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Everything posted by Rendril

  1. Rendril

    Md 3D

    I fully support the client idea, however, it is far from an easy implementation. I think there is a simpler approach, but one that yields the same advantages: a form of advanced caching. Allow players to download the MD content (that which is readily available such as scene, creature, player, alliance etc, images) and store it on their computers, then give a field for them to specify where to load the files from. If new content is released, it will look it up in the stored vault and if not found, download it from the site. Our browsers already do this caching, but not on such a permanant basis. Consider this: every scene takes at minimum 100kb to download, yes, I realise it doesn't sound like much but for someone with only 20mb to use it is plenty and multiply it by all players getting new content, but now instead of loading it from the site, it is loaded from the player's computer. You decrease load time for the player, save on bandwidth, and free up the server. It wouldn't require recoding of the game, the same variables are passed to the pages but the content just gets found locally. Nothing new here, our browsers already cache websites.
  2. Have you checked that images are not disabled?
  3. A worthy cause indeed. You have my vote.
  4. I found that heat doesn't display well in Opera, have you tried using FireFox? It can also happen that you lose the heat in the time it takes the page loads.
  5. If there's a lot on your mind it's there to help you forget, To relax, rewind and leave behind the regret, The first sip makes you well before you know it's time, And you're saying to hell with the salt, lemon and lime, Salt, lemon and lime time! Con tequila, floor =D

  6. I have been wondering about the secret for so long. Now I see. Now I know!

  7. They do not reward enemies yet allow them to take part in their quests? If it said "Complete this quest and the reward is this and this" it is in effect an agreement between the quest giver and taker that performing the quest would result in the reward. Yes it is up to the RPC whether they will give the reward for the quest but without some guide line as to what would eliminate you from the reward anything could be argued. For example, "Your post had an even number of letters thus you will not be rewarded". Perhaps it was an implicit premise that the reward would not be given for being an enemy but it is unreasonable to deny a reward without even having placed a disclaimer that it could be denied (this is if they did not want to identify any conditions in particular, though this would also be rather unreasonable) At the very least the possibility should have been identified. Thus I see it as a breach of the quest agreement (from what I gather, there was nothing explicitly stated) [quote name='BrightShield' date='05 July 2009 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1246828259' post='36218'] Why would anyone do anyone's quest if not for the rewards and the recognition that one has accomplished them? [/quote] Sometimes it is the journey to complete the quest that is the reward, rather than what lies at the end
  8. Fenrir, I disagree. Children can be very useful when fighting, it just depends on how hard you throw them. You can also bludgeon the creature
  9. @Eldrad
  10. Bah, I'm successfully out of time right now. I'll have to ponder it another time. I'm not sure what you mean by
  11. Hmmm
  12. Continuation of Eldrad's Pirate Riddle: Whew, I hope that make sense PS My first riddle remains unsolved. I know that Sacosphilz got it but he didn't actually post it.
  13. @Metal Bunny's paragraph riddle Riddle me this: What has a voice, goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs in the afternoon, and on three legs in the evening?
  14. @Eldrad's 100 Pirates Riddle
  15. @Sacosphilz I know what you meant, I didn't think you didn't like it, I just thought I'd give you another one to keep you busy. As for your solution, it is the correct method by the wrong answer. Otherwise, with the correct follow through you got it.
  16. I see two possible answers: Sorry if I don't use the spoiler bar correctly, I'm new to this.
  17. Perhaps this one will tickle your fancy more? Also a simple riddle, this time more math orientated: An ordinary deck of playing cards contains 52 cards divided into 4 suits, diamonds, hearts, clubs, spades. Each suit contains 13 cards of the following denominations from smallest value to greatest: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J (jack), Q (queen), K (king), and A (ace). The game of poker is played with an ordinary deck of playing cards in which a player will have a five-card hand. There is a certain five-card holding called two pairs. It contains 2 cards of one denomination, 2 cards of a second denomination, and a fifth card of a third denomination. How many five-card poker hands contain two pairs? If a five-card hand is dealt at random from an ordinary deck of playing cards, what is the probability that the hand contains two pairs?
  18. Here is an easy one for now: There are 3 boxes each with 2 marbles in them. In one box there are 2 white marbles, in another there are 2 black marbles and in another there is one white and one black marble. The boxes all have labels on them indicating what marbles they contain. Somebody comes and rearranges the labels so that no box has the correct label anymore. You are able to select one box and take one marble out. How will you determine which label belongs to which box. No, the boxes are not see-through etc, no trick just a simple riddle.
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