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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. 2 years? Sorry, but unless you're a genius with such kind of things you shouldn't be a fully trained smith for a good katana... I don't like the way this explanation goes either. Since up until now nobody has actually bothered to talk to me over it with several good reasons, I'll close this. If anyone wants to attempt, they can try to message me. Edit: Yes, I am a patient man. And I was waiting for someone not only to show initial interest, but also some more over time. S
  2. Happy Bifday? Ha. S Gonna unstick this very soon
  3. I won't say anything about this project anymore..but to answer the issue with MB..I don't have a grudge. But the way Lifeline wrote it it sounded as if he was saying: "I am KING here, so this is my decree." or "I own this place (including the idea not only the location), so it's mine to do as I please." Miscommunication if he didn't mean it. But to me, it sounded that way. We'll see how things turn out. Since you say you keep the name, I take it you're not moving the place either then? Edit: One WP to edit ONE place.
  4. Ah, now that is a good reply. I was waiting from one of you, Rhaegar. As for the name- it matters to me, Pipstickz. I'm hung up on the name of SG; because I paid with my WP to put the tag in place there. In the end it is about how he does things. How he answers. Lifeline- the way you tried to use your kingship and land affiliation was not very convincing, I have to say. Back on topic: And with the mp6 issue, actually that does relate to things like these. I'm just pointing towards adepts, and worshippers- Because the veterans are usually hard to convince, or need persuasion, you can also ask the new ones to become your adepts, it becomes handy when you are also the owner of the place they gather at. My contact form you say..is it that hard to reach, when I am an active forum mod? Even if you say you can't find me ingame I'm available in the forums. I don't count that as valid, but oh well. In the end, I'm here to ask. Because even if I officially gave up the ownership, I still care about that place. The presentation of this was...off. It was made in a manner that wouldn't sound convincing, at least in the first few posts. Now it's getting better. If you wish to show conviction, you'd use a WP to change the name: At least that is how I would feel. This is merely optional, something I put here. But if you do put a sign up, I'd like to ask you to include a few lines stating that the founder of SG decided it was good as it is and left it, and that you currently constructed a new one. Alas, will you show the conviction to pay with a WP, or not? That's the last thing I have to say until I see how things work out.
  5. Probably, Pipstickz. Still, the issue remains: The questions I asked to some people were not answered and right now I am waiting for them to be answered..also by the people I ask. I have yet to see a statement that makes me think that I cannot say anything else to it anymore- when that happens, I'll be silent. But until then? I will ask. Edit: Missed out on Life's post. The chain of command you bring in is faulty then. Above you ask what this has to do with a GOLEMIAN person, when all I do is ask as a community member, and former leader of the same place. And if you mention the chain of command, then I have to disagree. Because then, if there was even a speck of respect regarding the old idea, he'd have attempted to talk to me, not you. You said it yourself, you have nothing to do with the idea of it. The next person would be me then- seeing as he named it Sparring Grounds, not Calyx's Dojo.
  6. Just in case you overread this whole conversation, I am currently doing that. I question him, and this is my way of feedback. And no, he is not doing the talk with the predecessors thing. Fine, he can do that, it's not necessary. What he cannot ignore though is the questioning of a member of the community who wishes to know more. As I said, the main reason why I am currently so vehement against this is the episode where he was part of SG- and chose to abandon it for his alliance status back then. Now that he is excommunicated, he tries this? And Lifeline: You are twisting the topic as well. You haven't answered my question above. The way I am presented with answers which are not answering the questions right now is not very convincing.
  7. That he didn't talk to me is something I can take. I'm not even against anyone picking it up, to change it. Did you [b]read[/b] my posts above? I stated why I am currently here, debating this: [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='04 July 2010 - 10:09 PM' timestamp='1278274158' post='63371'] I also welcome change. But as of now, I see politics, power struggle and not real interest for the best of the community. [/quote] I question the motives behind this. Is that [b]clear [/b]enough for you, or do I have to repeat myself yet again?
  8. Now, to make this clear. You regard the SG not as a part of the community, but yours, solely because it is located in MB? You hereby declare this by royal decree, against any resistance by the community? You order him to take it up? The SG, Sparring Grounds, is something I wrote in there. Not you, mind it. I refuse to let him have that place under these conditions, as long as it holds that title. You may say, it is your right to do so. Debatable I say. It existed before kings were introduced. And yet, even now, it exists..in its own ways. I intended to change the mentality back then from the dojo, and it seemed to have worked. When I was not needed anymore, I left. I also welcome change. But as of now, I see politics, power struggle and not real interest for the best of the community. And I ask you again. Do you order this, no matter what reaction it shall have?
  9. Actually it didn't. I a) haven't heard any thoughts of this around, which may be the case if he talked with some people from Marind Bell...but given my history with that place he could've at least talked to me once prior to this and b) he actually was "part" of my staff once, for a very short time. When I asked him about it, he agreed to continue being staff, directly after the takeover..then dropped out, also without prior notice. When I asked him, he was saying it had to do with his alliance. Now that he's mp6 (for some time already), however exiled from LR and his former alliance, now he wishes to do this? Sorry, I'm not entirely happy with things like this. He may not have respect for me, but there is a symbolism in talking to predecessors. There should also be projects that aren't leftovers...done when one thinks they are worthy of the challenge, and not when one is looking for a new place of "power".
  10. You seem to misunderstand something. I'm aware that SG lies in Marind Bell, but I ask again: Who did you talk to regarding this before, and who is backing you, going to help you? You didn't answer the question (well).
  11. Before I say anything else: Who did you talk to about this before, and who is your support? Right now it seems like an empty change with little backing.
  12. Ah nice one. Especially the very last.
  13. Ha. Dmik, you posted in the same minute like me, and the topic was very similiar.

  14. I have a small fortune in the form of Rustgolds, which are all heavily tokened. Possessing claw3 and much more, these ferocious beasts could be traded soon. They also possess a lot of age, having grown with me. The youngest you could get would already possess 266 age. I have a maximum of 3 to sell. But not necessarily all will be sold. What I look for include mainly creatures, coins I'd rather avoid getting those mainly unless someone else already offers me a creature for a certain amount of coins as well. [Which isn't the case right now]. Credits I would gladly take, but not require. The creats I prefer are in this order of importance (highest I prefer most): Snowball Wind ----- a mark to show that those below are valued much less than above. Nutcracker (max of 1) Edit: Oh and..if you wish, you can PM me..offering here works as well. But please keep in mind that I wish for somehow..equal offers. Not undervalued things. But, come talk to me first. It's worth a try if you want it, no?
  15. I'll offer 3 gc. But I guess you prefer the credits.
  16. In future, please just ask for this topic to be closed, and a new one to be opened instead. Once or twice is fine, but several topics help the overview. Thanks.
  17. Curiose..it would be appreciated if you wouldn't necromance some of the threads. If you read the post, lands of the east- that's been a while. Is he still mp6? no. Please, for such things, relate to him directly using a PM and not such necromancing posts. Closing this now.
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