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Prince Marvolo

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Posts posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. ~ Day: 188 ~

    In the early hours of the 188th day, Peace had gathered the Sentinels, for it was a time of change. As Peace the Princess of the Evening Blue Sky, Daughter of Rajj Khalazdad had taken on her destiny, and embraced Death...

    As with her father before her, she sought to change and become what is necessary for the Sentinels: by Gorgo, Mormo, Thousand Faced Moon she took on her destiny and embraced the gift of death given to her by her father. A vial of poison.

    Vial in hand, she spoke the words familiar to that of a wise old man:
    "I hear the wind blowing across the desert and I see the moons of a winter night rising like great ships in the void. To them I give my life."

    Enthralled by animus and anima surrounded by the Sentinels, she drank from the vial of poison with the desire to become as others in the past had - seeking to become half shade. Without remorse, refusing all earthly comforts of family and kin, she drank what was to become her end, and silently she fell to the winds of the desert.

    Such fates are not ours to determine as we mere mortals can only embrace what is to come. The Sentinels now rest not in lament of our sovereign, as Tarantula of the desert we wait for the moment to act. The Sentinels stand vigilant by the Rajj's tent awaiting and embracing what is to come to pass.

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