjoy procrastinating. It makes me fret and worry that I won't have time. Quite simply, though, my unfortunate lack of willpower means I must commit procrastination. Well, truly though, the only thing I procrastinate with are writing assignments and longterm projects. How can you procrastinate with math and Spanish assignments? Impossible, those are meant to be done once you receive them in class, or during lunch. I suspect you only receive the former type of work in college, though. From my understanding, though, alcohol smells bitter, and from the few times I ate an olive that was stuck in my mum's alcoholic beverage, tastes bad. Nobody makes cream soda ice floats anymore. You know, the green frothy stuff... What are the people doing these days? Silly Americans and other country-ans that don't serve cream soda ice floats in restaurants... Come to think of it, they don't even sell cream soda, so not only is it impossible for others to make it for you, you can't even make it for yourself! That's nonsense.
  25. Heh~, the top 10% isn't that hard, I agree, esp. when you're attending a school that's like mine... But the prestigious schools like Stanford and Yale only accept the top ~2%, is what I'm thinking, lol. (': My grades are okay, I don't know about the tests cause I haven't taken them yet, but I lack extracurricular activities. The best Ivy League schools = almost perfect or perfect GPA + good test scores + lots of extracurricular stuff. Don't have any one of the addends makes you more likely to be rejected~. Well, they say they'll be accepting more next year, but that's how I've heard this year was. In the end, though, being part of the elite as I define elite is just something that seems cool, but something I won't try for too hard. Oh, and my GPA is already ruined 'cause I got a B in Tennis. Whoo!
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