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Shadowseeker last won the day on December 14 2014

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About Shadowseeker

  • Birthday 05/21/1991

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  1. The cupon is supposed to be usable as either 30 silver or 2 gc, it says so in the description, that's why I used it as that. I sent all what I listed above already. Do I still need to go and get 2 gc for this?
  2. Paid in 28gc, 30 Silver Cupon and 5 gold note. EDIT: I'll be staying at the meeting of the roads, but since I'm busy IRL I'll probably not be active, at most idle.
  3. 35gc.
  4. 31gc
  5. 28gc.
  6. 25gc.
  7. 20gc.
  8. Oh, the 13th actually exists for me then. Just invisible.
  9. Ah yes, I mistook 2 rows for 10. As in, I originally had 12 slots, after the gift, still have 12.
  10. Not totally sure if it's intended or a bug, but I lean towards intended limit- the erolin device has a maximum capacity of 10 slots apparently, I picked up the erolin christmas gift earlier today and it didn't increase the capacity by one heat orb, as it should have.
  11. Not quite true, it would be possible for him to gain points for the crown, then he would be another contender. Though I do not expect that contest to end, it's been dragging on for a long time.
  12. Send me a forum PM?
  13. May I get a clearer definition as to why mirror was used in this example? I usually believe it is not a good idea to use strong metaphors especially when people easily get confused or mislead. Especially when questions are phrased, this can lead to non-"canonical" answers.
  14. Question: What do we do if we get more than 7 similarities/differences? Are we supposed to cut them down to 7 only?
  15. I can also sell them to you, have all of what you're looking for. Though it would help if you let me know when you're online so we can meet up.
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